6 research outputs found

    Předindustriální krajina Slovácka

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    Části území se zachovalou druhotnou strukturou krajiny vzniklou cca před polovinou 19. století, lze považovat za existující segmenty předindustriální krajiny. Takové území si zachovalo podobný charakter parcelace a využití pozemků z doby před zahájením hlavní vlny průmyslové revoluce u nás. Srovnávací podklady registrující starou předindustriální druhotnou strukturu krajiny jsou představovány jak daty II. vojenského mapování, tak indikačních skic katastrálního mapování. Vlastní zdroj informací o předindustriální krajině je reprezentován recentním barevným ortofotem. Region Slovácka, který byl účelově vymezen, vykazuje jen poměrně malé množství kritériím vyhovujících segmentů.Části území se zachovalou druhotnou strukturou krajiny vzniklou cca před polovinou 19. století, lze považovat za existující segmenty předindustriální krajiny. Takové území si zachovalo podobný charakter parcelace a využití pozemků z doby před zahájením hlavní vlny průmyslové revoluce u nás. Srovnávací podklady registrující starou předindustriální druhotnou strukturu krajiny jsou představovány jak daty II. vojenského mapování, tak indikačních skic katastrálního mapování. Vlastní zdroj informací o předindustriální krajině je reprezentován recentním barevným ortofotem. Region Slovácka, který byl účelově vymezen, vykazuje jen poměrně malé množství kritériím vyhovujících segmentů.The areas in the landscape with the preserved secondary landscape structure originated before the mid-19th century can be seen as existing segments of the pre-industrial landscape (PreIL). Such area has retained a similar character of land use from the period before the main wave of the industrial revolution in the territory of the present Czech Republic. Comparative documents registering the secondary landscape structure of the old pre-industrial landscapes are represented by the maps of the II. military survey and in cadastral maps both from the first half of the 19th century. Current source of information on the pre-industrial landscape is represented by a recent colour orthophotomap. The region of the Moravian Slovakia, which was defined for research purposes, has only a relatively small number of pre-industrial landscape segments respecting PreIL´s identification criteria

    Koncept CSR ve společnosti Atlas Copco Services, s.r.o.

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    Batelková, K. Corporate social responsibility in Atlas Copco Services company. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. The bachelor thesis follows up on social responsibility of company Atlas Copco Services s.r.o. The main goal of the bachelor thesis is to propose measures on an extension and improvement of social responsibility activities. The literature review describes corporate social responsibility and its related concepts. The results part of the thesis first evaluates the current status of social responsibility in the company. Three extensive proposals of corporate social responsibility are then made based on the results of a survey

    Slope movements as natural hazard, their impact and threat of landscape

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    The contribution deals with the landslides and their impact on the landscape. Landslide events associated with extreme rainfall periods in Moravia and Silesia are discussed in detail. Research of slope deformations allow to specification and revision of the genesis of some meso-forms of the flysch relief in the highlands and mountains of eastern Moravia (remnants of planation surfaces, frost-riven cliffs)

    Geocomputation and spatial modelling for geographical drought risk assessment: A case study of the Hustopeče area, Czech Republic

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    The phenomenon of drought is serious in many landscapes with continental patterns of climate. In fact, drought risk is usually assessed in terms of prevailing issue (meteorological, hydrological, agronomical, etc.) and not in terms of complex landscape features. A procedure for detailed geographical drought risk modelling has been developed using recent meteorological data of dry period and prior precipitations, as well as a digital elevation model and geographic data layers of natural landscape features and land cover. The current version of the procedure starts with meteorological data (temperature and precipitation) processing followed by the use of soil and geological data and land cover, the national CORINE LC 2006 CZ database, for assessing the impact of the local natural features on drought risk. The methodology is based on GIS tools, geodata of the geological structure of the area (water holding capacity of the substrate, the horizontal and vertical water conductivity), soil cover (in agricultural and forested areas, soil types and kinds), landscape cover (land use), relief (digital elevation model and its derivatives), temperature and precipitation data from neighbouring representative meteorological and climate stations. The procedure uses regression equation for temperature and precipitation risk modelling, fuzzy standardization for estimation of different water retention within land cover categories and expert estimation for risk categories within rocks and soils. The final calculation is based on spatial decision-making techniques, especially the weighted sum method with a natural breaks reclassification algorithm. Combining geodata of soils, the geological environment and the active surface with their computed humidity conditions, it is possible to identify areas with a graded risk of geographic drought. The final results do not represent partial values, but identify five risk classes in the study area illustrating a possible level of geographical drought risk. © 2016, Springer International Publishing