248 research outputs found


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    O texto apresenta uma análise integrada dos atributos físicos da Microrregião de Quirinópolis, Goiás, para a determinação dos Compartimentos Morfopedológicos (CMP). A metodologia adotada foi de acordo com Castro e Salomão (2000), utilizando as características semelhantes da geomorfologia, pedologia, geologia e hipsometria para a delimitação dos compartimentos. Como resultado da classificação, foi possível identificar cinco CMP distintos


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    Historicamente rios e cidades estiveram intrinsecamente ligados, foi através dos rios que impérios se desenvolveram. Entender a dinâmica do relevo e dos rios é importante para compreender os problemas ambientais e sociais, já que o relevo é fator preponderante para o plantio e/ou povoamento. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo fazer um levantamento preliminar da geomorfologia do Córrego do Cerrado que drena o município de Canápolis/MG, por meio de revisões bibliográfica e campo

    Perfil antigénico celular de cepas aisladas de Leptospira en León y Chinandega, Nicaragua

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    Objetivo. El siguiente trabajo se desarrollo con el objetivo de determinar los perfiles antigénicos celulares que sean reconocidos por el suero de personas vacunados con vax-SPIRAL® de cepas obtenidas de los departamentos de León y Chinandega. Métodos. Se analizaron cepas aisladas de hemocultivos tomadas de casos con sospecha clínica de leptospirosis, determinándose los perfiles antigénicos mediante electroforesis de células enteras y western blotting usando como anticuerpos, sueros provenientes de personas vacunadas con vax-SPIRAL®. Resultados y conclusiones. Se evidenció una gran homología antigénica entre todas las cepas estudiadas. Los resultados del presente estudio sugieren que en los departamentos de León y Chinandega circulan cepas de L. interrogans con un fuerte reconocimientoObjective.The following work was development with the objective of determining the profiles cellular antigenics that are recognized by the serum of people vaccinated with vax-SPIRAL® of obtained strains of the León and Chinandega departments. Methods. Blood cultures samples were analyzed taken in sharp phase to cases with suspicion leptospirosis clinic, being determined the profiles antigenics by means of electrophoresis of whole cells and western blotting using as antibodies, serums coming from people vaccinated with vax-SPIRAL®. Results and conclusions. A great antigenic homology was evidenced among all the studied strains. The present study results suggest that in León and Chinandega departments circulate L. interrogans strains with a strong antigenic recognition front of serums of people vaccinated with vax-SPIRAL®

    Impacto de los cambios realizados en la etapa de multiplicación celular durante la obtención de la Sustancia Sensibilizante de Eritrocitos utilizada en el diagnóstico serológico de la Leptospirosis

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    Introducción: En Cuba desde 1981 se tiene implementada la hemoaglutinación indirecta como técnica diagnostica de Leptospirosis de forma alternativa en ausencia de otras que pueden ser más costosas pero efectivas en los diferentes estadios de la enfermedad. Para el desarrollo de la técnica se hace necesaria la sustancia sensibilizante de eritrocitos (SSE), asumiendo su producción el Instituto Finlay en el año 2009, a partir de una tecnología obsoleta en la etapa de multiplicación celular. Objetivo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar cambios en esta etapa para obtener la SSE con los medios de cultivos disponibles en la planta de producción para el óptimo rendimiento del producto, sin afectar la actividad biológica como parámetro fundamental de calidad. Métodos. Fueron formados 8 grupos experimentales teniendo en cuenta: cepa productora (cepa LABIOFAM y cepa Finlay) medio de cultivo (MK y EMJH) y condiciones de cultivos (estático o agitado). Resultados y conclusión. Se obtuvo como resultado que la mejor variante fue en la que se utilizó la cepa de LABIOFAM, crecimiento en medio MEJH y agitado, con una disminución considerable en el tiempo de obtención de la SSE mediante esta nueva tecnología, con un título consistente con las exigencias de calidad. Permitiendo así comenzar los diferentes diseños de estudios de estabilidad y registro del producto.Introduction: In Cuba since 1981 has implemented the indirect hemagglutination as an alternative technique of Leptospirosis diagnosed, in the absence of others that may be more costly but effective at different stages of the disease. For the development of the technique requires the Erythrocytes Sensitize Substance (ESS), assuming the production Finlay Institute in 2009, from obsolete technology in the process of cell multiplication. Objective: The aim of this study was to make changes at this stage to obtain the ESS with the culture media available at the plant for optimum product performance, without affecting the biological activity as the basic parameter of quality. Methods: Eight experimental groups were formed according to multifactorial design, taking into account: production strain (LABIOFAM or Finlay strain of L. biflexa Patoc I), culture medium (MK and MEJH) and culture conditions (static or agitated). Results and conclusion: We obtained as a result that the best variant was the combination (LABIOFAM strain, growth in MEJH and agitated), with a considerable decrease in the time of the ESS obtaining by means of this new technology, with a consistent title with the demands of quality. This work allowed to use the best variant to begin the different designs of stability studies of the product

    Characterization of new Leptospira spp. isolates from Nicaragua Republic for the development of future antileptospirosic vaccine preparations

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    Leptospirosis constitutes a current problem on animal health. Although, there are vaccines available in the market, they have as main disadvantage the low cross-protection specific serogroup/serovar. Due to this situation it is important to have virulent and characterized strains of the serogroup or serovar of epidemic interest

    The signature of dark energy perturbations in galaxy cluster surveys

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    All models of dynamical dark energy possess fluctuations, which affect the number of galaxy clusters in the Universe. We have studied the impact of dark energy clustering on the number of clusters using a generalization of the spherical collapse model and the Press-Schechter formalism. Our statistical analysis is performed in a 7-parameter space using the Fisher matrix method, for several hypothetical Sunyaev-Zel'dovich and weak lensing (shear maps) surveys. In some scenarios, the impact of these fluctuations is large enough that their effect could already be detected by existing instruments such as the South Pole Telescope, when its data is combined with WMAP and SDSS. Future observations could go much further and probe the nature of dark energy by distinguishing between different models on the basis of their perturbations, not only their expansion histories.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Soil cover plants on water erosion control in the South of Minas Gerais

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    Water erosion is responsible for soil, water, carbon and nutrient losses, turning into the most important type of degradation of Brazilian soils. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of three cover plants under two tillage systems on water erosion control in an Argisol at south of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The cover plants utilized in the study were pigeon pea, jack bean and millet, under contour seeding and downslope tillage. Experimental plots of 4 x 12 m, with 9% slope, under natural rainfall were used for the quantification of losses of soil, water, nutrients, and organic matter. One experimental plot was kept without plant cover (reference). Higher erosivity was observed in December and January, although a great quantity of erosive rainfall was detected during the whole raining period. Contour seeding provided a greater reduction of water erosion than downslope tillage, as expected. The jack bean under contour seeding revealed the lowest values of soil, water, nutrients and organic matter losses