146 research outputs found

    Pensar con los pies: La Danza de los guardianes de la cabeza

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    Pensar amb els peus. La dansa dels guardians del cap

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    El cas dels papers catalans a Salamanca: hem perdut els papers?

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    En aquest article volem fer unes reflexions, des d'una perspectiva arxivística, sobre la part de la documentació que va ser confiscada als anomenats “enemigos y desafectos al Movimiento Nacional” a partir de l'ocupació militar de Catalunya (1938–1939) i que està dipositada a l'Archivo General de la Guerra Civil, amb seu a Salamanca. Des de l'època coneguda com a transició política del franquisme a la democràcia, n'han reclamat el retorn persones i institucions diferents —principalment la Generalitat de Catalunya— i pràcticament tots els grups polítics han fet intervencions parlamentàries en aquest sentit..

    The Integration of electronic records into a records management system: the process of cost optimization

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    This communication has a dual objective. Its first aim is to set out the different solutions by means of which we have integrated electronic records into the general record management system of the Department of Culture. The second is to calculate the savings resulting from some of these solutions. The Central Archives of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya (the Government of Catalonia) (illustration 1) has been employing, since 1991, a records management system (SGDA) which pursues the task of integrating the management of records, irrespective of their media or format. On the basis of the experience presented at the last Forum on machine-readable records, we have continued to develop the system and, above all, to link together individual one-off actions with the aim of achieving a genuinely integrated management system

    The Integration of electronic records into a records management system: the process of cost optimization

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    This communication has a dual objective. Its first aim is to set out the different solutions by means of which we have integrated electronic records into the general record management system of the Department of Culture. The second is to calculate the savings resulting from some of these solutions. The Central Archives of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya (the Government of Catalonia) (illustration 1) has been employing, since 1991, a records management system (SGDA) which pursues the task of integrating the management of records, irrespective of their media or format. On the basis of the experience presented at the last Forum on machine-readable records, we have continued to develop the system and, above all, to link together individual one-off actions with the aim of achieving a genuinely integrated management system

    Evaluation of the Tobbstop Mobile App for Smoking Cessation: Cluster Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Mobile application; Primary public health; Tobacco smoking cessationAplicación móvil; Atención primaria de salud pública; Dejar de fumar tabacoAplicació mòbil; Salut pública primària; Cessament del consum de tabacBackground: Mobile apps provide an accessible way to test new health-related methodologies. Tobacco is still the primary preventable cause of death in industrialized countries, constituting an important public health issue. New technologies provide novel opportunities that are effective in the cessation of smoking tobacco. Objective: This paper aims to evaluate the efficacy and usage of a mobile app for assisting adult smokers to quit smoking. Methods: We conducted a cluster randomized clinical trial. We included smokers older than 18 years who were motivated to stop smoking and used a mobile phone compatible with our mobile app. We carried out follow-up visits at 15, 30, and 45 days, and at 2, 3, 6, and 12 months. Participants of the intervention group had access to the Tobbstop mobile app designed by the research team. The primary outcomes were continuous smoking abstinence at 3 and 12 months. Results: A total of 773 participants were included in the trial, of which 602 (77.9%) began the study on their D-Day. Of participants in the intervention group, 34.15% (97/284) did not use the app. The continuous abstention level was significantly larger in the intervention group participants who used the app than in those who did not use the app at both 3 months (72/187, 38.5% vs 13/97, 13.4%; P<.001) and 12 months (39/187, 20.9% vs 8/97, 8.25%; P=.01). Participants in the intervention group who used the app regularly and correctly had a higher probability of not being smokers at 12 months (OR 7.20, 95% CI 2.14-24.20; P=.001) than the participants of the CG. Conclusions: Regular use of an app for smoking cessation is effective in comparison with standard clinical practice

    La Cella (Salou, Tarragona). Un puerto comercial en el litoral cessetano

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    We present the results of the archaeological excavation carried out between 2010 and 2014 at the protohistoric site of La Cella (Salou, Tarragonès). The work involved the excavation and interpretation of the site using multidisciplinary techniques. Of particular note were the site’s architecture and urban planning, which are atypical in Iberian sites in this region, and the volume of imported pottery that was recovered. These elements and the timeline of settlement proposed for the site, which covers the start of the 4th century up to the middle of the 3rd century BC, clearly distinguish it from any Iberian settlement in the region or in neighboring areas. These characteristics have led us to propose that the settlement was a commercial port and possibly inhabited by a mixed ethnic community of Mediterranean origin.Presentamos los resultados de la excavación arqueológica efectuada entre 2010 y 2014 en el asentamiento protohistórico de La Cella (Salou, Tarragonès). La realización de los trabajos y la interpretación de los resultados ha manejado técnicas interdisciplinares para la identificación de los espacios económicos del poblado mediante el análisis de muestras de sedimento. Destacan la arquitectura y el urbanismo del mismo, atípicos en el contexto ibérico de esta región, así como el volumen de cerámicas importadas recuperadas. Estos elementos, junto con la cronología de su ocupación (desde inicios del siglo IV hasta mediados del siglo III a.n.e.), distinguen claramente el asentamiento de cualquier otro ibérico del territorio o de las áreas vecinas. Estas particularidades nos han permitido proponer una funcionalidad de puerto comercial para el poblado, posiblemente habitado por una comunidad étnica mixta de origen mediterráneo

    Metabolic Syndrome as a Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor: Patients Evaluated in Primary Care

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    To estimate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in a population receiving attention in primary care centers (PCC) we selected a random cohort of ostensibly normal subjects from the registers of 5 basic-health area (BHA) PCC. Diagnosis of MS was with the WHO, NCEP and IDF criteria. Variables recorded were: socio-demographic data, CVD risk factors including lipids, obesity, diabetes, blood pressure and smoking habit and a glucose tolerance test outcome. Of the 720 individuals selected (age 60.3 ± 11.5 years), 431 were female, 352 hypertensive, 142 diabetic, 233 pre-diabetic, 285 obese, 209 dyslipemic and 106 smokers. CVD risk according to the Framingham and REGICOR calculation was 13.8 ± 10% and 8.8 ± 9.8%, respectively. Using the WHO, NCEP and IDF criteria, MS was diagnosed in 166, 210 and 252 subjects, respectively and the relative risk of CVD complications in MS subjects was 2.56. Logistic regression analysis indicated that the MS components (WHO set), the MS components (IDF set) and the female gender had an increased odds ratio for CVD of 3.48 (95CI%: 2.26–5.37), 2.28 (95%CI: 1.84–4.90) and 2.26 (95%CI: 1.48–3.47), respectively. We conclude that MS and concomitant CVD risk is high in ostensibly normal population attending primary care clinics, and this would necessarily impinge on resource allocation in primary care

    Blood pressure values and depression in hypertensive individuals at high cardiovascular risk

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    Hypertension and depression are both important risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Nevertheless, the association of blood pressure on and depression has not been completely established. This study aims to analyze whether depression may influence the control of blood pressure in hypertensive individuals at high cardiovascular risk. Cross-sectional study, embedded within the PREDIMED clinical trial, of 5954 hypertensive patients with high cardiovascular risk factor profiles. The relationship between blood pressure control and depression was analyzed. A multivariate analysis (logistic and log-linear regression), adjusting for potential confounders (socio-demographic factors, body mass index, lifestyle, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and antihypertensive treatment), was performed. Depressive patients, with and without antidepressant treatment, had better blood pressure control (OR: 1.28, CI 95%: 1.06-1.55, and OR: 1.30, CI 95%: 1.03-1.65, respectively) than non-depressive ones. Regarding blood pressure levels, systolic blood pressure values (mmHg) were found to be lower in both treated and untreated depressive patients (Log coefficient Beta: -1.59, 95% CI: -0.50 to -2.69 and Log coefficient Beta: -3.49, 95% CI: -2.10 to -4.87, respectively). Among hypertensive patients at high cardiovascular risk, the control of blood pressure was better in those diagnosed with depression