17 research outputs found

    Quantification of Amu River Riverbank Erosion in Balkh Province of Afghanistan during 2004–2020

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    In this study, we propose quantifying the Amu River riverbank erosion with the modelled river discharge in Kaldar District, Balkh Province of Afghanistan from 2004 to 2020. We propose a framework synergizing multi-source information for modelling the erosion area based on three components: (1) river discharge, (2) river width, and (3) erosion area. The total river discharge for the watershed shared by Afghanistan and Tajikistan was modelled using hydrological parameters from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) data through multivariate linear regression with ground station data. The river width was determined manually using the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) derived from Landsat data. The riverbank erosion area was derived from the digital shoreline analysis using the NDWI. The digital shoreline analysis showed that, between 2008 and 2020, the average riverbank erosion area in Kaldar District is about 5.4 km2 per year, and, overall, 86.3 km2 during 2004–2020 due to flood events. The significantly higher land loss events occurred at 10 km2 bank erosion during the years 2008–2009 and 2015–2016, and 19 km2 peak erosion occurred during 2011–2012. A linear relation between the erosion area with respect to the discharge intensity and the specific stream power was observed with an R2 of 0.84 and RMSE of 1.761 for both

    Integrasi dan disintegrasi dalam perspektif budaya

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    Dinamika dan perkembangan tata kemasyarakatan cenderung meningkat dengan arah yang tidak dapat terduga. Dalam tataran global, tata dunia baru dibentuk dengan berbasiskan pada penghilangan hambatan-hambatan struktural sehingga dunia dipandang seolah "tanpa batas". Kondisi ini pada gilirannya menampilkan impaknya p-ada dinamika sosial, ekonomi, politik, dan budaya masyarakat yang dalam tataran tertentu "relatif " sulit untuk dikendalikan

    AFBC of coal with tyre rubber. Influence of the co-combustion variables on the mineral matter of solid by-products and on Zn lixiviation

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    The study focuses on the generation and distribution of mineral species in fly and bottom ashes. These were formed during a fluidised co-combustion of a fossil fuel (coal) and a non-fossil fuel (tyre rubber) in a small fluidised bed combustor (7cm x 70cm). The pilot plant had continuous fuel feed using varying ratios of coal and rubber. The study also focuses on the lixiviation behaviour of metallic elements with the assessement of zinc recovering

    Boleodorus similis n. sp. (Nematoda: Nothotylenchinae) from India

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    Quantification and description of gut-associated lymphoid tissue in, shabbout, Arabibarbus grypus (Actinopterygii: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae), in warm and cold season

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    Background. Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), is a primary lymphoid tissue and a part of the mucosal lymphoid system. Depending on the location, it present as aggregations of lymphoid cells. There are several reports of structural differences in the lymphoid tissue attached to the gastrointestinal tract between different species of fish, as well as different areas of the gastrointestinal tract of a fish in the cold and warm seasons. Identifying and expressing these differences in terms of tissue structure, in addition to diagnosing aquatic diseases, is also of particular importance for vaccination and disease control. Materials and methods. For this purpose, after collecting the desired samples routine histological procedure was performed and 4–6 ”m sections were obtained and were subsequently stained with hematoxylin-eosin, periodic acid–Schiff, and TUNEL immunohistochemical staining method. Results. The results showed that four main layers, i.e., tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica muscularis, and tunica serosa, were observed in the wall of the gut of Arabibarbus grypus (Heckel, 1843), as had been observed in other teleosts. GALT was seen in two different shapes in two areas. The former consisted of intra-epithelial scattered cells, which were arranged in the pillar structures and extended to the upper regions of the epithelium, but were more concentrated in the mid bases. The latter was found in lamina propria and submucosa regions. In the lamina propria, they had a strip-shaped arrangement and were placed in several rows below the base membrane, but in the submucosa, they were scattered and less densely packed. Micrometric results showed that not only the distribution of the lymphocytic cells in the intestine of both male and female specimens varied in different areas but also in some areas, the difference was statistically significant in both cold and warm seasons (P < 0.05). TUNEL immunohistochemical staining revealed that the number of apoptotic cells in both sexes was more in the anterior part of the intestinal bulb and in the posterior part of the proper intestine in the warm season compared to the cold season. Conclusion. Based on a recent study on gut-associated lymphoid tissue in A. grypus in two warm and cold seasons revealed that mucosal immunity is more active in the cold season than in the warm season

    Resource Allocation and Throughput Maximization for IoT Real-time Applications

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    The foreseen enormous generation of mobile data would result in congestion of the spectrum available. To efficiently use the available spectrum new paradigm named fog computing is a promising solution. In this paper, we developed a fog-IoT network to provide an \varepsilon-optimal resource allocation to maximize the overall network throughput. A joint cloudlet selection and power allocation problem is formulated under association and Quality-of-Service (QoS) constraints. The formulated problem falls in class of mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem which is NP-hard generally. We solved our problem by applying a less complex linearization technique that uses the outer approximation algorithm (OAA). Resource allocation and power allocation are efficiently conducted as a result of this optimization, which is less complicated compared to exhaustive search. © 2020 IEEE

    Blatticola monandros

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