32 research outputs found

    Mining the microbiome for markers of microbiota-gut brain communication and mental health

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    There has been a growing acknowledgement of the involvement of the gut microbiome - the collection of microbes that reside in our gut - in regulating our mood and behaviour. This phenomenon is referred to as the microbiota-gut-brain axis. While our techniques to measure the presence and abundance of these microbes has been steadily improving, there are many factors that prevent us from understanding what aspects of the gut microbiome specifically influence the microbiota-gut-brain axis. In this thesis, we set out to identify and investigate aspects of the microbiome that are informative to gut-brain communication. We do this by investigating the state of the gut microbiome in both health and disease, as well as after supplementing or perturbing it. While all of the work presented here is based on real data from real experiments, the thesis has a strong bioinformatics focus, that means that while the physiological background and interpretation are important, my role in these projects has been to bioinformatically and statistically zoom in on the features of the microbiome that are the most informative to our questions. As such, all results will be discussed from a primarily bioinformatics point of view. Two main aspects of the gut microbiome came out as the most promising features to measure, namely functional capacity and volatility. Traditionally, the microbiome is thought of as a collection of microbes and most analysis is done on the taxonomical level. However, we find that by investigating microbial function - as defined by the genes that are found or associated in the detected microbes - rather than taxonomy, we are able to perform more sensitive analysis and that our results are more easily interpretable. Second, microbiome studies are typically conducted using a single sample per subject. We find that the degree of change in the microbial ecosystem, called volatility, is an important feature of the microbiome and that is linked to severity of stress response. While volatility was coined before in the context of the microbiome, this was only in passing. We were the first to investigate volatility as a feature of the microbiome. Our research in this thesis reconfirms the existence of the microbiota-gut-brain axis and demonstrates novel metrics that can be used to interrogate the microbiome. We utilize mathematical frameworks originally from geology and classical ecology to bolster our analysis. We show that considering the microbiome as an ecosystem is a powerful model that can help us better formulate our scientific questions and interpret our findings. We argue for strategies to unify bioinformatics methodology in the microbiome-gut-brain axis field in an effort to move towards mechanistic understanding

    Bugs as Features (Part II): A Perspective on Enriching Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis Analyses with Multidisciplinary Techniques

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    The microbiome-gut-brain-axis field is multidisciplinary, benefiting from the expertise of microbiology, ecology, psychiatry, computational biology, and epidemiology amongst other disciplines. As the field matures and moves beyond a basic demonstration of its relevance, it is critical that study design and analysis are robust and foster reproducibility. In this companion piece to Bugs as Features (Part 1), we present techniques from adjacent and disparate fields to enrich and inform the analysis of microbiome-gut-brain-axis data. Emerging techniques built specifically for the microbiome-gut-brain axis are also demonstrated. All of these methods are contextualised to inform several common challenges: how do we establish causality? How can we integrate data from multiple 'omics techniques? How might we account for the dynamicism of host-microbiome interactions? This perspective is offered to experienced and emerging microbiome scientists alike, to assist with these questions and others, at the study conception, design, analysis and interpretation stages of research.Comment: For main text: 20 pages, 2 figures; for supplementary analysis: 31 pages and 6 figures. Supplementary analysis generated using Rmarkdown by Thomaz F. S. Bastiaanssen. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2207.1247

    Bugs as Features (Part I): Concepts and Foundations for the Compositional Data Analysis of the Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis

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    There has been a growing acknowledgement of the involvement of the gut microbiome - the collection of microbes that reside in our gut - in regulating our mood and behaviour. This phenomenon is referred to as the microbiome-gut-brain axis. While our techniques to measure the presence and abundance of these microbes have been steadily improving, the analysis of microbiome data is non-trivial. Here, we present a perspective on the concepts and foundations of data analysis and interpretation of microbiome experiments with a focus on the microbiome-gut-brain axis domain. We give an overview of foundational considerations prior to commencing analysis alongside the core microbiome analysis approaches of alpha diversity, beta diversity, differential feature abundance and functional inference. We emphasize the compositional data analysis (CoDA) paradigm. Further, this perspective features an extensive and heavily annotated microbiome analysis in R in the supplementary materials, as a resource for new and experienced bioinformaticians alike.Comment: For main text: 23 pages, 3 figures; for supplementary demonstration analysis: 31 pages and 12 figures. Supplementary demonstration analysis generated using Rmarkdown by Thomaz F. S. Bastiaanssen. Part I of a two-part piec

    Making sense of … the microbiome in psychiatry

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    Microorganisms can be found almost anywhere, including in and on the human body. The collection of microorganisms associated with a certain location is called a microbiota, with its collective genetic material referred to as the microbiome. The largest population of microorganisms on the human body resides in the gastrointestinal tract; thus, it is not surprising that the most investigated human microbiome is the human gut microbiome. On average, the gut hosts microbes from more than 60 genera and contains more cells than the human body. The human gut microbiome has been shown to influence many aspects of host health, including more recently the brain. Several modes of interaction between the gut and the brain have been discovered, including via the synthesis of metabolites and neurotransmitters, activation of the vagus nerve, and activation of the immune system. A growing body of work is implicating the microbiome in a variety of psychological processes and neuropsychiatric disorders. These include mood and anxiety disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia, and even neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Moreover, it is probable that most psychotropic medications have an impact on the microbiome. Here, an overview will be provided for the bidirectional role of the microbiome in brain health, age-associated cognitive decline, and neurological and psychiatric disorders. Furthermore, a primer on the common microbiological and bioinformatics techniques used to interrogate the microbiome will be provided. This review is meant to equip the reader with a primer to this exciting research area that is permeating all areas of biological psychiatry research

    Social interaction-induced activation of RNA splicing in the amygdala of microbiome-deficient mice

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    Social behaviour is regulated by activity of host-associated microbiota across multiple species. However, the molecular mechanisms mediating this relationship remain elusive. We therefore determined the dynamic, stimulus-dependent transcriptional regulation of germ-free (GF) and GF mice colonised post weaning (exGF) in the amygdala, a brain region critically involved in regulating social interaction. In GF mice the dynamic response seen in controls was attenuated and replaced by a marked increase in expression of splicing factors and alternative exon usage in GF mice upon stimulation, which was even more pronounced in exGF mice. In conclusion, we demonstrate a molecular basis for how the host microbiome is crucial for a normal behavioural response during social interaction. Our data further suggest that social behaviour is correlated with the gene-expression response in the amygdala, established during neurodevelopment as a result of host-microbe interactions. Our findings may help toward understanding neurodevelopmental events leading to social behaviour dysregulation, such as those found in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)

    Maternal antibiotic administration during a critical developmental window has enduring neurobehavioural effects in offspring mice

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    Rates of perinatal maternal antibiotic use have increased in recent years linked to prophylactic antibiotic use following Caesarean section delivery. This antibiotic use is necessary and beneficial in the short-term; however, long-term consequences on brain and behaviour have not been studied in detail. Here, we endeavoured to determine whether maternal administration of antibiotics during a critical window of development in early life has lasting effects on brain and behaviour in offspring mice. To this end we studied two different antibiotic preparations (single administration of Phenoxymethylpenicillin at 31 mg/kg/day; and a cocktail consisting of, ampicillin 1 mg/mL; vancomycin 0.5 mg/mL; metronidazole 1 mg/mL; ciprofloxacin 0.2 mg/mL and imipenem 0.25 mg/mL). It was observed that early life exposure to maternal antibiotics led to persistent alterations in anxiety, sociability and cognitive behaviours. These effects in general were greater in animals treated with the broad-spectrum antibiotic cocktail compared to a single antibiotic with the exception of deficits in social recognition which were more robustly observed in Penicillin V exposed animals. Given the prevalence of maternal antibiotic use, our findings have potentially significant translational relevance, particularly considering the implications on infant health during this critical period and into later life

    Enduring neurobehavioral effects induced by microbiota depletion during the adolescent period

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    The gut microbiota is an essential regulator of many aspects of host physiology. Disruption of gut microbial communities affects gut-brain communication which ultimately can manifest as changes in brain function and behaviour. Transient changes in gut microbial composition can be induced by various intrinsic and extrinsic factors, however, it is possible that enduring shifts in the microbiota composition can be achieved by perturbation at a timepoint when the gut microbiota has not fully matured or is generally unstable, such as during early life or ageing. In this study, we investigated the effects of 3-week microbiota depletion with antibiotic treatment during the adolescent period and in adulthood. Following a washout period to restore the gut microbiota, behavioural and molecular hallmarks of gut-brain communication were investigated. Our data revealed that transient microbiota depletion had long-lasting effects on microbiota composition and increased anxiety-like behaviour in mice exposed to antibiotic treatment during adolescence but not in adulthood. Similarly, gene expression in the amygdala was more severely affected in mice treated during adolescence. Taken together these data highlight the vulnerability of the gut microbiota during the critical adolescent period and the long-lasting impact manipulations of the microbiota can have on gene expression and behaviour in adulthood

    Enduring neurobehavioral effects induced by microbiota depletion during the adolescent period

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    Peer ReviewedThe gut microbiota is an essential regulator of many aspects of host physiology. Disruption of gut microbial communities affects gut-brain communication which ultimately can manifest as changes in brain function and behaviour. Transient changes in gut microbial composition can be induced by various intrinsic and extrinsic factors, however, it is possible that enduring shifts in the microbiota composition can be achieved by perturbation at a timepoint when the gut microbiota has not fully matured or is generally unstable, such as during early life or ageing. In this study, we investigated the effects of 3-week microbiota depletion with antibiotic treatment during the adolescent period and in adulthood. Following a washout period to restore the gut microbiota, behavioural and molecular hallmarks of gut-brain communication were investigated. Our data revealed that transient microbiota depletion had long-lasting effects on microbiota composition and increased anxiety-like behaviour in mice exposed to antibiotic treatment during adolescence but not in adulthood. Similarly, gene expression in the amygdala was more severely affected in mice treated during adolescence. Taken together these data highlight the vulnerability of the gut microbiota during the critical adolescent period and the long-lasting impact manipulations of the microbiota can have on gene expression and behaviour in adulthood.Science Foundation Irelan

    Sex-dependent associations between addiction-related behaviors and the microbiome in outbred rats.

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    BackgroundMultiple factors contribute to the etiology of addiction, including genetics, sex, and a number of addiction-related behavioral traits. One behavioral trait where individuals assign incentive salience to food stimuli ("sign-trackers", ST) are more impulsive compared to those that do not ("goal-trackers", GT), as well as more sensitive to drugs and drug stimuli. Furthermore, this GT/ST phenotype predicts differences in other behavioral measures. Recent studies have implicated the gut microbiota as a key regulator of brain and behavior, and have shown that many microbiota-associated changes occur in a sex-dependent manner. However, few studies have examined how the microbiome might influence addiction-related behaviors. To this end, we sought to determine if gut microbiome composition was correlated with addiction-related behaviors determined by the GT/ST phenotype.MethodsOutbred male (N=101) and female (N=101) heterogeneous stock rats underwent a series of behavioral tests measuring impulsivity, attention, reward-learning, incentive salience, and locomotor response. Cecal microbiome composition was estimated using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Behavior and microbiome were characterized and correlated with behavioral phenotypes. Robust sex differences were observed in both behavior and microbiome; further analyses were conducted within sex using the pre-established goal/sign-tracking (GT/ST) phenotype and partial least squares differential analysis (PLS-DA) clustered behavioral phenotype.ResultsOverall microbiome composition was not associated to the GT/ST phenotype. However, microbial alpha diversity was significantly decreased in female STs. On the other hand, a measure of impulsivity had many significant correlations to microbiome in both males and females. Several measures of impulsivity were correlated with the genus Barnesiella in females. Female STs had notable correlations between microbiome and attentional deficient. In both males and females, many measures were correlated with the bacterial families Ruminocococcaceae and Lachnospiraceae.ConclusionsThese data demonstrate correlations between several addiction-related behaviors and the microbiome specific to sex