192 research outputs found

    Turning-point indicators from business surveys: real-time detection for the euro area and its major member countries

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    We present tools for real-time detection of turning points in the industrial production growth-cycle of the euro area and its four largest economies. In particular, we apply a multivariate hidden Markov model to national survey results – i.e. to the earliest information about current economic developments - in order to estimate the probability of expansionary and recessionary phases. The balances of opinions used as inputs of the model are selected by ranking them according to their degree of commonality with respect to the cyclical fluctuations of the industrial sector, as estimated with the Generalized Dynamic Factor Model. The indicators appear reliable and stable.business cycle, hidden Markov model, business surveys

    Changing institutions in the European market: the impact on mark-ups and rents allocation

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    We investigate whether the completion of the Single Market Programme has enhanced competition on the product markets across European countries, taking into account the companion structural reforms undertaken by the member countries, particularly in the labour market and the institutional setting of important industries (i.e. network industries). We test for a break in both mark-ups and the division of rent between capital and labour based on a statistical model incorporating efficient bargaining in the labour market. Using industry data for ten EU countries we find that, without controlling for changes in the rent sharing, mark-up estimates tend to increase in the 1990s. However, once we assume efficient bargaining in the labour market, mark-ups remain virtually unchanged or, in some sectors or groups of countries, even decrease; this reflects the declining shares of rents accruing to workers as a result of their diminished bargaining power. The evidence is particularly strong for high and medium-tech manufacturing, for construction and for those activities that went through deep institutional changes and privatization programmes.institutional changes, mark-up, rent-sharing

    Changing Institutions in the European Market: the Impact on Mark-ups and Rents Allocation

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    In this paper, we investigate whether the completion of the Single Market Programme has enhanced competition on the product markets across European countries, while taking into account the companion structural reforms undertaken by the member countries. In particular, since the Single Market Programme went hand in hand with major reforms in the labour market and in the institutional setting of important industries (i.e. network industries), we test for a break in both mark-ups and the division of rent between capital and labour. For this purpose we encompass efficient bargaining in the labour market in both our theoretical and empirical model. Using industry data for ten EU countries we find that, without controlling for changes in the rent sharing, mark-up estimates tend to increase in the 1990s. However, once we assume efficient bargaining in the labour market, mark-ups remain virtually unchanged or even decrease in some sectors or groups of countries; the result stems from the declining shares of rents accruing to workers owing to a decline in their bargaining power. Without controlling for this development, a rise in firms� profitability due to rent reallocation could be wrongly interpreted as an increase in market power. At the industry level the evidence is particularly strong for high and medium-tech manufacturing, for construction and for those activities that went through deep institutional changes and privatization programmes.Mark-ups, Rent Sharing, Bargaining

    Modelling Italian potential output and the output gap

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    The aim of the paper is to estimate a reliable quarterly time-series of potential output for the Italian economy, exploiting four alternative approaches: a Bayesian unobserved component method, a univariate time-varying autoregressive model, a production function approach and a structural VAR. Based on a wide range of evaluation criteria, all methods generate output gaps that accurately describe the Italian business cycle over the past three decades. All output gap measures are subject to non-negligible revisions when new data become available. Nonetheless they still prove to be informative about the current cyclical phase and, unlike the evidence reported in most of the literature, helpful at predicting inflation compared with simple benchmarks. We assess also the performance of output gap estimates obtained by combining the four original indicators, using either equal weights or Bayesian averaging, showing that the resulting measures (i) are less sensitive to revisions; (ii) are at least as good as the originals at tracking business cycle fluctuations; (iii) are more accurate as inflation predictors.potential output, business cycle, Phillips curve, output gap

    The construction of coincident and leading indicators for the euro area business cycler of the euro area business cycle

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    This paper investigates the business cycle properties of the euro area and computes a coincident and a leading indicator of economic activity. We accomplish this by applying the newly introduced generalized factor model to a properly constructed and harmonized data set of short term statistics of the euro area (794 monthly series). Unlike other methods used in the literature, the procedure takes into consideration the cross-country as well as the withincountry correlation structure and exploits all information on dynamic cross-correlations. As a byproduct of our analysis, we provide a characterization of the commonality and dynamic relations of the series in the data set with respect to the coincident indicator and a dating of the euro area cycle.business cycle, dynamic factor model

    Silver and Copper complexes with tripodal ligands: from coordination polymers to anticancer drug precursors

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    In this thesis we show the properties and possible technological applications of silver and copper complexes with tripodal ligands. The ligands are tridentate with N2S, NN'S and N2S2 functionalities

    A real time coincident indicator of the euro area business cycle

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    This paper is the result of the Bank of Italy-CEPR project to construct a monthly coincident indicator of the business cycle of the euro area. The index is estimated on the basis of a harmonized data set of monthly statistics of the euro area (951 series) which we constructed from a variety of sources. We use the information of this large panel to obtain an indicator which has three characteristics: (i) it provides real time information on monthly coincident activity since it is updated as new information become available in a non-synchronous way; (ii) it is cleaned from noise originated from measurement error and idiosyncratic national and sectoral dynamics; (iii) it is cleaned from seasonal and short-run dynamics through a Þlter that requires very little revision at the end of the sample. Unlike other methods used in the literature, the procedure takes into consideration the cross-country as well as the within-country correlation structure and exploits all information on dynamic cross-correlations. As a byproduct of our analysis, we provide a characterization of the commonality and dynamic relations of the series in the data set with respect to the coincident indicator and a dating of the euro area cycle.business cycle, dynamic factor model

    A presença e a busca por sentido de vida e suas relações com o bem-estar

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    A proposta deste trabalho foi analisar o sentido de vida e a sua relevância na forma de viver dos seres humanos, especialmente a sua relação com o bem-estar. Em um primeiro momento, foi realizada uma contextualização histórica, desde as grandes questões que intrigam a humanidade até as mais atuais dificuldades de conceitualização e integração teórica, para assim, pensar na dinâmica entre a percepção de presença e busca de sentido de vida. Com o intuito de identificar possíveis padrões na forma como presença de sentido de vida, busca por sentido de vida, satisfação com a vida e sofrimento psicológico podem estar relacionados, foi optado por realizar uma análise de clusters a partir de uma amostra (n=88) de clientes dos serviços de orientação profissional da UFRGS. Os participantes responderam a uma bateria de instrumentos, dos quais o Questionário de Sentido de Vida (QSV), Outcome Questionnaire e a Escala de Satisfação de Vida foram selecionados para realização da análise. Para este estudo, optou-se por soluções de 2 e 3 agrupamentos. A solução de 2 grupos encontrou resultados semelhantes aos dos desenvolvedores do QSV: alta presença e baixa busca de sentido tendem a estar relacionados a indicadores psicológicos positivos. E o seu inverso, alta presença e baixa busca, com indicadores negativos. A solução de 3 agrupamentos, no entanto, apresentou um grupo predominante (n=44) com presença e busca de sentido de vida consideravelmente elevados, associados a indicadores psicológicos positivos. Conclui-se que a busca de sentidode vida pode ser salutar em diversas situações, mas também, em alguns casos, um indicador de sofrimento psicológico e ausência de satisfação de vida.The aim of this study was to analyze the meaning in life and its relevance in human beings' way of living, especially its relation with well-being. At first, a historical context was carried out, from the big questions that intrigue humanity to the most current difficulties of conceptualization and theoretical integration, to consider the relation between the perception of meaning in life and the search for it. In order to identify possible patterns in how the presence of meaning in life, search for meaning in life, satisfaction with life and psychological distress may be related, a cluster analysis was performed on a sample (n=88) of clients from the career counseling services of UFRGS. Participants completed a battery of instruments, in which the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ), Outcome Questionnaire and Life Satisfaction Scale were selected for analysis. For this study, solutions of 2 and 3 cluster were chosen. The 2- cluster solution found similar results to those found by the developers of the MLQ: high presence and low search for meaning are related to positive psychological indicators. And its opposite, high presence and low search, with negative indicators. The 3-cluster solution, however, presented a dominant group (n=44) with considerably high levels of presence and search for meaning in life, associated with positive psychological indicators. It is concluded that the search for meaning in life can be beneficial in various situations, but also, in some cases, an indicator of psychological suffering and absence of life satisfaction

    The main recessions in Italy: a retrospective comparison

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    This paper proposes a comparative analysis of the main macroeconomic aggregates (both real and credit aggregates), and the monetary policy response during the most severe recessions experienced by the Italian economy. This descriptive study focuses mainly on the last forty years, a period for which there is ample and detailed information available. In particular, the paper contrasts the data on the current deep recession with those in 1974-75 and 1992-93, at the times of the oil crisis and the currency crisis respectively. For a selected list of variables, a comparison is made with the dynamics of the recession of the 1930s.gcyclical fluctuations, recession, credit supply, monetary policy