3,773 research outputs found

    Magnetic Susceptibility of an integrable anisotropic spin ladder system

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    We investigate the thermodynamics of a spin ladder model which possesses a free parameter besides the rung and leg couplings. The model is exactly solved by the Bethe Ansatz and exhibits a phase transition between a gapped and a gapless spin excitation spectrum. The magnetic susceptibility is obtained numerically and its dependence on the anisotropy parameter is determined. A connection with the compounds KCuCl3, Cu2(C5H12N2)2Cl4 and (C5H12N)2CuBr4 in the strong coupling regime is made and our results for the magnetic susceptibility fit the experimental data remarkably well.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures included, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Capillary rise of a liquid between two vertical plates making a small angle.

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    The penetration of a wetting liquid in the narrow gap between two vertical plates making a small angle is analyzed in the framework of the lubrication approximation. At the beginning of the process, the liquid rises independently at different distances from the line of intersection of the plates except in a small region around this line where the effect of the gravity is negligible. The maximum height of the liquid initially increases as the cubic root of time and is attained at a point that reaches the line of intersection only after a certain time. At later times, the motion of the liquid is confined to a thin layer around the line of intersection whose height increases as the cubic root of time and whose thickness decreases as the inverse of the cubic root of time. The evolution of the liquid surface is computed numerically and compared with the results of a simple experiment

    Event-related GARCH: the impact of stock dividends in Turkey

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    Cash dividends and rights issues on the Istanbul Stock Exchange are commonly accompanied by large stock dividend payments. This paper tests the proposition that stock dividends have no effect on company value, using a novel GARCH process with event-related intercept terms to capture induced changes in the volatility of stock prices. Returns rise in advance of stock dividend payments, but this effect becomes statistically insignificant when proper allowance is made for heteroscedasticity. Volatility rises after stock dividend payments, and this is attributed to persistence following exceptionally large price movements around the ex dividend day, rather than to any transitory rise in the unconditional returns variance. The study does document some irrationality in responses to cash dividends, with prices rising/ falling after increased/ decreased dividend payments, rather than after the much earlier dividend announcements

    Energetics and dynamics of simple impulsive solar flares

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    Flare energetics and dynamics were studied using observations of simple impulsive spike bursts. A large, homogeneous set of events was selected to enable the most definite tests possible of competing flare models, in the absence of spatially resolved observations. The emission mechanisms and specific flare models that were considered in this investigation are described, and the derivations of the parameters that were tested are presented. Results of the correlation analysis between soft and hard X-ray energetics are also presented. The ion conduction front model and tests of that model with the well-observed spike bursts are described. Finally, conclusions drawn from this investigation and suggestions for future studies are discussed

    One-dimensional anyons with competing δ\delta-function and derivative δ\delta-function potentials

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    We propose an exactly solvable model of one-dimensional anyons with competing δ\delta-function and derivative δ\delta-function interaction potentials. The Bethe ansatz equations are derived in terms of the NN-particle sector for the quantum anyonic field model of the generalized derivative nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation. This more general anyon model exhibits richer physics than that of the recently studied one-dimensional model of δ\delta-function interacting anyons. We show that the anyonic signature is inextricably related to the velocities of the colliding particles and the pairwise dynamical interaction between particles.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, references update

    The Dynamics of the One-Dimensional Delta-Function Bose Gas

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    We give a method to solve the time-dependent Schroedinger equation for a system of one-dimensional bosons interacting via a repulsive delta function potential. The method uses the ideas of Bethe Ansatz but does not use the spectral theory of the associated Hamiltonian

    Universality Class of the Reversible-Irreversible Transition in Sheared Suspensions

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    Collections of non-Brownian particles suspended in a viscous fluid and subjected to oscillatory shear at very low Reynolds number have recently been shown to exhibit a remarkable dynamical phase transition separating reversible from irreversible behaviour as the strain amplitude or volume fraction are increased. We present a simple model for this phenomenon, based on which we argue that this transition lies in the universality class of the conserved DP models or, equivalently, the Manna model. This leads to predictions for the scaling behaviour of a large number of experimental observables. Non-Brownian suspensions under oscillatory shear may thus constitute the first experimental realization of an inactive-active phase transition which is not in the universality class of conventional directed percolation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, final versio

    Phase diagram of the su(8) quantum spin tube

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    We calculate the phase diagram of an integrable anisotropic 3-leg quantum spin tube connected to the su(8) algebra. We find several quantum phase transitions for antiferromagnetic rung couplings. Their locations are calculated exactly from the Bethe Ansatz solution and we discuss the nature of each of the different phases.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, 1 postscript figur

    Navier-Stokes equations on the flat cylinder with vorticity production on the boundary

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    We study the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes system on a flat cylinder with the usual Dirichlet boundary conditions for the velocity field u. We formulate the problem as an infinite system of ODE's for the natural Fourier components of the vorticity, and the boundary conditions are taken into account by adding a vorticity production at the boundary. We prove equivalence to the original Navier-Stokes system and show that the decay of the Fourier modes is exponential for any positive time in the periodic direction, but it is only power-like in the other direction.Comment: 25 page

    Destabilizing Taylor-Couette flow with suction

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    We consider the effect of radial fluid injection and suction on Taylor-Couette flow. Injection at the outer cylinder and suction at the inner cylinder generally results in a linearly unstable steady spiralling flow, even for cylindrical shears that are linearly stable in the absence of a radial flux. We study nonlinear aspects of the unstable motions with the energy stability method. Our results, though specialized, may have implications for drag reduction by suction, accretion in astrophysical disks, and perhaps even in the flow in the earth's polar vortex.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure