3 research outputs found
Comportamento dos tecidos moles em redor de implantes com carga imediata: revisĂŁo literĂĄria
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento dos tecidos peri-implantares (moles e duros) apĂłs a carga imediata de implantes unitĂĄrios em ĂĄreas estĂ©ticas de maxila. Para isso uma busca electrĂłnica foi realizada nas bases de dados BVS e PubMed. Foram incluĂdos textos completos de ensaios clĂnicos dos Ășltimos 15 anos, que avaliaram os seguintes parĂąmetros: altura da crista Ăłssea, altura da papila interdental e recessĂŁo gengival vestibular. Um total de nove artigos foram selecionados. Os dados mostraram que o comportamento dos tecidos peri- implantares em implantes com carga imediata foi muito semelhante aos observadas em implantes com carga tardia. AlĂ©m disso, em maiores perĂodos de acompanhamento, foi verificado que as papilas podem migrar coronalmente ao longo do tempo e que os tecidos duros apresentaram perda Ăłssea mĂ©dia a 1,0 mm, independentemente da utilização ou nĂŁo de carga imediata. No que diz respeito Ă estĂ©tica, em geral, os pacientes ficaram satisfeitos e as perdas notadas ao longo do tempo parecem nĂŁo interferir da satisfação estĂ©tica do paciente. Assim sendo a perda de papilas, recessĂŁo gengival vestibular e perda Ăłssea podem ocorrer silenciosamente, sendo o tempo mais importante para sua ocorrĂȘncia que a utilização de carga imediata ou nĂŁo, o que torna a carga imediata uma alternativa viĂĄvel e promissora em regiĂ”es estĂ©ticas sem comprometer o comportamento dos tecidos peri-implantares.The objective of this study is to evaluate the behavior of peri-implant tissues (soft and hard) after loading. Low implants in aesthetic maxilla units. Therefore, an electronic search was performed in the VHL and PubMed databases. We included complete texts of clinical trials of the last 15 years, which ancestors the respective parameters: height of the bone crest, height of the interdental papilla and gingival vestibular recession. A total of nine articles were selected. The data showed that the behavior of the peri-implant tissues in loaded implants. There were very important observations in late load implants. In addition, at longer follow-up periods, it was verified that as papillae may migrate coronally over time and with hard tissues they presented mean bone loss of 1.0 mm, regardless of whether or not the load was used. With regard to aesthetics, patients were generally satisfied and perceived losses over time without interference from the aesthetic satisfaction of the patient. Thus, a loss of papillae, vestibular gingival recession and bone loss can occur silently, being the most important time for its occurrence that the use of load, there is not, which makes a load of a viable and promising alternative in aesthetic regions without Compromise the behavior of peri-implant tissues
Do third molars weaken the mandibular angle?
Objective: The purpose of this study is to estimate how is the magnitude of the impact of a mandibular third molar on the mandibular angle stiffness. Study Design: It was performed a literature search on whole MEDLINE and LILACS data base to find articles that match the following inclusion criteria: cohort studies presenting data on patients with mandibular fractures and third molars; that had a similar angle fracture definition; and that present data available to be cross-classified in a statistic analysis. Results: The sample was composed by 4 studies, involving 2533 patients from USA, Nigeria, Germany and Jordan, evaluated between 1976 and 2001. The analysis of the sample shows a relative risk for a mandibula to fracture, comparing patients with and without third molars, ranging from 1,18 to 2,25. The data of the sample was grouped because of the homogeneity of the articles methods. The estimated relative risk across the 4 studies was 1,94 (95% CI 1,6 - 2,35). Conclusions: The presence of a third molar may double the risk of an angle fracture of the mandible to occur. Even with this data, the present study cannot support conditions related to the third molar that may affect this impact. Further studies are necessary to discuss the true indication of removal of these teeth as a prophylactic measure in population groups more predisposed to fracture. © Medicina Oral
AvaliaĂĂo do emprego de diferentes medidas hemostĂticas no controle do sangramento pĂs-exodontia de pacientes sob terapia anticoagulante
The therapeutic use of Varfarin, the most common oral anticoagulant it is indicated in many cases, including the atrial fibrillation, cardiac valvular prostheses and venous trombolic disease. Many discussions still exist related to the suspension or not before tooth extraction. People who are for itĂąs suspension agree that it may increase the risk of hemorrhage, however the ones who prefer to maintain itĂąs use refer the high risk of tromboembolism. Due to the controversy related to the cronic use of oral anticoagulant before tooth extraction and what to use to control bleeding after extraction, we decided to perform a one center randomized clinical trial study to compare the effectiveness of the hemostasis using soaked gauze with tranexamic acid at 4,8% and plain gauze and the use of collagen sponge (HemosponĂ), using it inside the tooth socket after extraction. The sample was made of 84 surgical procedures performed in 38 patients who were under anticoagulant treatment and who needed at least one tooth extraction. The trial was divided in three groups regarding the method used to reach hemostasis after tooth extraction. In group I we used compression with soaked gauze with tranexamic acid at 4,8%; in group II we used collagen sponge (HemosponĂ) inside the socket while in group III we compressed the socket with dry gauze for 8 minutes. There were two cases of post surgical bleeding, being one from group I and one from group II. The data collected was evaluated thru SPSS 1.5 (Statistic Package of Social Science) program. All the statistical analysis performed were considered significantly when p was less than 5%.
We used the Qui square X2 Test, Fisher Exact Test e Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to verify the variables of the data. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups, related to bleeding (p>0,05). The compression with dry gauze and suture, compression with soaked gauze with trenaxamic acid at 4.8% and suture and the use of collagen sponge (HemosponĂ) in the tooth socket hold with suture showed similar efficacy to the control of post extraction bleeding in patients who are under anticoagulant treatment.A terapĂutica com varfarina, o anticoagulante oral mais utilizado, estĂ indicada em mĂltiplas situaĂĂes, incluindo a fibrilaĂĂo atrial, prĂteses valvulares cardĂacas e o tromboembolismo venoso. DiscussĂes ainda existem sobre a indicaĂĂo ou nĂo da sua interrupĂĂo prĂvia a realizaĂĂo de exodontias. Aqueles que defendem a parada de sua administraĂĂo baseiam tal decisĂo no risco aumentado de hemorragias, enquanto os que acreditam na manutenĂĂo da terapia ressaltam o risco de tromboembolismo. Em virtude das controvĂrsias acerca da realizaĂĂo de exodontias em pacientes que fazem uso crĂnico de anticoagulantes orais, alĂm da dĂvida de que mĂtodo empregar no controle do sangramento pĂs-exodontia, decidimos realizar um estudo do tipo ensaio clĂnico, unicĂntrico, randomizado com o objetivo de comparar a efetividade hemostĂtica local da compressĂo com gaze embebida ou nĂo em Ăcido tranexĂmico Ă 4,8% com o emprego da esponja de colĂgeno (HEMOSPONĂ) no interior do alvĂolo pĂs-exodontia. A amostra foi constituĂda por 84 procedimentos cirĂrgicos realizados em 38 pacientes sob terapia anticoagulante que necessitavam de pelo menos uma extraĂĂo dentĂria. A amostra foi dividida em trĂs grupos a depender do mĂtodo hemostĂtico local empregado para o controle do sangramento apĂs a extraĂĂo dentĂria. No grupo I utilizou-se a compressĂo com gaze embebida em Ăcido tranexĂmico a 4,8%; no grupo II introduziu-se no interior do alvĂolo uma esponja de colĂgeno (HemosponĂ); enquanto no grupo III, a compressĂo com gaze seca por 8 minutos foi o mĂtodo empregado. Em dois casos foi observado sangramento pĂs-operatĂrio sendo um paciente do grupo I e outro do grupo II. Os dados coletados foram consolidados e avaliados por meio do programa SPSS 15.0 (Statistic Package of Social Science). Todas as anĂlises estatĂsticas efetuadas foram consideradas significativas quando valor de p foi menor que 5%. Utilizou-se os testes Qui-Quadrado (XĂ), Teste Exato de Fisher e AnĂlise de VariĂncia (ANOVA) para verificar as diferenĂas entre as variĂveis. NĂo houve diferenĂa estatisticamente significante entre os grupos com relaĂĂo Ă ocorrĂncia de hemorragias (p-valor>0,05). A compressĂo com gaze seca associado Ă sutura, a compressĂo com gaze embebida com Ăcido tranexĂmico a 4,8% associada a sutura e o emprego da esponja de fibrina (HemosponĂ) intra-alveolar associado a sutura mostraram eficĂcia semelhante no controle do sangramento pĂs-exodontia em pacientes sob terapia anticoagulante