4,016 research outputs found

    OFDM and SC-FDMA over Fiber Using Directly Modulated VCSELs

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    Radio-over-fiber technology, used in the transport of radio signals over optical fiber by means of an optical carrier between a remote site and a central node of a cellular network, is an attractive solution for backhauling of a large number of remote antennas, enabling the shifting of the hardware complexity from base stations to a central station

    Electric power quality monitoring results in different facilities

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    This paper presents results of electric power quality monitoring studies performed in different industries and in universities. The monitoring was made with an Electric Power Quality Monitor developed at the University of Minho. The studies were performed in different installations: textile industries, a pharmaceutical industry, a hospital and two universities. Therefore, the results showed in this paper were obtained in different electrical installations. It is important to emphasize that, the results here presented are not intended to establish profiles for each type of electrical installation. The aim is rather to show several electric power problems that occur in these types of facilities, and also to present the functionalities of the Electric Power Quality Monitor developed at the University of Minho, working out of laboratory, in real electrical installations.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Influence of formal and non-formal learning

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Since coaches play an important role in the development of athletes, the process and mechanisms used by Special Olympics Portugal to develop coaches’ skills are worthy of research. In this context, the study aims to identify the training paths and profiles of the Special Olympics Portugal coach. It also aims to analyze the relationship between formal and non-formal learning in the profile and training of this type of coach. The research is descriptive and transversal regarding Special Olympics Portugal coaches, with the participation of 50 subjects. Two questionnaires were used, the Coaches’ Training Profile Questionnaire to determine the training routes, and the Coaches’ Orientation Questionnaire. The results show that the Special Olympics Portugal coaches have an academic background and a somewhat critical profile. It is imperative to build formal and non-formal learning contexts that focus on the theme of adapted sports, in order to allow the training of more qualified coaches, who are consequently more effective in their interventions with this type of athlete.publishersversionpublishe

    Training and leadership profile in adapted sport coaches and the implication in athletes with intellectual disabilities

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    The coach role has been widely studied, and it has become a ruling factor in achievement of more knowledge, and by improving their competence. However, most studies are related to regular sports, making it essential to develop the same process in adapted sports. The present study aims to create a project that intends to establish a coaching profile in the field of Adapted Sport through the perspectives of coaches and athletes with Intellectual Disability (ID). Quantitative methods will be used as resource. We will question coaches through questionnaires for the mentoring profile (CPQ; SCDS; SCLS; SCPS) whereas for the leadership profile we will use the Sports Leadership Scale (ELD). As for the athletes they will be questioned through: BRSQ; BPNSS; SWLS and PANAS and Leadership Scale for Sports - LSS - Perception Version and Preferences). The results obtained in the described process, will serve to develop out the construction of a profile of training and performance for the coaches in the area of adapted sport.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Autopercepción y percepción de los comportamientos de liderazgo de los entrenadores de Special Olympics Portugal

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    Os treinadores têm um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento holístico dos seus atletas, e quando falamos de desporto adaptado esta prerrogativa ganha maior relevo pois o desporto é um veículo transforador na vida dos atletas. No entanto, a temática dos comportamentos de liderança do treinador de atletas com deficiência intelectual, é pouco explorada cientificamente. O estudo tem como principal finalidade identificar a autoperceção dos treinadores e a percepção dos atletas sobre os comportamentos de liderança do treinador dos Special Olympics Portugal. Pretende-se ainda examinar a relação entre a autoperceção e perceção com a formação formal dos treinadores. A investigação é descritiva e de corte transversal, com uma amostra constituída por 50 treinadores e 94 desportistas do universo dos Special Olympics Portugal. A escala de liderança de desporto foi o instrumento utilizando no estudo, nas versões auto-perceção e perceção. Perante os resultados obtidos constata-se que nas versões analisadas, os treinadores de atletas com deficiência intelectual apresentam mais comportamentos de liderança nas dimensões de reforço, treino instrução e suporte social. Os treinadores com formação específica na área da deficiência têm comportamentos mais adequados às características necessidades especificas dos atletas.Coaches have a fundamental role in the holistic development of their athletes, and when we talk about adapted sports, this prerogative gains more relevance, since sports are a transforming vehicle in the athletes' lives. However, the theme of the leadership behaviors of coaches of athletes with intellectual disabilities is little scientifically explored. The main purpose of this study is to identify the coaches' self-perception and the athletes' perception about the leadership behaviors of the Special Olympics Portugal coaches. It is also intended to examine the relationship between self-perception and perception with the formal training of coaches. The research is descriptive and cross-sectional, with a sample consisting of 50 coaches and 94 athletes from the universe of Special Olympics Portugal. The sport leadership scale was the instrument used in the study, in the self-perception and perception versions. The results showed that, in the versions analysed, the coaches of athletes with intellectual disabilities showed more leadership behaviours in the dimensions of reinforcement, training, instruction and social support. The coaches with specific training in the area of disability have more appropriate behaviours to the specific characteristics and needs of the athletes.Los entrenadores tienen un papel fundamental en el desarrollo integral de sus deportistas. Esta prerrogativa cobra mayor relevancia en el deporte adaptado, pues, el deporte es un vehículo transformador en la vida de los deportistas. Sin embargo, el análisis de los comportamientos de liderazgo de los entrenadores de deportistas con discapacidad intelectual está poco explorado científicamente. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue identificar la autopercepción de los entrenadores y la percepción de los atletas sobre los comportamientos de liderazgo de los entrenadores de Special Olympics Portugal. Además, se examinó la relación entre la autopercepción y la percepción con la formación formal de los entrenadores. El diseño de investigación fue descriptivo y transversal. La, muestra formada por 50 entrenadores y 94 atletas de la población de Special Olympics Portugal. La escala de liderazgo deportivo fue el instrumento utilizado en el estudio, en las versiones de autopercepción y percepción. Los resultados mostraron que, los entrenadores de deportistas con discapacidad intelectual mostraron más conductas de liderazgo en las dimensiones de refuerzo, formación, instrucción y apoyo social. Los entrenadores con formación específica en el ámbito de la discapacidad tienen comportamientos más adecuados a las características y necesidades específicas de los deportistas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antioxidant activity of protein hydrolysates obtained from discarded Mediterranean fish species

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    In this study, five discarded species in the Mediterranean Sea, namely sardine, horse mackerel, axillary seabream, bogue and small-spotted catshark, were evaluated as raw material for obtaining fish protein hydrolysates exhibiting antioxidant activity. The DH of the hydrolysates ranged from 13.2 to 21.0%, with a protein content varying from 60.7 to 89.5%. The peptide profile of all hydrolysates was very similar, except for the hydrolysate of small-spotted catshark. Their lipid content was found to be between 4.6 and 25.3%. The highest DPPH scavenging activity was found for the hydrolysates of sardine and horse mackerel with EC50 values varying from 0.91 to 1.78 mg protein/mL. Sardine and small-spotted catshark hydrolysates exhibited the highest ferrous chelating activity with an EC50 value of 0.32 mg protein/mL. Moreover, sardine and bogue hydrolysates presented the highest reducing power. Finally, a total of six antioxidant peptides were theoretically identified within the structure of myosin and actin proteins from sardine and small-spotted catshark. The potential antioxidant activity exhibited by the hydrolysates suggests that it is feasible to obtain added-value products such as natural antioxidants from these discarded species.This work was supported by the Spanish National Plan I + D + i (projects CTQ2008-02978 and CTQ2011-23009) and by Santander Bank (grant for young researchers

    In vitro gastrointestinal digestion impact on the bioaccessibility and antioxidant capacity of bioactive compounds from tomato flours obtained after conventional and ohmic heating extraction

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    In times of pandemic and when sustainability is in vogue, the use of byproducts, such as fiber-rich tomato byproducts, can be an asset. There are still no studies on the impact of extraction methodologies and the gastrointestinal tract action on bioactive properties. Thus, this study used a solid fraction obtained after the conventional method (SFCONV) and a solid fraction after the ohmic method (SFOH) to analyze the effect of the gastrointestinal tract on bioactive compounds (BC) and bioactivities. Results showed that the SFOH presents higher total fiber than SFCONV samples, 62.47 ± 1.2459.06 ± 0.67 g/100 g DW, respectively. Both flours present high amounts of resistant protein, representing between 11 and 16% of insoluble dietary fiber. Furthermore, concerning the total and bound phenolic compounds, the related antioxidant activity measured by 2,2-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS) radical cation decolorization assay presented significantly higher values for SFCONV than SFOH samples (p < 0.05). The main phenolic compounds identified in the two flours were gallic acid, rutin, and p-coumaric acid, and carotenoids were lycopene, phytofluene, and lutein, all known as health promoters. Despite the higher initial values of SFCONV polyphenols and carotenoids, these BCs OH flours were more bioaccessible and presented more antioxidant capacity than SFCONV flours, throughout the simulated gastrointestinal tract. These results confirm the potential of ohmic heating to modify the bioaccessibility of tomato BC, enhancing their concentrations and improving their antioxidant capacity.The authors would like to thank to “MultiBiorefinery: Estratégias multiuso para a valorização de uma gama alargada de subprodutos agroflorestais e das pescas: Um passo em frente na criação de uma biorrefinaria” financiado pelo Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016403) e pelo Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa(LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-016403), na sua componente FEDER e pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P. na componente nacional (SAICTPAC/0040/2015). The authors would also like to thank the scientific collaboration under the FCT project UID/Multi/50016/2019, UID-BIM-00009- 2020, and UID/BIO/04469/2020. The author Marta Coelho would like to acknowledge FCT for your grant with the reference (grant number SFRH/BD/111884/2015).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deteção remota multiespectral e hiperespetral como fonte de conhecimento no sector português da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica

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    ABSTRACT: Remote sensing is an invaluable tool to increase geological and mining knowledge, due to its screening view and variable discrimination and identification capabilities of the target materials. In this study an overview of remote sensing research developed and ongoing within the Portuguese sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (PSIPB) since 2000 is given. Multispectral and hyperspectral datasets were processed using hybrid methods, related both to general and detailed characterization, to: 1) support geological, mineral and hydrothermal mapping, 2) generate products derived from multivariate analysis and band ratios, 3) enhance correlation with radiometric data, 4) provide elements for environmental assessment concerning mining activity, 5) map Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) based on spectral field signatures, 6) quantify AMD based on high correlation mineralogical mapping, and 7) monitor AMD. The results highlight the importance of the quantitative digital support given by remote sensing tools within the Portuguese Sector of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (PSIPB), ruled by georesource exploitation in different stages of the Mine Lyfe Cycle.RESUMO: A deteção remota é uma ferramenta valiosa para aumentar o conhecimento geológico e mineiro, devido à visão sinótica e à capacidade variável de discriminação e identificação dos materiais-alvo. Neste trabalho dá-se uma visão geral da investigação através dos trabalhos de deteção remota desenvolvidos e em curso no Setor Português da Faixa Piritosa Ibérica (SPFPI) desde 2000. Os dados multiespectrais e hiperespectrais foram processados usando métodos híbridos quer para a sua caracterização geral quer detalhada para: 1) apoiar a cartografia geológica, de mineralizações e sistemas hidrotermais, 2) gerar produtos de análise multivariada e rácios de bandas, 3) melhorar a correlação com dados radiométricos 4) fornecer elementos para avaliação ambiental em áreas mineiras, 5) cartografar a drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) com assinaturas espectrais de campo, 6) quantificar a DAM através de cartografia mineralógica de alta correlação, e 7) monitorizar a DAM. Destaca-se a importância do suporte digital quantitativo dado por ferramentas de deteção remota no SPFPI, regido pela exploração de georrecursos em diferentes fases do Ciclo de Vida das Minas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efeitos da formação e liderança do treinador de desporto adaptado na planificação do treino

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    Com este estudo pretende-se avaliar os efeitos da formação e liderança do treinador de desporto adaptado na planificação do processo de treino. A amostra constituída por 31 treinadores portugueses, 21 do género masculino e 10 do género feminino, com idades compreendias entre os 23 e os 60 anos. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos para a recolha de dados: “Sport Coach Learning Style” (SCLS) sobre o perfil de formação; Sport Coach Decision Style” (SCDS) sobre o estilo de decisão e o “Sport Coach Planning Style” (SCPS) sobre o tipo de planificação do treinador. Concluímos que o estilo de liderança democrático dos treinadores de desporto adaptado portugueses não se revelou uma variável mediadora significativa entre a formação académica destes e o estilo de planificação que estes exercem no processo de treino.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio