158 research outputs found

    Mobilisation: a mode of survival for overlooked minority refugees

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    Minority refugees and their supporters in Jordan have tried to address the unmet needs of their marginalised communities through daily acts of resistance and informal network-building efforts

    Mapping Digital Media: Jordan

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    The Mapping Digital Media project examines the global opportunities and risks created by the transition from traditional to digital media. Covering 60 countries, the project examines how these changes affect the core democratic service that any media system should provide: news about political, economic, and social affairs.With high levels of education and literacy, and a youthful population, Jordan is well-placed to explore the opportunities of digital media. Momentum for political reform was catalyzed by the regional uprisings in 2011, prompting modest concessionary measures by the authorities but also a reactionary crackdown on media freedom, with a particular focus on the internet.Television, however, remains the only universal medium in Jordan, and the past decade has seen a dramatic shift in favor of satellite as the dominant viewing platform. This has brought regional and global news providers (such as Al Jazeera), along with hundreds of other free-to-air channels, into over 90 percent of households.Digital switch-over will have little impact against this backdrop. This may explain why the authorities have been slow to prepare for the transition. At the time of writing this report, there are still no publicly available plans for switch-over, despite Jordan's international commitment to turn off analog signals by 2015

    Pengaruh Halal Lifestyle, Halal Awareness dan Halal Branding terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Masyarakat di Kota Makasssar dengan Halal Literacy sebagai Variabel Moderating

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa halal lifestyle berpengaruh negatif namun signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian masyarakat di Kota Makassar, sementara halal awareness dan halal branding berpengaruh postif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian masyarakat di Kota Makassar. Adapun halal literacy memperlemah hubungan antara halal lifestyle terhadap keputusan pembelian. adapun literasi halal memperkuat hubungan antara halal awareness terhadap keputusan pembelian masyarakat di Kota Makassar namun tidak signifikan, sementara halal literacy memperkuat hubungan antara halal branding terhadap keputusan pembelian masyarakat di Kota Makassar berpengaruh singnifikan. Implikasi pada penelitian ini bahwa masyarakat di Kota Makassar harusnya dapat lebih menyadari bahwa mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman halal lagi thayyib merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan. Selain karena agama mewajibkan, hal ini juga berdampak pada kesehatan. Saat inilah peran pemerintah sangat dibutuhkan, bagaimana mengayomi dan menangkap peluang agar masyarakat mampu dan mau memperhatikan makanan dan minuman yang dikonsumsi. Keputusan pembelian dapat dilihat dari berbagai variabel pendukung, sehingga diharapkan pada penelitian berikutnya dapat mengkaji variabel-variabel lain yang mempengaruhi masyarakata di Kota Makassar dalam keputusan pembelian produk halal

    La mobilisation : un mode de survie pour les réfugiés des minorités oubliées: Mobilisation: a mode of survival for overlooked minority refugees

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    Les réfugiés issus de minorités et les personnes qui les soutiennent en Jordanie ont tenté de répondre aux besoins non satisfaits de leurs communautés marginalisées par des actes de résistance quotidiens et des efforts de création de réseaux informels. Minority refugees and their supporters in Jordan have tried to address the unmet needs of their marginalised communities through daily acts of resistance and informal network-building efforts

    Movilización: una forma de supervivencia para las minorías ignoradas de refugiados: Mobilisation: a mode of survival for overlooked minority refugees

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    Las minorías de refugiados y sus defensores en Jordania han intentado abordar las necesidades insatisfechas de sus comunidades marginadas mediante actos diarios de resistencia y esfuerzos informales de creación de redes. Minority refugees and their supporters in Jordan have tried to address the unmet needs of their marginalised communities through daily acts of resistance and informal network-building efforts

    Movilización: una forma de supervivencia para las minorías ignoradas de refugiados

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    Las minorías de refugiados y sus defensores en Jordania han intentado abordar las necesidades insatisfechas de sus comunidades marginadas mediante actos diarios de resistencia y esfuerzos informales de creación de redes

    التعبئة: طريقة للبقاء على قيد الحياة للاجئين من الأقليات المُهمَلة: Mobilisation: a mode of survival for overlooked minority refugees

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    حاول اللاجئون من الأقليات وأنصارهم في الأردن التعاطي مع الاحتياجات غير الملباة لمجتمعاتهم المهمشة من خلال أعمال المقاومة اليومية وجهود بناء الشبكات غير الرسمية. Minority refugees and their supporters in Jordan have tried to address the unmet needs of their marginalised communities through daily acts of resistance and informal network-building efforts

    Rapid phenotypic and genomic change in response to therapeutic pressure in prostate cancer inferred by high content analysis of single circulating tumor cells

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    Timely characterization of a cancer's evolution is required to predict treatment efficacy and to detect resistance early. High content analysis of single Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) enables sequential characterization of genotypic, morphometric and protein expression alterations in real time over the course of cancer treatment. This concept was investigated in a patient with castrate-resistant prostate cancer progressing through both chemotherapy and targeted therapy. In this case study, we integrate across four timepoints 41 genome-wide copy number variation (CNV) profiles plus morphometric parameters and androgen receptor (AR) protein levels. Remarkably, little change was observed in response to standard chemotherapy, evidenced by the fact that a unique clone (A), exhibiting highly rearranged CNV profiles and AR+ phenotype was found circulating before and after treatment. However, clinical response and subsequent progression after targeted therapy was associated with the drastic depletion of clone A, followed by the sequential emergence of two distinct CTC sub-populations that differed in both AR genotype and expression phenotype. While AR- cells with flat or pseudo-diploid CNV profiles (clone B) were identified at the time of response, a new tumor lineage of AR+ cells (clone C) with CNV altered profiles was detected during relapse. We showed that clone C, despite phylogenetically related to clone A, possessed a unique set of somatic CNV alterations, including MYC amplification, an event linked to hormone escape. Interesting, we showed that both clones acquired AR gene amplification by deploying different evolutionary paths. Overall, these data demonstrate the timeframe of tumor evolution in response to therapy and provide a framework for the multi-scale analysis of fluid biopsies to quantify and monitor disease evolution in individual patients

    High resolution copy number inference in cancer using short-molecule nanopore sequencing.

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    Genome copy number is an important source of genetic variation in health and disease. In cancer, Copy Number Alterations (CNAs) can be inferred from short-read sequencing data, enabling genomics-based precision oncology. Emerging Nanopore sequencing technologies offer the potential for broader clinical utility, for example in smaller hospitals, due to lower instrument cost, higher portability, and ease of use. Nonetheless, Nanopore sequencing devices are limited in the number of retrievable sequencing reads/molecules compared to short-read sequencing platforms, limiting CNA inference accuracy. To address this limitation, we targeted the sequencing of short-length DNA molecules loaded at optimized concentration in an effort to increase sequence read/molecule yield from a single nanopore run. We show that short-molecule nanopore sequencing reproducibly returns high read counts and allows high quality CNA inference. We demonstrate the clinical relevance of this approach by accurately inferring CNAs in acute myeloid leukemia samples. The data shows that, compared to traditional approaches such as chromosome analysis/cytogenetics, short molecule nanopore sequencing returns more sensitive, accurate copy number information in a cost effective and expeditious manner, including for multiplex samples. Our results provide a framework for short-molecule nanopore sequencing with applications in research and medicine, which includes but is not limited to, CNAs