28 research outputs found

    A Generative-Discriminative Basis Learning Framework to Predict Clinical Severity from Resting State Functional MRI Data

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    We propose a matrix factorization technique that decomposes the resting state fMRI (rs-fMRI) correlation matrices for a patient population into a sparse set of representative subnetworks, as modeled by rank one outer products. The subnetworks are combined using patient specific non-negative coefficients; these coefficients are also used to model, and subsequently predict the clinical severity of a given patient via a linear regression. Our generative-discriminative framework is able to exploit the structure of rs-fMRI correlation matrices to capture group level effects, while simultaneously accounting for patient variability. We employ ten fold cross validation to demonstrate the predictive power of our model on a cohort of fifty eight patients diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our method outperforms classical semi-supervised frameworks, which perform dimensionality reduction on the correlation features followed by non-linear regression to predict the clinical scores

    Generative discriminative models for multivariate inference and statistical mapping in medical imaging

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    This paper presents a general framework for obtaining interpretable multivariate discriminative models that allow efficient statistical inference for neuroimage analysis. The framework, termed generative discriminative machine (GDM), augments discriminative models with a generative regularization term. We demonstrate that the proposed formulation can be optimized in closed form and in dual space, allowing efficient computation for high dimensional neuroimaging datasets. Furthermore, we provide an analytic estimation of the null distribution of the model parameters, which enables efficient statistical inference and p-value computation without the need for permutation testing. We compared the proposed method with both purely generative and discriminative learning methods in two large structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) datasets of Alzheimer's disease (AD) (n=415) and Schizophrenia (n=853). Using the AD dataset, we demonstrated the ability of GDM to robustly handle confounding variations. Using Schizophrenia dataset, we demonstrated the ability of GDM to handle multi-site studies. Taken together, the results underline the potential of the proposed approach for neuroimaging analyses.Comment: To appear in MICCAI 2018 proceeding

    CrossMoDA 2021 challenge: Benchmark of Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation techniques for Vestibular Schwannoma and Cochlea Segmentation

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    Domain Adaptation (DA) has recently raised strong interests in the medical imaging community. While a large variety of DA techniques has been proposed for image segmentation, most of these techniques have been validated either on private datasets or on small publicly available datasets. Moreover, these datasets mostly addressed single-class problems. To tackle these limitations, the Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation (crossMoDA) challenge was organised in conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2021). CrossMoDA is the first large and multi-class benchmark for unsupervised cross-modality DA. The challenge's goal is to segment two key brain structures involved in the follow-up and treatment planning of vestibular schwannoma (VS): the VS and the cochleas. Currently, the diagnosis and surveillance in patients with VS are performed using contrast-enhanced T1 (ceT1) MRI. However, there is growing interest in using non-contrast sequences such as high-resolution T2 (hrT2) MRI. Therefore, we created an unsupervised cross-modality segmentation benchmark. The training set provides annotated ceT1 (N=105) and unpaired non-annotated hrT2 (N=105). The aim was to automatically perform unilateral VS and bilateral cochlea segmentation on hrT2 as provided in the testing set (N=137). A total of 16 teams submitted their algorithm for the evaluation phase. The level of performance reached by the top-performing teams is strikingly high (best median Dice - VS:88.4%; Cochleas:85.7%) and close to full supervision (median Dice - VS:92.5%; Cochleas:87.7%). All top-performing methods made use of an image-to-image translation approach to transform the source-domain images into pseudo-target-domain images. A segmentation network was then trained using these generated images and the manual annotations provided for the source image.Comment: Submitted to Medical Image Analysi

    Generative-Discriminative Basis Learning for Medical Imaging

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    Application of Trace-Norm and Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition for Computational Anatomy

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    We propose a generative model to distinguish normal anatomical variations from abnormal deformations given a group of images with normal and abnormal subjects. We assume that abnormal subjects share common factors which characterize the abnormality. These factors are hard to discover due to large variance of normal anatomical differences. Assuming that the deformation fields are parametrized by their stationary velocity fields, these factors constitute a low-rank subspace (abnormal space) that is corrupted by high variance normal anatomical differences. We assume that these normal anatomical variations are not correlated. We form an optimization problem and propose an efficient iterative algorithm to recover the low-rank subspace. The algorithm iterates between image registration and the decomposition steps and hence can be seen as a group-wise registration algorithm. We apply our method on synthetic and real data and discover abnormality of the population that cannot be recovered by some of the well-known matrix decompositions (e.g. Singular Value Decomposition)

    Mapping Brains on Grids of Features for Schizophrenia Analysis

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    This paper exploits the embedding provided by the countinggrid model and proposes a framework for the classification and the analysis of brain MRI images. Each brain, encoded by a count of local features, is mapped into a window on a grid of feature distributions. Similar sample are mapped in close proximity on the grid and their commonalities in their feature distributions are reflected in the overlap of windows on thegrid. Here we exploited these properties to design a novel kernel and a visualization strategy which we applied to the analysis of schizophrenic patients. Experiments report a clear improvement in classification accuracy as compared with similar methods. Moreover, our visualizations are able to highlight brain clusters and to obtain a visual interpretation of the features related to the disease