113 research outputs found

    Zika virus in the Americas: A New Global Health Emergency

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    Нe World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of the rapid spread of Zika virus (ZIKV). In February 2016, Dr. Margaret Chan has declared the ZIKV and its suspected link to birth defects an public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). ZIKV is a member of the flDvLvLrus family, which also includes Yellow fever virus, Dengue virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and West Nile virus. Virions are spherical (40-50 nm in diameter) with a positive-sense, nonsegmented, single-stranded RNA genome (~10.8 Kb). НLs virus has two lineages (or genotypes) dLوٴerent, African and Asian lineages. Information regarding pathogenesis of ZIKV is scarce but mosquito-borne flDvLvLruses could replicate in dendritic cells near the site of inoculation and spread to lymph nodes and the bloodstream. To date, ZIKV RNA has been detected in blood, urine, semen, saliva, cerebrospinal fluLd, amniotic fluLd, and breast milk.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Análisis bibliométrico de la literatura científica sobre epidemiología de Giardia en Argentina (1995-2014)

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    Las publicaciones sobre la epidemiología de Giardia en humanos de Argentina se hallan dispersas en numerosas fuentes de información, lo que dificulta su acceso y visibilidad para la comunidad científica. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un análisis bibliométrico cuantitativo de la producción científica sobre Giardia en humanos de Argentina durante el período 1995-2014. El volumen de publicaciones científicas hallado fue igual a 112 (36 artículos, 73 comunicaciones y 3 tesis). La distribución idiomática mostró un predominio del español. Los artículos fueron publicados en 25 revistas de América, Europa y Asia. Este estudio bibliométrico demostró un incremento del volumen de publicaciones sobre Giardia en Argentina durante los últimos 20 años. Los artículos mostraron un índice de colaboración entre investigadores similar a la bibliografía. El índice de institucionalidad fue elevado para instituciones nacionales, e inexistente para la colaboración internacional. La utilización de indicadores bibliométricos permite contar con una herramienta sólida para el diagnóstico y prospección de las actividades de investigación sobre epidemiología de Giardia y contribuye a la difusión y visibilidad de la información relativa a la producción científica desarrollada en Argentina.The scientific literature on Giardia epidemiology in humans from Argentina is scattered in numerous sources, making it difficult to access them and provide visibility to the scientific community. The aim of this study was to perform a quantitative bibliometric analysis of the scientific production on Giardia in humans from Argentina during the 1995-2014 period. The volume of scientific literature was 112 (36 articles, 73 communications, and 3 theses). The language distribution showed a predominance of Spanish. The articles were published in 25 journals from America, Europe and Asia. This bibliometric study showed an increased volume of publications on Giardia in Argentina during the last 20 years. The articles showed a Collaboration Index between researchers similar to the literature. The institutional Index was elevated for national institutions and non-existent for international collaboration. The use of bibliometric indicators can provide a solid tool for the diagnosis and survey of the research on epidemiology of Giardia, and it contributes to the dissemination and visibility of information on the scientific production developed in Argentina

    Immunomodulatory properties of cell wall extract from Enterococcus faecalis CECT7121

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the immunomodulatory properties of cell wall extract from Enterococcus faecalis CECT7121, measuring the induction of cytokines TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12 from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Cell wall extract was prepared from their growth in brain heart infusion broth (18. h, 35. °C). Subsequently, toxicity of the obtained cell wall extract was tested in Balb-C mice. PBMCs were isolated from buffy coats at the Blood Transfusion Service of Hospital Ramón Santamarina (Tandil, Argentina). PBMCs were purified using standard Ficoll-Paque gradient centrifugation. Aliquots of purified leukocytes were incubated at 37. °C for 24. h with heat-killed E. faecalis CECT7121 and cell wall extract. Concentrations of IL-6, TNFα, IL-10 and IL-12 (p70) were measured by solid phase sandwich ELISA. Changes in appearance and behavior of mice were evidenced only in the group with the maximal concentration of wall cell extract used (10,000. μg). Cell wall extract and heat-killed E. faecalis CECT7121 induced the production of significantly higher amounts of Il-12, IL-6, TNF-α and IL-10 cytokines compared to the nonstimulated PBMCs. These findings provide helpful information on immunomodulation activity by cell wall extract in sight of the application of this compound in controlling certain infectious diseases.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Immunomodulatory properties of cell wall extract from Enterococcus faecalis CECT7121

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the immunomodulatory properties of cell wall extract from Enterococcus faecalis CECT7121, measuring the induction of cytokines TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12 from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Cell wall extract was prepared from their growth in brain heart infusion broth (18. h, 35. °C). Subsequently, toxicity of the obtained cell wall extract was tested in Balb-C mice. PBMCs were isolated from buffy coats at the Blood Transfusion Service of Hospital Ramón Santamarina (Tandil, Argentina). PBMCs were purified using standard Ficoll-Paque gradient centrifugation. Aliquots of purified leukocytes were incubated at 37. °C for 24. h with heat-killed E. faecalis CECT7121 and cell wall extract. Concentrations of IL-6, TNFα, IL-10 and IL-12 (p70) were measured by solid phase sandwich ELISA. Changes in appearance and behavior of mice were evidenced only in the group with the maximal concentration of wall cell extract used (10,000. μg). Cell wall extract and heat-killed E. faecalis CECT7121 induced the production of significantly higher amounts of Il-12, IL-6, TNF-α and IL-10 cytokines compared to the nonstimulated PBMCs. These findings provide helpful information on immunomodulation activity by cell wall extract in sight of the application of this compound in controlling certain infectious diseases.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    First genotyping of <i>Giardia lamblia</i> from human and animal feces in Argentina, South America

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the genotypes of Giardia lamblia from human and animal feces and their epidemiological and clinical characteristics in Argentina, South America. Seventy isolates, 60 from humans (adults and children), eight from dogs and two from cows were processed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Data corresponding to demographic, socio-cultural and environmental variables and presence/absence of signs/symptoms were collected. The triosephosphate isomerase gene was amplified from 43 (71.66%) of the 60 human fecal samples. Among these, 3/43 (6.98%) were genotype AII and 40/43 (93.02%) were genotype B. Assemblage AII was detected in three children who lived together in a shantytown and they were oligosymptomatic and none had diarrhea. This genotype was not found in animals. Genotype B showed a high prevalence in both adults and children. It was also found in polysymptomatic people, many of whom presented diarrhea. It was also found only in one dog. The present study represents the first contribution to the knowledge of G. lamblia genotypes in Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    RK13 cells: influence of fetal bovine serum concentration on doubling time

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el Tiempo de Duplicación (TD) y la Fase de Latencia (Lag) de una línea celular con 2 concentraciones de Suero Fetal Bovino (SFB) y 2 inóculos celulares iniciales. Se realizaron 4 curvas de crecimiento de células adherentes RK13 (rabbit kidney) en Minimal Essential Medium (MEM) suplementado con glutamina, penicilina, estreptomicina y SFB no inactivado al 5% y 7%. Los inóculos iniciales fueron de 3 x 104 y 6,8 x 104 células viables/mL. El TD fue de 24 h para el cultivo con 7% de SFB con ambos inóculos y de 16,36 h para el cultivo con 5% de SFB con el mayor inóculo. El cultivo con 5% de SFB y 3 x 104 viables/mL presentó escaso desarrollo. Se observaron diferencias significativas en el TD (p = 0,0055) cuando se utilizó el inóculo de 6,8 x 104 viables/mL y se varió el SFB (5% y 7%). La diferencia no fue significativa al utilizar los inóculos de 3 x 104 y 6,8 x 104 viables/mL manteniendo constante la concentración de suero fetal (7%).The aim of this study was to analyze the Doubling Time (DT) and the Lag phase of a cell line with two concentrations of fetal bovine serum (FBS) and two initial inocula. Four growth curves of RK13 cells in Minimal Essential Medium (MEM) supplemented with glutamine, penicillin, streptomycin and 5% and 7% non-inactivated FBS were performed. The initial inocula were 3 x 104 and 6.8 x 104 viable cells/mL. DT was 24 h for the culture with 7% FBS with the two inocula and 16.36 h for the culture with 5% FBS with the greatest inoculum. The culture with 5% FBS and 3 x 104 viable cells/mL had limited growth. There was significant difference in DT (p = 0.0055) when the inoculum was 6.8 x 104 viable cells/mL with the two concentrations of FBS. There was no significant difference with the 7% FBS and the two inocula (3 x 104 and 6.8 x 104 viable cells/mL).Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Influencing factors in the occurrence of injured coliforms in the drinking water distribution system in the city of La Plata, Argentina

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the influencing factors in the occurrence of coliforms in the drinking water in La Plata (Argentina) from June 1999 to June 2001. A total of 180 samples were collected from Rio de La Plata (102 samples) and Puelche Aquifer (78 samples); 45 samples were collected for each of the four seasons. The membrane filter procedure was used for isolating bacteria, and each sample was tested for chlorine and pH. The highest percentage of samples positive for coliforms in the two tested media was obtained in summer while the highest percentage of negative samples was obtained in winter. No Escherichia coli was isolated. The percentage of injured coliforms fluctuated between 70 and 100%. The most frequently isolated bacteria was Enterobacter cloacae in summer, Enterobacter agglomerans in autumn and Klebsiella oxytoca in winter and spring. Significant correlations were observed between coliforms and the distance from the initial treatment point, and with the level of free chlorine. We conclude that drinking water contamination in La Plata occurs in the distribution system due to increased temperatures and reduced disinfectant levels, which result in bacterial regrowth.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Ciclo zoonótico rural de <i>Giardia lamblia</i> en dos campos lecheros de General Mansilla, Buenos Aires

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    Giardia lamblia es el protozoo productor de diarrea diagnosticado con más frecuencia en todo el mundo. La giardiosis es una infección cosmopolita de tipo zoonótico cuya prevalencia varía de 2% en países industrializados al 70% en países en desarrollo (Eligio-García y col. 2008). En Argentina, esta parasitosis muestra una prevalencia variable de 6% a 36% dependiendo de las condiciones sanitarias de cada región y de los hábitos de higiene personal (Minvielle y col. 2004; Basualdo y col. 2007; Salomón y col. 2007). G. lamblia es una especie compleja que presenta siete genotipos (A-G) morfológicamente iguales pero fenotípica y genéticamente distintos. Diversos estudios han confirmado que la giardiosis en humanos es producida únicamente por los genotipos A y B, los cuales han sido detectados en numerosos mamíferos, lo que revela su potencial zoonótico (Cacciò y col. 2008).Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Análisis bibliométrico de la literatura científica sobre los parásitos intestinales en Argentina durante el período 1985-2014

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    The study of scientific production is a good indicator of the progress in research and knowledge generation. Bibliometrics is a scientific discipline that uses a set of indicators to quantitatively express the bibliographic characteristics of scientific publications. The scientific literature on the epidemiology of intestinal parasites in Argentina is scattered in numerous sources, hindering access and visibility to the scientific community. Our purpose was to perform a quantitative, bibliometric study of the scientific literature on intestinal parasites in humans in Argentina published in the period 1985-2014. This bibliometric analysis showed an increase in the number of articles on intestinal parasites in humans in Argentina published over the past 30 years. Those articles showed a collaboration index similar to that of the literature, with a high index of institutionality for national institutions and a very low one for international collaboration. The original articles were published in scientific journals in the American Continent, Europe and Asia. The use of bibliometric indicators can provide a solid tool for the diagnosis and survey of the research on epidemiology of intestinal parasites and contributes to the dissemination and visibility of information on the scientific production developed in Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Infección experimental por <i>Cryptosporidium</i> spp. en ratones inmunosuprimidos

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    Objetivo: Desarrollar un modelo de infección experimental por Cryptosporidium spp. en ratones inmunosuprimidos.Facultad de Ciencias Médica