13 research outputs found


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    The Cyp2b subfamily contains five members (Cyp2b9, Cyp2b10, Cyp2b13, Cyp2b19, and Cyp2b23) of which three (Cyp2b9, Cyp2b10, Cyp2b13) are hepatic enzymes involved in xenobiotic detoxification. In this study, we made a Cyp2b-knockdown mouse using lentiviral-promoted shRNA homologous to all five Cyp2b subfamily members in FVB/NJ mouse to characterize Cyp2b\u27s role in xenobiotic detoxification. We assessed the in vivo function of Cyp2bs in the toxicity from pesticides (i.e. parathion) and drugs (i.e. zoxazolamine). We demonstrated that Cyp2b isoforms play a key role in parathion and Zoxazolamine metabolism and toxicity. In addition, we in partially phenotyped and characterized Cyp2b-KD model and assessed changes associated with the lack of Cyp2bs. We focused on role that Cyp2bs play in lipid metabolism. Changes in Cyp2b expression led to perturbation in lipid metabolism in Cyp2b-KD mice. Both young and old Cyp2b-KD male and female mice showed significant changes in some organ weights, especially an increase in abdominal, inguinal, and renal adipose. Interestingly, associated with changes in fat to body ratios was changes in non-fasting triglycerides levels. Our data suggest that Cyp2b is more than a detoxification enzyme, but is also involved in the metabolism of unsaturated fatty acids as Cyp2b-KD mice have increased fat deposition and show increased serum and liver lipid levels


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    In aqueous mixtures, boron can be toxic to plants or animals at relatively low concentrations. Boron may occur at concentrations that can pose risk to plants used in constructed wetland treatment systems designed to treat constituents of concerned in a complex matrix such as flue gas desulfurization water and boron may adversely affect survival, growth, and consequently, plant performance. The three major objectives of this research are: 1) to measure responses of Typha latifolia (seed germination and root and shoot elongation) and Schoenoplectus californicus early seedlings (survival, and shoot and root elongation) to aqueous exposures of boron in diluted FGD water and moderately hard water (MHW); 2) to measure responses of T. latifolia and S. californicus (mature plants) to aqueous boron concentrations in simulated FGD water; and 3) to measure responses of Ceriodaphnia dubia (survival and reproduction) and Pimephales promelas (survival) to aqueous boron concentrations in MWW. Boron in the combination of other constituent in FGD water may adversely affect T. latifolia and S. Californicus early seedling growth and this must considered in planting CWTS for FGD water. S. californicus as mature plant was more sensitive, in terms of shoot elongation shoot density to boron exposures in simulated FGD water than T. latifolia. Similar to most elements, aqueous boron exposures elicited different responses (sensitivity) from C. dubia and P. promelas. C. dubia was more sensitive to boron exposures than P. promelas. Immature plants were the most sensitive species tested in this study

    Drug use and possession, emerging of new psychoactive substances in the West Bank, Palestine

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    Abstract Background The use of illicit drugs has seen an upswing during the last years in the West Bank. Political, social, economic, and demographic factors may play roles in the increasing use of illicit drugs in the West Bank. This study aimed to describe drug possession among Palestinians in order to provide insight into the extent of illicit substances use, to assess their risk, and to explore new forms in order to raise awareness of these drugs. Files (3674) related to drug possession in Anti narcotic drug departments in the West Bank from 2010to 2014 were reviewed and analysed. Results Most arrestees (99%) were males, (55.9%) aged 18- < 30, (48.8%) singles, (56.7%) with a primary level of education, and (81.8%) had used drugs for a year or more. The most common seized and used substances were cannabis, hashish (74.3%) and marijuana (15.2%), followed by synthetic cannabinoids, hydro (26.6%). MDMA (Ecstasy) was used (3.6%) more than LSD (3.1%) and more than heroin and cocaine combined (3.3%). Liquid methamphetamine was emerged as a new homemade yellow substance, with a street name (GG) that is used for improving libido. Attempts to cultivate marijuana using 31,116 seedlings and seeds were recorded. Conclusion Tracking the possession of high-risk drugs and new psychoactive substances in a society is important for policy makers in order to investigate the circumstances and impact of these substances. There is a trend in emerging new psychoactive substances (synthetic cannabinoids), manufacturing a new drug (liquid methamphetamine), and cultivating illegal drugs (marijuana) starting from the year 2013. These results are important for prevention, treatment and control, and for law enforcement in the West Bank. Policies, strategies and action plans in the controlling new substances should be developed taking into account local and regional socioeconomic issues

    Pattern of substance use among schoolchildren in Palestine: a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background Tobacco smoking, alcohol use, and illicit drug use are significant health, psychological, and social problems among youth in Palestine. The aim of this study was to provide insight into the extent and the pattern of psychoactive substance use among schoolchildren in the West Bank in Palestine. A cross-sectional study in 16 schools was conducted in 2016. Eight hundred seventy-seven students of 10th grade were chosen randomly. Modified self-administrated questionnaire from Monitor the Future Study and European school survey project on alcohol and other drugs was used. Results The most current substance used by schoolchildren was tobacco (40.6%), followed by alcohol (3.2%) and illicit drugs (2.0%). Around 59.7, 7.9, and 2.9% of the schoolchildren had tried, at least once in their lifetime, tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs, respectively. Moreover, 11.1% of them who had not yet tried a substance intends to smoke tobacco, 1.4% intends to drink alcohol, and 0.3% intends to try illicit drugs. Curiosity and experience was the most frequent motivation for using these substances. The mean age of initiation was 12 years for smoking and 14 years for drinking alcohol or using illicit drugs. Most of the illicit drug users (78.3%) had tried more than one illicit drug or more than one substance at the same time. Cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids followed by amphetamines were the most commonly used drugs. Around 78.8%, 37.6%, and 27.6% agreed that tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs, respectively, were easily accessible in their communities. Work was significantly associated with increased risk for substance use across various substances. Conclusion Many factors had determined the danger of using psychoactive substances by Palestinian schoolchildren including the initiation age, the availability, the type of the substances used, and the frequency of the use, and using multiple substances at the same time. Curiosity and experience, peer pressure, families, and working were the most important motives. Health care professionals, clinicians, and ministries of education, health, and labor have key responsibilities in preventing substance use among youth and need to develop more effective prevention and cessation strategies. The Palestinian National Authority needs to make more efforts in smoking legislation regulating the age of access and smoking for youths and adults

    Metabolic syndrome among overweight and obese adults in Palestinian refugee camps

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    Abstract Background Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is one of the main reasons for elevated cardiovascular morbidity and mortality worldwide. Obese and overweight individuals are at high risk of developing these chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to characterize and establish sex-adjusted prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2015, 689 (329 men and 360 women) aged 18–65 years from three refugee camps in the West Bank. International Diabetes Federation and modified National Cholesterol Education Program-Third Adult Treatment Panel definitions were used to identify MetS. Results The overall prevalence of obesity and overweight was high, 63.1%; Obesity (42 and 29.2% in women men; respectively and overweight 25.8 and 28.9% in women and men; respectively. The prevalence of MetS among obese and overweight was significantly higher (69.4%) according to IDF than NCEP definition (52%) (p < 0.002) with no significant differences between men and women using both definitions; (IDF; 71.8% men vs. 67.6% women, and (NCEP/ATP III; 51.9% men vs. 52.2% women). The prevalence of MetS increased significantly with increasing obesity and age when NCEP criterion is applied but not IDF. The prevalence of individual MetS components was: high waist circumference 81.3% according to IDF and 56.5% according to NCEP, elevated FBS 65.3% according to IDF and 56% according to NCEP, elevated blood pressure 48%, decreased HDL 65.8%, and elevated triglycerides 31.7%. Based on gender differences, waist circumferences were significantly higher in women according to both criteria and only elevated FBS was higher in women according to IDF criteria. Physical activity was inversely associated with MetS prevalence according to NCEP but not IDF. No significant associations were found with gender, smoking, TV watching, and family history of hypertension or diabetes mellitus. Conclusion In this study, irrespective of the definition used, metabolic syndrome is highly prevalent in obese and overweight Palestinian adults with no gender-based differences. The contribution of the metabolic components to the metabolic syndrome is different in men and women. With the increase of age and obesity, the clustering of metabolic syndrome components increased remarkably. More attention through health care providers should, therefore, be given to the adult population at risk to reduce adulthood obesity and subsequent cardiovascular diseases

    Additional file 1: of Drug use and possession, emerging of new psychoactive substances in the West Bank, Palestine

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    Summary of the number of cases of persons captured with seized drugs and substances in each governorate in the West Bank in the years 2010–2014. (DOCX 16 kb

    MOESM1 of Metabolic syndrome among overweight and obese adults in Palestinian refugee camps

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    Additional file 1. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Age- Adjusted Groups According to NCEP/ATP III and IDF

    MOESM2 of Metabolic syndrome among overweight and obese adults in Palestinian refugee camps

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    Additional file 2. Anthropometrics and Biochemical Characteristics of Obese and Overweight Subjects According to NCEP/ATPIII and IDF