87 research outputs found

    Spin dynamics in S = 1/2 antiferromagnetic chain compounds delta-(EDT-TTF-CONMe_2)_2X (X=AsF_6, Br): a multi-frequency Electron Spin Resonance study

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    We present a multi-frequency Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) study in the range of 4 GHz to 420 GHz of the quasi-one-dimensional, non-dimerized, quarter-filled Mott insulators, delta-(EDT-TTF-CONMe_2)_2X (X=AsF_6, Br). In the high temperature orthorhombic phase above T~190 K, the magnitude and the temperature dependence of the high temperature spin susceptibility are described by a S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain with J_AsF6=298 K and J_Br=474 K coupling constants for X=AsF_6 and Br respectively. We estimate from the temperature dependence of the line width an exchange anisotropy, J'/J of ~2 * 10^{-3}. The frequency dependence of the line width and the g-shift have an unusual quadratic dependence in all crystallographic orientations that we attribute to an antisymmetric exchange (Dzyaloshinskii--Moriya) interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Superconducting fluctuations in organic molecular metals enhanced by Mott criticality

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    Unconventional superconductivity typically occurs in materials in which a small change of a parameter such as bandwidth or doping leads to antiferromagnetic or Mott insulating phases. As such competing phases are approached, the properties of the superconductor often become increasingly exotic. For example, in organic superconductors and underdoped high-TcT_\mathrm{c} cuprate superconductors a fluctuating superconducting state persists to temperatures significantly above TcT_\mathrm{c}. By studying alloys of quasi-two-dimensional organic molecular metals in the κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2X family, we reveal how the Nernst effect, a sensitive probe of superconducting phase fluctuations, evolves in the regime of extreme Mott criticality. We find strong evidence that, as the phase diagram is traversed through superconductivity towards the Mott state, the temperature scale for superconducting fluctuations increases dramatically, eventually approaching the temperature at which quasiparticles become identifiable at all.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Robust Dirac-Cone Band Structure in the Molecular Kagome Compound (EDT-TTF-CONH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>6</sub>[Re<sub>6</sub>Se<sub>8</sub>(CN)<sub>6</sub>]

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    (EDT-TTF-CONH2)(6)[Re6Se8(CN)(6)] is a molecular solid with R3 space group symmetry and has the remarkable feature of exhibiting hybrid donor layers with a kagome topology which sustain metallic conductivity. We report a detailed study of the structural evolution of the system as a function of temperature and pressure. This rhombohedral phase is maintained on cooling down to 220 K or up to 0.7 GPa pressure, beyond which a symmetry-breaking transition to a triclinic PI phase drives a metal to insulator transition. Band structures calculated from the structural data lead to a clear description of the effects of temperature and pressure on the structural and electronic properties of this system. Linear energy dispersion is calculated at the zero-gap Fermi level where valence and conduction bands touch for the rhombohedral phase. (EDT-TTF-CONH2)(6)[Re6Se8(CN)(6)] thus exhibits a regular (right circular) Dirac-cone like that of graphene at the Fermi level, which has not been reported previously in a molecular solid. The Dirac-cone is robust over the stability region of the rhombohedral phase, and may result in exotic electronic transport and optical properties

    Electronic structure of the α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 surface by photoelectron spectroscopy

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    We report anomalies observed in photoelectron spectroscopy measurements performed on α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 crystals. In particular, above its metal-insulator transition temperature (T ' 135 K), we observe the lack of a sharp Fermi edge in contradiction with the metallic transport properties exhib- ited by this quasi-bidimensional organic material. We interpret these unusual results as a signature of a one-dimensional electronic behavior confirmed by DFT band structure calculations. Using photoelectron spectroscopy we probe a Luttinger liquid with a large correlation parameter (α ą 1) that we interpret to be caused by the chain-like electronic structure of α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 surface doped by iodine defects. These new surface effects are inaccessible by bulk sensitive measurements of electronic transport techniques

    Influence of cationic phosphorus dendrimers on the surfactant-induced synthesis of mesostructured nanoporous silica

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    The concomitant use of polycationic dendrimers and cationic surfactants for the elaboration of periodic mesoporous silica of type MCM-41 is described. The hexagonal structure is preserved up to about 26% in weight of dendrimer included in the silica. The cationic surfactant can be selectively removed to liberate the pores, while preserving the non-covalently incorporated dendrimers. These dendrimers included in the mesoporous silica are fully accessible through the mesoporous volume to small molecules such as HCl and tetrahydrofuran

    Bandwidth-controlled Mott transition in kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br{x}Cl{1-x}: Optical studies of correlated carriers

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    In the two-dimensional organic charge-transfer salts kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br{x}Cl{1-x} a systematic variation of the Br content from x = 0 to 0.9 allows us to tune the Mott transition by increasing the bandwidth. At temperatures below 50 K, an energy gap develops in the Cl-rich samples and grows to approximately 1000 cm-1 for T -> 0. With increasing Br concentration spectral weight shifts into the gap region and eventually fills it up completely. As the samples with x = 0.73, 0.85 and 0.9 become metallic at low temperatures, a Drude-like response develops due to the coherent quasiparticles. Here, the quasiparticle scattering rate shows a omega^2 dependence and the effective mass of the carriers is enhanced in agreement with the predictions for a Fermi liquid. These typical signatures of strong electron-electron interactions are more pronounced for compositions close to the critical value x_c \approx 0.7 where the metal-to-insulator transition occurs.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Bandwidth-controlled Mott transition in κ(BEDTTTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]BrxCl1x\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2 Cu [N(CN)_2] Br_x Cl_{1-x} I. Optical studies of localized charge excitations

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    Infrared reflection measurements of the half-filled two-dimensional organic conductors κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu[N(CN)2_{2}]Brx_{x}Cl1x_{1-x} were performed as a function of temperature (5K<T<3005 {\rm K}<T<300 K) and Br-substitution (x=0x=0%, 40%, 73%, 85%, and 90%) in order to study the metal-insulator transition. We can distinguish absorption processes due to itinerant and localized charge carriers. The broad mid-infrared absorption has two contributions: transitions between the two Hubbard bands and intradimer excitations from the charges localized on the (BEDT-TTF)2_2 dimer. Since the latter couple to intramolecular vibrations of BEDT-TTF, the analysis of both electronic and vibrational features provides a tool to disentangle these contributions and to follow their temperature and electronic-correlations dependence. Calculations based on the cluster model support our interpretation.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Dielectric Modulation with Light in Molecular Crystals

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    International audienc

    Introduction:  Molecular Conductors

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