17 research outputs found

    İran'ın Güneybatısında yer alan cyprinus carpio ve ctenopharyngodon i̇della'daki dactylogyrus türlerinin morfolojik ve moleküler tespiti

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    Monogeneans gill parasites of the diversified Dactylogyrus genus are host-specific to freshwater fish of the Cyprinidae family. Accurate detection of various Dactylogyrus species is very time-consuming and requires highly experienced personnel; to overcome this problem, the genomic DNA technology has been recently used to detect Dactylogyrus spp. In this study, 23 Cyprinus carpio and 19 Ctenopharyngodon idella isolates were collected from different farms and local markets of Ahvaz, southwest of Iran. The gill arches of each fish were carefully examined under a light microscope. Dactylogyrus species was identified morphologically. Identical species were kept in ethanol for molecular study. Molecular analysis was performed using amplification of the ITS-1 region of the ribosomal RNA gene of the parasite. Then, the amplified PCR products were sequenced. The aligned nucleotide sequences were analyzed to construct the phylogenetic tree of the identified species. The results revealed two lineages including D. extensus isolated from common carp and D. lamellatus taken from grass carp fish. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the detected D. extensus and D. lamellatus isolates from Khuzestan region were clustered with some Iranian (Guilan), Chinese and Czech isolates. Importing fingerlings from Guilan Province could lead to introducing monogenean infections to native cyprinid fish.Çeşitlendirilmiş Dactylogyrus cinsinin solungaç monojenleri, Cyprinidae ailesinin tatlı su balıklarına ev sahipliğine özgüdür. Çeşitli Dactylogyrus türlerinin doğru tespiti çok zaman alıcı olduğundan ve çok deneyimli personel gerektirdiğinden, genomik DNA teknolojisi son zamanlarda Dactylogyrus spp. Bu çalışmada, Güneybatı İran'ın Ahvaz'ın farklı çiftliklerinden ve yerel pazarlarından 23 Cyprinus carpio ve 19 Ctenopharyngodon idella toplandı. Her balığın solungaç kemerleri, ışık mikroskobu altında dikkatle incelenir. Dactylogyrus türlerinin morfolojik olarak tanımlanması morfolojik olarak belirlenmiştir. benzer türler moleküler çalışma için etanol içinde tutuldu. Moleküler analiz, parazitin ribozomal RNA geninin ITS-1 bölgesinin amplifikasyonu kullanılarak yapıldı. Daha sonra amplifiye PCR ürünleri dizildi. Hizalanmış nükleotit sekansları, tanımlanan türlerin filogenetik ağacını yürütmek için analiz edilir. Sonuçlar, ortak sazandan izole edilen D. extensus ve çim sazan balıklarından alınan D. lamellatus da dahil olmak üzere iki soyun ortaya çıktığını göstermiştir. Filogenetik analiz, Khuzestan bölgesinden tespit edilen D. extensus ve D. lamellatus izolatlarının bazı İran (Guilan), Çin ve Çek Cumhuriyeti izolatlarıyla kümelendiğini gösterdi. Guilan Eyaletinden balıkların ithal edilmesi, yerli Cyprinid balıklarına monojenik enfeksiyonların ortaya çıkmasına neden olabilir

    Biocompatibility of Portland Cement Modified with Titanium Oxide and Calcium Chloride in a Rat Model

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of two modified formulations of Portland cement (PC) mixed with either titanium oxide or both titanium oxide and calcium chloride. Methods and Materials: Polyethylene tubes were filled with modified PCs or Angelus MTA as the control; the tubes were then implanted in 28 Wistar rats subcutaneously. One tube was left empty as a negative control in each rat. Histologic samples were taken after 7, 15, 30 and 60 days. Sections were assessed histologically for inflammatory responses and presence of fibrous capsule and granulation tissue formation. Data were analyzed using the Fisher’s exact and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Result: PC mixed with titanium oxide showed the highest mean scores of inflammation compared with others. There was no statistically significant difference in the mean inflammatory grades between all groups in each of the understudy time intervals. Conclusion: The results showed favorable biocompatibility of these modified PC mixed with calcium chloride and titanium oxide.Keywords: Biocompatibility; Mineral Trioxide Aggregate; Portland Cemen

    Pregled nekih hemijskih jedinjenja i masnih kiselina u mesu gajenog šarana (cyprinus carpio) i belog amura (ctenopharyngodon idella)

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    This study was conducted to determine of some chemical compounds (proteins, lipids, moisture and ash) and fatty acids in cultured two species of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Results of this study showed that the amount of saturated fatty acids (SFA) in common carp and grass carp were 35.21 ± 2.19% and 27.18 ± 2.63%, respectively and saturated fatty acids (SFA) in common carp was higher compared to grass carp (p0.05). This study showed that PUFA was higher than SFA in Grass carp while SFA was higher than PUFA in common carp. There were significant differences in protein, lipid and moisture in two species (p0.05)

    Predictive Factors of Life Balance in Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy

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    Objectives: Having a child with cerebral palsy (CP) is a stressful experience for the family specially mothers. Caring of this children take a lots of time and energy from family. The balance of life may be decreased by the influence of factors related to the child or mother. Therefore, the present study intended to investigate the predictive factors affecting the life balance of mothers with CP. Methods: This study was a cross sectional descriptive-analytical research that conducted in Ahvaz in 2021. A total of 135 mothers (mean age= 33.37(7.93)) with at least one children under the age of ten CP participated in this research. Data were collected using life balance index, general health questionnaire, time management quality, and demographic information checklists. GMFCS E&R and MACS were used to determine the level of gross motor and manual ability function. To investigate the effect of predictor variables on the quantity of life balance, generalized univariate linear models were used. Results: Life Balance of mothers of children with CP was very unbalanced (45.2%) or unbalanced (35.6%). Based on regression coefficient of each variable, it was determined that MACS (B = 0.192), comorbidity in the children with CP (B= 0.187), gross motor function (B= 0.137), general health (B= 0.024) and maternal age (beta = 0.01), respectively, contributed the most in the prediction of life balance variances. Conclusion: Life balance is a serious affected domain in mothers caring CP children. Child-related factors had a more effective role in predicting the life balance of mothers of CP children than mother-related factors

    The impact of OSCE test workshop on reducing anxiety in anesthesia and operating room students

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    Background: Objective Structural clinical evaluation (OSCE) is newly emerging evaluation methods that has been used in recent years in the medical and paramedical fields. However, one of its disadvantages is that it causes anxiety, which, in turn, reduces the effectiveness of the test. Therefore, the main purpose of the present study was to evaluate the OSCE test familiarity workshop effectiveness on test anxiety in anesthesia students and operating room of Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Methods: This research was of quasi-experimental study nature performed on 72 students who were studying anesthesia and operating room. In doing so, the students in each class were randomly assigned into control and intervention groups. Then, a workshop was held one hour before the test to familiarize students with OSCE stations, how to ask questions and how to answer students in the intervention group. Then, the Spielberger questionnaire was also completed. Besides, data analysis was performed using SPSS 21 statistical software (Chicago, IL, USA). Results: The highest frequency (52.77%) was related to anesthesia participants, of whom 58.33% were girls. The mean score of anxiety before the intervention was 48.15 7 7.15 which decreased to 30.80 98 6.98 after the intervention (P <0.042)

    Ability to predict surgical outcomes by surgical Apgar score: a systematic review

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    Abstract Background The Surgical Apgar score (SAS) is a straightforward and unbiased measure to assess the probability of experiencing complications after surgery. It is calculated upon completion of the surgical procedure and provides valuable predictive information. The SAS evaluates three specific factors during surgery: the estimated amount of blood loss (EBL), the lowest recorded mean arterial pressure (MAP), and the lowest heart rate (LHR) observed. Considering these factors, the SAS offers insights into the probability of encountering postoperative complications. Methods Three authors independently searched the Medline, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Embase databases until June 2022. This search was conducted without any language or timeframe restrictions, and it aimed to cover relevant literature on the subject. The inclusion criteria were the correlation between SAS and any modified/adjusted SAS (m SAS, (Modified SAS). eSAS, M eSAS, and SASA), and complications before, during, and after surgeries. Nevertheless, the study excluded letters to the editor, reviews, and case reports. Additionally, the researchers employed Begg and Egger's regression model to evaluate publication bias. Results In this systematic study, a total of 78 studies \were examined. The findings exposed that SAS was effective in anticipating short-term complications and served as factor for a long-term prognostic following multiple surgeries. While the SAS has been validated across various surgical subspecialties, based on the available evidence, the algorithm's modifications may be necessary to enhance its predictive accuracy within each specific subspecialty. Conclusions The SAS enables surgeons and anesthesiologists to recognize patients at a higher risk for certain complications or adverse events. By either modifying the SAS (Modified SAS) or combining it with ASA criteria, healthcare professionals can enhance their ability to identify patients who require continuous observation and follow-up as they go through the postoperative period. This approach would improve the accuracy of identifying individuals at risk and ensure appropriate measures to provide necessary care and support

    بررسی میزان آگاهی دندان‌پزشکان عمومی در مورد رعایت منشور حقوق بیماران

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    Background and Aim: In order to ensure that the quality of health care improves, the observance of medical ethics and patients’ rights is inevitable. The present study was conducted to determine how much dentists practicing in Khorramabad, Iran, in 2020 complied with the Charter of Patients’ Rights. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical study that was performed on 70 general dentists in Khorramabad from March 2019 to March 2020. The participants were selected by the census sampling method. Data were collected using the Patients’ Rights Questionnaire designed based on ethical codes approved by the American Dental Association (ADA). Data were analyzed using SPSS 20 at a significance level of 0.05. Findings: The mean age was 34.58±7.21 in women and 38.84±9.82 in men. The awareness level of the dentists regarding the Charter of Patients’ Rights was 47±0.12.The highest score was related to explaining and clarifying the charged expenses with 71.4%. The lowest scores were related to providing expert testimony about the illegal practices of a colleague with 22.9% and explaining the treatment method to patients with 25.7%. Work experience had a weak correlation with awareness levels (r=0.2, p=0.095). There was no significant difference between men and women in terms of awareness levels (p=0.139). Ethical Considerations: This article is the result of a research project with the ethical code IR.LUMS.REC.1397.190. Adequate explanations about the objectives of the research were given to the subjects. They were assured that all information collected in this study was confidential. Conclusion: The awareness level of general dentists who were examined, about the observance of the principles of professional ethics was below average. Therefore, it is necessary for medical universities to pay more attention to aspects of patients’ rights that are less observed by dentists. It is obvious that observing the principles of professional ethics will increasingly gain patients’ trust and as a result, will promote the health level of the society.   Cite this article as: Qaruni K, Yaghoubipour F, Qaruni B, Bakhtiar M, Bakhtiar K, Birjandi M, Bastami F. Evaluation of the Observance of the Charter of Patients’ Rights by General Dentists. Majale "akhlāq-i pizishkī" (i.e., Medical Ethics) 2021; 15(46): e11.زمینه و هدف: رعایت موازین اخلاق پزشكی و حقوق بیمار در تأمین ارتقای كیفیت مراقبت‌های بهداشتی ـ درمانی اجتناب‌ناپذیر است. مطالعه حاضر به منظور تعیین میزان آگاهی دندان‌پزشکان عمومی در مورد رعایت منشور حقوق بیماران انجام شده است. مواد و روش‌‌ها: پژوهش حاضر، یک مطالعه توصیفی ـ مقطعی است که با استفاده روش نمونه‌گیری سرشماری بر روی 70 نفر از دندان‌پزشکان عمومی شهر خرم‌آباد از فروردین ماه تا اسفندماه در سال 1399 انجام شد. داده‌ها با استفاده از پرسشنامه رعایت حقوق بیمار که بر اساس کد‌های اخلاقی که مورد تأیید انجمن دندانی امریکا (American Dental Association) می‌باشند، جمع‌آوری گردید و با استفاده از نرم‌افزار SPSS 20 در سطح معنی‌داری 05/0 تحلیل شدند. یافته‌ها: میانگین سنی در زنان 21/7±58/34 بود و در مردان 82/9±84/38 بود. میزان آگاهی دندان‌پزشکان عمومی مورد بررسی از منشور حقوق بیمار 12/0±47 بود. بیشترین امتیاز مربوط به شفاف‌نمودن هزینه‌های دریافتی با 4/71 درصد بود. کمترین امتیاز مربوط به گواهی‌دادن فرد خبره درباره عملکرد غیر قانونی همکار با 9/22 درصد و بیان روش درمانی برای بیمار با 7/25 درصد بود. سابقه کاری با میزان آگاهی همبستگی ضعیف داشت (095/0=p، 2/0=r). بین زنان و مردان از لحاظ میزان آگاهی اختلاف معناداری وجود نداشت (139/0=p). ملاحظات اخلاقی: این مقاله حاصل طرح تحقیقاتی با کد اخلاقی IR.LUMS.REC.1397.190 می‌باشد. توضیحات کافی در خصوص اهداف پژوهش به افراد مورد مطالعه داده شد و به آن‌ها اطمینان داده شد کلیه اطلاعات گردآوری‌شده در این پژوهش محرمانه می‌باشد. نتیجه‌گیری: سطح آگاهی دندان‌پزشکان عمومی مورد بررسی در مورد رعایت منشور حقوق بیمار کمتر از حد متوسط بود. لازم است دانشگاه‌های علوم پزشکی در مورد جنبه‌هایی از حقوق بیمار که کمتر توسط دندان‌پزشکان رعایت می‌شوند، توجه بیشتری داشته باشند. بدیهی است که رعایت حقوق بیماران باعث جلب اعتماد آنان و در نتیجه ارتقای سطح سلامت جامعه خواهد شد