627 research outputs found

    The specificity and robustness of long-distance connections in weighted, interareal connectomes

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    Brain areas' functional repertoires are shaped by their incoming and outgoing structural connections. In empirically measured networks, most connections are short, reflecting spatial and energetic constraints. Nonetheless, a small number of connections span long distances, consistent with the notion that the functionality of these connections must outweigh their cost. While the precise function of these long-distance connections is not known, the leading hypothesis is that they act to reduce the topological distance between brain areas and facilitate efficient interareal communication. However, this hypothesis implies a non-specificity of long-distance connections that we contend is unlikely. Instead, we propose that long-distance connections serve to diversify brain areas' inputs and outputs, thereby promoting complex dynamics. Through analysis of five interareal network datasets, we show that long-distance connections play only minor roles in reducing average interareal topological distance. In contrast, areas' long-distance and short-range neighbors exhibit marked differences in their connectivity profiles, suggesting that long-distance connections enhance dissimilarity between regional inputs and outputs. Next, we show that -- in isolation -- areas' long-distance connectivity profiles exhibit non-random levels of similarity, suggesting that the communication pathways formed by long connections exhibit redundancies that may serve to promote robustness. Finally, we use a linearization of Wilson-Cowan dynamics to simulate the covariance structure of neural activity and show that in the absence of long-distance connections, a common measure of functional diversity decreases. Collectively, our findings suggest that long-distance connections are necessary for supporting diverse and complex brain dynamics.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Models in the Cloud: Exploring Next Generation Environmental Software Systems

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    There is growing interest in the application of the latest trends in computing and data science methods to improve environmental science. However we found the penetration of best practice from computing domains such as software engineering and cloud computing into supporting every day environmental science to be poor. We take from this work a real need to re-evaluate the complexity of software tools and bring these to the right level of abstraction for environmental scientists to be able to leverage the latest developments in computing. In the Models in the Cloud project, we look at the role of model driven engineering, software frameworks and cloud computing in achieving this abstraction. As a case study we deployed a complex weather model to the cloud and developed a collaborative notebook interface for orchestrating the deployment and analysis of results. We navigate relatively poor support for complex high performance computing in the cloud to develop abstractions from complexity in cloud deployment and model configuration. We found great potential in cloud computing to transform science by enabling models to leverage elastic, flexible computing infrastructure and support new ways to deliver collaborative and open science

    Amplified Sensitivity of Nitrogen-Vacancy Spins in Nanodiamonds using All-Optical Charge Readout

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    Nanodiamonds containing nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers offer a versatile platform for sensing applications spanning from nanomagnetism to in-vivo monitoring of cellular processes. In many cases, however, weak optical signals and poor contrast demand long acquisition times that prevent the measurement of environmental dynamics. Here, we demonstrate the ability to perform fast, high-contrast optical measurements of charge distributions in ensembles of NV centers in nanodiamonds and use the technique to improve the spin readout signal-to-noise ratio through spin-to-charge conversion. A study of 38 nanodiamonds, each hosting 10-15 NV centers with an average diameter of 40 nm, uncovers complex, multiple-timescale dynamics due to radiative and non-radiative ionization and recombination processes. Nonetheless, the nanodiamonds universally exhibit charge-dependent photoluminescence contrasts and the potential for enhanced spin readout using spin-to-charge conversion. We use the technique to speed up a T1T_1 relaxometry measurement by a factor of five.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Optical Signatures of Quantum Emitters in Suspended Hexagonal Boron Nitride

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    Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is a tantalizing material for solid-state quantum engineering. Analogously to three-dimensional wide-bandgap semiconductors like diamond, h-BN hosts isolated defects exhibiting visible fluorescence, and the ability to position such quantum emitters within a two-dimensional material promises breakthrough advances in quantum sensing, photonics, and other quantum technologies. Critical to such applications, however, is an understanding of the physics underlying h-BN's quantum emission. We report the creation and characterization of visible single-photon sources in suspended, single-crystal, h-BN films. The emitters are bright and stable over timescales of several months in ambient conditions. With substrate interactions eliminated, we study the spectral, temporal, and spatial characteristics of the defects' optical emission, which offer several clues about their electronic and chemical structure. Analysis of the defects' spectra reveals similarities in vibronic coupling despite widely-varying fluorescence wavelengths, and a statistical analysis of their polarized emission patterns indicates a correlation between the optical dipole orientations of some defects and the primitive crystallographic axes of the single-crystal h-BN film. These measurements constrain possible defect models, and, moreover, suggest that several classes of emitters can exist simultaneously in free-standing h-BN, whether they be different defects, different charge states of the same defect, or the result of strong local perturbations

    Single-Mode Optical Waveguides on Native High-Refractive-Index Substrates

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    High-refractive-index semiconductor optical waveguides form the basis for modern photonic integrated circuits (PICs). However, conventional methods for achieving optical confinement require a thick lower-refractive-index support layer that impedes large-scale co-integration with electronics and limits the materials on which PICs can be fabricated. To address this challenge, we present a general architecture for single-mode waveguides that confine light in a high-refractive-index material on a native substrate. The waveguide consists of a high-aspect-ratio fin of the guiding material surrounded by lower-refractive-index dielectrics and is compatible with standard top-down fabrication techniques. This letter describes a physically intuitive, semi-analytical, effective index model for designing fin waveguides, which is confirmed with fully vectorial numerical simulations. Design examples are presented for diamond and silicon at visible and telecommunications wavelengths, respectively, along with calculations of propagation loss due to bending, scattering, and substrate leakage. Potential methods of fabrication are also discussed. The proposed waveguide geometry allows PICs to be fabricated alongside silicon CMOS electronics on the same wafer, removes the need for heteroepitaxy in III-V PICs, and will enable wafer-scale photonic integration on emerging material platforms such as diamond and SiC
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