42 research outputs found

    Skp, Cullin, F-box (SCF)-Met30 and SCF-Cdc4-Mediated Proteolysis of CENP-A Prevents Mislocalization of CENP-A for Chromosomal Stability in Budding Yeast

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    Restricting the localization of the histone H3 variant CENP-A (Cse4 in yeast, CID in flies) to centromeres is essential for faithful chromosome segregation. Mislocalization of CENP-A leads to chromosomal instability (CIN) in yeast, fly and human cells. Overexpression and mislocalization of CENP-A has been observed in many cancers and this correlates with increased invasiveness and poor prognosis. Yet genes that regulate CENP-A levels and localization under physiological conditions have not been defined. In this study we used a genome-wide genetic screen to identify essential genes required for Cse4 homeostasis to prevent its mislocalization for chromosomal stability. We show that two Skp, Cullin, F-box (SCF) ubiquitin ligases with the evolutionarily conserved F-box proteins Met30 and Cdc4 interact and cooperatively regulate proteolysis of endogenous Cse4 and prevent its mislocalization for faithful chromosome segregation under physiological conditions. The interaction of Met30 with Cdc4 is independent of the D domain, which is essential for their homodimerization and ubiquitination of other substrates. The requirement for both Cdc4 and Met30 for ubiquitination is specifc for Cse4; and a common substrate for Cdc4 and Met30 has not previously been described. Met30 is necessary for the interaction between Cdc4 and Cse4, and defects in this interaction lead to stabilization and mislocalization of Cse4, which in turn contributes to CIN. We provide the first direct link between Cse4 mislocalization to defects in kinetochore structure and show that SCF-mediated proteolysis of Cse4 is a major mechanism that prevents stable maintenance of Cse4 at non-centromeric regions, thus ensuring faithful chromosome segregation. In summary, we have identified essential pathways that regulate cellular levels of endogenous Cse4 and shown that proteolysis of Cse4 by SCF-Met30/Cdc4 prevents mislocalization and CIN in unperturbed cells

    The Yeast Nuclear Pore Complex Functionally Interacts with Components of the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint

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    Aphysical and functional link between the nuclear pore complex (NPC) and the spindle checkpoint machinery has been established in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that two proteins required for the execution of the spindle checkpoint, Mad1p and Mad2p, reside predominantly at the NPC throughout the cell cycle. There they are associated with a subcomplex of nucleoporins containing Nup53p, Nup170p, and Nup157p. The association of the Mad1p–Mad2p complex with the NPC requires Mad1p and is mediated in part by Nup53p. On activation of the spindle checkpoint, we detect changes in the interactions between these proteins, including the release of Mad2p (but not Mad1p) from the NPC and the accumulation of Mad2p at kinetochores. Accompanying these events is the Nup53p-dependent hyperphosphorylation of Mad1p. On the basis of these results and genetic analysis of double mutants, we propose a model in which Mad1p bound to a Nup53p-containing complex sequesters Mad2p at the NPC until its release by activation of the spindle checkpoint. Furthermore, we show that the association of Mad1p with the NPC is not passive and that it plays a role in nuclear transport

    N-terminal Sumoylation of Centromeric Histone H3 Variant Cse4 Regulates Its Proteolysis To Prevent Mislocalization to Non-centromeric Chromatin

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    Stringent regulation of cellular levels of evolutionarily conserved centromeric histone H3 variant (CENP-A in humans, CID in flies, Cse4 in yeast) prevents its mislocalization to non-centromeric chromatin. Overexpression and mislocalization of CENP-A has been observed in cancers and leads to aneuploidy in yeast, flies, and human cells. Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of Cse4 by E3 ligases such as Psh1 and Sumo-Targeted Ubiquitin Ligase (STUbL) Slx5 prevent mislocalization of Cse4. Previously, we identified Siz1 and Siz2 as the major E3 ligases for sumoylation of Cse4. In this study, we have identified lysine 65 (K65) in Cse4 as a site that regulates sumoylation and ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of Cse4 by Slx5. Strains expressing cse4 K65R exhibit reduced levels of sumoylated and ubiquitinated Cse4 in vivo. Furthermore, co-immunoprecipitation experiments reveal reduced interaction of cse4 K65R with Slx5, leading to increased stability and mislocalization of cse4 K65R under normal physiological conditions. Based on the increased stability of cse4 K65R in psh1 strains but not in slx5 strains, we conclude that Slx5 targets sumoylated Cse4 K65 for ubiquitination-mediated proteolysis independent of Psh1. In summary, we have identified and characterized the physiological role of Cse4 K65 in sumoylation, ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, and localization of Cse4 for genome stability

    SUMO-Targeted Ubiquitin Ligases (STUbLs) Reduce the Toxicity and Abnormal Transcriptional Activity Associated With a Mutant, Aggregation-Prone Fragment of Huntingtin

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    Cell viability and gene expression profiles are altered in cellular models of neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington\u27s Disease (HD). Using the yeast model system, we show that the SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase (STUbL) Slx5 reduces the toxicity and abnormal transcriptional activity associated with a mutant, aggregation-prone fragment of huntingtin (Htt), the causative agent of HD. We demonstrate that expression of an aggregation-prone Htt construct with 103 glutamine residues (103Q), but not the non-expanded form (25Q), results in severe growth defects in slx5Delta and slx8Delta cells. Since Slx5 is a nuclear protein and because Htt expression affects gene transcription, we assessed the effect of STUbLs on the transcriptional properties of aggregation-prone Htt. Expression of Htt 25Q and 55Q fused to the Gal4 activation domain (AD) resulted in reporter gene auto-activation. Remarkably, the auto-activation of Htt constructs was abolished by expression of Slx5 fused to the Gal4 DNA-binding domain (BD-Slx5). In support of these observations, RNF4, the human ortholog of Slx5, curbs the aberrant transcriptional activity of aggregation-prone Htt in yeast and a variety of cultured human cell lines. Functionally, we find that an extra copy of SLX5 specifically reduces Htt aggregates in the cytosol as well as chromatin-associated Htt aggregates in the nucleus. Finally, using RNA sequencing, we identified and confirmed specific targets of Htt\u27s transcriptional activity that are modulated by Slx5. In summary, this study of STUbLs uncovers a conserved pathway that counteracts the accumulation of aggregating, transcriptionally active Htt (and possibly other poly-glutamine expanded proteins) on chromatin in both yeast and in mammalian cells

    Pat1 protects centromere-specific histone H3 variant Cse4 from Psh1-mediated ubiquitination

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    A novel Pat1-dependent mechanism is identified for the protection of kinetochore-associated Cse4 from ubiquitination in order to ensure faithful chromosome segregation and genomic stability.Evolutionarily conserved histone H3 variant Cse4 and its homologues are essential components of specialized centromere (CEN)-specific nucleosomes and serve as an epigenetic mark for CEN identity and propagation. Cse4 is a critical determinant for the structure and function of the kinetochore and is required to ensure faithful chromosome segregation. The kinetochore protein Pat1 regulates the levels and spatial distribution of Cse4 at centromeres. Deletion of PAT1 results in altered structure of CEN chromatin and chromosome segregation errors. In this study, we show that Pat1 protects CEN-associated Cse4 from ubiquitination in order to maintain proper structure and function of the kinetochore in budding yeast. PAT1-deletion strains exhibit increased ubiquitination of Cse4 and faster turnover of Cse4 at kinetochores. Psh1, a Cse4-specific E3-ubiquitin ligase, interacts with Pat1 in vivo and contributes to the increased ubiquitination of Cse4 in pat1∆ strains. Consistent with a role of Psh1 in ubiquitination of Cse4, transient induction of PSH1 in a wild-type strain resulted in phenotypes similar to a pat1∆ strain, including a reduction in CEN-associated Cse4, increased Cse4 ubiquitination, defects in spatial distribution of Cse4 at kinetochores, and altered structure of CEN chromatin. Pat1 interacts with Scm3 and is required for its maintenance at kinetochores. In conclusion, our studies provide novel insights into mechanisms by which Pat1 affects the structure of CEN chromatin and protects Cse4 from Psh1-mediated ubiquitination for faithful chromosome segregation

    SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase (STUbL) Slx5 regulates proteolysis of centromeric histone H3 variant Cse4 and prevents its mislocalization to euchromatin

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    Centromeric histone H3, CENP-ACse4, is essential for faithful chromosome segregation. Stringent regulation of cellular levels of CENP-ACse4 restricts its localization to centromeres. Mislocalization of CENP-ACse4 is associated with aneuploidy in yeast and flies and tumorigenesis in human cells; thus defining pathways that regulate CENP-A levels is critical for understanding how mislocalization of CENP-A contributes to aneuploidy in human cancers. Previous work in budding yeast shows that ubiquitination of overexpressed Cse4 by Psh1, an E3 ligase, partially contributes to proteolysis of Cse4. Here we provide the first evidence that Cse4 is sumoylated by E3 ligases Siz1 and Siz2 in vivo and in vitro. Ubiquitination of Cse4 by the small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO)-targeted ubiquitin ligase (STUbL) Slx5 plays a critical role in proteolysis of Cse4 and prevents mislocalization of Cse4 to euchromatin under normal physiological conditions. Accumulation of sumoylated Cse4 species and increased stability of Cse4 in slx5∆ strains suggest that sumoylation precedes ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of Cse4. Slx5-mediated Cse4 proteolysis is independent of Psh1, since slx5∆ psh1∆ strains exhibit higher levels of Cse4 stability and mislocalization than either slx5∆ or psh1∆ strains. Our results demonstrate a role for Slx5 in ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of Cse4 to prevent its mislocalization and maintain genome stability

    A 3D Map of the Yeast Kinetochore Reveals the Presence of Core and Accessory Centromere-Specific Histone

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    The budding yeast kinetochore is ~68nm in length with a diameter slightly larger than a 25nm microtubule [1]. The kinetochores from the 16 chromosomes are organized in a stereotypic cluster encircling central spindle microtubules. Quantitative analysis of the inner kinetochore cluster (Cse4, COMA) reveals structural features not apparent in singly attached kinetochores. The cluster of Cse4 containing kinetochores is physically larger perpendicular to the spindle axis relative to the cluster of Ndc80 molecules [2]. If there were a single Cse4 (molecule or nucleosome) at the kinetochore attached to each microtubule plus-end, the cluster of Cse4 would appear geometrically identical to Ndc80. Thus, the structure of the inner kinetochore at the surface of the chromosomes remains unsolved

    Dbf4-dependent kinase (DDK)-mediated proteolysis of CENP-A prevents mislocalization of CENP-A in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The evolutionarily conserved centromeric histone H3 variant (Cse4 in budding yeast, CENP-A in humans) is essential for faithful chromosome segregation. Mislocalization of CENP-A to non-centromeric chromatin contributes to chromosomal instability (CIN) in yeast, fly, and human cells and CENP-A is highly expressed and mislocalized in cancers. Defining mechanisms that prevent mislocalization of CENP-A is an area of active investigation. Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of overexpressed Cse4 (GALCSE4)byE3 ubiquitin ligases such as Psh1 prevents mislocalization of Cse4, and psh1D strains display synthetic dosage lethality (SDL) with GALCSE4. We previously performed a genome-wide screen and identified five alleles of CDC7 and DBF4 that encode the Dbf4-dependent kinase (DDK) complex, which regulates DNA replication initiation, among the top twelve hits that displayed SDL with GALCSE4. We determined that cdc7-7 strains exhibit defects in ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of Cse4 and show mislocalization of Cse4. Mutation of MCM5 (mcm5-bob1) bypasses the requirement of Cdc7 for replication initiation and rescues replication defects in a cdc7-7 strain. We determined that mcm5-bob1 does not rescue the SDL and defects in proteolysis of GALCSE4 in a cdc7-7 strain, suggesting a DNA replication-independent role for Cdc7 in Cse4 proteolysis. The SDL phenotype, defects in ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, and the mislocalization pattern of Cse4 in a cdc7-7 psh1D strain were similar to that of cdc7-7 and psh1D strains, suggesting that Cdc7 regulates Cse4 in a pathway that overlaps with Psh1. Our results define a DNA replication initiation-independent role of DDK as a regulator of Psh1-mediated proteolysis of Cse4 to prevent mislocalization of Cse4.Fil: Eisenstatt, Jessica R.. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Boeckmann, Lars. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Au, Wei Chun. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Garcia, Valerie. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Bursch, Levi. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Ocampo, Josefina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentina. National Instituto of Child Health & Human Development; Estados UnidosFil: Costanzo, Michael. National Institutes of Health; Estados Unidos. University of Toronto; CanadáFil: Weinreich, Michael. Van Andel Research Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Sclafani, Robert A.. University of Colorado; Estados UnidosFil: Baryshnikova, Anastasia. University of Princeton; Estados UnidosFil: Myers, Chad L.. University of Minnesota; Estados UnidosFil: Boone, Charles. University of Toronto; Canadá. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Clark, David J.. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Baker, Richard. University of Massachusetts; Estados UnidosFil: Basrai, Munira A.. National Institutes of Health; Estados Unido

    Polo kinase Cdc5 associates with centromeres to facilitate the removal of centromeric cohesin during mitosis

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    Sister chromatid cohesion is essential for tension-sensing mechanisms that monitor bipolar attachment of replicated chromatids in metaphase. Cohesion is mediated by the association of cohesins along the length of sister chromatid arms. In contrast, centromeric cohesin generates intrastrand cohesion and sister centromeres, while highly cohesin enriched, are separated by >800 nm at metaphase in yeast. Removal of cohesin is necessary for sister chromatid separation during anaphase, and this is regulated by evolutionarily conserved polo-like kinase (Cdc5 in yeast, Plk1 in humans). Here we address how high levels of cohesins at centromeric chromatin are removed. Cdc5 associates with centromeric chromatin and cohesin-associated regions. Maximum enrichment of Cdc5 in centromeric chromatin occurs during the metaphase-to-anaphase transition and coincides with the removal of chromosome-associated cohesin. Cdc5 interacts with cohesin in vivo, and cohesin is required for association of Cdc5 at centromeric chromatin. Cohesin removal from centromeric chromatin requires Cdc5 but removal at distal chromosomal arm sites does not. Our results define a novel role for Cdc5 in regulating removal of centromeric cohesins and faithful chromosome segregation

    A budding yeast model for human disease mutations in the EXOSC2 cap subunit of the RNA exosome complex

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    RNA exosomopathies, a growing family of diseases, are linked to missense mutations in genes encoding structural subunits of the evolutionarily conserved, 10-subunit exoribonuclease complex, the RNA exosome. This complex consists of a three-subunit cap, a six-subunit, barrel-shaped core, and a catalytic base subunit. While a number of mutations in RNA exosome genes cause pontocerebellar hypoplasia, mutations in the cap subunit gene EXOSC2 cause an apparently distinct clinical presentation that has been defined as a novel syndrome SHRF (short stature, hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa, and distinctive facies). We generated the first in vivo model of the SHRF pathogenic amino acid substitutions using budding yeast by modeling pathogenic EXOSC2 missense mutations (p.Gly30Val and p.Gly198Asp) in the orthologous S. cerevisiae gene RRP4 The resulting rrp4 mutant cells show defects in cell growth and RNA exosome function. Consistent with altered RNA exosome function, we detect significant transcriptomic changes in both coding and noncoding RNAs in rrp4-G226D cells that model EXOSC2 p.Gly198Asp, suggesting defects in nuclear surveillance. Biochemical and genetic analyses suggest that the Rrp4 G226D variant subunit shows impaired interactions with key RNA exosome cofactors that modulate the function of the complex. These results provide the first in vivo evidence that pathogenic missense mutations present in EXOSC2 impair the function of the RNA exosome. This study also sets the stage to compare exosomopathy models to understand how defects in RNA exosome function underlie distinct pathologies