43 research outputs found

    Pronostic de l’accident vasculaire cerebral hemorragique chez des patients hospitalises a la clinique des neurosciences Ibrahima Pierre Ndiaye, Dakar, Senegal en 2018

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    Introduction : Les accidents vasculaires cĂ©rĂ©braux hĂ©morragiques (AVCH) reprĂ©sentent 10 Ă  20 % de l‘ensemble des AVC dans les pays industrialisĂ©s. En Afrique, la frĂ©quence est Ă©levĂ©e avec des taux allant de 28% Ă  60%. Ils sont souvent de pronostic rĂ©servĂ©.Objectif : L‘objectif de notre travail Ă©tait dâ€˜Ă©valuer le pronostic Ă  court terme de tous les patients hospitalisĂ©s pour AVCH Ă  la clinique de neurosciences Ibrahima Pierre Ndiaye du CHNU de Fann.MĂ©thode : Il s‘agit d‘une Ă©tude transversale, allant du 1er janvier 2018 au 31 dĂ©cembre 2018, chez des patients hospitalisĂ©s qui remplissaient les critĂšres de diagnostic d‘AVCH.RĂ©sultats : Sur un total de 483 dossiers d‘AVC, 132 cas d‘AVCH ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©pertoriĂ©s soit une frĂ©quence de 27,3 %. L‘ñge moyen des patients Ă©tait de 59,2 ans avec un Ă©cart type Ă  13. Ils Ă©taient de sexe masculin (57,6%), admis aprĂšs 48 heures (42,4%) avec comme antĂ©cĂ©dents l‘HTA (67,5%), la dyslipidĂ©mie (28%) et le diabĂšte (12,1%). La mortalitĂ© Ă  30 jours Ă©tait de 35,6%. Le score ICH moyen Ă©tait de 1,1. La mortalitĂ© Ă©tait de 31,3% pour un score ICH Ă  1. Le trouble de la vigilance et le siĂšge sous tentoriel de l‘hĂ©matome, l‘hyperglycĂ©mie Ă  l‘admission, l‘engagement cĂ©rĂ©bral sous falcoriel et les complications de dĂ©cubitus Ă©taient associĂ©s de maniĂšre statistiquement  significative Ă  la mortalitĂ© Ă  30 jours.Conclusion : Dans notre Ă©tude un score ICH bas Ă©tait associĂ© Ă  une mortalitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e.   English title: Prognosis of hemorrhagic stroke in hospitalized patients at the Ibrahima Pierre Ndiaye Neurosciences Clinic, Dakar, Senegal In 2018 Background: Hemorrhagic strokes account for 10 to 20% of all strokes. In Africa, the frequency is high with rates ranging from 28% to 60%. Prognosis is often reserved. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the short-term prognosis of patients hospitalized for hemorrhagic stroke at the Ibrahima Pierre Ndiaye Neurosciences clinic of CHNU de Fann. Methodology: It was a cross sectional study, from January 1st 2018 to December 31th 2018, in hospitalized patients who met the diagnostic criteria for hemorrhagic stroke. Results: Of a total of 483 stroke cases, 132 cases of hemorrhagic stroke were reported, a proportion of 27.3%. The mean age of the patients was 59.2 years with a standard deviation of 13. They were male (57.6%), admitted after 48 hours (42.4%) with a history of hypertension (67.5%), dyslipidemia (28%) and diabetes (12.1%). The 30-day fatality rate was 35.6%. The mean ICH score was 1.1. The fatality rate was 31.3% for an ICH score of 1. Loss of consciousness, infra-tentorial hematoma, hyperglycemia on admission, subfalcine herniation and decubitus complications were statistically significantly associated with 30-day mortality. Conclusion: In our study a low ICH score was associated with high mortality

    Maladie de Krabbe : a propos d’un cas

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    Introduction Le diagnostic d’une maladie lysosomiale est utile surtout dans les familles Ă  risque en vue d’effectuer un conseil gĂ©nĂ©tique. Nous rapportons l’observation d’un enfant vu pour la premiĂšre fois Ă  13 mois, pour une perte progressive des acquisitions psychomotrices. Dans ses antĂ©cĂ©dents on notait une consanguinité parentale de premier degrĂ©. L’imagerie par rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique cĂ©rĂ©brale rĂ©vĂ©lait des hypersignaux diffus bilatĂ©raux et symĂ©triques periventriculaires, des noyaux lenticulaires et des noyaux dentelĂ©s du cervelet sur les sĂ©quences T2 et Flair associĂ©s Ă  des hyposignaux T2 des thalamus. Le dosage de la BĂȘta galatocĂ©rĂ©brosidase chez l’enfant et les deux parents a permis de faire le diagnostic de maladie deKrabbe.Conclusion Une maladie mĂ©tabolique doit ĂȘtre recherchĂ©e de parti pris chez tout enfant prĂ©sentant une rĂ©gression progressive des acquisitions psycho-motrices mais l’insuffisance du plateau technique en Afrique limite considĂ©rablement les possibilitĂ©s diagnostiques

    Les pointes-ondes continues du sommeil: Aspects electro-encephalographiques au service de neurologie du Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire de Fann de Dakar

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    Introduction: Les pointes-ondes continues du sommeil, constituent une entitĂ© Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographique peu frĂ©quente, mais au pronostic  neuropsychologique potentiellement pĂ©joratif.Objectif: L‘objectif de ce travail Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer les aspects Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographiques chez des patients prĂ©sentant des pointes-ondes continues du sommeil.Patients Et Methode: Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective descriptive sur 2 ans Ă  la Clinique  Neurologique du Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire de Fann Ă  Dakar, portant sur des dossiers  Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographiques d‘enfants prĂ©sentant des pointes-ondes continues du sommeil. Les donnĂ©es  personnelles, les caractĂ©ristiques de l‘activitĂ© Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographique de veille et de sommeil ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies.Resultats: Soixante-trois dossiers ont Ă©tĂ© colligĂ©s, soit une frĂ©quence de 1,02% de la population globale et de 2,60% de la population d‘enfants. Le sex-ratio Ă©tait de 1,42, l‘ñge moyen de 6,65 +/- 2,63 ans. Les indications prĂ©dominantes Ă©taient les crises gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es tonico-cloniques et les crises focales motrices. Presque tous (96,97%) les enregistrements de veille comportaient des anomalies paroxystiques, Ă  prĂ©dominance hĂ©misphĂ©rique gauche le plus souvent et dans les rĂ©gions pĂ©ri-sylviennes. Environ 2 enfants sur 3 (63,49%) avaient des altĂ©rations des figures physiologiques du sommeil. Les pointes-ondes prĂ©dominaient au stade II du sommeil, lĂ©gĂšrement dans l‘hĂ©misphĂšre gauche, plus frĂ©quemment dans les rĂ©gions pĂ©ri-sylviennes. Le schĂ©ma de pointes-ondes continues du sommeil antĂ©rieures prĂ©dominait. L‘index de pointes-ondes variait entre 50 et 100%.Conclusion: Le diagnostic des pointes-ondes continues du sommeil doit ĂȘtre prĂ©coce. La prĂ©cision des caractĂ©ristiques topographiques permet le diagnostic de dĂ©ficits cognitifs latents, d‘oĂč l‘intĂ©rĂȘt des Ă©tudes de corrĂ©lation clinicoĂ©lectrique.   English Title: Continuous spike-waves during slow sleep: electroencephalographic aspects in the neurological department of Fann National University Hospital of Daka

    Modelling radiation-induced cell cycle delays

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    Ionizing radiation is known to delay the cell cycle progression. In particular after particle exposure significant delays have been observed and it has been shown that the extent of delay affects the expression of damage such as chromosome aberrations. Thus, to predict how cells respond to ionizing radiation and to derive reliable estimates of radiation risks, information about radiation-induced cell cycle perturbations is required. In the present study we describe and apply a method for retrieval of information about the time-course of all cell cycle phases from experimental data on the mitotic index only. We study the progression of mammalian cells through the cell cycle after exposure. The analysis reveals a prolonged block of damaged cells in the G2 phase. Furthermore, by performing an error analysis on simulated data valuable information for the design of experimental studies has been obtained. The analysis showed that the number of cells analyzed in an experimental sample should be at least 100 to obtain a relative error less than 20%.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Radiation and Environmental Biophysic

    Qualite de vie apres un accident vasculaire cerebral au Senegal: a propos de 50 cas

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    Introduction: L’accident vasculaire cĂ©rĂ©bral (AVC) constitue une cause majeure de mortalitĂ© et de handicap chez les survivants. La qualitĂ© de vie dĂ©pend de la nature du handicap et de sa perception par le patient, son entourage et la communautĂ©.Objectif: Notre objectif Ă©tait d’évaluer le handicap aprĂšs un AVC et d’apprĂ©cier son retentissement sur la qualitĂ© de vie des patients victimes.Patients et MĂ©thodes: Nous avons menĂ© une Ă©tude prospective, longitudinale de fĂ©vrier 2008 Ă  mai 2009, Ă  la clinique neurologique de FANN. Les patients Ă©taient vus Ă  la phase initiale de l’AVC et 6 mois aprĂšs et soumis Ă  un questionnaire comportant plusieurs items relatifs Ă  la nature de l’accident vasculaire cĂ©rĂ©bral, le vĂ©cu psychoaffectif et socioprofessionnel, l’index de Barthel a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© chez tous les malades.RĂ©sultats: Nous avons colligĂ© 50 patients ĂągĂ©s de 15 Ă  82 ans, avec une sex-ratio de 1,27. L’accident Ă©tait ischĂ©mique dans 70%, hĂ©morragique dans 30% des cas. 66% des patients avaient un index de Barthel entre (60-100), 6% Ă©taient entre (0-20). Le score Ă©tait meilleur chez les jeunes (15ans-34ans) qui avait tous un index entre (60-100). Par ailleurs 50% des patients de la tranche supĂ©rieure Ă  75ans Ă©taient dans l’intervalle (60-100). Les AVCH avaient des Meilleurs rĂ©sultats avec 73,3% Ă  un index entre (60-100). seul 12% ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©insĂ©rĂ©s, sur le plan professionnel. 54,05%, n’ont pas notĂ© de changement dans leur vie conjugale. Sur le plan familial, 56% ne notaient aucun changement. Une grande partie de notre sĂ©rie 44% acceptaient bien leurs  dĂ©ficits,. 70% ne faisaient plus d’activitĂ©s de temps libre.Conclusion: La qualitĂ© de vie est un concept multidimensionnel qui incorpore outre la santĂ© physique les aspects mentaux et sociaux de la maladie.Mots clĂ©s: AVC, qualitĂ© de vie, SĂ©nĂ©galEnglish Title: Quality of life after stroke in Senegal: about 50 casesEnglish AbstractIntroduction: Stroke is a major cause of mortality and disability in survivors. The quality of life depends on the nature of disability and its perception by the patient, his or her environment and community. The aim of this study was to assess disability after stroke and its impact on quality of life of patients (victims).Patients And Methods: We conducted a prospective, longitudinal study from February 2008 to May 2009, at the Neurological Clinic of Fann. Patients were seen at the initial phase of stroke and 6 months later and answered a questionnary containing 13 items like nature of stroke disability psychological emotional and socioprofessional filds. The index of barthel was used at all the patient’s.Results: We collected, were like this 50 patients aged 15-82 years with a sex ratio of 1.27. The accident was ischemic in 70% of cases, hemorrhagic in 30% of cases. 66% had a Barthel index between (60-100), 6% were between (0-20). The score was significantly better in young series (15-34), which all have a Barthel index between (60-100), more over 50% of patients in the portion above 75 years were in the range (60 - 100). Hemorragic stroke had the best results with 73.3% a Barthel index between (60-100). On a professional level, only 12% patients were rehabilitated. 54.05% didn’t notice any change in their marital life. On the home front, 56% noted any change. A large part of our series 44% accepted although their deficits. 70% didn’t have any more free time activities.Keywords: quality of life, stroke, Senega

    Profil epidemiologique de l’epilepsie chez des patients atteints de troubles du spectre de l’autisme: Etude de 45 cas a Dakar (Senegal)

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    Description: Troubles du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) et Ă©pilepsie peuvent coexister chez une mĂȘme personne constituant des facteurs de mauvais pronostic bilatĂ©raux. Objectif:  DĂ©crire les Ă©lĂ©ments sociodĂ©mographiques de patients atteints de TSA et Ă©tudier les aspects clinico-paracliniques et Ă©volutifs des Ă©pilepsies chez ces patients. Patients et MĂ©thodes:  Etude transversale et descriptive au service pĂ©dopsychiatrique du CHNU Fann, avec analyse des dossiers, via un questionnaire standardisĂ©, de tous les patients suivis entre Janvier 2004 et Septembre 2018 pour TSA avec ou sans Ă©pilepsie. RĂ©sultats:  Quarante-cinq patients avec TSA colligĂ©s, avec une frĂ©quence de l’épilepsie de 37,8%. L’épilepsie avait dĂ©butĂ© avant l’ñge de 5 ans dans 94% des cas. Les crises Ă©taient gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es (58,8%), essentiellement motrices tonico-cloniques (80%), ou focales (35,3%), avec une frĂ©quence de 2 crises/jour Ă  1 crise/semaine. L’EEG de veille et sommeil montrait des anomalies majoritairement frontales dans 60%, et centro-pariĂ©tales dans 26,6% des cas. L’imagerie cĂ©rĂ©brale Ă©tait normale dans 93,9% des cas, et les potentiels Ă©voquĂ©s auditifs (PEA) normaux dans 87,2% des cas. La prise en charge Ă©tait multidisciplinaire pour les TSA (neuropsychologique, psychomotrice, orthophonique) et mĂ©dicale, essentiellement (82,4%) en monothĂ©rapie pour l’épilepsie. Les mĂ©dicaments antiĂ©pileptiques utilisĂ©s Ă©taient le valproate de sodium (58,8%) et le phĂ©nobarbital (17,6). Le niveau d’instruction Ă©tait bas avec 40% de non-scolarisĂ©s et 55,6% au primaire. Seuls 6,7% Ă©taient autonomes et 20 patients nĂ©cessitaient une aide quasi-constante. Conclusion: La prĂ©valence de l’épilepsie chez les patients atteints de TSA varie suivant les Ă©tudes. Une prise en charge globale et multidisciplinaire de l’épilepsie et des TSA amĂ©liore les troubles de comportement.   English Title: Epidemiologic profile of epilepsy in patients with autism spectrum disorders: study of 45 cases in Dakar (Senegal) Description: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and epilepsy can coexist in the same person, which are factors of bilateral poor prognosis. Purpose: To describe the socio-demographic profile of ASD patients and to study the clinical, paraclinical and evolutive aspects of epilepsy among them. Patients and methods: We did a cross-sectional and descriptive study in the department of child psychiatry of Fann university hospital in Dakar. We analyzed patients’ files followed between January 2004 and September 2018 for autism’s spectrum disorders with or without epilepsy. We used a standardized survey with several items. Results: Forty-five patients with ASD were collected, with an epileptic frequency of 37.8%. Epilepsy had started before the age of 5 years in 94% of cases. Seizures were generalized (58.8%), mainly tonico-clonic (80%), or focal (35.3%), with a frequency of 2 seizures per day to 1 seizure per week. The awake and sleep EEG showed abnormalities mostly in frontal area in 60%, and centro-parietal in 26.6%. Brain imaging was normal in 93.9%, and auditory evoked potential (AEP) normal in 87.2%. Management was multidisciplinary for ASD (neuropsychological, psychomotor, speech therapy) and medical, mainly (82.4%) monotherapy for epilepsy. The main molecules were: sodium valproate (58.8%) and phenobarbital (17.6). The level of education was low with 40% of students out of school and 55.6% in primary school. Only 6.7% were self-reliant and 20 patients needed almost constant assistance. Conclusion: The prevalence of epilepsy in patients with ASD varies according to the studies. The global and multidisciplinary management of epilepsy and ASD improves behavioral disorders

    Disrupted circadian oscillations in type 2 diabetes are linked to altered rhythmic mitochondrial metabolism in skeletal muscle

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    Funding: The authors are supported by grants from the AstraZeneca SciLifeLab Research Programme, Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF14OC0011493, and NNF17OC0030088), Swedish Diabetes Foundation (DIA2018-357), Swedish Research Council (2015-00165 and 2018-02389), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (2018-0094), the Strategic Research Programme in Diabetes at Karolinska Institutet (2009-1068), the Stockholm County Council (SLL20170159), and the Swedish Research Council for Sport Science (P2019-0140). B.M.G. was supported by fellowships from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF19OC0055072), the Wenner-Gren Foundation, an Albert Renold Travel Fellowship from the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes, and an Eric Reid Fund for Methodology from the Biochemical Society. N.J.P. and L.S.-P. were supported by an Individual Fellowship from the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Actions (European Commission: 704978 and 675610). X.Z. and K.A.E. were supported by NIH R01AR066082. N.J.P. was supported by grants from the Sigurd och Elsa Goljes Minne and Lars Hierta Memorial Foundations (Sweden). We acknowledge the Beta Cell in-vivo Imaging/Extracellular Flux Analysis core facility supported by the Strategic Research Program in Diabetes for the usage of the Seahorse flux analyzer. Additional support was received from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research at the University of Copenhagen (NNF18CC0034900). The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research is an independent research center at the University of Copenhagen, partially funded by an unrestricted donation from the Novo Nordisk Foundation. We acknowledge the Single-Cell Omics platform at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research for technical and computational expertise and support. Schematics are created with BioRender.com.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Perioperative strategy in colonic surgery; LAparoscopy and/or FAst track multimodal management versus standard care (LAFA trial)

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    BACKGROUND: Recent developments in large bowel surgery are the introduction of laparoscopic surgery and the implementation of multimodal fast track recovery programs. Both focus on a faster recovery and shorter hospital stay. The randomized controlled multicenter LAFA-trial (LAparoscopy and/or FAst track multimodal management versus standard care) was conceived to determine whether laparoscopic surgery, fast track perioperative care or a combination of both is to be preferred over open surgery with standard care in patients having segmental colectomy for malignant disease. METHODS/DESIGN: The LAFA-trial is a double blinded, multicenter trial with a 2 × 2 balanced factorial design. Patients eligible for segmental colectomy for malignant colorectal disease i.e. right and left colectomy and anterior resection will be randomized to either open or laparoscopic colectomy, and to either standard care or the fast track program. This factorial design produces four treatment groups; open colectomy with standard care (a), open colectomy with fast track program (b), laparoscopic colectomy with standard care (c), and laparoscopic surgery with fast track program (d). Primary outcome parameter is postoperative hospital length of stay including readmission within 30 days. Secondary outcome parameters are quality of life two and four weeks after surgery, overall hospital costs, morbidity, patient satisfaction and readmission rate. Based on a mean postoperative hospital stay of 9 +/- 2.5 days a group size of 400 patients (100 each arm) can reliably detect a minimum difference of 1 day between the four arms (alfa = 0.95, beta = 0.8). With 100 patients in each arm a difference of 10% in subscales of the Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire and social functioning can be detected. DISCUSSION: The LAFA-trial is a randomized controlled multicenter trial that will provide evidence on the merits of fast track perioperative care and laparoscopic colorectal surgery in patients having segmental colectomy for malignant disease