15 research outputs found

    Responses of two genotypes of lambs on the infection of Haemonchus contortus and the level of energy supplements

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the responses of lambs on the infection of Haemonchus contortus and the level of energy supplements. Forty eight male lambs, 3-4 months old were used in a factorial experimental design (2x2x2) which lasted for 9 weeks. The factors were breed (Local Sumatra and Sungai Putih: 50% Local Sumatra, 25% St. Croix; 25% Barbados Blackbelly), level of Haemonchus infection (3,000 L3 and 1,500 L3 per week) and level of energy supplement (2,900 kcal/kg DM and 2,300 kcal/kg DM). Infection at 3,000 L3 decreased (P<0.05) ADG of lambs of both energy levels. An extremely low ADG (10-16 g) was observed in 3000 L3 group given low energy level. Body condition of lambs fed high energy level was constant over the experiment, but it decreased at the rate of 0.9 to 1.1 unit at the low energy supplement. EPG was higher (P>0.001) in the 3000 L3 group, was lower (P<0.05) in the Local Sumatra, but not affected (P>0.10) by energy level. PCV was not affected (P>0.10) by infection levels, but lower (P<0.01) in the low energy group or in the St Croix crosses. Eosinophil and serum protein concentration were not affected by energy and infection level, but they were higher (P<0.01) in the local Sumatra. It was concluded that strong effects of level of infection and genotype was detected to influence the impact of Haemonchus infection in lambs. However, the effect of energy levels was less consistent as judged from the EPG, PCV, eosinophil and serum protein data.   Key words : Energy level, genotype, infection level, Haemonchus contortus, lamb

    Molecular characterization of six sub population Indonesian local goats based on mitochondrial DNA D-loop

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    Indonesian local goats were spread in some region, but there was still limited data’s known about the characteristics of its genetic diversity and origin. The Mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences were used to study the genetic diversity and relationships of six sub population Indonesian local goats, namely, Kacang, Marica, Samosir, Jawarandu, Muara and Bengali goats. From 539 blood samples and DNA extraction collections were selected about 60 samples (10 samples each sub populations) analyzed by PCR-RFLP methods, followed sequence analyzed about 5 PCR products each sub population. The results of the sequence analyses were edited and acquired about 957 bp of nucleotides length. After the alignment analyses were found 50 polymorphic sites which divided into 19 haplotype groups of mtDNA D-loop region. The value of nucleotide diversity was 0.014 ± 0.002. Analysis of Neighbour Joining with Kimura 2 Parameter methods and bootstrap test with 1000 replication indicated that each sub population groups was significantly different between one groups to the others. The maternal lineages origin of six breeds of Indonesian local goats was included to the group of lineage B. The Lineage B was the maternal origin of the haplogroup of goats in the region of East Asia, South Asia, China, Mongolia, North and South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan and India. Key words: Genetic Diversity, mtDNA D-loop, Haplotypes, Local Goat

    Performans Produksi Kambing Boer di Dataran Rendah Beriklim Basah

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    Kambing Boer merupakan kambing tipe pedaging dengan konformasi tubuh yang baik, mudah beradaptasi terhadap perubahan suhu lingkungan dan relatif resisten terhadap penyakit. Disisi lain, upaya perbanyakan kambing Boer dipengaruhi ketersediaan populasi yang relatif sedikit dengan harga yang relatif mahal karena pada umumnya masih diimpor ke Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kandang percobaan Loka Penelitian Kambing Potong dengan jumlah kambing yang relatif terbatas. Kambing diberi pakan konsentrat 200-300 g/ekor/hari, diberi rumput potongan dan siang hari digembalakan dari jam satu siang sampai 4.30 sore, kemudian kembali dikandangkan pada malam hari. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi performans produksi di daerah tropis dataran rendah. Keluaran yang diharapkan adalah data dan informasi performans produksi kambing Boer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rataan bobot lahir kambing Boer jantan (3,22±0,56 kg) lebih tinggi dari betina (2,99±0,67 kg), sedangkan rata-rata bobot lahir tipe tunggal tidak berbeda dengan kembar 2. Peningkatan bobot hidup dari lahir hingga umur 12 bulan kambing Boer yaitu sebesar 16,25 kg, dengan pertambahan bobot hidup harian prasapih dan pascasapih masing-masing sebesar 103,73±29,33 dan 71,68±22,41 g/hari. Rata-rata jumlah anak sekelahiran kambing Boer sebesar 1,3

    Variasi Genetik Gen Myostatin Ekson 3 pada Sembilan Bangsa Kambing Lokal di Indonesia

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    Myostatin gene plays a role in helping to control the growth and development of muscle tissue. Identification of genetic diversity in nine local goat breeds in Indonesia has done. The aim of this study was to obtain information myostatin gene diversity of exon 3 in local goats in Indonesia. The total of 10 samples was selected from 80 samples of goat's blood collected comprising each sample of the population of goats breeds, i.e., Samosir, Muara, Kacang, Costa, Peranakan Etawah, Boerawa, Gembrong, Boer, and Boerka goats. The gene diversity and nucleotide base changes were identified by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing techniques. The analysis showed that there is eight variant identified in appropriate with those found in sequencing results. Deletion variations were found in Costa and Samosir goats in T552- and G560-. Substitution variations were found in Gembrong (A7C & A11T), Peranakan Etawah (T10A & A11T), Burawa (T10A & A11T), Muara (A11T), Samosir (A11T), and Boerka (A182T, T437A, T439A, & A445G). Variations on the chromatogram peak overlapping contained in the base position to 13. Analysis of variance showed that there was a special mutation in exon 3 that affects the amino acid tyrosine into lysine. Variants were found in nine goat breeds associated with phylogenetic and genetic distance of goats, Boerka goat has the highest level of genetic variation, it indicated that Boerka goat was crossbree

    Study of BMP15 gene polymorphism in Boer, Kacang, and Boerka goats

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    The bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) gene or commonly called FecX (fecundity chromosome X) is a gene that controls the prolific properties. This study aims to identify the mutation of BMP15 gene and to analyze its polymorphism in Boer, Kacang, and Boerka goats. The total of 50 female goat bloods were identified using PCR-Sequencing method, 17 Boer, 16 Kacang and 17 Boerka respectively. BMP15 gene amplification resulted fragment with the length of 141 bp. Genotyping of BMP15 gene produced three genotypes. The result showed that BMP15 gene found two polymorphic SNP were analyzed by genotype frequency, allele frequency, heterozygosis and equilibrium of genotype in all population was detected by the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test (χ2). Sequence analysis results of BMP15 gene showed that there were two mutation between adenine (A) and guanine (G) bases and determination of genotype BMP15 gene produces three genotypes showed that there were GG, GA and AA. In conclusion, there was found the mutation of BMP15 gene in Boer, Kacang and Boerka goats and genetic polymorphism were identified using PCR-Sequencing method

    Cryopreservation of Boer goat spermatozoa: Comparison of two freezing extenders based on post-thaw sperm quality and fertility rates

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    Boer goat have recently been popularly used for cross breeding with local goats. However, it is currently considered a breed at very limited number with relatively high prices . In this context, the cryopreservation of spermatozoa is important because it could be conserved for a very long period of time. Egg yolk extenders are most commonly used for cryopreservation of goat sperm. The aim of this study was to compare the ability of two extenders to maintain sperm viability after cryopreservation. Semen from three male Boer goat aged about 2-3 years old was collected using artificial vagina and frozen with Tris and Triladyl extender. The results showed that percentage of motility, viability and membrane integrity of spermatozoa with Tris and Triladyl extenders at every stage of cryopreservation showed not significantly difference (P>0.05), except the percentage of sperm motility post thawing of Triladyl was higher than Tris extender (52.00±4.47% vs 47.50±2.74%, P<0.05). Cryopreserved semen in Tris extender provided the same fertility rates after cervical insemination compared to Triladyl (62.50% vs 60.00%). In conclusion, the Tris extender has the same capabilities to Triladyl in cryopreservation of Boer goat spermatozoa as to maintain sperm quality and fertility rates

    Molecular characterization of six sub population Indonesian local goats based on mitochondrial DNA D-loop

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    Indonesian local goats were spread in some region, but there was still limited data’s known about the characteristics of its genetic diversity and origin. The Mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences were used to study the genetic diversity and relationships of six sub population Indonesian local goats, namely, Kacang, Marica, Samosir, Jawarandu, Muara and Bengali goats. From 539 blood samples and DNA extraction collections were selected about 60 samples (10 samples each sub populations) analyzed by PCR-RFLP methods, followed sequence analyzed about 5 PCR products each sub population. The results of the sequence analyses were edited and acquired about 957 bp of nucleotides length. After the alignment analyses were found 50 polymorphic sites which divided into 19 haplotype groups of mtDNA D-loop region. The value of nucleotide diversity was 0.014 ± 0.002. Analysis of Neighbour Joining with Kimura 2 Parameter methods and bootstrap test with 1000 replication indicated that each sub population groups was significantly different between one groups to the others. The maternal lineages origin of six breeds of Indonesian local goats was included to the group of lineage B. The Lineage B was the maternal origin of the haplogroup of goats in the region of East Asia, South Asia, China, Mongolia, North and South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan and India

    Responses of two genotypes of lambs on the infection of Haemonchus contortus and the level of energy supplements

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the responses of lambs on the infection of Haemonchus contortus and the level of energy supplements. Forty eight male lambs, 3-4 months old were used in a factorial experimental design (2x2x2) which lasted for 9 weeks. The factors were breed (Local Sumatra and Sungai Putih: 50% Local Sumatra, 25% St. Croix; 25% Barbados Blackbelly), level of Haemonchus infection (3,000 L3 and 1,500 L3 per week) and level of energy supplement (2,900 kcal/kg DM and 2,300 kcal/kg DM). Infection at 3,000 L3 decreased (P0.001) in the 3000 L3 group, was lower (P0.10) by energy level. PCV was not affected (P>0.10) by infection levels, but lower (P<0.01) in the low energy group or in the St Croix crosses. Eosinophil and serum protein concentration were not affected by energy and infection level, but they were higher (P<0.01) in the local Sumatra. It was concluded that strong effects of level of infection and genotype was detected to influence the impact of Haemonchus infection in lambs. However, the effect of energy levels was less consistent as judged from the EPG, PCV, eosinophil and serum protein data

    Polymorphism study of BMP15 gene in Indonesian Goats

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    Bone Moprogenetic Protein 15 (BMP15) is the family of Transforming Growth Factor β (TGFβ) superfamily which essential for early ovarian folliculogenesis. The aim of this study was to detect the genetic variation within BMP15 gene in four Indonesian goat breeds. A total of 27 blood samples of Gembrong, Kosta, Samosir, and Kacang goats reared in Indonesia Goat Research Center Sei Putih, North Sumatera were collected. Sequence alignment using of 4 samples represent each breed has revealed one synonymous mutation in position g.735A>G (position number refer to GenBank JQ320890), which did not induce the change of lysine in position 135. Genotyping based on SNP g.735A>G was accomplished using BbsI restriction enzyme with PCR-RFLP method. All three genotype (AA, GG, and AG) showed in Gembrong, while in Samosir and Kacang goat the GG genotype was absent. Interestingly, Kosta goat only has AA genotype. The A allele (83%) was higher than G allele (17%), followed with AA (70%, n=19), AG (26%, n=7), and GG (4%, n=1) genotypes in all sample breeds. The hardyweinberg equilibrium analysis resulted the sample population was not deviated (X2<5.59). It can be suggested the SNP g.735A>G might be used for further study in association the gene with reproductive traits in goat