21 research outputs found

    The perceptions of food service staff in a nursing home on an upcoming transition towards a healthy and sustainable food environment:a qualitative study

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    Background: Healthy and sustainable food environments are urgently needed, also in nursing and residential care homes. Malnutrition in care homes is becoming an increasing problem as populations worldwide are ageing and many older people do not consume sufficient protein, fibre, fruit, and vegetables. Nursing homes also often experience a lot of food waste. A transition in the food environment like a nursing home, involves the participation of facility management and food service staff members. This study aims to map out their perceived barriers and facilitators for this transition. Methods: A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted with food service staff members (n = 16), comprising of kitchen staff (n = 4), wait staff (n = 10), and facility management (n = 2) of two nursing homes in the Netherlands. Thematic analysis was used to derive content and meaning from transcribed interviews. Results: Four main themes were identified. Theme 1: ‘Communication, transparency and accountability in the chain’, highlighting the lack of effective communication flows and a fragmented overview of the food service chain as a whole. Theme 2: ‘Understanding, knowledge and ability of the concepts healthy and sustainable’, revealing the gap in staff’s understanding of these abstract concepts, despite perceiving themselves as having sufficient knowledge and ability. Theme 3: ‘The pampering service mind-set’, highlighting the contradiction in the staff’s shared goal of proving the highest quality of life for residents while also pampering them in ways that may not align with promoting healthy and sustainable food choices. Theme 4: ‘Transition is important but hard to realize’, describing the barriers such as existing routines and a lack of resources as challenges to implementing changes in the food service. Conclusions: Facilitators to transitioning nursing homes towards a healthy and sustainable food environment as perceived by staff members included transparent communication, accountability in the food supply chain, staff’s perceived ability and shared goal, while barriers included lack of understanding of the concepts healthy and sustainable, the current pampering mindset, and top-down decision-making. These findings provide valuable insights for nursing homes seeking to transition towards a healthier and more sustainable food environment.</p

    Barriers and Facilitators of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Renal Transplant Recipients, Family Members and Healthcare Professionals—A Focus Group Study

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    Low fruit and vegetable consumption is associated with poor outcomes after renal transplantation. Insufficient fruit and vegetable consumption is reported in the majority of renal transplant recipients (RTR). The aim of this study was to identify barriers and facilitators of fruit and vegetable consumption after renal transplantation and explore if certain barriers and facilitators were transplant-related. After purposive sampling, RTR (n = 19), their family members (n = 15) and healthcare professionals (n = 5) from a Dutch transplant center participated in seven focus group discussions (three each for RTR and family members, one with healthcare professionals). Transcripts were analyzed using social cognitive theory as conceptual framework and content analysis was used for identification of themes. Transplant-related barriers and facilitators were described separately. In categorizing barriers and facilitators, four transplant-related themes were identified: transition in diet (accompanied by, e.g., fear or difficulties with new routine), physical health (e.g., recovery of uremic symptoms), medication (e.g., cravings by prednisolone) and competing priorities after transplantation (e.g., social participation activities). Among the generic personal and environmental barriers and facilitators, food literacy and social support were most relevant. In conclusion, transplant-related and generic barriers and facilitators were identified for fruit and vegetable consumption in RTR. The barriers that accompany the dietary transition after renal transplantation may contribute to the generally poorer fruit and vegetable consumption of RTR. These findings can be used for the development of additional nutritional counseling strategies in renal transplant care

    Jong geleerd, is oud gedaan : Stimuleren van de groente- en fruitconsumptie via kinderdagverblijven

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    Het kinderdagverblijf lijkt de ideale plaats om het eten van groente en fruit door kinderen te bevorderen. In samenwerking met kinderdagverblijven en diverse bedrijven, testten onderzoekers van Wageningen Food & Biobased Research en het Louis Bolk Instituut daarom diverse methoden om juist daar jonge kinderen te stimuleren meer groente en fruit te eten

    The perceptions of food service staff in a nursing home on an upcoming transition towards a healthy and sustainable food environment: a qualitative study

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    Abstract Background Healthy and sustainable food environments are urgently needed, also in nursing and residential care homes. Malnutrition in care homes is becoming an increasing problem as populations worldwide are ageing and many older people do not consume sufficient protein, fibre, fruit, and vegetables. Nursing homes also often experience a lot of food waste. A transition in the food environment like a nursing home, involves the participation of facility management and food service staff members. This study aims to map out their perceived barriers and facilitators for this transition. Methods A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted with food service staff members (n = 16), comprising of kitchen staff (n = 4), wait staff (n = 10), and facility management (n = 2) of two nursing homes in the Netherlands. Thematic analysis was used to derive content and meaning from transcribed interviews. Results Four main themes were identified. Theme 1: ‘Communication, transparency and accountability in the chain’, highlighting the lack of effective communication flows and a fragmented overview of the food service chain as a whole. Theme 2: ‘Understanding, knowledge and ability of the concepts healthy and sustainable’, revealing the gap in staff’s understanding of these abstract concepts, despite perceiving themselves as having sufficient knowledge and ability. Theme 3: ‘The pampering service mind-set’, highlighting the contradiction in the staff’s shared goal of proving the highest quality of life for residents while also pampering them in ways that may not align with promoting healthy and sustainable food choices. Theme 4: ‘Transition is important but hard to realize’, describing the barriers such as existing routines and a lack of resources as challenges to implementing changes in the food service. Conclusions Facilitators to transitioning nursing homes towards a healthy and sustainable food environment as perceived by staff members included transparent communication, accountability in the food supply chain, staff’s perceived ability and shared goal, while barriers included lack of understanding of the concepts healthy and sustainable, the current pampering mindset, and top-down decision-making. These findings provide valuable insights for nursing homes seeking to transition towards a healthier and more sustainable food environment

    Verhogen van groente- en fruitconsumptie : (biologische) groente en fruit interventie bijkinderen in kinderdagverblijven

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    Er is nog weinig onderzoek gedaan naar het verhogen van de groente- en fruitconsumptie van kinderen binnen kinderdagverblijven. Het doel van dit project was daarom het ontwikkelen en implementeren van een voedingsaanpak om de consumptie van (biologisch) groente en fruit bij kinderen in kinderdagverblijven te verhogen. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd bij zeven kinderdagverblijven van twee overkoepelende kinderopvangorganisaties in Rotterdam en Amsterdam

    Effects of mindfulness training on perceived stress, self-compassion, and self-reflection of primary care physicians : a mixed-methods study

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    Background Primary care physicians are subjected to a high workload, which can lead to stress and a high incidence of burnout. A mindfulness training course was developed and implemented for primary care physicians to better cope with stress and improve job functioning. Aim To gain insight into the effects of the mindfulness training on perceived stress, self-compassion, and self-reflection of primary care physicians. Design &amp; setting A pragmatic mixed-methods pre–post design in which physicians received 8 weeks of mindfulness training. Method Participants completed validated questionnaires on perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale [PSS]), self-compassion (Self-Compassion Scale [SCS]), and self-reflection (Groningen Reflection Ability Scale [GRAS]) before the training, directly after, and 6 months later. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six participants after the training and a content analysis was performed to gain in depth understanding of experiences. Results A total of 54 physicians participated in the study. PSS was reduced (mean difference [MD] -4.5, P&lt;0.001), SCS improved (MD = 0.5, P&lt;0.001), and GRAS improved (MD = 3.3, P&lt;0.001), directly after the 8-week training compared with before training. Six months later, PSS was still reduced (MD = -2.9, P = 0.025) and SCS improved (MD = 0.7, P&lt;0.001). GRAS did not remain significant (MD = 2.5, P = 0.120). Qualitative analysis revealed four themes: being more aware of their own feelings and thoughts; being better able to accept situations; experiencing more peacefulness; and having more openness to the self and others. Conclusion Mindfulness training might be an effective approach for improving stress resilience, self-compassion, and self-reflection in primary care physicians

    Impact biologische boodschappenmand

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    Van consumenten die voor hun voeding vooral biologische producten kopen is bekend dat zij meer milieubewust zijn, zich meer bekommeren om dierwelzijn en een voorkeur hebben voor minder bewerkte en gezonde producten. Er zijn echter tot op heden weinig tot geen kwantitatieve onderzoeksgegevens beschikbaar over producteigenschappen zoals mate van bewerking, toevoegingen, inhoudsstoffen en andere milieu- en gezondheid-gerelateerde parameters op het niveau van de ‘biologische boodschappenmand’ van de eindgebruiker. Dit onderzoek heeft daarom tot doel om een analyse uit te voeren van een biologische en gangbare boodschappenmand aan de hand van geselecteerde producteigenschappen en te onderzoeken in welke mate die eigenschappen het aankoopgedrag van consumenten beïnvloeden. Dit om concrete aanbevelingen aan de biologische sector te kunnen doen over hoe het biologische aanbod verder ontwikkeld kan worden

    Towards the measurement of food literacy with respect to healthy eating: the development and validation of the self perceived food literacy scale among an adult sample in the Netherlands

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    Background Food literacy refers to the capability to make healthy food choices in different contexts, settings and situations. The aim of this study is to develop and validate the self-perceived food literacy (SPFL) scale, to assess individuals’ level of food literacy, including a knowledge, skills and behavior to plan, manage, select, prepare and eat food healthfully. Methods An initial set of 50 items for the SPFL scale were generated based on expert insights and literature. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among a sample of Dutch adults (n = 755) in order to determine convergent, divergent and criterion validation against psychosocial variables that were expected to correlate with food literacy (self-control, impulsiveness) and against the expected outcome of high food literacy, namely healthy food consumption. Principal Component Analyses (PCA), Pearson correlation tests and linear regression analyses were conducted. The capacity to distinguish of the SPFL scale was determined by comparing SPFL scores of the general population with that of a sample of dieticians (n = 207). Results The participants in the general sample had an average age of 44.8 (SD:16.1), the majority were women (90.7%), they had a healthy weight (61.4%) and were highly educated (59.1%). Of the initial 50 items, 29 items remained after PCA and reflected eight domains of food literacy. SPFL was positively correlated with self-control (r = 0.51, p = <.001) and negatively with impulsiveness (r = − 0.31, p = <.01). Participants with higher levels of food literacy reported a significantly higher frequency of fruit consumption (≥5 times/week), vegetable consumption (≥5times/week) and fish consumption (≥1times/week) and consumed larger portions of fruit (≥2pieces/day) and vegetables ≥200 g/day) in comparison with participants who had lower levels of food literacy. Dieticians had slightly higher scores on SPFL than general adults (B = 0.08, SE = 0.03, t = 2.83, 95%-CI = 0.03 to 0.14). Conclusions The 29 item SPFL scale is a validated, expert-based and theory-driven tool for measuring self-perceived food literacy with respect to healthy eating among adults. Higher levels of food literacy were associated with more self-control, less impulsiveness and healthier food consumption. Additional research is needed to validate the SPFL scale in different populations (different age groups, socioeconomic groups, male populations) and in different contexts

    Observational study on dietary changes of participants following a multicomponent lifestyle program (Reverse Diabetes2 Now)

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    Background: Lifestyle intervention studies to treat type 2 diabetes (T2D) are on the rise. However, in-depth research is lacking into the dietary changes that participants make. Methods: The present study aimed to observe the dietary intake of participants following the group program ‘Reverse Diabetes2 Now’ (RD2N) over 12 months. The web-based 24-h dietary recall-tool Compl-eat was used to collect dietary intake data. Results: In total, 147 T2D patients were included in a cross-sectional study (n = 37 at baseline, n = 58 at 6 months, n = 52 at 12 months). A lower intake of total energy, carbohydrates and iodine was found for the groups at 6 and 12 months compared to the baseline group. The absolute consumption of total fat and saturated fat did not differ between the groups; only the percentage as total calorie consumption decreased. Consumption of vegetables and full-fat yoghurt was higher in groups at 6 and 12 months compared to the group at baseline. Consumption of bread, cakes and sweet biscuits, pasta/rice/tortillas, artificially sweetened soft drinks, and crisps were lower in the groups at 6 and 12 months compared to the group at baseline. Similar results were observed in a separate prospective study in 22 participants over 12 months following the same lifestyle-intervention. Conclusions: Overall, participants shifted their dietary intake somewhat towards a healthier dietary pattern with overall lower energy and carbohydrates and more vegetables. Moreover, participants largely maintained this healthier pattern over 12 months. There were some concerns regarding iodine intake. These promising results need to be confirmed in a fully-scaled study, as well in a comparison with controls

    Towards the measurement of food literacy with respect to healthy eating: The development and validation of the self perceived food literacy scale among an adult sample in the Netherlands

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    BACKGROUND: Food literacy refers to the capability to make healthy food choices in different contexts, settings and situations. The aim of this study is to develop and validate the self-perceived food literacy (SPFL) scale, to assess individuals' level of food literacy, including a knowledge, skills and behavior to plan, manage, select, prepare and eat food healthfully. METHODS: An initial set of 50 items for the SPFL scale were generated based on expert insights and literature. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among a sample of Dutch adults (n = 755) in order to determine convergent, divergent and criterion validation against psychosocial variables that were expected to correlate with food literacy (self-control, impulsiveness) and against the expected outcome of high food literacy, namely healthy food consumption. Principal Component Analyses (PCA), Pearson correlation tests and linear regression analyses were conducted. The capacity to distinguish of the SPFL scale was determined by comparing SPFL scores of the general population with that of a sample of dieticians (n = 207). RESULTS: The participants in the general sample had an average age of 44.8 (SD:16.1), the majority were women (90.7%), they had a healthy weight (61.4%) and were highly educated (59.1%). Of the initial 50 items, 29 items remained after PCA and reflected eight domains of food literacy. SPFL was positively correlated with self-control (r = 0.51, p = <.001) and negatively with impulsiveness (r = - 0.31, p = <.01). Participants with higher levels of food literacy reported a significantly higher frequency of fruit consumption (≥5 times/week), vegetable consumption (≥5times/week) and fish consumption (≥1times/week) and consumed larger portions of fruit (≥2pieces/day) and vegetables ≥200 g/day) in comparison with participants who had lower levels of food literacy. Dieticians had slightly higher scores on SPFL than general adults (B = 0.08, SE = 0.03, t = 2.83, 95%-CI = 0.03 to 0.14). CONCLUSIONS: The 29 item SPFL scale is a validated, expert-based and theory-driven tool for measuring self-perceived food literacy with respect to healthy eating among adults. Higher levels of food literacy were associated with more self-control, less impulsiveness and healthier food consumption. Additional research is needed to validate the SPFL scale in different populations (different age groups, socioeconomic groups, male populations) and in different contexts