1,249 research outputs found

    The Experience of Relationship Dissolution During Counselling Psychology Training – a Thematic Analysis

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    Most studies addressing the experiences of trainees in the field of counselling psychology have focused on the different components and stresses of the profession; the literature has rarely explored trainees’ intimate partner relationships. This study, however, looks at the experience of a relationship dissolution during counselling psychology training. Drawing on transformative learning theory and models of relationship dissolution, the following research questions are explored: (1) How do trainees experience a relationship dissolution during counselling psychology training? And (2) how does training influence the relationship dissolution? Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten participants in British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited counselling psychology courses from across the United Kingdom. Thematic Analysis (TA) using a dual inductive-deductive approach was applied to capture both the theoretical framework and the subjective experiences of the participants. Four themes and six subthemes developed; “I can feel the change day by day”, “the course indirectly influenced the break-up”, “the blurring of personal and professional boundaries”, and lastly, “the paradox of endings”. The findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical and clinical implications: firstly, adding possible new insights into the model of breakdown, and secondly, providing suggestions on how to support trainees and prospective trainees to the BPS, the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), and those involved in the training process

    Responsivitas Birokrasi dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Pelayanan Kesehatan Gratis di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang

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    ABSTRAK BASRA 2015. Responsivitas Birokrasi dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Pelayanan Kesehatan Gratis di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang. (Dibimbing oleh Promotor Suratman serta Ko-promotor Rifdan dan Andi Ihsan). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis lebih jelas tentang: (1) Penerapan prinsip responsivitas birokrasi dalam implementasi kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan gratis di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang; (2) Faktor-faktor determinan terhadap responsivitas birokrasi dalam implementasi kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan gratis di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang; (3) Alternatif model responsivitas birokrasi dalam implementasi kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan gratis di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang. Metode penelitian yaitu jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Instrumen utama dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri, didukung oleh instrumen penelitian lain seperti: pedoman observasi, pedoman wawancara, dan catatan dokumen. Teknik analisa data dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dan proses analisa data dengan model interaktif dari Miles and Huberman dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: a) data condensation, b) data display, dan c) data conclution drawing/verification. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Penerapan prinsip responsivitas birokrasi dalam implementasi kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan gratis di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang sudah direspon dengan baik dalam pelaksanaannya. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan: a) sikap aparat birokrasi dalam merespon keluhan masyarakat pengguna jasa sudah menunjukkan sikap yang positif, menerima dan merespon keluhan dengan ramah serta komitmen terhadap kebersihan, kebersamaan, dan kedisiplinan dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan, b) tindakan aparat birokrasi dalam merespon keluhan masyarakat pengguna jasa khususnya terkait dengan perencanaan sudah di respon dengan baik, akan tetapi terkait dengan pelaksanaan serta monitoring dan evaluasi belum terlaksana secara maksimal, c) responsivitas aparat birokrasi untuk melibatkan dan memberdayakan masyarakat pengguna jasa memberikan dampak positif terhadap kinerja aparat birokrasi dan berimplikasi dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan kesehatan gratis secara efektif; (2) Faktor determinan terdiri dari: standar dan sasaran kebiajakan/ukuran dan tujuan kebijakan, sumber daya, karakteristik organisasi pelaksana, komunikasi antar organisasi, disposisi atau sikap para pelaksana, serta lingkungan sosial, ekonomi, dan politik merupakan faktor yang sangat menentukan keberhasilan responsivitas birokrasi dalam implementasi kebijakan; (3) Alternatif model responsivitas birokrasi dalam implementasi kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan gratis di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang dengan melalui beberapa dimensi yang menjadi pengembangan indikator responsivitas pelayanan publik, yaitu keramahan, kebersihan, kerjasama dan, kedisiplinan aparat birokrasi dalam merespon keluhan masyarakat dengan pelaksanaan kegiatan yang responsif. Kata Kunci: Responsivitas, Birokrasi, Implementasi Kebijakan. ABSTRACT BASRA 2015. The Responsiveness of Bureaucracy in Implementing Free Health Care Service in Sidenreng Rappang Regency. (Supervised by Promotor Suratman and Co-promotor Rifdan and Andi Ihsan) The purpose of this research is to find out and further analyze about: (1) the implementation of bureaucracy responsiveness principle in implementing free health care service in Sidenreng Rappang regency; (2) Determining factors in bureaucracy responsiveness in implementing the free health care service in Sidenreng Rappang regency; (3) Alternative bureaucracy responsiveness model in implementing free health care service policy in Sidenreng Rappang regency. This research employed qualitative research with phenomenology approach. The research uses main and supporting research instruments. The main research instrument is the researcher per se, while the supporting research instruments are observation guidance, interview guidance, and other relevant additional documents. The data analysis uses descriptive analysis technique and the process of data analysis uses Miles and Huberman interactive model which goes through the following sequences: a) data condensation, b) data display, and c) data conclusion drawing/verification. The result of this research concludes that: (1) The implementation of bureaucracy responsiveness principle in implementing free health care service in Sidenreng Rappang Regency is not fully optimal. The evidences are: a) health official apparatus attitude toward the implementation of the principle is friendly, committed to cleanliness, togetherness, and disciplines in providing health service, b) bureaucracy apparatus service in responding user complaints related to activity plan is responded well, but related to implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the program is still not well executed/less responsive in executing and evaluating the program, c) involvement/empowerment of the service users, including participative program from all stakeholders positively and effectively impact bureaucracy working performance in implementing free health care service policy; (2) Determining factors are: standard and target policy/benchmark and purpose of the policy, resource, organization characteristic, inter organization communication, disposition/attitude of the bureaucracy apparatus, and social, economic, and politic environment. All of them are the factors that influence the success of bureaucracy responsiveness principle in implementing free health care service; (3) Alternative bureaucracy responsiveness model in implementing free health care service in Sidenreng Rappang regency based on some aspects is a development indicator of public service responsiveness that covers friendliness, cleanliness, togetherness, and disciplines of the bureaucracy apparatus in responding society complaints through the implementation of responsive activities. Keywords: Responsiveness, Bureaucracy, Policy Implementation

    Bridging the gap: Addressing the labour market barriers of black youth in Canada

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    Black youth in Canada experience poor labour market outcomes compared to other Canadian youth. Data shows that Black youth experience a higher unemployment rate, lower employment rate and lower earnings compared to other Canadian youth. Using a literature review, case study analysis and expert interviews, this study identifies key labour market barriers Black youth face and policy options to address them. The barriers identified include socioeconomic, educational and discrimination, both during the job search and during employment. The study makes a case to focus on education and discrimination as the two significant barriers. The options evaluated include using mentorship programs for Black youth in secondary school and in post-secondary institutions, adopting AI technology in the hiring process and initiating workplace solutions such as anti-racism training and mentorship. The study concludes with the recommendation to implement mentorship programs at the secondary and post-secondary level to address the educational barriers Black youth face, which in turn affects their labour market outcomes

    Examining stereotypes of fatherhood according to the Stereotype Content Model

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    This study examined participants\u27 stereotypic views of fathers. The analysis used the Stereotype Content Model as a focus. Participants (Ps) first rated men in general and then different types of fathers (3 types) on 62 traits (e.g., open, caring) on a 6-point scales (0 = not all like to 6 = most like). The father types measured included: married father, divorced non-resident, divorced resident, stepfather, never married, adoptive, and gay fathers. These ratings were compared to what participants believe is typical of men and will assess the extent that each type of father is in the domains of warmth and competence. Based on the stereotype content model, it was hypothesized that more typical fathers (married fathers) will be rated higher across both warmth and competence in comparison to the other typical of fathers. Results concur with the hypothesis, that the married fathers are rate highest across both warmth and competence. While divorced non-resident fathers were rated lowest across both warmth and competence. This point to a alignment with cultural perception of the nuclear family stereotype

    Speech Acts Analysis of the Main Characters in Tinder Swindler Documentary Film

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    Speech acts which belongs to the field of pragmatics carrying a concept that when people say something, they perform an action. The study aims at investigating speech acts in a documentary film entittled the Tinder Swindler. There have been various research on speech acts in movies, but there is a lack of research on this topic which carries a documentary film as the center of attention. A qualitative research method is employed in the research using a document review as the data collection technique and descriptive and interpretative technique to analyze the data. The finding suggests that representative category dominates the utterances in the film taking 74% occurance. Hopefully, this study will fill the research gap and enrich the collection of studies on speech acts

    A framework for knowledge discovery within business intelligence for decision support

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Business Intelligence (BI) techniques provide the potential to not only efficiently manage but further analyse and apply the collected information in an effective manner. Benefiting from research both within industry and academia, BI provides functionality for accessing, cleansing, transforming, analysing and reporting organisational datasets. This provides further opportunities for the data to be explored and assist organisations in the discovery of correlations, trends and patterns that exist hidden within the data. This hidden information can be employed to provide an insight into opportunities to make an organisation more competitive by allowing manager to make more informed decisions and as a result, corporate resources optimally utilised. This potential insight provides organisations with an unrivalled opportunity to remain abreast of market trends. Consequently, BI techniques provide significant opportunity for integration with Decision Support Systems (DSS). The gap which was identified within the current body of knowledge and motivated this research, revealed that currently no suitable framework for BI, which can be applied at a meta-level and is therefore tool, technology and domain independent, currently exists. To address the identified gap this study proposes a meta-level framework: - ‘KDDS-BI’, which can be applied at an abstract level and therefore structure a BI investigation, irrespective of the end user. KDDS-BI not only facilitates the selection of suitable techniques for BI investigations, reducing the reliance upon ad-hoc investigative approaches which rely upon ‘trial and error’, yet further integrates Knowledge Management (KM) principles to ensure the retention and transfer of knowledge due to a structured approach to provide DSS that are based upon the principles of BI. In order to evaluate and validate the framework, KDDS-BI has been investigated through three distinct case studies. First KDDS-BI facilitates the integration of BI within ‘Direct Marketing’ to provide innovative solutions for analysis based upon the most suitable BI technique. Secondly, KDDS-BI is investigated within sales promotion, to facilitate the selection of tools and techniques for more focused in store marketing campaigns and increase revenue through the discovery of hidden data, and finally, operations management is analysed within a highly dynamic and unstructured environment of the London Underground Ltd. network through unique a BI solution to organise and manage resources, thereby increasing the efficiency of business processes. The three case studies provide insight into not only how KDDS-BI provides structure to the integration of BI within business process, but additionally the opportunity to analyse the performance of KDDS-BI within three independent environments for distinct purposes provided structure through KDDS-BI thereby validating and corroborating the proposed framework and adding value to business processes

    An Evaluation of Interactive Incredible English E-Book for Young Learners

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    Banyak perubahan yang terjadi pada proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris di era digital ini. Salah satunya adalah preferensi menggunakan e-book. Pemilihan buku ajar dapat mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran: akan mencapai target atau gagal mencapai target kurikulum. Studi ini menyelidiki sejauh mana sebuah e-book interaktif berjudul 'Incredible English' memenuhi kriteria buku ajar berkualitas, sejauh mana e-book tersebut memenuhi harapan kompetensi dasar yang didefinisikan dalam kurikulum KTSP dan persepsi guru. Dan siswa terhadap e-book. Dengan menggunakan analisis isi, temuan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa e-book tersebut memenuhi 75% kriteria dari sebuah buku pedoman yang berkualitas dan disukai oleh para guru dan siswa karena memiliki fitur yang lebih maju dibandingkan dengan buku-buku coursebook lain yang pernah mereka gunakan. Namun, e-book hanya mewakili 49% item pembelajaran yang didefinisikan dalam kurikulum KTSP. Disimpulkan bahwa e-book dimungkinkan untuk digunakan jika adaptasi dilakukan terhadap materi-materinya. Oleh karena itu, disarankan agar guru bahasa Inggris menggunakan kreativitas mereka untuk menyesuaikan materi e-book agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa dan kebutuhan kurikulum.---Many changes have occurred to English teaching and learning process in this digital era. One of them is the preference of using an e-book instead of a printed coursebook in a classroom learning. The selection of a coursebook may affect the learning process: it will achieve the target or it will fail to achieve the target of the curriculum. The study investigates the extent to which an interactive e-book entitled ‘Incredible English’ meets the criteria of a good quality course book, the extent to which the aforementioned e-book meets the expectations of the basic competences defined in KTSP curriculum and teachers’ and students’ perceptions toward the e-book. By employing content analysis, the finding showed that the e-book met 75% criteria of a good quality coursebook and was favored by teachers and students as it had more advanced features compared to other coursebooks they ever used. However, the e-book only represented 49% of learning items defined in the KTSP curriculum. It is concluded that the e-book is possible to be used if adaptations are made to the materials. Therefore, it is suggested that English teachers use their creativity to adapt the e-book materials to suit students' needs and the needs of the curriculum


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis lebih jelas tentang proposisi dan alternatif model responsivitas birokrasi dalam implementasi kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan gratis di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang. Metode penelitian yaitu jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Instrumen utama dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri, didukung oleh instrumen penelitian lain seperti: pedoman observasi, pedoman wawancara, dan catatan dokumen. Teknik analisa data dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dan proses analisa data dengan model interaktif dari Miles and Huberman dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: 1) data condensation 2) data display, dan 3) data conclution drawing/verification. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proposisi dan alternatif model responsivitas birokrasi dalam implementasi kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan gratis di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang dengan melalui beberapa dimensi yang menjadi pengembangan indikator responsivitas pelayanan publik, yaitu  keramahan, kebersihan, kerjasama dan,  kedisiplinan aparat birokrasi dalam merespon keluhan masyarakat dengan pelaksanaan kegiatan yang responsif. Kata Kunci: Responsivitas, Birokrasi, Implementasi Kebijakan
