4 research outputs found

    Hypovitaminosis D Influences the Clinical Presentation of Immune Thrombocytopenia in Children with Newly Diagnosed Disease

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    Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an acquired autoimmune disorder characterized by isolated thrombocytopenia defined as platelet count in peripheral blood <100 Ɨ 109/L. Hypovitaminosis D is very common in children with autoimmune diseases. To analyze whether hypovitaminosis D is associated with the clinical presentation of ITP in children, medical records of 45 pediatric patients with newly diagnosed immune thrombocytopenia in the coastal region of Croatia were evaluated. The severity of bleeding was assessed using two bleeding scores. Children with lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) values had higher values of the skin-mucosa-organ-gradation (SMOG) bleeding score and respectively more severe bleeding on diagnosis of ITP. With further analysis of the main domains of that score, we found that patients with a lower 25(OH)D value had more severe bleeding in the skin and organs. When 25(OH)D and ITP Bleeding Scale (IBLS) score were analyzed, a negative correlation was found, but it was not significant. Our findings suggest that hypovitaminosis D influences the severity of the clinical presentation of ITP in children on initial diagnosis of the disease. Therefore, therapy with 25(OH)D could be a new potential option for treatment of ITP. To investigate the connection between 25(OH)D and the incidence and severity of ITP, further studies, especially randomized controlled studies, are needed

    Neurological Complications of COVID-19

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    Koronavirusna bolest u 2019. godini (COVID-19) uzrokovana je novootkrivenim korona virusom tipa 2 koji uzrokuje teÅ”ki akutni respiratorni sindrom (SARS-CoV-2). Virus je otkriven u prosincu 2019. godine, a od strane Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije je, zbog broja oboljelih i proÅ”irenosti Å”irom svijeta, proglaÅ”ena pandemija. Klinička prezentacija COVID-19 varira od asimptomatskog do teÅ”kog oblika i smrtnog ishoda. Iako kliničkom slikom dominiraju respiratorne smetnje, mnogobrojne studije ukazuju na pojavu akutnih i kroničnih neuroloÅ”kih komplikacija u skoro trećine oboljelih. NajčeŔći neuroloÅ”ki simptomi akutne faze COVID-19 su glavobolja, gubitak njuha i okusa, poremećaji stanja svijesti, encefalopatije, encefalitisi, moždani udar, bolovi u miÅ”ićima, epileptički napadaji, poliradikulopatije (GBS) te pojačan umor i netolerancija napora, poremećaji vegetativnih funkcija, kognitivne i psihičke smetnje u postinfekcijskoj fazi oboljenja. Potencijalni patofizioloÅ”ki mehanizam nastanka neuroloÅ”kih poremećaja u akutnoj fazi uključuje koagulopatije s udruženim hipoksično-ishemijskim oÅ”tećenjima, poremećajem krvno-moždane barijere, endoteliopatijama i neuroinvazijom virusa, udruženom s neuro-imunim odgovorom. Cilj ovog članka je prikazati najčeŔće akutne i kronične neuroloÅ”ke poremećaje vezane uz COVID-19 kod odraslih bolesnika kao i potencijalni patofizioloÅ”ki mehanizam nastanka neuroloÅ”kih poremećaja, a buduće epidemioloÅ”ke studije o bolesnicima s COVID-19 bi trebali utvrditi pravu incidenciju neuroloÅ”kih komplikacija COVID-19, razgraničiti specifične neuroloÅ”ke sindrome, postaviti dijagnostičke i terapijske protokole ta razjasniti mehanizam nastanka poremećaja.Coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by the newly discovered coronavirus type 2 which causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2). The virus was discovered in December 2019, and the World Health Organization has declared a pandemic due to the number of cases and the spread around the world. The clinical presentation of COVID-19 varies from asymptomatic to severe and lethal outcome. Although the clinical picture is dominated by respiratory disorders, numerous studies indicate the occurrence of acute and chronic neurological complications in almost a third of patients. The most common neurological symptoms of the acute phase of COVID-19 are headache, loss of smell and taste, disturbances of consciousness, encephalopathies, encephalitis, stroke, muscle pain, epileptic seizures, polyradiculopathy (GBS) and increased fatigue and intolerance to stressful and mental disorders in the postinfectious phase of the disease. Potential pathophysiological mechanisms of the development of neurological disorders in the acute phase include coagulopathies with associated hypoxic-ischemic damage, blood-brain barrier disorder, endotheliopathies and neuroinvasion of viruses with associated neuro-immune response. The objective of this paper is to present the most common acute and chronic neurological disorders related to COVID-19 in adult patients as well as the potential pathophysiological mechanism of neurological disorders, and future epidemiological studies on patients with COVID-19 should determine the true incidence of specific neurological syndromes, to establish diagnostic and therapeutic protocols and to clarify the mechanism of disorder development

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS


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    Stroke related adult neuropsychiatric syndromes can be classified according to four axes: behavior or personality disorders, disorders of the perception identification of the self, other people, places, and time, cognitive disintegration (acute confusional state) and affective or mood disorders. Although cognitive dysfunctions or mood and affect disorders are very common after stroke and represent a very important factor in the recovery and rehabilitation, we will give short overview of rare behaviour or personality disorders related to stroke because we emphasize the need for a good knowledge of the these syndromes, in order to make valid diagnosis and start targeted etiological treatment