519 research outputs found

    DREAM vs. Reality: An Analysis of Potential DREAM Act Beneficiaries

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    Repeal of birthright citizenship for the US-born children of unauthorized immigrants would expand the unauthorized population at least 5 million over the next four decades. Employing standard demographic techniques, this analysis suggests that there would be 4.7 million unauthorized immigrants as of 2050 who had been born in the United States -- 1 million of them with US-born mother and father -- if birthright citizenship were denied to children born to parents who are both unauthorized immigrants. While some policymakers are discussing changes to birthright citizenship as a means to reduce illegal immigration, the report makes clear such a move could in fact significantly increase the size of the unauthorized population

    The objectives of the Organization of Turkic States, Russia and China are not at odds

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    "US needs NATO as a military instrument to maintain and strengthen its global influence through military expansion. On the contrary, Asian countries are primarily interested in the stable development of their economies and are ready to cooperate economically with all countries. For this reason, I think that, in these conditions, where all the rules of the world order are violated, Asia is trying to create a safe future where the economies of the countries in the region can be balanced and the conditions for a peaceful environment can be provided, creating a center of gravity.


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    Proceedings of the XXV ISUF International Conference “Urban Form and Social Context: from Traditions to Newest Demands” (Krasnoyarsk, July 5–9, 2018)Mentality is a relatively stable set of vital installations of the individual or society. The originality of the mentality of Siberian inhabitants has been determined by a number of factors (historical, climatic, political). A set of economic and political processes has led to an uncontrolled growth of the city suburbs at the expense of private zones, including unauthorised construction. Residential outskirts of Krasnoyarsk have low aesthetic quality, which is explained by the peculiarities of the mentality of the inhabitants of Siberia. Over time, the outskirts of the territory become marginalised sections of society. In the dormitory districts in the periphery of the city boxed-type garages and basements in residential backyards appear. Growth of the city of Krasnoyarsk has led to margin entered by the main urban fabric. The structure of these territories has acquired a number of characteristics. Russian society is currently experiencing a transition from the old social order to the new one. The administration of the urban development process is not aimed at solving existing problems. Registration of property rights to illegally constructed buildings will only aggravate the situation. The solution of many problems of the city does not refer to the professional competence of an architect, but to a greater extent to the administrative and legal sphere

    Competing for Global Talent: The Race Begins with Foreign Students

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    In order to retain its competitive edge in global knowledge production and its leadership in research and education, the United States has to remain open to talented people from around the world. However, the status of the United States as the preferred destination for foreign students and scholars faces serious challenges. As global competition intensifies for professionals and high-tech workers, doctors and nurses, and university students and researchers, will the United States remain in the forefront in attracting the best and the brightest? Recognizing that today's foreign students are potential contributors to the American knowledge-based economy, as well as ambassadors of public diplomacy abroad, it is in the national interest of the United States to maintain its historical openness to foreign students. By developing a concerted strategy to attract and retain skilled and educated students and workers from around the world, the United States can turn its existing strengths into long-term competitive advantages, building upon its international reputation for superb education and cutting-edge research. Among the findings of this report: Beginning in 2002/03 (the first academic year after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001) the annual growth rate of total and graduate-level enrollments by foreign students in U.S. colleges and universities fell significantly. The decline in total foreign student enrollment in 2003/04 was the first in 30 years, while the decline in foreign graduate student enrollment in 2004/05 was the first in 9 years. Tightened visa procedures and entry conditions for international students, which were implemented in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks, have dampened the demand for student visas. The number of F-1 student-visa applications submitted each year dropped by nearly 100,000 between Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 and FY 2004, particularly among students from Middle Eastern, North African, and some Southeast Asian countries. Australia, Canada, South Korea, and many European countries have been actively recruiting foreign talent in order to alleviate labor shortages in skill-intensive sectors of their economies, stimulate research and development, and increase their access to foreign markets. To attract students from abroad, these nations use a combination of American-style educational programs, free or subsidized tuition for foreign students, and eased routes for permanent immigration for foreign students after graduation. While foreign students' share of the total student population barely changed in the United States between 1998 and 2003, it increased by nearly half in Australia, more than tripled in New Zealand, and almost doubled in Sweden. China and India, which together account for 25 percent of all foreign students and about 28 percent of all international scholars in the United States, are committing significant resources to boosting their own innovative and educational capacities in order to aid their economic development and better meet the educational needs of their rapidly growing populations

    Factors related to RNA polymerase II transcription are localized in interchromatin granule clusters of Panorpa communis oocytes.

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    Diplotene oocyte nucleus of the scorpionfly Panorpa communis is transcriptionally silent and contains numerous nuclear bodies including interchromatin granule clusters (IGCs). The latter consist of the granules of 30-50 nm in diameter and contain IGC marker protein SC35 as well as RNA polymerase II. In this study, we also localized in P. communis oocyte IGCs the transcription coactivators CBP/p300, TATA-binding protein (TBP) which is a component of the basal transcription factor TFIID and the basal transcription factor TFIIH. We belive that IGCs in transcriptionally inert P. communis oocytes are storage sites for the components of RNA polymerase II holoenzyme and other factors of RNA pol II transcription

    Análisis de correlación de los parámetros de los aparatos de asimilación de avena y elementos de productividad

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    Aquí se considera un flujo de datos nuevos obtenidos en suelos de césped y podzol sobre el funcionamiento de la estructura de hojas de avena en varias condiciones climáticas y sobre la acumulación de biomasa (productividad de plantas). Los datos sobre las pruebas de campo con 29 genotipos de avena conducidas en 2015-17 se usan para analizar la conexión entre el desarrollo de los elementos de productividad y las características del mecanismo asimilador dela planta. Se evaluó el contenido de la clorofila ay by de los carotenoides en extracto de acetona en un espectrofotómetro japonés SHIMADZU Uvmini-1240. Se identificaban las correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el área total de la superficie de hojas y la masa de granos de una planta (r= 0.664) y también entre la cantidad de espigas en una panoja y su masa (r= 0.548...0.613). Se bajaban las correlaciones en caso de aridez y aumentaban en caso de humectación excesiva. Los genotipos del avena con hojas debajo de bandera más grandes tenían una panoja más grande, con muchas espigas, granos y una masa más alta de granos por espiga y por planta. Las correlaciones se bajaban en caso de aridez. En caso de humectación excesiva o aridez estresadora se aumentaba la correlación entre el área de la hoja bandera y la masa de los grano por espiga. En caso de humectación excesiva se registraba el aumento del contenido del clorofila aen el fondo general de clorofilas y en los centros de reacción de los fotosistemas para genotipos con una alta cantidad de espigas y granos por panoja, una masa más alta de granos por panoja y planta y una masa más alta de 1000 granos. En condiciones áridas se acrecentaba la correlación entre el contenido de las clorofilas ay b y tales características como el largo de panoja, la masa panoja, el número de espigas por panoja. Con todo eso, el aumento de la masa de panoja y de la cantidad de granos en esa fue acompañada por el abajamiento de la fracción del clorofila aen en el rango total de los pigmentos y en los centro de reacció

    Image of a positive character in Wilhelm Hauff’s fairytales

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    Images of positive characters in W. Hauff’s fairytales are discussed. Basic anthropo-social (appearance, gender, age, position in society) and psychological (responsibility, sociability, good-heartedness, obedience, devotion, sensitivity, gratitude) characteristics of positive personages are revealed.Рассматриваются образы положительных героев из сказок В. Гауфа. Выявляются основные антропо-социальные (внешность, пол, возраст, положение в обществе) и психологические (ответственность, общительность, доброжелательность, покорность, преданность, отзывчивость, благодарность) характеристики положительных персонажей

    Family’s image in the eye of Russian and Kazakchstsn’s youth

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    Целью исследование было выяснить как отличается образ семьи молодежи России и Казахстана в современных условиях глобализации. Обе страны имеют богатую, насыщенную историю, совершенно отличающиеся друг от друга традиции и обычаи, но в современных условиях глобализации происходит стирание межнациональных границ, культурное наследие имеет все меньше власти в сознании молодого поколения, на смену старым образцам приходят все новые формы построения семейных отношений, распределения внутрисемейных обязанностей. Семейная трансформация приобретает все более масштабный характер, что предполагает, как осмысления ее причин, так и содержания происходящих изменений. Необходимо проследить каким представляет свое будущее молодое поколение, каким оно его планирует, и именно семья является одним из главных и обязательных элементов дальнейшей жизни каждого здравомыслящего человека, желающего оставить после себя след. Тот образ семьи - целостный, желаемый облик будущей семьи (Ефремова), временная последовательность выстраивания отношений и создания семьи, все это имеет важное место не только в жизни отдельного индивида, но и для общества в целом, ведь семья - это социальный институт общества, придающий ему стабильность и способность восполнять население в каждом следующем поколении. Одновременно семья выступает малой группой – самой сплоченной и стабильной ячейкой общества. Следовательно, от стабильности и сплоченности семей зависит будущее России и улучшение демографического положения. Для выявления специфики восприятия семейной жизни молодыми людьми России, мы выполнили сравнение образа семьи в глазах молодежи двух стран. В исследовании использовались два метода: количественная стратегия – анкетирование и качественная стратегия – глубинное интервью. По полученным данным можно сделать вывод, что представления молодых людей стран имеют различия. Семья в каждой из стран сохраняет специфические традиции и обычаи воспитания и передачи культурного наследия ценности семьи, но при это прослеживается унификация выстраивание внутрисемейных отношений, распределение обязанностей, а также ролевая структура.The aim of the article is a comparative analyses of the family’s image in the consciousness of Russian and Kazakhstan youth. The transformation of family has the great scale in the condicions of globalization. A family is a main social institute and a small social group. Functionig of the family, the integration of its members influences on future of Russia. The research combines two methods – questionaree and quality strategy ( depth interview). Author concludes that views of youth are different. In each country family has its own traditions and habits of children’s education. But at the same time there are some unic features. They are the structure of interfamily’s relations, structure of roles and so on

    Family in views of Russian and Kazakh youth: comparative analyses

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    The aim of the study is to examine the perception of a family of Russian and Kazakh youth. The author uses a quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative strategies depth interview. The author concludes that the perception of family is different for the respondents from Russia and Kazakchstan. In these countries families have different values, traditions, ways of education of children.Исследование было нацелено на выявление специфики восприятия семейной жизни молодыми людьми России и Казахстана. Использовались два метода: количественная стратегия – анкетирование и качественная стратегия – глубинное интервью. По полученным данным можно сделать вывод, что представления молодых людей стран имеют существенные различия. Семья в каждой из стран имеет свои специфические традиции и обычаи воспитания и передачи культурного наследия ценности семьи

    Análisis de correlación de los parámetros de los aparatos de asimilación de avena y elementos de productividad

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    On sod-podzolic soils, new data is obtained on the functioning of the photosynthetic structures of oat leaves in various climatic conditions and of biomass accumulation (plant productivity). Based on three-year data (2015-2017) of field experiments with 29 oat genotypes, the relationship between the development of productivity elements and the characteristics of the plant assimilation apparatus is analyzed. The pigment content (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids) was evaluated in acetone extracts on a UVmini-1240 spectrophotometer (SHIMADZU Corporation, Japan). Statistically significant correlations were established between the total leaf surface area and grain mass per plant (r = 0.664), the number of spikelets in a panicle, grain mass per panicle and the mass of the panicle itself (r = 0.548 ... 0.613). These correlations decreased during a drought and increased in conditions of excessive moisture. Oat genotypes with a larger sub-flag leaf had a larger panicle, with a large number of spikelets, grains and of larger grain mass per panicle and plant. During a drought, these correlations decreased. The correlation of the flag leaf area with the grain mass of the panicle and plant under stressful conditions of excessive moisture or a drought increased. With excessive moisture, an increase in the proportion of chlorophyll a in the total chlorophyll pool and in the composition of the reaction centers of photosystems was observed in genotypes with an increased number of spikelets and grains in a panicle, with larger grain masses per panicle and plant, and a mass of 1000 grains. During a drought, the correlation of the content of chlorophylls a and b increased with the following signs: panicle length, panicle mass, number of spikelets in a panicle, and number of grains in a panicle. However, an increase in panicle mass and the number of grains in it was accompanied by a decrease in the proportion of chlorophyll a in the total pigment pool and in the composition of reaction centers.Aquí se considera un flujo de datos nuevos obtenidos en suelos de césped y podzol sobre el funcionamiento de la estructura de hojas de avena en varias condiciones climáticas y sobre la acumulación de biomasa (productividad de plantas). Los datos sobre las pruebas de campo con 29 genotipos de avena conducidas en 2015-17 se usan para analizar la conexión entre el desarrollo de los elementos de productividad y las características del mecanismo asimilador de la planta. Se evaluó el contenido de la clorofila a y b y de los carotenoides en extracto de acetona en un espectrofotometro japonés SHIMADZU Uvmini-1240. Se identificaban las correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el área total de la superficie de hojas y la masa de granos de una planta (r = 0.664) y también entre la cantidad de espigas en una panoja y su masa  (r = 0.548…0.613). Se bajaban las correlaciones en caso de aridez y aumentaban en caso de humectación excesiva. Los genotipos del avena con hojas debajo de bandera más grandes tenían una panoja más grande, con muchas espigas, granos y una masa más alta de granos por espiga y por planta. Las correlaciones se bajaban en caso de aridez. En caso de humectación excesiva o aridez estresadora se aumentaba la correlación entre el área de la hoja bandera y la masa de los grano por espiga. En caso de humectación excesiva se registraba el aumento del contenido del clorofila a en el fondo general de clorofilas y en los centros de reacción de los fotosistemas para genotipos con una alta cantidad de espigas y granos por panoja, una masa más alta de granos por panoja y planta y una masa más alta de  1000 granos. En condiciones áridas se acrecentaba la correlación entre el contenido de las clorofilas a y b y tales caracterísicas como el largo de panoja, la masa panoja, el número de espigas por panoja. Con todo eso, el aumento de la masa de panoja y de la cantidad de granos en esa fue acompañada por el abajamiento de la fracción del clorofila a en en el rango total de los pigmentos y en los centro de reacción