267 research outputs found

    Rasch Model for Assessing Propensity to Entomophagy

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    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations supports the production of edible insects as a promising and sustainable source of nutrients to meet the increasing demand for animal-derived products by the growing world population. Even if insects are part of the diet of more than two billion people worldwide, the practice of eating insects (entomophagy) raises challenging questions for Western countries where this is not a habit. The research applied the Rasch models and showed that, in the case of hunger or need, 70.8% of the sample declared that they would be willing to eat insects. The willingness to habitually consume and pay for insect food is very low, but the percentages are higher than people who had actually had insect tasting experiences. This demonstrates that a communication process is necessary that aims to overcome psychological/cultural barriers. Only in this way will it be possible to increase the propensity to consume insects

    Embedded system for real-time digital processing of medical Ultrasound Doppler signals

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    Ultrasound (US) Doppler systems are routinely used for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Depending on the application, either single tone bursts or more complex waveforms are periodically transmitted throughout a piezoelectric transducer towards the region of interest. Extraction of Doppler information from echoes backscattered from moving blood cells typically involves coherent demodulation and matched filtering of the received signal, followed by a suitable processing module. In this paper, we present an embedded Doppler US system which has been designed as open research platform, programmable according to a variety of strategies in both transmission and reception. By suitably sharing the processing tasks between a state-of-the-art FGPA and a DSP, the system can be used in several medical US applications. As reference examples, the detection of microemboli in cerebral circulation and the measurement of wall _distension_ in carotid arteries are finally presented

    miR-199a-3p increases the anti-tumor activity of palbociclib in liver cancer models

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    Palbociclib is in early-stage clinical testing in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Here, we investigated whether the anti-tumor activity of palbociclib, which prevents the CDK4/6-mediated phosphorylation of RB1 but simultaneously activates AKT signaling, could be improved by its combination with a PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitor in liver cancer models. The selective pan-AKT inhibitor, MK-2206, or the microRNA-199a-3p were tested in combination with palbociclib in HCC cell lines and in the TG221 HCC transgenic mouse model. The combination palbociclib/MK-2206 was highly effective, but too toxic to be tolerated by mice. Conversely, the combination miR-199a-3p mimics/palbociclib not only induced a complete or partial regression of tumor lesions, but was also well tolerated. After 3 weeks of treatment, the combination produced a significant reduction in number and size of tumor nodules in comparison with palbociclib or miR-199a-3p mimics used as single agents. Moreover, we also reported the efficacy of this combination against sorafenib-resistant cells in vitro and in vivo. At the molecular level, the combination caused the simultaneous decrease of the phosphorylation of both RB1 and of AKT. Our findings provide pre-clinical evidence for the efficacy of the combination miR-199a-3p/palbociclib as anti-HCC treatment or as a new approach to overcome sorafenib resistance

    Case Report: Liver Cysts and SARS-CoV-2: No Evidence of Virus in Cystic Fluid

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    Background: In December 2019, an outbreak of pneumonia, caused by a new type of coronavirus, named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It quickly spread worldwide, resulting in a pandemic. The clinical manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 range from mild non-specific symptoms to severe pneumonia with organ function damage. In addition, up to 60% of patients have liver impairment or dysfunction, confirmed by several studies by the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the liver tissue.Methods: We report two cases of symptomatic liver cyst requiring fenestration after recent SARS-CoV-2 infection. Both patients had hospital admission due to documented SARS-CoV-2 infection. Recently, after the infection, they developed symptoms caused by an enlarged hepatic cyst: one had abdominal pain, and the other had jaundice. They underwent surgery after two negative swab tests for SARS-CoV-2.Results: Cystic fluid was sent for microbiological test, and real-time fluorescence polymerase chain reaction COVID-19 nucleic-acid assay of the cyst fluid was found to be negative in both cases.Discussion: Although there are no current data that can document a viral contamination of cystic fluid, there are data that document a hepatotropism of COVID-19 virus. Herein we report that after viral clearance at pharyngeal and nasal swab, there is no evidence of viral load in such potential viral reservoir

    Pure stress urinary incontinence: analysis of prevalence, estimation of costs, and financial impact

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    BackgroundThe prevalence of pure stress urinary incontinence (P-SUI) and the role of urodynamic investigation (UDI) prior to surgery for stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is debated. Since the exact prevalence of P-SUI is not clear, its clinical and economic impact is not well defined. The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of P-SUI in a population of women who underwent UDI for urinary incontinence (UI), also assessing: 1) the correspondence between clinical diagnosis of P-SUI and urodynamic findings; 2) the analysis of costs in terms of UDI and eventually post-UDI avoided surgical procedures.MethodsA single cohort of women who underwent UDI for UI between January 2012 and July 2016 was prospectively collected and retrospectively analyzed. Clinical P-SUI was defined by the strict criteria of the International Continence Society. For each patient, history, physical examination and UDI were collected. The correspondence between clinical and urodynamic findings of P-SUI was analyzed. The rate of clinical P-SUI changed after performing UDI and the number of unnecessary intervention after UDI were reported. A wide cost analysis of UDIs, and the amount of surgical procedures that were believed unnecessary after UDI was reported.ResultsStress urinary incontinence was present in 323/544 (59.4%) patients. The prevalence of clinical P-SUI was 20.7% (67/323), while the prevalence of complicated SUI (C-SUI) was 79.3% (256/323). After UDI, diagnosis of P-SUI decreased to 18.3% (59/232). In 10.2% of cases (6/59) the scheduled middle urethral sling (MUS) was suppressed after the UDI results because 3/6 cases had detrusor overactivity and urge incontinence, in 2/6 cases SUI was treated with a conservative management, in 1/6 case an important voiding dysfunction was detected. Considering the national reimbursement in our country, the cost of each UDI was 296.5 euros and the total amount was 17,493.5 euros. So far the surgery-related savings covered 61.7-105.0% of the costs of total number of UDIs performed in the uncomplicated patients.ConclusionsThe prevalence of clinical P-SUI is relevant, involving about 20% of women with clinical SUI. Although the correspondence between clinical and urodynamic diagnosis was high, we demonstrated that UDI may help in some cases to avoid an inappropriate surgical treatment. Therefore, UDI prior to SUI surgery should be considered to achieve a correct diagnosis and a proper therapeutic strategy

    Coupled-resonator optical waveguides: Q-factor and disorder influence

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    Coupled resonator optical waveguides (CROW) can significantly reduce light propagation pulse velocity due to pronounced dispersion properties. A number of interesting applications have been proposed to benefit from such slow-light propagation. Unfortunately, the inevitable presence of disorder, imperfections, and a finite Q value may heavily affect the otherwise attractive properties of CROWs. We show how finite a Q factor limits the maximum attainable group delay time; the group index is limited by Q, but equally important the feasible device length is itself also limited by damping resulting from a finite Q. Adding the additional effects of disorder to this picture, limitations become even more severe due to destructive interference phenomena, eventually in the form of Anderson localization. Simple analytical considerations demonstrate that the maximum attainable delay time in CROWs is limited by the intrinsic photon lifetime of a single resonator.Comment: Accepted for Opt. Quant. Electro

    Real-life comparison of Pirfenidone and Nintedanib in patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: a 24-month assessment.

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    Background: Real-life data on the use of pirfenidone and nintedanib to treat patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) are still scarce. Methods: We compared the efficacy of either pirfenidone (n=78) or nintedanib (n=28) delivered over a 24-month period in patients with IPF, followed at two regional clinic centers in Italy, with a group of patients who refused the treatment (n=36), and who were considered to be controls. All patients completed regular visits at 1- to 3-month intervals, where primary [forced vital capacity (FVC) and diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO)] and secondary outcomes (side effects, treatment compliance, and mortality) were recorded. Results: Over time, the decline in FVC and DLCO was significantly higher (p=0.0053 and p=0.037, respectively) in controls when compared with the combined treated group, with no significant difference between the two treated groups. Compared to patients with less advanced disease (GAP (Gender, Age, Physiology) stage I), those in GAP stages II and III showed a significantly higher decline in both FVC and DLCO irrespective of the drug taken. Side effects were similarly reported in patients receiving pirfenidone and nintedanib (5% and 7%, respectively), whereas mortality did not differ among the three groups. Conclusion: This real-life study demonstrated that both pirfenidone and nintedanib were equally effective in reducing the decline of FVC and DLCO versus non-treated patients after 24 months of treatment; however, patients with more advanced disease were likely to show a more rapid decline in respiratory function

    The midbody interactome reveals unexpected roles for PP1 phosphatases in cytokinesis

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    Abstract: The midbody is an organelle assembled at the intercellular bridge between the two daughter cells at the end of mitosis. It controls the final separation of the daughter cells and has been involved in cell fate, polarity, tissue organization, and cilium and lumen formation. Here, we report the characterization of the intricate midbody protein-protein interaction network (interactome), which identifies many previously unknown interactions and provides an extremely valuable resource for dissecting the multiple roles of the midbody. Initial analysis of this interactome revealed that PP1β-MYPT1 phosphatase regulates microtubule dynamics in late cytokinesis and de-phosphorylates the kinesin component MKLP1/KIF23 of the centralspindlin complex. This de-phosphorylation antagonizes Aurora B kinase to modify the functions and interactions of centralspindlin in late cytokinesis. Our findings expand the repertoire of PP1 functions during mitosis and indicate that spatiotemporal changes in the distribution of kinases and counteracting phosphatases finely tune the activity of cytokinesis proteins
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