17 research outputs found

    Healthcare Workers Sharing Knowledge Online: Intrinsic Motivations and Well-Being Consequences of Participating in Social Technologies at Work

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    To increase efficiency, knowledge sharing behaviour, and collaboration at work, social technologies are being rapidly implemented within organizations. However, there is a lack of studies showing how these new communication technologies affect employees. The goal of the current study was to indicate intrinsic motivations for online knowledge sharing behaviour and to find out if employees actually experience improvements in terms of well-being at work due to online participation. A survey study among 260 employees of a healthcare organization showed that feelings of competence in using the internal social media platform to share knowledge were positively related to online knowledge sharing behaviour. Moreover, employees who shared their knowledge more actively online also claimed that the platform made them more competent at work, autonomous at work, and improved their relationship with co-workers. Furthermore, a relationship between online knowledge sharing behaviour and job satisfaction was found, mediated by feelings of competence at work

    Healthcare Workers Sharing Knowledge Online: Intrinsic Motivations and WellBeing Consequences of Participating in Social Technologies at Work

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    To increase efficiency, knowledge sharing behaviour, and collaboration at work, social technologies are being rapidly implemented within organizations. However, there is a lack of studies showing how these new communication technologies affect employees. The goal of the current study was to indicate intrinsic motivations for online knowledge sharing behaviour and to find out if employees actually experience improvements in terms of well-being at work due to online participation. A survey study among 260 employees of a healthcare organization showed that feelings of competence in using the internal social media platform to share knowledge were positively related to online knowledge sharing behaviour. Moreover, employees who shared their knowledge more actively online also claimed that the platform made them more competent at work, autonomous at work, and improved their relationship with co-workers. Furthermore, a relationship between online knowledge sharing behaviour and job satisfaction was found, mediated by feelings of competence at work.Kako bi se povećala učinkovitost, ponaÅ”anje dijeljenja znanja i suradnja na poslu, druÅ”tvene tehnologije se ubrzano implementiraju unutar organizacija. Međutim, nedostaju studije koje pokazuju kako te nove komunikacijske tehnologije utječu na zaposlenike. Cilj ove studije bio je ukazati na intrinzične motivacije za ponaÅ”anje u online dijeljenju znanja i otkriti doživljavaju li zaposlenici doista poboljÅ”anja u smislu dobrobiti na poslu zbog online sudjelovanja. Istraživanje provedeno među 260 zaposlenika zdravstvene organizacije pokazalo je da su osjećaji kompetentnosti u koriÅ”tenju interne platforme druÅ”tvenih medija za dijeljenje znanja pozitivno povezani s ponaÅ”anjem dijeljenja znanja na mreži. Å toviÅ”e, zaposlenici koji su svoje znanje aktivnije dijelili online također su tvrdili da ih je platforma učinila kompetentnijima na poslu, autonomnijima na poslu i poboljÅ”ala njihov odnos sa suradnicima. Nadalje, pronađena je veza između ponaÅ”anja pri dijeljenju znanja na internetu i zadovoljstva poslom, posredovana osjećajima kompetentnosti na poslu

    creek creek place

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    creek[PT] Twice lost, wrecked, you know...in the September breeze,gale - big sea, you know, sea. 'Twas only a creek place.YesJ. D. A. WIDDOWSONNot usedNot usedWithdrawnChecked by Jordyn Hughes on Thu 07 Jul 201

    Cognitive Reappraisal.

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    <p>Cognitive Reappraisal.</p

    Correlations between Dependent Variables.

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    <p><i>Note</i>. **p<.001.</p><p>Correlations between Dependent Variables.</p

    Disclosure Condition x Support Message Condition Factorial Analysis of Variance for Relatedness.

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    <p>Disclosure Condition x Support Message Condition Factorial Analysis of Variance for Relatedness.</p

    Disclosure Condition x Support Message Condition Factorial Analysis of Variance for Message Evaluations.

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    <p>Disclosure Condition x Support Message Condition Factorial Analysis of Variance for Message Evaluations.</p

    bed; bids

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    bedcarrots are grown in"bids"_bed_ bids (pronun.) (sounds also like _bays_ and _bags_)A Nfld barred-i, as heard by an outsider. 2 June 2005WK 63Used INot usedNot use