5 research outputs found

    جدلية النص والعرض في المسرح "مفهومات نظرية"

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    تتناول هذه الدّراسة النص والعرض المسرحيَّين , والعلاقة بينهما , محاوِلةً بيان مفهومهما وطبيعة كلٍّ منهما ؛ إذ يعدُّ النصُّ المكتوب وثيقة تحفظ المسرحية من الضياع , وهي الأساس لكلِّ عرضٍ مسرحيّ , وكذلك لا يمكن لنصٍّ مسرحيٍّ أن يحيا من دون أن يتجسّد في عرضٍ مرئيٍّ ومسموعٍ على خشبة المسرح أمام مجموعةٍ من المتفرجين جاؤوا ليحكموا بنجاحه أو إخفاقه , مبيِّنةً أوجه الاختلاف بين نص الكاتب ونص المخرج , ومن هنا فقد قُسِّم البحث إلى أربعة أقسامٍ , هي : النص المسرحي ؛ مفهومه وطبيعته , والعرض المسرحي ؛ مفهومه وطبيعته , وأفضلية النص والعرض , وثنائية نص الكاتب ونص المخرج , وجاءت الدراسة في ضوء النظرية السيميائية


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    Background: Ankle joint sprain and the subsequent development of chronic ankle instability (CAI) are commonly encountered by clinicians involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries. It has recently been advocated that ankle joint post-sprain rehabilitation protocols should incorporate dynamic neuromuscular training to enhance ankle joint sensorimotor capabilities. Objective: up to date, many studies have reported the effects of Proprioception training on ankle joint stability. But fewer who studied the validity of dynamic Proprioception on ankle instability. The purpose of this pilot study was to conduct the effects of a 4-week dynamic neuromuscular training program in addition to the rehabilitation treatment for ankle instability Methods: 26 sportive men were exposed to a progressive 4-week dynamic neuromuscular training program which incorporated postural stability, strengthening, plyometric. The following criteria were considered: Number of shaking of leg in a minute standing on freeman board (one minute stand), Time of balance on freeman board ( balance), Maximal resistance for ankle dorsal flexion, plantar flexion, Inversion and eversion,Muscle reaction for ankle dorsal flexion, plantar flexion, Inversion and eversion. Measurements were rated within 3 trials for each criterion before and after each session for the affected leg. For the non-affected leg same criteria were measured before and after session without applying the rehabilitation protocol Results: a high significant (p=.000<0.05) a progress is noted during rehabilitation protocol,. Results show high correlation between one minute stands and balance; one minute stand and muscle reaction; balance and maximal resistance was significant. Results show non-significance of correlation between muscle reaction and maximal resistance for ankle dorsal flexion, plantar flexion, Inversion and eversion. Moreover, we can notice that training period has had a slight effect on the non-affected side. Conclusions: The 4-week dynamic neuromuscular training program improves the parameters of ankle joint sensorimotor control in an athlete with CAI


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    Background: Ankle joint sprain and the subsequent development of chronic ankle instability (CAI) are commonly encountered by clinicians involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries. It has recently been advocated that ankle joint post-sprain rehabilitation protocols should incorporate dynamic neuromuscular training to enhance ankle joint sensorimotor capabilities. Objective: up to date, many studies have reported the effects of Proprioception training on ankle joint stability. But fewer who studied the validity of dynamic Proprioception on ankle instability. The purpose of this pilot study was to conduct the effects of a 4-week dynamic neuromuscular training program in addition to the rehabilitation treatment for ankle instability Methods: 26 sportive men were exposed to a progressive 4-week dynamic neuromuscular training program which incorporated postural stability, strengthening, plyometric. The following criteria were considered: Number of shaking of leg in a minute standing on freeman board (one minute stand), Time of balance on freeman board ( balance), Maximal resistance for ankle dorsal flexion, plantar flexion, Inversion and eversion,Muscle reaction for ankle dorsal flexion, plantar flexion, Inversion and eversion. Measurements were rated within 3 trials for each criterion before and after each session for the affected leg. For the non-affected leg same criteria were measured before and after session without applying the rehabilitation protocol Results: a high significant (p=.000<0.05) a progress is noted during rehabilitation protocol,. Results show high correlation between one minute stands and balance; one minute stand and muscle reaction; balance and maximal resistance was significant. Results show non-significance of correlation between muscle reaction and maximal resistance for ankle dorsal flexion, plantar flexion, Inversion and eversion. Moreover, we can notice that training period has had a slight effect on the non-affected side. Conclusions: The 4-week dynamic neuromuscular training program improves the parameters of ankle joint sensorimotor control in an athlete with CAI

    Study of the Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of the Biological Extracts of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Using Two Extraction Methods

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    Psophocarpus tetragonolobus has long been used in traditional medicine and cuisine. In this study, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus extracts were isolated by maceration and ultrasound-assisted extraction and were evaluated for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages. The obtained results show that both extracts (maceration and ultrasound) were rich in bioactive molecules and exerted substantial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The P. tetragonolobus extracts’ treatment in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages resulted in a significant downregulation of the expressions of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and IL-1β mRNA. In addition, the P. tetragonolobus extracts’ treatment attenuated inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) protein expression. Our observations indicate that there is no significant difference between the two studied extracts of P. tetragonolobus in terms of biological properties (specifically, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Regardless of the extraction method, P. tetragonolobus could be used for treating diseases related to oxidative stress and inflammatory reactions