981 research outputs found

    On the origin of dark matter axions

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    We discuss the possible sources of dark matter axions in the early universe. In the standard thermal scenario, an axion string network forms at the Peccei-Quinn phase transition T\sim \fa and then radiatively decays into a cosmological background of axions; to be the dark matter, these axions must have a mass \ma \sim 100 \mu eV with specified large uncertainties. An inflationary phase with a reheat temperature below the PQ-scale T_{reh} \lapp \fa can also produce axion strings through quantum fluctuations, provided that the Hubble parameter during inflation is large H_1 \gapp \fa; this case again implies a dark matter axion mass \ma \sim 100 \mu eV. For a smaller Hubble parameter during inflation H_1 \lapp \fa, `anthropic tuning' allows dark matter axions to have any mass in a huge range below \ma\lapp 1 meV.Comment: to be published in the proceedings of the 5th IFT Workshop on Axion

    Radio and optical orientations of galaxies

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    We investigate the correlations between optical and radio isophotal position angles for 14302 SDSS galaxies with rr magnitudes brighter than 18 and which have been associated with extended FIRST radio sources. We identify two separate populations of galaxies using the colour, concentration and their principal components. Surprisingly strong statistical alignments are found: late-type galaxies are overwhelmingly biased towards a position angle differences of 0∘0^{\circ} and early-type galaxies to 90∘90^{\circ}. The late-type alignment can be easily understood in terms of the standard picture in which the radio emission is intimately related to areas of recent star-formation. In early-type galaxies the radio emission is expected to be driven by accretion on to a nuclear black hole. We argue that the observed correlation of the radio axis with the minor axis of the large-scale stellar distribution gives a fundamental insight into the structure of elliptical galaxies, for example, whether or not the nuclear kinematics are decoupled form the rest of the galaxy. Our results imply that the galaxies are oblate spheroids with their radio emission aligned with the minor axis. Remarkably the strength of the correlation of the radio major axis with the optical minor axis depends on radio loudness. Those objects with a low ratio of FIRST radio flux density to total stellar light show a strong minor axis correlation while the stronger radio sources do not. This may reflect different formation histories for the different objects and we suggest we may be seeing the different behaviour of rationally supported and non-rotationally supported ellipticals.Comment: Version to appear in MNRA

    The Cosmic Microwave Background and the Ionization History of the Universe

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    Details of how the primordial plasma recombined and how the universe later reionized are currently somewhat uncertain. This uncertainty can restrict the accuracy of cosmological parameter measurements from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). More positively, future CMB data can be used to constrain the ionization history using observations. We first discuss how current uncertainties in the recombination history impact parameter constraints, and show how suitable parameterizations can be used to obtain unbiased parameter estimates from future data. Some parameters can be constrained robustly, however there is clear motivation to model recombination more accurately with quantified errors. We then discuss constraints on the ionization fraction binned in redshift during reionization. Perfect CMB polarization data could in principle distinguish different histories that have the same optical depth. We discuss how well the Planck satellite may be able to constrain the ionization history, and show the currently very weak constraints from WMAP three-year data.Comment: Changes to match MNRAS accepted versio

    The role of domain wall junctions in Carter's pentahedral model

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    The role of domain wall junctions in Carter's pentahedral model is investigated both analytically and numerically. We perform, for the first time, field theory simulations of such model with various initial conditions. We confirm that there are very specific realizations of Carter's model corresponding to square lattice configurations with X-type junctions which could be stable. However, we show that more realistic realizations, consistent with causality constraints, do lead to a scaling domain wall network with Y-type junctions. We determine the network properties and discuss the corresponding cosmological implications, in particular for dark energy.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Regularized braneworlds of arbitrary codimension

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    We consider a thick p-brane embedded in an n-dimensional spacetime possessing radial symmetry in the directions orthogonal to the brane. We first consider a static brane, and find a general fine tuning relationship between the brane and bulk parameters required for the brane to be flat. We then consider the cosmology of a time dependent brane in a static bulk, and find the Friedmann equation for the brane scale factor a(t). The singularities that would ordinarily arise when considering arbitrary codimensions are avoided by regularizing the brane, giving it a finite profile in the transverse dimensions. However, since we consider the brane to be a strictly local defect, we find that the transverse dimensions must have infinite volume, and hence gravity cannot be localized on the brane without resorting to some infra-red cutoff.Comment: 21 page

    Cosmological constraints from Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster counts: an approach to account for missing redshifts

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    The accumulation of redshifts provides a significant observational bottleneck when using galaxy cluster surveys to constrain cosmological parameters. We propose a simple method to allow the use of samples where there is a fraction of the redshifts that are not known. The simplest assumption is that the missing redshifts are randomly extracted from the catalogue, but the method also allows one to take into account known selection effects in the accumulation of redshifts. We quantify the reduction in statistical precision of cosmological parameter constraints as a function of the fraction of missing redshifts for simulated surveys, and also investigate the impact of making an incorrect assumption for the distribution of missing redshifts.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ap
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