1,982 research outputs found

    One-dimensional anyons with competing δ\delta-function and derivative δ\delta-function potentials

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    We propose an exactly solvable model of one-dimensional anyons with competing δ\delta-function and derivative δ\delta-function interaction potentials. The Bethe ansatz equations are derived in terms of the NN-particle sector for the quantum anyonic field model of the generalized derivative nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation. This more general anyon model exhibits richer physics than that of the recently studied one-dimensional model of δ\delta-function interacting anyons. We show that the anyonic signature is inextricably related to the velocities of the colliding particles and the pairwise dynamical interaction between particles.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, references update

    Growth and Fecundity of Several Weed Species in Corn and Soybean

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    Do weeds that emerge later in the season justify additional control costs\u27? If crop yield is not reduced or few or no seeds arc added to the soil seed hank, then no control may he needed. Eight weed species were sown in corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean I Glycine max (L.) Mcrr.l (i) before crop emergence, (ii) at crop emergence, (iii) at V-1, and (iv) at V-2 stages of crop growth in 2002 and 2003. Weed seed was sown close to the crop row and thinned to 1.3 plants m 2• Weed growth and fecundity were influenced by species, time of planting, and year. Only barnyarclgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli L.), rcclroot pigwced (Amaranthus retniflexus L.), and vclvetlcaf (Abutilon theophrasti L.) survived to produce seed. Plants from the pre-emergence seeding had the largest canopy and produced the most seeds. Harnyardgrass had maximum canopy cover in early .July in corn and late .Inly in soybean hut only produced seed in corn. Rcclroot pigweecl and vclvctleaf had maximum canopy cover in late August or midSeptember, and some plants from most seeding elates survived and produced seed in both corn and soybean. However, plants that grew from seed sown at V-1 and V-2 crnp grnwth stages did not reduce yield or biomass of adjacent crop plants, had low fecundity, and may not warrant treatment. Control may be necessary, however, to prevent yield losses if weeds arc present at high densities or to prevent establishment of uncommon species

    Bethe Ansatz study of one-dimensional Bose and Fermi gases with periodic and hard wall boundary conditions

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    We extend the exact periodic Bethe Ansatz solution for one-dimensional bosons and fermions with delta-interaction and arbitrary internal degrees of freedom to the case of hard wall boundary conditions. We give an analysis of the ground state properties of fermionic systems with two internal degrees of freedom, including expansions of the ground state energy in the weak and strong coupling limits in the repulsive and attractive regimes.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, key reference added, typos correcte

    Spin chains and combinatorics: twisted boundary conditions

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    The finite XXZ Heisenberg spin chain with twisted boundary conditions was considered. For the case of even number of sites NN, anisotropy parameter -1/2 and twisting angle 2π/32 \pi /3 the Hamiltonian of the system possesses an eigenvalue −3N/2-3N/2. The explicit form of the corresponding eigenvector was found for N≤12N \le 12. Conjecturing that this vector is the ground state of the system we made and verified several conjectures related to the norm of the ground state vector, its component with maximal absolute value and some correlation functions, which have combinatorial nature. In particular, the squared norm of the ground state vector is probably coincides with the number of half-turn symmetric alternating sign N×NN \times N matrices.Comment: LaTeX file, 7 page

    One-Dimensional Impenetrable Anyons in Thermal Equilibrium. IV. Large Time and Distance Asymptotic Behavior of the Correlation Functions

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    This work presents the derivation of the large time and distance asymptotic behavior of the field-field correlation functions of impenetrable one-dimensional anyons at finite temperature. In the appropriate limits of the statistics parameter, we recover the well-known results for impenetrable bosons and free fermions. In the low-temperature (usually expected to be the "conformal") limit, and for all values of the statistics parameter away from the bosonic point, the leading term in the correlator does not agree with the prediction of the conformal field theory, and is determined by the singularity of the density of the single-particle states at the bottom of the single-particle energy spectrum.Comment: 26 pages, RevTeX

    Numerical simulations of the decay of primordial magnetic turbulence

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    We perform direct numerical simulations of forced and freely decaying 3D magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in order to model magnetic field evolution during cosmological phase transitions in the early Universe. Our approach assumes the existence of a magnetic field generated either by a process during inflation or shortly thereafter, or by bubble collisions during a phase transition. We show that the final configuration of the magnetic field depends on the initial conditions, while the velocity field is nearly independent of initial conditions.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, references added, PRD accepte

    Field momentum and gyroscopic dynamics of classical systems with topological defects

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    The standard relation between the field momentum and the force is generalized for the system with a field singularity: in addition to the regular force, there appear the singular one. This approach is applied to the description of the gyroscopic dynamics of the classical field with topological defects. The collective variable Lagrangian description is considered for gyroscopical systems with account of singularities. Using this method we describe the dynamics of two-dimensional magnetic solitons. We establish a relation between the gyroscopic force and the singular one. An effective Lagrangian description is discussed for the magnetic soliton dynamics.Comment: LaTeX, 19 page

    Exact solution and surface critical behaviour of open cyclic SOS lattice models

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    We consider the LL-state cyclic solid-on-solid lattice models under a class of open boundary conditions. The integrable boundary face weights are obtained by solving the reflection equations. Functional relations for the fused transfer matrices are presented for both periodic and open boundary conditions. The eigen-spectra of the unfused transfer matrix is obtained from the functional relations using the analytic Bethe ansatz. For a special case of crossing parameter λ=π/L\lambda=\pi/L, the finite-size corrections to the eigen-spectra of the critical models are obtained, from which the corresponding conformal dimensions follow. The calculation of the surface free energy away from criticality yields two surface specific heat exponents, αs=2−L/2ℓ\alpha_s=2-L/2\ell and α1=1−L/ℓ\alpha_1=1-L/\ell, where ℓ=1,2,⋯ ,L−1\ell=1,2,\cdots,L-1 coprime to LL. These results are in agreement with the scaling relations αs=αb+ν\alpha_s=\alpha_b+\nu and α1=αb−1\alpha_1=\alpha_b-1.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, to appear in J. Phys.

    Different facets of the raise and peel model

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    The raise and peel model is a one-dimensional stochastic model of a fluctuating interface with nonlocal interactions. This is an interesting physical model. It's phase diagram has a massive phase and a gapless phase with varying critical exponents. At the phase transition point, the model exhibits conformal invariance which is a space-time symmetry. Also at this point the model has several other facets which are the connections to associative algebras, two-dimensional fully packed loop models and combinatorics.Comment: 29 pages 17 figure
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