443 research outputs found

    A participação da pessoa com deficiência no processo eleitoral sob a interpretação dos ideais da democracia e da cidadania

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    A relação da democracia e cidadania, se remete na análise de legitima representação social e da garantia da inclusão de todos no processo eleitoral. Este estudo tem como objetivo demonstrar e discutir, através de pesquisa bibliográfica, a relação entre democracia e cidadania como dois polos intrínsecos que se complementam para garantir direitos de todos, inclusive das pessoas com deficiência em um Estado Democrático de Direito com realce ao direito da pessoa com deficiência mental de participar do processo eleitoral, segundo o novo paradigma do Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência, lei 13.146/2015, que resgatou os ideais da Convenção sobre direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência. O resultado desta discussão nos leva a acreditar que desta relação de democracia e cidadania, a inclusão social no processo eleitoral deve ser a mais abrangente possível de participantes, sem discriminação ou exclusão

    Sequence-based prediction for vaccine strain selection and identification of antigenic variability in foot-and-mouth disease virus

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    Identifying when past exposure to an infectious disease will protect against newly emerging strains is central to understanding the spread and the severity of epidemics, but the prediction of viral cross-protection remains an important unsolved problem. For foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) research in particular, improved methods for predicting this cross-protection are critical for predicting the severity of outbreaks within endemic settings where multiple serotypes and subtypes commonly co-circulate, as well as for deciding whether appropriate vaccine(s) exist and how much they could mitigate the effects of any outbreak. To identify antigenic relationships and their predictors, we used linear mixed effects models to account for variation in pairwise cross-neutralization titres using only viral sequences and structural data. We identified those substitutions in surface-exposed structural proteins that are correlates of loss of cross-reactivity. These allowed prediction of both the best vaccine match for any single virus and the breadth of coverage of new vaccine candidates from their capsid sequences as effectively as or better than serology. Sub-sequences chosen by the model-building process all contained sites that are known epitopes on other serotypes. Furthermore, for the SAT1 serotype, for which epitopes have never previously been identified, we provide strong evidence - by controlling for phylogenetic structure - for the presence of three epitopes across a panel of viruses and quantify the relative significance of some individual residues in determining cross-neutralization. Identifying and quantifying the importance of sites that predict viral strain cross-reactivity not just for single viruses but across entire serotypes can help in the design of vaccines with better targeting and broader coverage. These techniques can be generalized to any infectious agents where cross-reactivity assays have been carried out. As the parameterization uses pre-existing datasets, this approach quickly and cheaply increases both our understanding of antigenic relationships and our power to control disease

    Reprodução na juventude: perfis sociodemográficos, comportamentais e reprodutivos na PNDS 2006

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    OBJETIVO: Analizar características sociodemográficas y de conductas sexual y reproductiva de mujeres jóvenes. MÉTODOS: Estudio poblacional transversal con representatividad nacional sobre el comportamiento sexual, anticonceptivo y reproductivo de 2.991 mujeres de 15 a 20 años en la Investigación Nacional de Demografía y Salud del Niño y de la Mujer (PNDS) 2006. Las jóvenes se clasificaron en tres grupos: iniciaron la vida sexual y se embarazaron antes de los 20 años (grupo A); iniciaron la vida sexual y no se embarazaron antes de los 20 (grupo B) y no iniciaron la vida sexual (grupo C). Mujeres de hasta 25 años se consideraron para el estudio de las tasas de embarazo y de sus consecuencias en la vida. Los análisis estadísticos consideraron los pesos y la planificación del muestreo complejo. La asociación entre dos variables categóricas fue evaluada por la prueba Chi-cuadrado. Para las conductuales, se utilizó el modelo linear global. RESULTADOS: Mujeres del grupo A eran principalmente negras, más pobres y con menor escolaridad. Tuvieron la primera relación sexual más precozmente, comportamiento anticonceptivo más desprotegido y menor conocimiento de la fisiología de la reproducción con relación al grupo B; las jóvenes del grupo C se caracterizaron por frecuentar más la escuela, y la preservación de la virginidad para el matrimonio fue relatada por 1/3 del grupo. En las mujeres con hasta 25 años, el embarazo antes de los 20 fue percibido con más consecuencias positivas que negativas en la vida amorosa, conyugal, social y autoestima. CONCLUSIONES: Hay asociación significativa entre embarazo antes de los 20 años con mayor pobreza y menor escolaridad. En ausencia de mejores condiciones de vida y de oportunidades, el embarazo, aunque no sea previsto, se establece como "proyecto de vida" en comparación con su inexistencia.OBJECTIVE: Analyze the sociodemographic characteristics and the sexual and reproductive behavior of young women. METHODS: A cross-sectional nationally representative study was performed about sexual, contraceptive and reproductive behavior with 2,991 women age 15 to 20 years in the National Survey on Demography and Health of Women and Children, 2006. The women were classified into three groups: sexual initiation and pregnancy before the age of 20 (group A); sexual initiation but no pregnancy before the age of 20 (group B) and no sexual initiation (group C). Women until age 25 years were included in the study about reasons for becoming pregnant and the implications for their lives. Statistical analysis considered survey weights and the complex sample design. The association between two categorical variables was assessed by chi-square test. The behavior variables were assessed using a global linear model. RESULTS: Women in group A were mainly black, poorer and with lower education level. These women had an early sexual initiation, less safe contraceptive behavior and less knowledge of reproduction physiology in comparison with group B; young women in group C were characterized by greater attendance at school and 1/3 of this group claimed to maintain their virginity until marriage. For women up to the age of 25, pregnancy before 20 years was perceived as having more positive than negative impacts upon their love life, spousal relationships, social lives and self-esteem. CONCLUSIONS: There is a significant association between pregnancy before the age of 20 and higher poverty and lower educational level. In the absence of better living conditions and opportunities, pregnancy, although unplanned, becomes "a plan for life", and is not seen as a lack of life planning.OBJETIVO: Analisar características sociodemográficas e do comportamento sexual e reprodutivo de mulheres jovens. MÉTODOS: Estudo populacional transversal com representatividade nacional sobre o comportamento sexual, contraceptivo e reprodutivo de 2.991 mulheres de 15 a 20 anos na Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Criança e da Mulher 2006. As jovens foram classificadas em três grupos: iniciaram a vida sexual e engravidaram antes dos 20 anos (grupo A); iniciaram a vida sexual e não engravidaram antes dos 20 (grupo B) e não iniciaram a vida sexual (grupo C). Mulheres de até 25 anos foram consideradas para o estudo das razões da gravidez e de suas implicações na vida. As análises estatísticas consideraram os pesos e o planejamento amostral complexo. A associação entre duas variáveis categóricas foi avaliada pelo teste tipo qui-quadrado. Quanto às comportamentais, utilizou-se modelo linear global. RESULTADOS: Mulheres do grupo A eram principalmente negras, mais pobres e com menor escolaridade. Tiveram a primeira relação sexual mais precocemente, comportamento contraceptivo mais desprotegido e menor conhecimento da fisiologia da reprodução em relação ao grupo B; as jovens do grupo C caracterizaram-se por maior frequência à escola e a preservação da virgindade para o casamento foi alegada por um 1/3 desse grupo. Para as mulheres com até 25 anos, a gravidez antes dos 20 foi percebida como tendo implicações mais positivas que negativas na vida amorosa, conjugal, social e autoestima. CONCLUSÕES: Há associação significativa entre gravidez antes dos 20 anos com maior pobreza e menor escolaridade. Na ausência de melhores condições de vida e de oportunidades, a gravidez, embora não prevista, configura-se como "projeto de vida" e não sua mera ausência

    Chronic kidney disease increases cardiovascular unfavourable outcomes in outpatients with heart failure

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic heart failure (CHF) has a high morbidity and mortality. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has consistently been found to be an independent risk factor for unfavorable cardiovascular (CV) outcomes. Early intervention on CKD reduces the progression of CHF, hospitalizations and mortality, yet there are very few studies about CKD as a risk factor in the early stages of CHF. The aims of our study were to assess the prevalence and the prognostic importance of CKD in patients with systolic CHF stages B and C.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This is a prospective cohort study, dealing with prognostic markers for CV endpoints in patients with systolic CHF (ejection fraction ≤ 45%).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CKD was defined as estimated glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min/1.73 m<sup>2 </sup>and CV endpoints as death or hospitalization due to CHF, in 12 months follow-up. Eighty three patients were studied, the mean age was 62.7 ± 12 years, and 56.6% were female. CKD was diagnosed in 49.4% of the patients, 33% of patients with CHF stage B and 67% in the stage C. Cardiovascular endpoints were observed in 26.5% of the patients. When the sample was stratified into stages B and C of CHF, the occurrence of CKD was associated with 100% and 64.7%, respectively, of unfavorable CV outcomes. After adjustments for all other prognostic factors at baseline, it was observed that the diagnosis of CKD increased in 3.6 times the possibility of CV outcomes (CI 95% 1.04-12.67, p = 0.04), whereas higher ejection fraction (R = 0.925, IC 95% 0.862-0.942, p = 0.03) and serum sodium (R = 0.807, IC 95% 0.862-0.992, p = 0.03) were protective.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this cohort of patients with CHF stages B and C, CKD was prevalent and independently associated with increased risk of hospitalization and death secondary to cardiac decompensation, especially in asymptomatic patients.</p

    Chemical analysis of Greek pollen - Antioxidant, antimicrobial and proteasome activation properties

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pollen is a bee-product known for its medical properties from ancient times. In our days is increasingly used as health food supplement and especially as a tonic primarily with appeal to the elderly to ameliorate the effects of ageing. In order to evaluate the chemical composition and the biological activity of Greek pollen which has never been studied before, one sample with identified botanical origin from sixteen different common plant taxa of Greece has been evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three different extracts of the studied sample of Greek pollen, have been tested, in whether could induce proteasome activities in human fibroblasts. The water extract was found to induce a highly proteasome activity, showing interesting antioxidant properties. Due to this activity the aqueous extract was further subjected to chemical analysis and seven flavonoids have been isolated and identified by modern spectral means. From the methanolic extract, sugars, lipid acids, phenolic acids and their esters have been also identified, which mainly participate to the biosynthetic pathway of pollen phenolics. The total phenolics were estimated with the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent and the total antioxidant activity was determined by the DPPH method while the extracts and the isolated compounds were also tested for their antimicrobial activity by the dilution technique.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The Greek pollen is rich in flavonoids and phenolic acids which indicate the observed free radical scavenging activity, the effects of pollen on human fibroblasts and the interesting antimicrobial profile.</p

    Knowledge and care seeking practices for ear infections among parents of under five children in Kigali, Rwanda : a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Infections affecting the middle ear are a common childhood occurrence. Some cases may present with ear discharge through a tympanic membrane perforation which may heal spontaneously. However, up to 5% or more cases of those affected have persistent ear discharge. A number of barriers contribute towards delayed presentation at health facilities for treatment of ear infections. We conducted a study to evaluate parents’ and caregivers’ knowledge and care seeking practices for ear infections in children under five in Gasabo district in Kigali, Rwanda. Methods: Parents/guardians (n = 810) were interviewed using a structured questionnaire to elicit their knowledge of ear infections in children under five and their attitude to seeking care for their children. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 31.27 years (SD = 7.88, range 17–83). Considering an average of knowledge parameters which included causes, symptoms, prevention, treatment and consequences of ear infections, we found that 76.6% (622) of respondents were knowledgeable about ear infections. We defined a positive practice as seeking medical treatment (community health workers or health facility) and this was found in 89.1% (722) respondents. Correlating knowledge with choice of seeking treatment, respondents were 33% less likely to practice medical pluralism (OR = 0.33, CI 0.11–0.97, P = 0.043) if they were familiar with infections. Moreover, urban dweller were 1.7 times more likely to know ear infections compared to rural dwellers (OR = 1.70, CI 1.22–2.38, P = 0.002). Conclusion: The majority of respondents had good knowledge and positive attitudes and practices about ear infection. However, medical pluralism was common. There is need to improve the community’s awareness and access to primary health care facilities for the care of ear infections especially in rural areas of Rwanda
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