86 research outputs found

    Intentions on desired length of stay among immigrants in Italy

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    Abstract The decision to emigrate from the country of origin may not be a permanent one: migrants can decide to return home or to emigrate to a third country. This phenomenon, established for some time in certain other European countries, has become an important one for Italy only recently. This paper contributes to the knowledge of migrants’ intentions in two ways: on the one hand, it analyses the factors associated with indecision about future plans; on the other, it focuses on the desired length of stay and its relationship with attachments (family, economic, socio-cultural and psychological) to host and home country. We used two logistic regression models: one for migrants’ indecision and the other for migrants’ desired length of stay. The data were collected by survey, coordinated by the ISMU Foundation and conducted in 2008 and 2009 with more than 12,000 migrants living in Italy. According to our results, indecision seems to be associated with an intermediate phase of migration at the early stage of family development in the case of negative balance of the migration experience, while attachment to the host country is associated with longer stay, and no attachments or attachment to the country of origin are associated with shorter stay

    An Insider View of the Tracking Loops: A Novel Ultra-Tight GNSS/INS Hybridization Apporach

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    This paper tackles the issue of increasing GNSS receivers reliability by presenting a novel ultra-tight integration scheme identified as Gaussian AUtocorrelation Scaled Sum (GAUSS). This hybridization approach is based on the concept that a completely artificial autocorrelation peak, generated starting from the information provided by the inertial sensors can be fused non-coherently into the received signal autocorrelation function to enhance the receiver robustness in harsh conditions as in the presence of interferers and multipath

    Staggered Time and Frequency Search to Aid Frame Synchronization

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    This paper tackles the problem of frame synchronization in the presence of timing and frequency uncertainty. Considering a discretization of the timing uncertainty domain in time slots, and of the frequency uncertainty domain in frequency bins, this novel technique, called staggered time and frequency search, exploits a joint controlled single dwell Threshold Crossing criterion in both domains. In fact, differently from the conventional techniques, this method does not require any parallelism, but digitally controlling the sampler and the oscillator is in charge to scan different hypotheses in time and frequency until the acquisition is completed. According to the analytical and simulated results shown in this paper, this novel technique can obtain performance that is close to the one that can be achieved with the classical techniques, with complexity and power consumption reduction

    Impact of High-End Receivers in a Peer-To-Peer Cooperative Localization System

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    This paper introduces the concept of peer-to-peer cooperation as an aiding technique in GNSS positioning and addresses the impact of the presence of professional receivers in the network. The impact of their higher accuracy is evaluated for the cases of both GNSS-data only and hybrid data exchange. Kalman Filters are considered as the data fusion engine

    Preamble Insertion in Future Satellite - Terrestrial OFDM Broadcasting standards

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    This paper investigates the possibility of inserting in future satellite-terrestrial OFDM standards a preamble in order to improve frame detection and frequency estimation performance. The preamble, based on a complementary set of sequences, is exploited by a novel joint frame detection/frequency estimation scheme. Numerical results show that this strategy can outperform the classical guard interval based schemes, especially in very challenging scenarios, such as hybrid satellite-terrestrial mobile channel
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