182 research outputs found

    Belowground Consequences of Intracontinental Range-Expanding Plants and Related Natives in Novel Environments

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    Introduced exotic plant species that originate from other continents are known to alter soil microbial community composition and nutrient cycling. Plant species that expand range to higher latitudes and altitudes as a consequence of current climate warming might as well affect the composition and functioning of native soil communities in their new range. However, the functional consequences of plant origin have been poorly studied in the case of plant range shifts. Here, we determined rhizosphere bacterial communities of four intracontinental range-expanding plant species in comparison with their four congeneric natives grown in soils collected from underneath those plant species in the field and in soils that are novel to them. We show that, when controlling for both species relatedness and soil characteristics, range-expanding plant species in higher latitude ecosystems will influence soil bacterial community composition and nutrient cycling in a manner similar to congeneric related native species. Our results highlight the importance to include phylogenetically controlled comparisons to disentangle the effect of origin from the effect of contrasting plant traits in the context of exotic plant species

    Aging Uncouples Heritability and Expression-QTL in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    The number and distribution of gene expression QTL (eQTL) represent the genetic architecture of many complex traits, including common human diseases. We previously reported that the heritable eQTL patterns are highly dynamic with age in an N2 × CB4856 recombinant inbred population of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. In particular, we showed that the number of eQTL decreased with age. Here, we investigated the reason for this decrease by combining gene expression profiles at three ages in the wild types N2 and CB4856 with the reported expression profiles of the RIL population. We determined heritability and transgression (when gene expression levels in the RILs are more extreme than the parents) and investigated their relation with eQTL changes with age. Transgressive segregation was widespread but depended on physiological age. The percentage of genes with an eQTL increased with a higher heritability in young worms. However, for old worms this percentage hardly increased. Using a single marker approach, we found that almost 20% of genes with heritability >0.9 had an eQTL in developing worms. Surprisingly, only 10% was found in old worms. Using a multimarker approach, this percentage increased to almost 30% for both age groups. Comparison of the single marker to a multiple marker eQTL mapping indicated that heritable regulation of gene expression becomes more polygenic in aging worms due to multiple loci and possible epistatic interactions. We conclude that linkage studies should account for the relation between increased polygenic regulation and diminished effects at older ages

    Embodiment in distributed information processing: Solid plants versus liquid ant colonies

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    Information processing is an essential part of biology, enabling coordination of intra-organismal processes such as development, environmental adaptation and inter-organismal communication. Whilst in animals with specialised brain tissue a substantial amount of information processing occurs in a centralised manner, most biological computing is distributed across multiple entities, such as cells in a tissue, roots in a root system or ants in a colony. Physical context, called embodiment, also affects the nature of biological computing. While plants and ant colonies both perform distributed computing, in plants the units occupy fixed positions while individual ants move around. This distinction, solid versus liquid brain computing, shapes the nature of computations. Here we compare information processing in plants and ant colonies, highlighting how similarities and differences originate in, as well as make use of, the differences in embodiment. We end with a discussion on how this embodiment perspective may inform the debate on plant cognition

    Genetical Genomics Reveals Large Scale Genotype-By-Environment Interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    One of the major goals of quantitative genetics is to unravel the complex interactions between molecular genetic factors and the environment. The effects of these genotype-by-environment interactions also affect and cause variation in gene expression. The regulatory loci responsible for this variation can be found by genetical genomics that involves the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for gene expression traits also called expression-QTL (eQTLs). Most genetical genomics experiments published so far, are performed in a single environment and hence do not allow investigation of the role of genotype-by-environment interactions. Furthermore, most studies have been done in a steady state environment leading to acclimated expression patterns. However a response to the environment or change therein can be highly plastic and possibly lead to more and larger differences between genotypes. Here we present a genetical genomics study on 120 Arabidopsis thaliana, Landsberg erecta × Cape Verde Islands, recombinant inbred lines (RILs) in active response to the environment by treating them with 3 h of shade. The results of this experiment are compared to a previous study on seedlings of the same RILs from a steady state environment. The combination of two highly different conditions but exactly the same RILs with a fixed genetic variation showed the large role of genotype-by-environment interactions on gene expression levels. We found environment-dependent hotspots of transcript regulation. The major hotspot was confirmed by the expression profile of a near isogenic line. Our combined analysis leads us to propose CSN5A, a COP9 signalosome component, as a candidate regulator for the gene expression response to shade

    The impact of inter- and intra-species spore density on germination of the food spoilage fungus Aspergillus niger

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    Aspergilli can be used to produce food but can spoil it as well. Both food production and spoilage are initiated by germination of the conidia of these fungi that have been introduced by inoculation and contamination, respectively. Germination of these spores includes activation, swelling, establishment of cell polarity, and formation of a germ tube. So far, only quantitative single-species germination studies of fungal spores have been performed. Here, spore germination of the food spoilage fungus Aspergillus niger was studied quantitatively in mono-culture or when mixed with other food-relevant aspergilli (Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus clavatus, and Aspergillus oryzae). In the presence of the germination inducing amino acids proline or alanine, but not in the case of the lowly inducing amino acid arginine, the incidence of swelling and germ tube formation was reduced when 35,000 extra conidia of Aspergillus niger were added to wells containing 5000 of these spores. Adding 35,000 spores of one of the other aspergilli also did not have an effect on germination in the presence of arginine, but the germination inhibition was stronger when compared to the extra A. niger spores in the case of alanine. A similar effect was obtained with proline. Together, results show that the germination of A. niger conidia is impacted by the density of its own spores and that of other aspergilli under favorable nutritional conditions. These results increase our understanding of food spoilage by fungi and can be used to optimize food production with fungi

    Integrating taxonomic signals from MAGs and contigs improves read annotation and taxonomic profiling of metagenomes

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    Metagenomic analysis typically includes read-based taxonomic profiling, assembly, and binning of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs). Here we integrate these steps in Read Annotation Tool (RAT), which uses robust taxonomic signals from MAGs and contigs to enhance read annotation. RAT reconstructs taxonomic profiles with high precision and sensitivity, outperforming other state-of-the-art tools. In high-diversity groundwater samples, RAT annotates a large fraction of the metagenomic reads, calling novel taxa at the appropriate, sometimes high taxonomic ranks. Thus, RAT integrative profiling provides an accurate and comprehensive view of the microbiome from shotgun metagenomics data. The package of Contig Annotation Tool (CAT), Bin Annotation Tool (BAT), and RAT is available at https://github.com/MGXlab/CAT_pack (from CAT pack v6.0). The CAT pack now also supports Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) annotations

    Towards increased shading potential: a combined phenotypic and genetic analysis of rice shoot architecture

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    Rice feeds more than half of the world’s human population. In modern rice farming, a major constraint for productivity is weed proliferation and the ecological impact of herbicide application. Increased weed competitiveness of commercial rice varieties requires enhanced shade casting to limit growth of shade-sensitive weeds and the need for herbicide. We aimed to identify traits that enhance rice shading capacity based on the canopy architecture and the underlying genetic components. We performed a phenotypic screen of a rice diversity panel comprised of 344 varieties, examining 13 canopy architecture traits linked with shading capacity in 4-week-old plants. The analysis revealed a vast range of phenotypic variation across the diversity panel. We used trait correlation and clustering to identify core traits that define shading capacity to be shoot area, number of leaves, culm and solidity (the compactness of the shoot). To simplify the complex canopy architecture, these traits were combined into a Shading Rank metric that is indicative of a plant’s ability to cast shade. Genome wide association study (GWAS) revealed genetic loci underlying canopy architecture traits, out of which five loci were substantially contributing to shading potential. Subsequent haplotype analysis further explored allelic variation and identified seven haplotypes associated with increased shading. Identification of traits contributing to shading capacity and underlying allelic variation presented in this study will serve future genomic assisted breeding programmes. The investigated diversity panel, including widely grown varieties, shows that there is big potential and genetic resources for improvement of elite breeding lines. Implementing increased shading in rice breeding will make its farming less dependent on herbicides and contribute towards more environmentally sustainable agriculture. One sentence summary Through screening a rice diversity panel for variation in shoot architecture, we identified traits corresponding to plant shading potential and their genetic constituents

    Cover crop identity determines root fungal community and arbuscular mycorrhiza colonization in following main crops

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    Cover crops (CC) can promote nutrient retention and recycling for main crops yet may also promote soilborne pathogens or suppress beneficial root symbionts such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). We investigated how root fungal communities of main crop are affected by preceding CC monocultures and mixtures and by main crop identity. We expected that AMF abundance and diversity in main crops are promoted by AM-host CC, and suppressed by non-AM-host CC, and that mixtures of CC species can promote beneficial and suppress pathogenic root fungi. Our full-factorial field experiment comprised crop rotation in sand soil with different CC treatments (monocultures of radish [AM non-host], ryegrass, clover, vetch [AM hosts], mixtures of radish + vetch, ryegrass + clover and fallow) and two main crops (oat and endive). At peak crop growth, we investigated the root fungal communities in the main crops using microscopy and high throughput sequencing (Illumina MiSeq). Cover crop identity was of prime importance and CC legacy overruled main crop identity in determining root fungal communities in main crops. Compared with fallow, CC with ryegrass increased AMF colonization and richness in both main crops and of non-AMF in oat. Legacies of ryegrass, ryegrass + clover and vetch resulted in distinct root fungal communities in the main crops, while the legacy of CC with radish were similar to the legacy of fallow. Root fungal community in crops after clover had highest abundance of representative fungal pathogens in contrast with the other CC treatments that resulted in fungal communities where pathogens were scarce. Oppositely to expected, CC mixtures did not enhance fungal symbionts or suppressed pathogens. Overall, fungal communities in roots of the main crops in our field experiment were determined by the preceding CC species in monoculture, rather than by the CC AMF preference or functional group. This research highlights that the choice of CC determines the root fungal community in main crop which may influence crop quality

    Towards increased shading capacity: A combined phenotypic and genetic analysis of rice shoot architecture

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    Societal Impact Statement: Rice farming is transitioning from transplanting rice seedlings towards the less labour-intensive and less water-demanding method of directly seeding rice. This, however, is accompanied by increased weed proliferation. To tackle this issue, this study seeks to identify how the crop itself can better suppress weeds, with a focus on light competition via shading. Using a rice diversity panel, traits were identified that contribute to enhanced shading capacity, and these traits were encapsulated into a single shading capacity metric. This was followed by the identification of the genetic loci underpinning variation in the core traits. The identified haplotypes can be used in breeding programmes to improve weed suppression by rice, thus contributing to sustainable agriculture. Summary: In modern rice farming, one of the major constraints is weed proliferation and the entailed ecological impact of herbicide application. This requires increased weed competitiveness in current rice varieties, achieved via enhanced shade casting to limit the growth of shade-sensitive weeds. To identify traits that increase rice shading capacity, we exhaustively phenotyped a rice diversity panel of 344 varieties at an early vegetative stage. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) revealed genetic loci underlying variation in canopy architecture traits linked with shading capacity. The screen shows considerable natural variation in shoot architecture for 13 examined traits, of which shading potential is mostly determined by projected shoot area, number of leaves, culm height and canopy solidity. The shading rank, a metric based on these core traits, identifies varieties with the highest shading potential. Five genetic loci were found to be associated with canopy architecture, shading potential and early vigour. Identification of traits contributing to shading capacity and underlying allelic variation will serve future genomic-assisted breeding programmes. Implementing the presented genetic resources for increased shading and weed competitiveness in rice breeding will make its farming less dependent on herbicides and contribute towards more environmentally sustainable agriculture

    Contribution of trans regulatory eQTL to cryptic genetic variation in C-elegans

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    BackgroundCryptic genetic variation (CGV) is the hidden genetic variation that can be unlocked by perturbing normal conditions. CGV can drive the emergence of novel complex phenotypes through changes in gene expression. Although our theoretical understanding of CGV has thoroughly increased over the past decade, insight into polymorphic gene expression regulation underlying CGV is scarce. Here we investigated the transcriptional architecture of CGV in response to rapid temperature changes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We analyzed regulatory variation in gene expression (and mapped eQTL) across the course of a heat stress and recovery response in a recombinant inbred population.ResultsWe measured gene expression over three temperature treatments: i) control, ii) heat stress, and iii) recovery from heat stress. Compared to control, exposure to heat stress affected the transcription of 3305 genes, whereas 942 were affected in recovering animals. These affected genes were mainly involved in metabolism and reproduction. The gene expression pattern in recovering animals resembled both the control and the heat-stress treatment. We mapped eQTL using the genetic variation of the recombinant inbred population and detected 2626 genes with an eQTL in the heat-stress treatment, 1797 in the control, and 1880 in the recovery. The cis-eQTL were highly shared across treatments. A considerable fraction of the trans-eQTL (40–57%) mapped to 19 treatment specific trans-bands. In contrast to cis-eQTL, trans-eQTL were highly environment specific and thus cryptic. Approximately 67% of the trans-eQTL were only induced in a single treatment, with heat-stress showing the most unique trans-eQTL.ConclusionsThese results illustrate the highly dynamic pattern of CGV across three different environmental conditions that can be evoked by a stress response over a relatively short time-span (2 h) and that CGV is mainly determined by response related trans regulatory eQTL.<br/