4 research outputs found

    Determination of Radioactivity Concentrations on Sediment the Euphrates River on Babylon Governorate

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    تم في هذه الدراسة تقيم مستوى النشاط الاشعاعي الطبيعي والصناعي  في نماذج رواسب نهر الفرات في محافظة بابل بأستعمال  تقنية مطيافية اشعة كاما مع كاشف ايوديد الصوديوم NaI(Tl). حيث جمع 50 نموذجاً من الرواسب من نهر الفرات. اظهرت النتائج أن معدل النشاط الاشعاعي النوعي بوحدة Bq/kg)) لكل من اليورانيوم ((    والثوريوم  والبوتاسيوم  والسيزيوم  لنماذج الرواسب كان 21.815 و5.326 و 273.377  و0.879 على التوالي، وتم حساب مؤشرات الخطورة الاشعاعية ، حيث أن معدل فعالية الراديوم المكافئ Raeq كان 56.084، اما معدل  دليل  الخطورة لأشعة كاما  كان 0.420، اما معدل نسبة الجرعة الممتصة في الهواء AD كان 27.347، وقد بينت نتائج الدراسة الحالية ان معدلات الفعالية النوعية ومعدلات مؤشرات الخطورة الاشعاعية في نموذج الرواسب في نهر الفرت محافظة بابل كانت جميعها اقل من الحد المقبول به عالميا.In the current study determination of the natural and artificial activity level on samples sediment the Euphrates River on Babylon  governorate using  -ray spectrometry technique with NaI(Tl) detector. Where 50 samples of sediment Euphrates river. The  results revealed that the average values in( Bq/kg) for Uranium , Thorium  Potassium  And , and samples sediment were ( 21.815, 5.326, 273.377, 0.879) respectively. The hazard indexes were also calculated, where the radium average equivalent activity Raeq was 56.084 , And Hazard index for -ray ( ) was 0.420 , The average absorbed does in Air (AD) was 27.347, The results of the present study have shown that the rates of Specific activity and radiological hazard effects Rate for Gamma ray in samples sediment the Euphrates River on Babylon governorate were all lower  than the value of the global limit

    Assessment the Effects of Alpha Particles on Women's Urine using CR-39 NTDs

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    This research describes the results that have been obtained from the alpha particles after carrying out the present study. The study was conducted on 60 urine samples taken from women, who were either infertile, had weak fertility with 30 urine samples of normal women. The age of those women ranged between (18-47) years. They further belonged to different locations in Iraqi Kurdistan region. values calculated in 20 ml of female urine samples was noted that the average values of concentrations of alpha emitters in 20 ml of urine of women's problem with fertility were 0.371 ppm in Erbil,  0.330 ppm in Sulaymania, and 0.199 for normal women, respectively, The results showed that the concentration of alpha emitters in Erbil > Sulaymania> normal, the number of areas do represent a source of danger to human life. This denotes that there is evidence of health problems. Significant difference found in participants’ laboratory outcomes between Erbil, Sulaymania and normal. Significant correlations (p < 0.001) found between participants’ demographic data and their laboratory outcomes. Also the range of alpha particles in the surface of urine samples and CR-39NTDs was calculated using SRIM program Keywords: infertility in women, Urine, Iraqi Kurdistan region, CR- 39NTDs, Alpha particle

    Mathematical Modeling of Determining the Average of Uranium Concentration in the Urine for the Radiation Workers According to the Number of Working Years.

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    In our work, we have used mathematical modeling to determine the uranium concentrations in the urine samples of workers in radiation field according to the number of working years. The work aims at constructing a mathematical model to determine the uranium concentrations in the urine of the radiation workers based on the number of working years. The obtained values, which have been determined by the constructed model, gave reasonable results and a good agreement with the other experimental results

    Indoor Radon Concentration Measurement in Selected Factories in Northern and Central Iraq

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    In this work, the outdoor radon concentration level and lung cancer risks have been measured in selected locations in northern and central Iraq during the summer season 2012 by using time integrated passive radon dosimeters containing LR-115 Type II plastic track detectors. These measurements were carried out in the factories for an exposure time of 60 day. The radon concentration in these factories ranges from (36.36 – 125.10) Bq.m-3 with an average of (59.93Bq.m-3), which within the acceptable radon levels (50-150) Bq.m-3 recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). The average absorption effective dose equivalent for a person living in factories for which the investigation were done was found to be (1.425mSv.y-1). It is observed that the average lung cancer per year per 106 person was found to be 25.654. Keyword: LR-115 Type II nuclear track detectors; Radon concentration; AEDE; PAEC