145 research outputs found

    IMP Science Gateway: from the Portal to the Hub of Virtual Experimental Labs in Materials Science

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    "Science gateway" (SG) ideology means a user-friendly intuitive interface between scientists (or scientific communities) and different software components + various distributed computing infrastructures (DCIs) (like grids, clouds, clusters), where researchers can focus on their scientific goals and less on peculiarities of software/DCI. "IMP Science Gateway Portal" (http://scigate.imp.kiev.ua) for complex workflow management and integration of distributed computing resources (like clusters, service grids, desktop grids, clouds) is presented. It is created on the basis of WS-PGRADE and gUSE technologies, where WS-PGRADE is designed for science workflow operation and gUSE - for smooth integration of available resources for parallel and distributed computing in various heterogeneous distributed computing infrastructures (DCI). The typical scientific workflows with possible scenarios of its preparation and usage are presented. Several typical use cases for these science applications (scientific workflows) are considered for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of complex behavior of various nanostructures (nanoindentation of graphene layers, defect system relaxation in metal nanocrystals, thermal stability of boron nitride nanotubes, etc.). The user experience is analyzed in the context of its practical applications for MD simulations in materials science, physics and nanotechnologies with available heterogeneous DCIs. In conclusion, the "science gateway" approach - workflow manager (like WS-PGRADE) + DCI resources manager (like gUSE)- gives opportunity to use the SG portal (like "IMP Science Gateway Portal") in a very promising way, namely, as a hub of various virtual experimental labs (different software components + various requirements to resources) in the context of its practical MD applications in materials science, physics, chemistry, biology, and nanotechnologies.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables; 6th International Workshop on Science Gateways, IWSG-2014 (Dublin, Ireland, 3-5 June, 2014). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1404.545

    Effects of hirudin-induced activation of nonenzymatic fibrinolysis during immobilization stress

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    The specific inhibitor of thrombin, hirudin, was used for studying the mechanism of the activating effect of ACTH and adrenalin on nonenzymatic fibrinolytic activity (NEFA), the latter characterizing the function of the anticoagulation system (ACS). Simultaneous administration of ACTH and hirudin to animals subjected to immobilization stress did not reduce the effect of ACTH on NEFA, while simultaneous administration of adrenalin and hirudin revealed a diminished effect of the former. This suggests different mechanisms of ACTH and adrenalin effects upon NEFA: the stimulating effect of norepinephrine is realized through throminogenesis followed by activation of the ACS function and by increased NEFA and therefore inhibitable by hirudin which forms an inactive complex with thrombin. In fact the stimulating effect of ACTH upon NEFA is brought about specifically by another route than thrombinogenesis and thus occurs in the presence of hirudin. Hirudin itself has no effect upon NEFA

    O travnjacima rdobrade (Chrysopogon gryllus) u kopnenom području zapadne Hrvatske

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    Južnoevropsko-jugozapadnoazijska vrsta Chryspogon gryllus rasprostranjena je u našoj zemlji kao značajni elemenat travnjačke vegetacije prvenstveno u submediteranskim i istočnokontinentalnim područjima. U ostalim zapadnijim dijelovima Jugoslavije znatno je rjeđa. Posljednjih godina našli smo je na novim nalazištima veoma obilno u sastavu zanimljive travnjačke vegetacije između rijeke Kupe i Dobre (si. 1), pa se time upotpunjuje slika o rasprostranjenju rdobrade u kopnenim područjima Hrvatske. Novi lokaliteti nalaze se u graničnom području kontinentalnoga Krša na pragu Gorskoga kotara. Fenomeni krša izraženi su tamo naročito u pojavi velikoga broja manjih ponikava (si. 2). Klima širega područja je umjereno topla, humidna, prosječno s više od 1200 mm oborina godišnje (tab. 1). Karbonatna podloga kredne starosti samo mjestimice viri na površini u obliku manjih ili većih kamenih blokova, dok je najvećim dijelom pokrivena plićim — neutralnim do bazičnim — ili dubljim — slabo do umjereno kiselim — tlima. Ta tla pripadaju u smislu Gračaninove klasifikacije kontinentalnim posmeđenim crvenicama i pođzoliranim vrištinskim crvenicama. Chrysopogon gryllus dominira u travnjačkoj vegetaciji koja je fitocenološki veoma heterogena, te u sistematskom pogledu pripada čak različitim vegetacijskim razredima (tab. 2). Zajednica Genisto-Callunetum grylletosum subas, nov. pripada razredu acidofilnih travnjaka i vriština Nardo-Callunetea Prsng. 1949 (odn. svezi Calluno-Festucion capillatae Ht 1959 prov. i redu Calluno-Ulicetalia Tx. 1937), a zajednica Globulario-Chrysopogonetum grylli prov. razredu Festuco-Brometea. Između jednih i drugih su mješavine, odnosno prijelazi. Zajednica Globulario-Chrysopogonetnm grylli podređena je redu Brometalia, ali je pitanje pripadnosti svezi ostalo otvoreno, dok se potpunije objasne odnosi tih travnjaka prema svezi Bromion s jedne strane, te svezi Scorzonerion villosae i drugim srodnim submediteranskim zajednicama, s druge strane. Istaknute su i sličnosti s analognim zajednicama istočnokontinentalnih područja naše zemlje te s nekim zajednicama iz područja južne Švicarske. Pojava termofilnih travnjaka poput submediteranske oaze okružene područjem mezofilnih listopadnih šuma i vriština srednjeevropskog i subatlanskog karaktera dopušta pretpostavku da i primarna (šumska) vegetacija na takvu staništu ima termofilniji karakter. To se zaista dade i naslutiti, iako je primarna vegetacija uglavnom uništena. Osim cera (Quercus cerris), koji se tu i tamo sačuvao (si. 3) kao svjedok, potvrđuje to i nazočnost drugih termofilnijih vrsta reda Guercetalia pubescentis (npr. Cornus mas, Melittis melissophyllum, Lathyrus niger). Na osnovi toga moguće je zaključiti da je i klima nešto toplija nego u susjednom području koje okružuje ovu oazu, pa bi bilo veoma korisno osnivanje dviju komparativnih meteoroloških stanica u trajanju od barem nekoliko godina. Uvjereni smo da bi rezultati egzaktnih mjerenja potvrdili navedenu pretpostavku. Značajno je međutim da su ekološke prilike zbog nejednolikog mezorelijefa i mikrorelijefa veoma promjenljive na malim udaljenostima (brojne ponikve) pa bi bilo potrebno izvršiti i podrobnija ekološka, napose mikroklimatološka istraživanja. Posljedica tako promjenljivih ekoloških prilika je naime i vrlo promjenljiva i mozaički raspoređena vegetacija. O tome valja prilikom kartiranja vegetacije posebno voditi računa, to više što prividna (fizionomska) homogenost vegetacije uvjetovana dominantnošću jedne vrste sakriva bitne florističke razlike u biljnom pokrovu. U našem slučaju to je naročito vrsta Chrysopogon gryllus, koja, kao što se i ovdje pokazalo, ima veoma široku fitocenološku amplitudu te ne može poslužiti kao osnova za podrobnije raščlanjenje travnjačke vegetacije

    Caricion davallianae in der Umgebung von Plaški (Kroatien)

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    Die Bestände der Kopfbinse (Schoenus nigricans) in der Umgebung von Plaski können als drei verschiedene Assoziationen gefasst werden. Einerseits sind es Kalkquellenrasen (Verband Molinio-Hordeion) mit dem Schoenetum nigricantis illyricum H-ić, wo der Boden zwischen den Kopfbinsenpflanzen mit travertinartigem Kalkinkrustationen überdeckt ist. Anderseits sind es zwei Assoziationen die zum Verband Caricion davallianae gehören und relikte Pflanzengesellschaften aus den glazialen Perioden darstellen. Es sind dies: Caricetum davallianae Koch 28, das an tieferen, sehr nassen, törfigen Boden vorkommt, wo der Boden dicht mit Kalkinkrustierenden Moosen Bedeckt ist und Orchido-Schoenetum nigricantis Oberdorfer. Da in allen untersuchten Beständen illyrische Arten Vorkommen, sind meiner Ansicht nach, die erforschten Pflanzengesellschaften keine pannonische Rassen wie es einige Autoren behaupten

    Analysis of the Flora of the Kornati Archipelago

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    Dosadašnjim istraživanjima Kornatskog otočja zabilježene su 303 biljne svojte vaskularne flore. U ovom radu izvršena je analiza te flore. Rezultati biljnogeografske analize pokazuju da najveći broj biljaka pripada različitim skupinama mediteranskog flornog elementa. Unutar toga elementa najbrojnije su općemediteranske biljke. Biljnogeografski interesantne su i ilirsko-mediteranske biljke unutar kojih se posebno ističu ilirsko-jadranske endemične vrste. Prilično je brojno zastupljen južnoevropski florni element kao i biljke širokog r asprostranjenja. Što se tiče životnih oblika, najbrojnije su zastupljeni hemikriptofiti i terofiti.On the Kornati archipelago, 303 plant species have been recorded so far. Phytogeographical analysis of these plants showed that the highest number of the species belong to the Mediterranean floral element (60.47%), in which the circummediterranean predominates (34.80%). There are also Illyrian-Mediterranean (10.47%), but the Illyrian-Adriatic endemics (5.40%) are exceptionally interesting. South European floral element (17.91%) and wide-spread plants (11.15%) are also abundant. This geographical analysis shows that the Kornati Islands belong to the eumedi- terranean zone of the Mediterranean region. An analysis of life forms indicates that the percentage of hemicryp- tophytes (32.88%) and therophytes (31.86%) is the same. The chamae- phytes account for 15.93%, phanerophytes 13.23% and geophytes 6.10%. The lower number of therophytes and the great share of hemicrypto- phytes. in comparison with the Middle Dalmatian islands of Vis (Domac 1955). Bisevo (Pavletic 1975) and Veli Drvenik (Bedalov 1985) can be explained by a marked anthropogenic influence — burning and pasture, which favours abundant development of hemicryptophytes

    Floristische Gliederung, syndinamisch-syngenetische Verhältnisse und geographische Verbreitung des Deschampsietum mediae illyricum (Zeidler) H-ić

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    Das Deschampsietum mediae illyricum kann in drei Subassoziationen gegliedert werden (Tab. I i II). Das sind: 1. Das Deschampsietum mediae illyricum typicum. Diese Subassoziation unterscheidet sich von den zwei nachfolgenden durch die Differenzialarten: Prunella vulgaris, Poa compressa, Leontodon hispidus, Phleum nodosum, Galium verum und Colchicum autumnale, die auf etwas trockenere Standorte hinweisen. 2. Das Deschampsietum mediae illyricum seslerietosum uliginosae entwickelt sich auf feuchteren, sumpfigen oder sogar anmoorigen Standorten. Differenzialarten: Sesleria uliginosa, Serratula tinctoria, Schoenus nigricans und Potentilla erecta. 3. Das Deschampsietum mediae illyricum depauperatum, das sehr artenarm ist und hat keine Differenzialarten. Die ersten Subassoziationen entwickeln sich in engem Kontakt mit den Assoziationsbeständen des Molinio-Lathyretum pannonici. Wegen ihrer spezifischen Oekologie (überflüssige Feuchtigkeit im Frühling und starke Bodenaustrocknung im Sommer) hat das Deschampsietum mediae illyricum eine isolierte Stellung im Rahmen der Trifolio- Hordeetalia des Molinio-Hordeion secalini-Verbandes. Die feuchteste Subassoziation seslerietosum uliginosae weist eine gewisse Verwandtschaft mit den Caricetalia dauallianae-Gesellschaften auf. Das Deschampsitum mediae illyricum ist längst der Grenze des ostadriatischen Küstenlandes und ihres angrenzenden Innengebietes von der Insel Krk im Nordwesten bis Gatačko polje im Südosten verbreitet (Abb. 1). Das Verbreitungszentrum liegt zwischen der Dalmatinska zagora, dem südöstlichen Bosnien und der westlichen Herzegovina. Die Subass. depauperatum ist auf dem nordwestlichen Teil des Areals von Krk bis Krbavsko polje begrenzt, und die zwei anderen nehmen das östliche geographische Gebiet von Krbavsko polje nordwestlich bis zum Gatačko polje südöstlich ein

    Die Verbreitung der Art Convolvulus lineatus L. in Jugoslawien

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    Bei Convolvulus lineatus L. (Abb. 1) handelt es sich um eine seltene und wenig bekannte Pflanze der jugoslawischen Flora. Bisher wurde sie nur in Mazedonien gefunden, so dass die Insel Purara (Kornati), wo sie von den Verfassern gesammelt wurde, als erster Fundort in Kroatien gilt (Abb. 2). Dem Arealtypus nach kann man diese Art zu den sg. mediterran-pontischen Pflanzen (Horvatić 1963) stellen

    Assessing the Current State of Public Debt of Ukraine

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    The article is concerned with assessing the current state of public debt and the State-guaranteed debt of Ukraine, their essence is considered and the dynamics for the period 2017-2021 are analyzed. It is noted that public debt is the result of the movement of borrowed capital, which has a significant impact on the state of public finances, the investment climate, money circulation, and the development of international cooperation. It is determined that a significant amount of public debt, which was formed during the period of Ukrainian independence, negatively affects the economic situation in the country, and debt servicing creates a burden on the State budget. At the moment, the debt policy needs to find improved ways to attract credit funds and identify effective ways to use them to better the financial situation and strengthen Ukraine’s economy. The article defines the structure of the State debt of Ukraine in terms of foreign currencies. It is proved that the debt mostly consists of borrowings denominated in foreign currencies. An analysis of both the public and the State-guaranteed debt by type of interest rates during the analyzed period was carried out and it was noted that borrowings include a significant share of debt instruments with a fixed rate. The structure of the public debt by type of creditor during 2017-2021 is presented. It is proved that issued securities in the domestic and foreign markets occupy the largest share in the structure of the debt. The economic essence of domestic and foreign government bonds is defined. Domestic government bonds (OVDPs), which are in circulation at nominal depreciation value during 2017-2021, are considered in terms of foreign currencies and owners. Based on the carried out analysis, the main reasons that led to the growth of the volume of both the public and the State-guaranteed debt in Ukraine and the directions of their optimization in public debt management are identified