281 research outputs found

    A game theoretical semantics for logics of nonsense

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    Logics of non-sense allow a third truth value to express propositions that are nonsense. These logics are ideal formalisms to understand how errors are handled in programs and how they propagate throughout the programs once they appear. In this paper, we give a Hintikkan game semantics for logics of non-sense and prove its correctness. We also discuss how a known solution method in game theory, the iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies, relates to semantic games for logics of nonsense. Finally, we extend the logics of nonsense only by means of semantic games, developing a new logic of nonsense, and propose a new game semantics for Priest’s Logic of Paradox

    Topological semantics for da Costa paraconsistent logics Cω and C*ω

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    In this work, we consider a well-known and well-studied system of paraconsistent logic which is due to Newton da Costa, and present a topological semantics for it

    A Yabloesque paradox in epistemic game theory

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    The Brandenburger–Keisler paradox is a self-referential paradox in epistemic game theory which can be viewed as a two-person version of Russell’s Paradox. Yablo’s Paradox, according to its author, is a non-self referential paradox, which created a significant impact. This paper gives a Yabloesque, non-self-referential paradox for infinitary players within the context of epistemic game theory. The new paradox advances both the Brandenburger–Keisler and Yablo results. Additionally, the paper constructs a paraconsistent model satisfying the paradoxical statement

    Game theoretical semantics for some non-classical logics

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    Paraconsistent logics are the formal systems in which absurdities do not trivialise the logic. In this paper, we give Hintikka-style game theoretical semantics for a variety of paraconsistent and non-classical logics. For this purpose, we consider Priest’s Logic of Paradox, Dunn’s First-Degree Entailment, Routleys’ Relevant Logics, McCall’s Connexive Logic and Belnap’s four-valued logic. We also present a game theoretical characterisation of a translation between Logic of Paradox/Kleene’s K3 and S5. We underline how non-classical logics require different verification games and prove the correctness theorems of their respective game theoretical semantics. This allows us to observe that paraconsistent logics break the classical bidirectional connection between winning strategies and truth values

    A game theoretical semantics for a logic of formal inconsistency

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    This paper introduces a game theoretical semantics for a particular logic of formal inconsistency called mbC

    Towards Paraconsistent Inquiry

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    In this paper, we discuss Hintikka’s theory of interrogative approach to inquiry with a focus on bracketing. First, we dispute the use of bracketing in the interrogative model of inquiry arguing that bracketing provides an indispensable component of an inquiry. Then, we suggest a formal system based on strategy logic and logic of paradox to describe the epistemic aspects of an inquiry, and obtain a naturally paraconsistent system. We then apply our framework to some cases to illustrate its use
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