169 research outputs found

    Wear of dual-mobility cups: a review article

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    Dual-mobility (DM) cups have been clinically used in hip surgery in Europe for more than 35 years and continue to gain popularity worldwide due to promising results at reducing instability. Concerns related to polyethylene wear apply as in conventional standard bearings but are accentuated by the larger-diameter articulations with multiple surfaces. We critically reviewed the reported literature regarding the in vivo and in vitro wear occurring on all surfaces involved. We looked for patterns to create a rational classification of sites of wear and to identify areas for future research. Wear was a significant problem for first-generation designs and appeared to be design related. Improved polyethylene, thinner and smoother trunnions, chamfered rims and eccentric configuration of insert and shell seem to enhance outcome performance; however, long-term clinical evidence and retrieval studies are needed to better understand the balance of benefit and risk when opting for DM bearings

    Characterization and expression analysis of the groESL operon of Bartonella bacilliformis

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    The groESL operon of Bartonella bacilliformis, a facultative intracellular, Gram-negative bacterium and etiologic agent of Oroya Fever, was characterized. Sequence analysis revealed an operon containing two genes of 294 (groES) and 1632 nucleotides (groEL) separated by a 55-nt intergenic spacer. The operon is preceded by a 72-nt ORF (ORF1) that encodes a hypothetical protein with homology to a portion of the HrcA repressor for groESL. A divergent fumarate hydratase C (fumC) gene lies further upstream. Deduced amino acid sequences for B. bacilliformis GroEL and GroES revealed a high degree of identity with homologues from other Bartonella and alpha-Protebacteria. A single transcriptional start site (TSS) was mapped 79 nucleotides upstream of the groES start codon, regardless of incubation temperature. The TSS was located immediately 5\u27 to a potential controlling inverted repeat of chaperonin expression (CIRCE) element and is preceded by a sigma70-like promoter. The operon is followed by a predicted rho-independent transcriptional terminator. Northern blot analysis indicated that groES and groEL are co-transcribed as a single mRNA of approximately 2.4 kb. A 6-h time course analysis by qRT-PCR showed that groEL expression increases 1.3-fold within 30 min of a temperature upshift from 30 to 37 degrees C, with maximum transcription reached after 60 min (approximately 4.3-fold), followed by a steady decrease to background (30 degrees C) transcription levels by 6 h. Western blot analysis revealed a 1.4- and 1.5-fold increase in GroEL synthesis following a temperature upshift or by inhibiting DNA supercoiling with coumermycin A1, respectively. Functional expression and complementation of temperature-sensitive Escherichia coli groES or groEL mutants with the cloned operon allowed them to grow at otherwise restrictive temperatures

    Comparaison des patrons d’abondance et de diversitĂ© des oiseaux cavitaires dans des habitats mĂ©diterranĂ©ens

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    Hole-nesting birds include species highly dependent on old trees or dead wood for nesting, roosting, breeding and feeding. In this study we characterize the assemblages of these species occurring in five different habitat types located in a heterogeneous Mediterranean landscape. We used the point count method. In all habitat types, tits (Parus major and Cyanistes caeruleus) were the most abundant species, except in beech forests, where Sitta europaea showed the highest mean abundance. Hole nesting bird assemblages increase in abundance, richness and diversity, with significant changes from termophilic and sclerophyllous forests (Holm-oak and Cork-oak) to temperate and mesophilic forests (chestnut, Turkey oak and Beech). This pattern reflects the progressive change in vegetation type both due to structure and species composition, ultimately due to progressive change in altitude and local climate. In particular, data at singles species level corroborate that the presence of mature and dead trees (i.e., with high mean diameter) may explain the abundance of Sitta europaea, Picus viridis and Certhia brachydactyla. Our dataset highlights that, for the hole-nesting birds, mesophilous beech and oak Mediterranean forests of biogeographic and conservation concern, represent suitable habitat types for these specialized speciesLes oiseaux cavitaires incluent des espĂšces trĂšs dĂ©pendantes des vieux arbres et des bois morts pour nicher, dormir et se nourrir. Dans la prĂ©sente Ă©tude nous caractĂ©risons les assemblages de ces espĂšces dans cinq types d'habitats diffĂ©rents situĂ©s dans un paysage mĂ©diterranĂ©en hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne. Nous avons utilisĂ© la mĂ©thode des points d'Ă©coute. Dans tous les types d'habitats, les mĂ©sanges (Parus major et Cyanistes caeruleus) Ă©taient les plus abondantes, sauf dans en hĂȘtraie oĂč Sitta europaea prĂ©sentait la plus forte abondance moyenne. Les assemblages d'oiseaux cavitaires croissent en abondance, richesse et diversitĂ©, avec des changements significatifs, des forĂȘts thermophiles et sclĂ©rophylles (ChĂȘne vert et ChĂȘne-liĂšge) aux forĂȘts tempĂ©rĂ©es er mĂ©sophiles (ChĂątaignier, ChĂȘne turc et HĂȘtre). Ce patron reflĂšte le changement progressif de la structure et de la composition spĂ©cifique des types de vĂ©gĂ©tation en fonction de celui de l'altitude et du climat local. En particulier les donnĂ©es considĂ©rĂ©es au niveau spĂ©cifique confirment que la prĂ©sence d'arbres matures et d'arbres morts (i.e. de gros diamĂštre) expliquerait l'abondance de Sitta europaea, Picus viridis et Certhia brachydactyla. Nos donnĂ©es soulignent combien, pour les oiseaux cavitaires, les forĂȘts mĂ©sophiles mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes de hĂȘtres et de chĂȘnes, importantes au plan biogĂ©ographique et Ă  celui de la conservation, reprĂ©sentent de bons types d'habitats pour ces espĂšces spĂ©cialisĂ©es

    Findings from the Italian Babies Born Better Survey.

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    BACKGROUND: The most recent WHO recommendations "Intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience" highlight the need to identify women-centered interventions and outcomes for intrapartum care, and to include service users' experiences and qualitative research into the assessment of maternity care. Babies Born Better (B3) is a trans-European survey designed to capture service user views and experiences of maternity care provision. Italian service users contributed to the survey. METHODS: The B3 Survey is an anonymous, mixed-method online survey, translated into 22 languages. We separated out the Italian responses and analyzed them using computer-assisted qualitative software (MAXQDA) and SPSS and STATA for quantitative data analysis. Simple descriptives were used for the numeric data, and content analysis for the qualitative responses. Geomapping was based on the coded qualitative data and postcodes (using Tableau Public). RESULTS: There were 1000 respondents from every region of Italy, using a range of places of birth (hospital, birth center, home) and experiencing care with both midwives and obstetricians. Most identified positive experiences of care, as well as some practices they would like to change. Both positive and critical comments included provision of care based on the type of providers, clinical procedures, the birth environment, and breastfeeding support. There were clear differences in the geomapped data across Italian regions. CONCLUSIONS: Mothers highly value respectful, skilled and loving care that gives them a strong sense of personal achievement and confidence, and birth environments that support this. There was distinct variation in the percentage of positive comments made across Italian regions
