5 research outputs found
Prenatal infection at the present stage are one of the major problems of obstetrics and perinatology. Issues of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of prenatal infections to date have not been studied sufficiently, and still remain part of the modern perinatology, which requires in-depth study. Therefore, the aim of our study was to investigate clinical and laboratory markers for early diagnosis of prenatal infection in premature newborns. In the course of the study were examined 43 premature newborn child at the age of 1 day and again on the 15th day, conducted a retrospective analysis of medical and obstetric history of the mothers of these newborns. Studies have shown a role of maternal infection not only in the formation of a complicated pregnancy, premature birth, and in the development of prenatal infection, intrauterine development of the fetus, but also in reducing the adaptive capacity of the newborn in the early neonatal period. To improve the effectiveness of early diagnosis of prenatal infection in premature newborns born to mothers with risk factors, it is recommended to take cord blood at birth and venous blood at birth and again at 15th day to identify the etiology of prenatal infections by polymerase chain reaction.Внутриутробные инфекции (ВУИ) на современном этапе являются одной из важнейших проблем акушерства и перинатологии. Вопросы диагностики, лечения и профилактики ВУИ до настоящего времени не изучены в достаточной мере и по-прежнему остаются той частью современной перинатологии, которая требует всестороннего изучения. Поэтому целью нашего исследования было изучить клинико-лабораторные маркеры ранней диагностики внутриутробных инфекций у недоношенных детей. В процессе исследования было обследовано 43 недоношенных новорожденных ребенка в возрасте 1-х суток и повторно на 15-е сутки, проведен ретроспективный анализ соматического и акушерско-гинекологического анамнеза матерей этих новорожденных. Проведенные исследования свидетельствуют о роли материнской инфекции не только в формировании осложненной беременности, преждевременных родов, в развитии внутриутробного инфицирования, задержки внутриутробного развития плода, но и в снижении адаптивных возможностей новорожденного в раннем неонатальном периоде. С целью повышения эффективности ранней диагностики ВУИ недоношенным детям, родившимся от матерей с факторами риска, рекомендуется взятие пуповинной крови на момент рождения и венозной крови на момент рождения и повторно на 15-е сутки на предмет выявления этиологии ВУИ методом полимеразной цепной реакции.Внутрішньоутробні інфекції (ВУІ) на сучасному етапі є однією з найважливіших проблем акушерства та перинатології. Питання діагностики, лікування та профілактики ВУІ досі не вивчені достатньою мірою та, як і раніше, залишаються тією частиною сучасної перинатології, яка потребує всебічного вивчення. Тому метою нашого дослідження було вивчити клініко-лабораторні маркери ранньої діагностики внутрішньоутробних інфекцій у недоношених дітей. У процесі дослідження було обстежено 43 недоношених новонароджених дитини віком 1-х діб і повторно на 15-ту добу, проведено ретроспективний аналіз соматичного та акушерсько-гінекологічного анамнезу матерів цих новонароджених. Проведені дослідження свідчать про роль материнської інфекції не тільки у формуванні ускладненої вагітності, передчасних пологів, у розвитку внутрішньоутробного інфікування, затримки внутрішньоутробного розвитку плода, але і в зниженні адаптивних можливостей новонародженого в ранньому неонатальному періоді. З метою підвищення ефективності ранньої діагностики ВУІ недоношеним дітям, які народилися від матерів з факторами ризику, рекомендується взяття пуповинної крові на момент народження та венозної крові на момент народження і повторно на 15-ту добу на предмет виявлення етіології ВУІ методом полімеразної ланцюгової реакції
Physical activity for people with dementia: A scoping study
Background: This scoping study aimed to identify how physical activity may benefit people with dementia; how and/or if current service provide these benefits; and what support they need to do so. Methods: Methods included an evidence review using literature; mapping current service provision through a survey; and in-depth interviews with a sample of service providers. Results: The 26 studies included in the review indicated the potential effectiveness of physical activity for people with dementia, including improvements in cognition and mood, behaviour and physical condition. Mechanisms of action and the link with outcomes were poorly defined and implemented. The mapping survey and related interviews showed that service providers were delivering a range of services broadly consistent with the scientific evidence. They tended to take a holistic view of possible benefits, and focused on enjoyment and well-being, more than specific cognitive, physical and behavioural outcomes highlighted in literature. Service providers needed more evidence based information and resources to develop services and realise their potential. Conclusion: Despite potential benefits demonstrated in literature and practice, there is a need for further research to optimise interventions and to consider some neglected issues including delivery at home and in communities; impacts for carers; physical activities through ADLs; and individual needs. Studies are needed which take a more holistic approach to the effects of physical activity, and outcomes should be broader and include mental health and wellbeing
Nicotinic receptors
Regulation of normal or abnormal behaviour is critically controlled by the central serotonergic systems. Recent evidence has suggested that serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmission dysfunction contributes to a variety of pathological conditions, including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disorders. There is also a great amount of evidence indicating that 5-HT signalling may affect the reinforcing properties of drugs of abuse by the interaction and modulation of dopamine (DA) function. This chapter is focused on one of the more addictive drugs, nicotine. It is widely recognised that the effects of nicotine are strongly associated with the stimulatory action it exhibits on mesolimbic DAergic function. We outline the role of 5-HT and its plethora of receptors, focusing on 5-HT2 subtypes with relation to their involvement in the neurobiology of nicotine addiction. We also explore the novel pharmacological approaches using 5-HT agents for the treatment of nicotine dependence. Compelling evidence shows that 5-HT2C receptor agonists may be possible therapeutic targets for smoking cessation, although further investigation is required.peer-reviewe
Gut-homing Δ42PD1+Vδ2 T cells promote innate mucosal damage via TLR4 during acute HIV type 1 infection
The innate immune cells underlying mucosal inflammatory responses and damage during acute HIV-1 infection remain incompletely understood. Here, we report a Vδ2 subset of gut-homing γδ T cells with significantly upregulated Δ42PD1 (a PD1 isoform) in acute (~20%) HIV-1 patients compared to chronic HIV-1 patients (~11%) and healthy controls (~2%). The frequency of Δ42PD1+Vδ2 cells correlates positively with plasma levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and fatty-acid-binding protein before detectable lipopolysaccharide in acute patients. The expression of Δ42PD1 can be induced by in vitro HIV-1 infection and is accompanied by high co-expression of gut-homing receptors CCR9/CD103. To investigate the role of Δ42PD1+Vδ2 cells in vivo, they were adoptively transferred into autologous humanized mice, resulting in small intestinal inflammatory damage, probably due to the interaction of Δ42PD1 with its cognate receptor Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). In addition, blockade of Δ42PD1 or TLR4 successfully reduced the cytokine effect induced by Δ42PD1+Vδ2 cells in vitro, as well as the mucosal pathological effect in humanized mice. Our findings have therefore uncovered a Δ42PD1–TLR4 pathway exhibited by virus-induced gut-homing Vδ2 cells that may contribute to innate immune activation and intestinal pathogenesis during acute HIV-1 infection. Δ 42PD1+Vδ2 cells may serve as a target for the investigation of diseases with mucosal inflammation