47 research outputs found


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    Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo e prospectivo sobre as causas de mortes ou razão de eutanásia em suínos diagnosticadas em unidades de creche no Sul do Brasil. O estudo foi realizado a partir da revisão dos laudos arquivados no Laboratório de Patologia Animal da Universidade de Cruz Alta e através de visitas técnicas realizadas em unidades de produção no período de janeiro do ano 2018 até de setembro de 2020. Durante o período, foram realizadas 54 necropsias em suínos. Dessas, 50 com diagnósticos conclusivos (93%) e quatro inconclusivos (7%). A distribuição das causas de morte foi discriminada de acordo com os sistemas afetados. O estudo revelou que as causas sistêmicas ou multifatoriais foram as mais frequentemente diagnosticadas com um total 19 casos (35%); seguido de 16 casos relacionados a patologias do sistema digestório (30%); 14 casos associados ao sistema respiratório (26%); e um caso do sistema tegumentar (2%). O conhecimento das doenças infecciosas que ocorrem na espécie suína é fundamental para a determinação de sua relevância econômica e o estabelecimento de um adequado programa de biosseguridade nas unidades de produção

    Bloat in cattle secondary to esophageal obstruction by Citrus limon (sicilian lemon)

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    Timpanismo ruminal consiste na distensão acentuada do rúmen e retículo, devido a incapacidade do animal em expulsar gases produzidos durante o processo fisiológico da fermentação. O timpanismo pode ser ocasionado de forma primária, por formação de espuma estável, ou secundária, devido a anormalidades funcionais e/ou físicas que interferem na eructação. Nesse trabalho, são descritos os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos da ocorrência de timpanismo secundário em bovinos, decorrente da obstrução esofágica aguda por limões sicilianos. Cinco bovinos, de um lote de 210, foram afetados. Os bovinos eram suplementados com resíduo de tangerina (Citrus reticulata) no cocho e na última carga desse subproduto, havia limões sicilianos inteiros misturados ao resíduo. Os cinco animais afetados eram da raça Aberdeen Angus e tinham entre 12-24 meses de idade. Todos apresentaram sinais clínicos caracterizados principalmente por mucosas cianóticas, grave timpanismo, desconforto abdominal, acentuada dispneia e taquicardia, atonia ruminal, desidratação, decúbito e morte. O curso clínico variou entre 24 a 48 horas. Na necropsia, os cinco bovinos apresentavam grave obstrução esofágica por limões nas porções: cranial (logo após a laringe [1/5]), porção medial (entrada do tórax [1/5]) e final (próximo ao cárdia [3/5]). Nas áreas de oclusão, observou-se extensa necrose e ulceração da mucosa esofágica. O conteúdo ruminal dos bovinos estava seco e misturado com limões inteiros. No esôfago de dois animais havia linha de timpanismo. As lesões histológicas eram visualizadas principalmente no esôfago, na região da obstrução, onde se evidenciaram alterações degenerativas, necróticas e ulcerativas acentuadas no revestimento epitelial.Ruminal bloat (acute timpany) in ruminants is a marked rumenreticular distension which results from more gas being produced during the physiologic process of fermentation than is eliminated by eructation. This condition may present itself as either primary timpany due to the formation of stable foam or secondary timpany resulting from functional and/or physical disturbances compromising eructation. This paper describes the epidemiological, clinical, and anatomopathological aspects of acute timpany in cattle secondary to esophageal obstruction by sicilian lemons. Five out of a herd of 210 cattle were affected. Cattle were supplemented with tangerine (Citrus reticulata) residues in a trough. In the last batch of this feed there were whole sicilian lemons mixed with the tangerine residue. The five affected cattle were 12-24 month-old Aberdeen-Angus. All of the five presented clinical signs characterized mainly by cyanotic mucous membranes, severe timpany, abdominal discomfort, marked dyspnea and tachycardia, ruminal atony, dehydration, recumbence and death. Clinical course lasted from 24 to 48 hours. Necropsy findings in the five affected cattle were similar and included complete esophageal obstruction by lemons in the cranial esophagus (immediately cranial to the larynx [1/5]) medial esophagus (at the thoracic inlet [1/5]) and caudal esophagus (close to the cardia [3/5]). At the occluded sites the esophageal mucosa was necrotic and ulcerated. Ruminal content was dried and admixed with whole lemons. In the esophagus o two affected bovine a bloat line was observed. Histological lesions were observed mainly in the esophagus at the sites of obstruction and consisted of marked degenerative, necrotic and ulcerative changes in the esophageal mucosal epithelium

    Lily poisoning in domestic cats

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    Background: Cases of plant intoxication in small animals are observed frequently in the domestic environment, mainly because most dogs and cats live in households and occasionally have access to streets and rural areas. Among such toxic agents, ornamental plants of the genus Lilium and Hemerocallis, which are potentially nephrotoxic to the feline species, are highlighted. Affected cats start presenting clinical signs 1-6 h after plant ingestion. Renal failure takes place in 12-72 h, and death may occur in an interval ranging from three to seven days. The objective of this article is to describe the epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings of lily (Lilium sp.) poisoning in two cats. Case: The aspects of lily poisoning in two cats are described (cat #1 and cat #2). Cat #1 was a 3-year-old, mixed breed female cat, which presented a clinical history of anorexia, apathy, drooling, vomiting and polydipsia. Serum biochemical analysis revealed creatinine elevation (21.2 mg/dL), as well as hyperphosphatemia (19 mg/dL). Seventy-two h after the onset of clinical signs, renal failure progressed to anuria, followed by death. The second animal of this report (cat #2) was a 2-year-old, mixed-breed male cat. The animal was found dead by the owner without displaying any previous clinical signs. Cats #1 and #2 ingested leaves of lily, which were present in their households as ornamental plants. At necropsy, the kidneys of both cats presented mild enlargement. Moderate perirenal edema was also noted. Cat #1 showed morphologic extrarenal uremic lesions, characterized by ulcers in the oral mucosa and in the margin of the tongue ventral surface. Microscopic lesions observed in both cases were similar and compatible with acute toxic nephropathy. Histologically, severe epithelial cell degeneration and necrosis of proximal and distal convoluted tubules were noted. Other renal microscopic findings included hyaline and granular casts, tubule regeneration and occasional birefringent oxalate crystals. Cat #1 also presented moderate white matter vacuolation in the telencephalon and cerebellum. Discussion: The epidemiologic, clinical and pathological findings reported in the present study are similar to previous descriptions of lily poisoning in cats. Lily poisoning has been described in both males and females, without breed and age predisposition, similarly to what has been found in the present study. Kidney metabolite excretion, including the elimination of molecules such as creatinine, urea, and phosphorus is usually compromised in these cases, which was noted in cat #1. The same animal showed extrarenal manifestations of renal failure, leading to a clinical presentation of uremic syndrome, which is not frequent in these intoxications. Animals intoxicated by lily usually die from renal failure and anuria. In most cases, lesions are restricted to the kidneys. In the reported cases, the microscopical lesions consisted of tubule epithelial cells degenerative changes and necrosis. Acute lily intoxication in cats must be differentiated from other conditions, such as intoxications due to aminoglycoside antibiotics, heavy metals, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antifungal agents, chemotherapeutic drugs, and ethylene glycol. The knowledge regarding the toxic potential of ornamental plants is fundamental in order to prevent such events of intoxication, as well as to reach the final diagnosis. Epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings were essential to conclude the final diagnosis

    Doenças infecciosas supurativas do sistema nervoso central de ruminantes domésticos

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    This study describes suppurative infectious diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) in domestic ruminants of southern Brazil. Reports from 3.274 cattle, 596 sheep and 391 goats were reviewed, of which 219 cattle, 21 sheep and 7 goats were diagnosed with central nervous system inflammatory diseases. Suppurative infectious diseases of the CNS corresponded to 54 cases (28 cattle, 19 sheep and 7 goats). The conditions observed consisted of listerial meningoencephalitis (8 sheep, 5 goats and 4 cattle), suppurative leptomeningitis and meningoencephalitis (14 cattle, 2 goats and 1 sheep), cerebral (6 cattle and 2 sheep), and spinal cord (7 sheep) abscesses, and basilar empyema (4 cattle and 1 sheep). Bacterial culture identified Listeria monocytogenes (9/54 cases), Escherichia coli (7/54 cases), Trueperella pyogenes (6/54 cases) and Proteus mirabilis (1/54 cases). All cases diagnosed as listeriosis through histopathology yielded positive immunostaining on immunohistochemistry, while 12/17 of the cases of suppurative leptomeningitis and meningoencephalitis presented positive immunostaining for Escherichia coli. Meningoencephalitis by L. monocytogenes was the main neurological disease in sheep and goats, followed by spinal cord abscesses in sheep. In cattle, leptomeningitis and suppurative meningoencephalitis was the most frequent neurological disease for the species, and E. coli was the main cause of these lesions. Basilar empyema, mainly diagnosed in cattle, is related to traumatic injuries, mainly in the nasal cavity, and the main etiologic agent was T. pyogenes.Neste trabalho são descritas as doenças neurológicas infecciosas supurativas de ruminantes domésticos na Região Sul do Brasil. Foram avaliados laudos de 3.274 bovinos, 596 ovinos e 391 caprinos, dos quais 219 bovinos, 21 ovinos e sete caprinos foram diagnosticados como doenças inflamatórias no sistema nervoso central. As doenças neuneurológicas infecciosas supurativas corresponderam a 54 casos (28 bovinos, 19 ovinos e sete caprinos). As enfermidades observadas foram meningoencefalite por Listeria monocytogenes (oito ovinos, cinco caprinos e quatro bovinos), leptomeningite e meningoencefalite supurativa (14 bovinos, dois caprinos e um ovino), abscessos cerebrais (seis bovinos e dois ovinos) e medulares (sete ovinos); e empiema basilar (quatro bovinos e um ovino). Através do isolamento bacteriano foram identificados: L. monocytogenes (9/54 casos), Echerichia coli (7/54 casos), Trueperella pyogenes (6/54 casos) e Proteus mirabilis (1/54 casos). Todos os casos diagnosticados como listeriose por histologia foram positivos na imuno-histoquímica para L. monocytogenes, e 12/17 casos de leptomeningite e meningoencefalite supurativa foram positivos na imuno-histoquímica para E. coli. A meningoencefalite por L. monocytogenes representou a principal enfermidade neurológica em ovinos e caprinos, seguido dos abscessos medulares em ovinos. A leptomeningite e meningoencefalite supurativa foi a doença neurológica supurativa mais frequente em bovinos e o principal agente causador da lesão foi E. coli. O empiema basilar, frequentemente, diagnosticado em bovinos, foi relacionado com lesões traumáticas, principalmente, de cavidade nasal e o principal agente causador foi T. pyogenes

    Pathological findings of post-anesthetic myopathy associated with type 1 polysaccharide storage myopathy in a Percheron horse

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    Background: Post-anesthetic myopathy is the most common complication associated with general anesthesia in horses. Polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) is characterized by an abnormal accumulation of glycogen and glycogen-related polysaccharides in the skeletal muscle, which is categorized in type 1 (PSSM1) and type 2 (PSSM2). The purpose of this study is to report the clinical, pathological and molecular findings in a Percheron mare with post-anesthetic myopathy associated with a PSSM1. Case: A 9-year-old Percheron mare was submitted to a caesarean section due to clinical dystocia during labor. Xylazine was employed during pre-anesthesia, followed by induction with ketamine and diazepam, while anesthetic maintenance was obtained with isoflurane. The mare showed good recovery, however 24 h later, sternal recumbency and hyperthermia (41° C) were observed. The mare was euthanized, and a necropsy was performed. Samples of multiple tissues were collected and routinely processed for histology. At necropsy, segments of skeletal muscles had bilateral pale areas. The kidneys had old and recent infarcts. The heart had whitish areas in the myocardium. The brain showed focally extensive reddish areas, with flattening of gyri. Histologically, skeletal muscle fibers had in the sarcoplasm multiple homogeneous globular clear eosinophilic formations, in addition to mild hyaline necrosis. In the heart and in the kidney, there were extensive areas of acute coagulative necrosis. The brain showed marked multifocal fibrinoid degeneration of vessels and hemorrhage. Refrigerated liver samples were submitted to DNA extraction to detect mutations in the GYS1 (type 1 PSSM) and RyR1 genes (malignant hyperthermia). A positive result for a homozygous dominant mutation in GYS1 (type 1 PSSM) was observed, while the mutation responsible for malignant hyperthermia was not identified Discussion: The diagnosis of post-anesthetic myopathy associated with PSSM was obtained by the presence of amylase resistant polysaccharide complex inclusions, glycogen subsarcolemmal aggregates, and central cytoplasmic corpuscles containing glycogen through PAS-amylase resistant histochemical technique, associated to the myopathy microscopical features. Microscopic findings were related to clinical history, and the diagnosis of PSSM underlying post-anesthetic myopathy was determined. The predisposition of the Percheron horse has been described as an inherited predisposition leading to PSSM susceptibility, as was observed in the present case. We speculated that the anesthetic procedure resulted in the precipitation of the drug and a presentation of an acute anesthetic myopathy, while the muscle damage most likely occurred due to the ischemia caused by systemic hypotension. In addition to these lesions, other lesions were considered related to the use of the anesthetics, which may predispose to vasculogenic injuries. This horse was diagnosed as being homozygous dominant for the GYS1 gene, which causes a gain-offunction and results in glycogenolysis with glycogen accumulation in myofibers. Horses that are homozygous for the GYS1 gene may exhibit more severe histological changes in the skeletal muscle fibers, such as necrosis, anisocytosis, endomysial fibrosis, and fatty infiltration In PSSM, there is a bilateral involvement of the skeletal muscles with areas of degeneration of whitish or greyish coloration, as well as pale muscle with whitish streaks due to coagulative necrosis and edema. In our study, we observed bilateral skeletal muscle lesions and cardiomyocyte necrosis. Post-anesthetic myopathy, along with skeletal muscle lesions, may predispose to vasculogenic injuries, with kidney and brain lesions in horses. Dominant homozygosis for the GYS1 gene with consequent PSSM1 disease probably aggravated the condition in this Percheron, with more severe histological muscular lesions. Our study should bring attention to the use of anesthetics in horses with PSSM1, especially in the Percheron breed

    Causas de aborto, natimortalidade e morte perinatal em equinos

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    Causes of abortion, stillbirth, and perinatal mortality in horses were investigated in the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) from 2000 to 2015. In this period, 107 cases were analyzed using macroscopic, microscopic, and complementary tests. Of these, 77 were aborted fetuses, 16 were stillbirths, and 14 were perinatal deaths. Conclusive diagnosis was established in 42.8% of the fetuses analyzed, with 28.6% classified as infectious origin, 9.1% as non-infectious, and 5.1% as other. Bacterial infections, especially those related to Streptococcus spp. were the most frequently observed. In stillborn foals, diagnosis was established in 62.5% of cases, and 50% of these were related to non-infectious causes, such as dystocia and birth traumas. As for perinatal mortality, a conclusive diagnosis was reached in 78.57% of cases, and infectious causes associated with bacterial infections accounted for 64.1% of these diagnoses.Causas de aborto, natimortalidade e mortalidade perinatal em equinos foram investigadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) durante o período de 2000 a 2015. Nesse período, foram analisados 107 casos através de exames macroscópico, microscópico e exames complementares, desses 77 correspondiam a fetos abortados, 16 natimortos e 14 mortes perinatais. Diagnóstico conclusivo foi estabelecido em 42,8% dos fetos analisados e classificados como origem infecciosa em 28,6% dos casos, não infecciosa com 9,1% e outros com 5,1% dos casos. As infecções bacterianas, em especial as relacionadas a Streptococcus spp. foram as mais frequentemente observadas. Em potros natimortos, diagnostico foi estabelecido em 62,5% dos casos, e destes, 50% foram relacionados a causas não infecciosas, como distocia e traumas durante o parto. Quanto a mortalidade perinatal, em 78,57% dos casos houve um diagnostico conclusivo, e as causas infecciosas associadas a infecções bacterianas corresponderam a 64,1% desses diagnósticos


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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a caracterização clínica e patológica das principais doenças que afetaram equinos na região Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul no período de janeiro de 2020 a setembro de 2020, diagnosticadas pelo Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade de Cruz Alta. As amostras coletadas foram provenientes de visitas realizadas, após requisição do proprietário ou médico veterinário responsável. Durante este intervalo, foram realizadas oito necropsias em equinos, todas com diagnóstico conclusivo. Destas, 87,5% (7/8) eram fêmeas e 12,5% (1/8) eram machos. Entre as categorias de idade, as idades variaram de um potro (1/8), de um a cinco anos de idade (2/8), entre 10 a 15 anos (2/8) e de idade não informada (2/8).  As causas de morte foram divididas conforme os sistemas afetados: patologias do sistema digestório foram as mais frequentes (50%), seguidas por neoplasias do sistema hematopoiético (25%), sistema respiratório (12,5%) e neurológico (12,5%). O diagnóstico das enfermidades que afetam equinos, através do exame de necropsia, é uma ferramenta essencial para clínicos e patologistas, no auxílio para o diagnóstico e no desenvolvimento de medidas de profilaxia e controle para as principais doenças descritas na região

    Aborto equino associado a placentite por Pasteurella pneumotropica

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    Pasteurella pneumotropica is a bacterium that has so far not been described as a cause of placentitis in animals. Two cases of aborted equine fetuses were sent to the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the “Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul” (SPV-UFRGS) for anatomopathological examination. Both cases presented suppurative placentitis associated with multiple basophilic bacterial cells. After bacterial isolation and biochemical analysis, P. pneumotropica was identified.Pasteurella pneumotropica é uma bactéria que até o momento não foi descrita como causa de placentite em animais. Dois casos de fetos equinos abortados foram enviados ao Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) para exame anatomopatológico. Em ambos os casos se observou placentite supurativa associada a múltiplas colônias bacterianas basofílicas. Após o isolamento bacteriano e análise bioquímica, indentificou-se P. pneumotropica

    Glial fibrillary acidic protein and ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 immunostaining score for the central nervous system of horses with non-suppurative encephalitis and encephalopathies

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    Like humans, horses are susceptible to neurotropic and neuroinvasive pathogens that are not always readily identified in histological sections. Instead, alterations in astrocytes and microglia cells can be used as pathological hallmarks of injured nervous tissue in a variety of infectious and degenerative diseases. On the other hand, equine glial cell alterations are poorly characterized in diseases. Therefore, in this study, we provide a statistically proved score system to classify astrogliosis and microgliosis in the central nervous system (CNS) of horses, based on morphological and quantitative analyses of 35 equine cases of encephalitis and/or encephalopathies and four non-altered CNS as controls. For this system, we used glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 (Iba1) immunohistochemistry, allied to statistical analysis to confirm that the scores were correctly designated. The scores of alterations ranged from 0 (non-altered) to 3 (severely altered) and provided a helpful method for describing astrocytic and microglial alterations in horses suffering from inflammatory and degenerative lesions. This system could be a template for comparative studies in other animal species and could aid algorithms designed for artificial intelligence methods lacking a defined morphological pattern

    Hipomielinogênese associada à intoxicação transplacentária por Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) em fetos e neonatos bovinos

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    Sida carpinifolia is a plant responsible for poisoning several species of animals. This paper describes Hypomyelinogenesis in fetuses and neonates of cattle that consumed S. carpinifolia. Neonates manifested ataxia and muscle tremors. Two bovine newborns and four fetuses were necropsied and showed no significant gross changes. Histopathologic findings included vacuolation of pancreatic acinar cells, thyroid follicular cells, hepatocytes, cells of renal tubules and neurons of the fetus and the white matter of the telencephalic frontal lobe of the neonates and also revealed axonal spheroids in the brain of the fetuses and neonates. The lectin-histochemical evaluation shoved staining for the lectins Con-A, WGA and s-WGA. The Luxol Fast Blue staining revealed a marked decrease of myelin in the brain of all the fetuses and a moderate decrease in the neonates. Histologic and lectin-histochemic findings indicate that the consumption of S. carpinifolia by pregnant bovine females can cause hypomyelinogenesis in fetuses and neonates.Sida carpinifolia é uma planta responsável por intoxicar várias espécies animais. Este artigo descreve hipomielinogênese em fetos e neonatos de bovinos que consumiram S. carpinifolia. Os neonatos manifestaram ataxia e tremores musculares. Dois neonatos e quatro fetos bovinos foram necropsiados e não havia alterações macroscópicas significativas. Os achados histopatológicos incluíram vacuolização de células acinares do pâncreas, células foliculares da tireoide, hepatócitos, células renais tubulares e neurônios nos fetos. Nos neonatos havia vacuolização na substância branca do lobo frontal telencefálico, além de esferoides axonais no encéfalo dos fetos e dos recém-nascidos. A avaliação lectino-histoquímica demonstrou marcação para as lectinas Con-A, WGA e s-WGA. A coloração de Luxol Fast Blue revelou diminuição acentuada da mielina no telencéfalo de todos os fetos e diminuição moderada nos neonatos. Os achados histológicos e lectina-histoquímicos indicam que o consumo de S. carpinifolia por fêmeas bovinas gestantes pode causar hipomielinogênese em fetos e neonatos