1,645 research outputs found

    Pullout test in steel fiber reinforced concrete: Ensaio de tracção em betão armado com fibra de aço

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    Use of steel fibers in cement-based composites has become popular due to possibility of using that material as total or partial replacement of conventional reinforcement, as in floor slabs or tunnel cover. This reinforcement aims to improve composites properties with regard, mainly, to cracks propagation. It’s known that concrete has high compressive strength and durability, but its toughness is low, being considered a fragile material. The performance of the fiber as stress bridge depends on several factors, among them bond strength between fiber and matrix. Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ) is one in which first cracks that lead to material failure appear. Some researches with mineral additives, such as rice husk ash (RHA), are aimed at ITZ densification. RHA has a high content of amorphous silica, which gives it high potential for its pozzolanic activity. That RHA characteristic is able to potentiate new hydration products formation, especially C-S-H, giving a higher density to cement matrix and pores and voids reduction. Research’s objective was to evaluate the effect of cement substitution by RHA, aiming to densify cement matrix to point where the adhesion stress with steel fiber was higher than in conventional mixture. For this, control specimens were produced and 15% of the cement replaced by RHA. Through the single fiber pullout test it was possible to measure the adhesion stress between steel fiber and cement matrix. Results indicate an increase in the adhesion strength with a long curing time, which confirms that the RHA hydration occurs late in relation to cement

    "O próspero caminho do interior - Economia e escravos em Sorocaba, Itu e Campinas - 1770-1830"

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    Este artigo pretende compreender os fatores que levaram à mudança do perfil econômico da capitania/província de São Paulo a partir de meados do século XVIII, entender o surgimento das vilas de Itu, Campinas e Sorocaba e a mudança de seus aspectos demográfico e econômico no contexto das alterações pelas quais passa São Paulo no período em questão e, por fim, enxergar estas mudanças com foco na evolução da população escrava das citadas vilas, com base na análise das listas nominativas (documentos censitários) de Itu de 1773, 1801 e 1830, comparando os resultados com as análises de alguns estudiosos sobre Campinas e Sorocaba. Após a contagem da população total e do número de escravos, foram feitos quadros para se comparar a quantidade de escravos em relação à população, bem como gráficos para análise do total de proprietários de escravos produtores e não produtores de açúcar. Para se atingir os objetivos mencionados, recorreu-se principalmente aos trabalhos de Carlos de Almeida Prado Bacellar, Eni de Samara Mesquita, Maria Luiza Marcílio e Paulo Eduardo Teixeira, dentre outros

    Screening, selection, production and characterization of the enzyme xylanase from wild yeasts

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    Orientador: Francisco Maugeri FilhoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: A endo-1,4-ß-xilanase (E.C., comumente chamada de xilanase, possui grande aplicação em diferentes tipos de indústrias tais como a de ração animal, alimentos, têxteis, de papel, de produção de etanol a partir de biomassa, entre outras. Isso se deve ao fato de que esta enzima atua na hidrólise da xilana, o segundo mais abundante polissacarídeo encontrado na natureza, que está presente ligado a hemicelulose da parece celular de plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar, através do método de screening em placas de Petri, e avaliar a atividade enzimática de leveduras silvestres isoladas de diversas regiões do Brasil (Mata Atlântica, Floresta Amazônica, Cerrado e Pantanal) quanto à produção de xilanase. Para o screening em placas, utilizou-se um meio de cultura no qual a única fonte de carbono era a xilana para induzir a produção da enzima. De um total de 349 microrganismos analisados, foram obtidas 84 cepas produtoras, porém somente 37 possuíam um índice de relação enzimática (diâmetro do halo descolorido / diâmetro da colônia) maior que 2,5. Em função deste resultado prosseguiu-se com a seleção dos melhores microrganismos para a produção da enzima em meio líquido. Após observações preliminares apenas 9 cepas obtiveram um crescimento satisfatório em meio líquido a 30ºC e 150 rpm. Estes foram avaliados em dois meios de culturas diferentes em relação à atividade enzimática do caldo enzimático à 50ºC por 5 min em shaker. Dentre estes, os microrganismos AAD5 e AY10 se destacaram por apresentarem a atividade enzimática em torno de 2 µmol/mL.min . Posteriormente, foi realizada a caracterização das enzimas produzidas, sendo que a proveniente do microrganismo AAD5 possui condições ótimas na faixa de 57,5 ¿ 67,5 ºC e pH entre 4,7 ¿ 5,5, além de meia vida de 21,33 horas a 52ºC e pH 5,3, com vmax de 1,77 µmol/mL.min e Km de 0,44 g/L. Já a enzima produzida pela cepa AY10 possui condições ótimas na faixa de pH entre 4,8 ¿ 4,1 à temperatura de 80°C, além de meia vida de 11,21 horas a 72ºC e pH 5,3, com vmax de 5,47 µmol/mL.min e Km de 1,37 g/L. Estes resultados demonstram o potencial de aplicação de leveduras na produção de xilanase, porém, para as cepas estudadas, há a necessidade de purificação das enzimas produzidas para que estas sejam aplicadas industrialmenteAbstract: Endo-1,4-ß-xylanase (E.C., commonly called xylanase, has great application in different types of industries such as feed, food, textiles, paper, ethanol from biomass, among others. These enzymes act in hydrolysis of the xylan, one of the most abundant polysaccharides found in the nature, present in cell plants linked to the hemicelullose. The main goal of this work was to select, through a screening method using Petri dishes, and to evaluate the enzymatic activity of isolated wild yeasts from several brazilian regions (Atlantic Forest, Amazonian Forest, Cerrado and Pantanal) about the production of xylanase. For the screening in Petri dishes, the culture medium used has xylan as the only carbon source to induce the production of the enzyme. From 349 evaluated microorganisms, 84 could produce xylanase, although only 37 showed an enzymatic ration (diameter of the undye halo/diameter of the colony) higher than 2.5. And, after initial assays in submerged method, 9 strains showed a satisfactory growth at 30ºC and 150 rpm. Among them, the microorganisms AAD5 and AY10 presented a higher potential, with the enzymatic activity above 2 µmol/mL.min. The characterization of the produced enzymes was carried out and the one produced by the strain AAD5 has, as optimal conditions, temperature between 57.5 ¿ 67.5 ºC and pH 4.7 ¿ 5.5. Also, it was shown 21.33 hours of half-life at 52ºC and pH 5.3, with vmax of 1.77 µmol/mL.min and Km of 0.44 g/L. The enzyme produced by the strain AY10 has, as optimal conditions, pH between 4.8 ¿ 4.1 and temperature around 80ºC. The half-life of the enzyme was 11.21 hours at 72ºC and pH 5.3, with vmax of 5.47 µmol/mL.min and Km of 1.37 g/L. These results demonstrate the potential application of the yeasts for xylanase production, although, for those enzymes, further works are necessary to establish the actual industrial and technical potentialitiesMestradoMestre em Engenharia de Alimento

    A vida e a obra de Toninho Pinheiro: um pilar da bateria brasileira

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    O objectivo desta dissertação foi o de analisar o contributo e estudar o legado do baterista Toninho Pinheiro (1937-2004) na bateria brasileira e na Música Popular Brasileira. Foram realizadas entrevistas aos seus familiares, a músicos que tocaram com ele e a bateristas seus contemporâneos ou não. Foi também efectuado um estudo interpretativo bem como transcrições de importantes faixas gravadas por Toninho Pinheiro ao longo da sua trajectória profissional. Os resultados indicaram que o contributo de Toninho Pinheiro foi fundamental para a música popular brasileira. O legado do baterista para a história da bateria brasileira ficou também bastante evidente.The aim of this dissertation was to analyze the contribution and to study the legacy of the drummer Toninho Pinheiro (1937-2004) in Brazilian drums language and in Brazilian Popular Music. Interviews were conducted with family members, with musicians who played with him and with drummers who were or weren’t his contemporaries. An interpretative study was also carried out as well as transcriptions of important tracks recorded by Toninho Pinheiro throughout his professional career. The results indicated that the contribution of Toninho Pinheiro was of central importance to Brazilian Popular Music. The drummer’s legacy for the history of Brazilian drums was also quite evident

    NR Sidelink Performance Evaluation for Enhanced 5G-V2X Services

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    The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has specified Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) radio access technology in Releases 15–17, with an emphasis on facilitating direct communication between vehicles through the interface, sidelink PC5. This interface provides end-to-end network slicing functionality together with a stable cloud-native core network. The performance of direct vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications has been improved by using the sidelink interface, which allows for a network infrastructure bypass. Sidelink transmissions make use of orthogonal resources that are either centrally allocated (Mode 1, Release 14) or chosen by the vehicles themselves (Mode 2, Release 14). With growing interest in connected and autonomous vehicles, the advancement in radio access technologies that facilitate dependable and low-latency vehicular communications is becoming more significant. This is especially necessary when there are heavy traffic conditions and patterns. We thoroughly examined the New Radio (NR) sidelink’s performance based on 3GPP Releases 15–17 under various vehicle densities, speeds, and distance settings. Thus, by evaluating sidelink’s strengths and drawbacks, we are able to optimize resource allocation to obtain maximum coverage in urban areas. The performance evaluation was conducted on Network Simulator 3 (NS3.34/5G-LENA) utilizing various network metrics such as average packet reception rate, throughput, and latency
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