198 research outputs found


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    Eight male and eight female subjects without prior shooting experience took part in the experiment. The aim of this study was to determine gender effects on postural sway characteristics and rambling and trembling components during rifle aiming. Subjects were tested with the use of force platform in quiet standing, in shooting position, and in shooting position with additional visual feedback, three times in each condition. Rambling (RM) –Trembling (TM) signal decomposition was used to process the data. Center of the pressure sway range (COPra), mean velocity (COPvel), COP root mean square (RMS), and the rambling and trembling displacement length (RMlen, TRlen) in the anterior-posterior (AP) and medial-lateral (ML) directions were analyzed variables. The results showed significant changes in behaviour due to increased levels of task difficulty effect of gender

    Physiochemical properties of TiO2 nanoparticle thin films deposited on stainless steel

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of TiO2 layer to improve hemocompatibility of 316LVM stainless steel. The TiO2 layers studied in this work were deposited from TiCl4 and H2O in a low-pressure Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) reactor taking into account number of cycles and process temperature. As a part of the research electrochemical studies of the layer after 28 days exposure to artificial plasma were carried out. In particular, potentiostatic, potentiodynamic and impedance studies were conducted. The obtained results were the basis for selection of surface treatment method dedicated to blood-contacting stainless steel implants

    Socrealizm w polskich filmach fabularnych lat 1946-1955

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    Praca magisterska przedstawia zjawisko realizmu socrealistycznego w powojennym filmie polskim. Celem pracy było ukazanie filmu fabularnego na tle sytuacji politycznej, gospodarczej, społecznej i kulturalnej Polski po 2 wojnie światowej. Do badań nad problemem wykorzystano literaturę tematu, czasopisma branżowe oraz filmy. Scharakteryzowano zjawisko socrealizmu, opisując jego genezę, podłoże ideologiczne i realizację. Przedstawiono krytykę filmową opisywanych czasów oraz współczesną. Praca podzielona została na 4 rozdziały. W pierwszym scharakteryzowano sytuację gospodarczą, polityczną i społeczną Polski po zakończeniu 2 wojny światowej i znalezieniu się Polski w bloku państw sowieckich. W drugim rozdziale omówiono zmiany administracyjne, społeczne, gospodarcze, polityczne i kulturowe okresu stalinowskiego w Polsce. Trzeci rozdział charakteryzuje realizm socrealistyczny oraz opisuje jego filmowy model. Czwarty rozdział jest przedstawieniem wszystkich filmów polskiego socrealizmu. Filmy podzielone zostały tematycznie na: okupacyjne, produkcyjne, komediowe, wiejskie, młodzieżowe, sensacyjno-szpiegowskie i historyczne. Dokonano ich pełnego opisu i analizy. Opisano polityczny wpływ na twórców filmowych. Przedstawiono recepcję filmów przez widzów tamtych lat. Ukazano schematyczność oraz najczęściej niski poziom artystyczny filmów.Master's thesis presents the phenomenon of socialist realism in the post-war Polish film. The aim of the work was to present a feature film against the background of the political, economic, social and cultural situation of Poland after the Second World War. The professional literature, trade journals and films were used to study the problem. The phenomenon of socialist realism has been characterized, describing its origins, ideological foundations and realization. The film criticism of the times of socialist realism and contemporary was described. The work was divided into 4 chapters. The first chapter featured the economic, political and social situation of Poland after the end of the Second World War and the presence of Poland in the Communist Bloc. The second chapter discussed the administrative, social, economic, political and cultural changes of the Stalinist period in Poland. The third chapter featured of socialist realism and described its film model. The fourth chapter featured all the films of Polish socialist realism. The films were fully described and analysed. The political impact on filmmakers was described. The reception of the film was showed by the point of view of viewers of those years

    Influence of purge, time of waiting and TiCl4 dosing time in a low-pressure atomic layer deposition (ALD) reactor on properties of TiO2 layer

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of the ALD process parameters on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of TiO2 layer. The TiO2 layer was deposited on stainless steel surfaces at constant temperature T = 200 °C and number of cycles nc = 500 (g ≈ 25 nm). The applied methodology consisted of potentiodynamic and impedance studies, as well as adhesion test. The obtained results were the basis for selection of surface treatment method for stainless steel implants for contact with blood. Appropriate parameters of surface treatment realized by means of the ALD method is of significant importance. It will contribute to the development of technological conditions of specified deposition parameters of TiO2 layers on steel implants

    The Alice : "Follow the White Rabbit" : parasites of farm rabbits based on coproscopy

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    The aim of the study, conducted in the years 2011–2013, was to determine the level of gastrointestinal parasites infection in New Zealand White rabbits, kept at the Experimental Station of the University of Agriculture in Krakow. The study showed rabbits protozoan infection with the genus Eimeria, belonging – based on the sporulation method – to the following species: E. magna, E. media, E. perforans, E. stiedae and E. irresidua. The highest prevalence of infection, as well as the intensity of oocysts output (OPG – oocysts per gram of faeces), was noted for E. magna and E. media – respectively 31.4 % (19477.3 OPG), and 40.0 % (14256.07 OPG). The infection of rabbits with Eimeria spp. differed significantly between years. With regard to oocysts output, the level of infection was strongly connected with the age of rabbits, being higher in young animals. However, the range of infection was highest among adults. Among nematodes, Passalurus ambiguus pinworm was regularly found (prevalence reached 21.9%), other species – Trichuris leporis, and Graphidium strigosum were rarely noted. The overall infection with nematodes did not differ between years. Similarly, as in the case of Eimeria older individuals were more often infected by nematodes. We observed some trends in parasite oocysts/eggs output; the protozoan oocysts were recorded more often in faecal samples collected in the evenings, whereas the nematodes eggs occurred frequently in the mornings. This situation may be related to the phenomenon of coprophagy occurring in the mammals of Lagomorpha order. The results of the study indicate that especially coccidiosis constitute permanently throughout the years an important problem in the rabbitry examined

    Zatorska goose - a subject of parasitological research

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    The aim of the study was to determine the level of gastrointestinal parasites in a native breed of geese – Zatorska goose – based on coproscopic testing. Faecal samples were collected from 90 young geese in three age groups (5, 7 and 9 weeks old) in 2014. The geese were kept indoors on deep litter and pastured from spring to autumn. The area of the pastures around the buildings where the geese grazed was about 1 hectare, divided into quarters for different age groups. Before grazing, the birds were dewormed with fenbendazole (Fenbenat powder 4%, Naturan). As additional treatment for coccidiosis, coccidiostats were added to the feed. The study was conducted using the McMaster quantitative method with centrifugation (flotation liquid: NaCl and glucose). The birds were shown to be infected with coccidia and nematodes. The prevalence of Eimeria sp. infection (mean 40%) and the number of oocysts per gram of faeces (reaching 5,300 OPG) were highest in the youngest age group of geese. The level of Amidostomum anseris infection was similar in the three age groups, with prevalence from 40% to 50% (nematode egg output ranged from 50 to 350 eggs per gram of faeces, EPG). Capillaria anatis was observed only in 5- and 7-week-old geese

    Evaluation of Alternatives to Warfarin as Probes For Sudlow Site I of Human Serum Albumin Characterization by High-Performance Affinity Chromatography

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    Warfarin is often used as a site-specific probe for examining the binding of drugs and other solutes to Sudlow site I of human serum albumin (HSA). However, warfarin has strong binding to HSA and the two chiral forms of warfarin have slightly different binding affinities for this protein. Warfarin also undergoes a slow change in structure when present in common buffers used for binding studies. This report examined the use of four related, achiral compounds (i.e., coumarin, 7-hydroxycoumarin, 7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin, and 4-hydroxycoumarin) as possible alternative probes for Sudlow site I in drug binding studies. High-performance affinity chromatography and immobilized HSA columns were used to compare and evaluate the binding properties of these probe candidates. Binding for each of the tested probe candidates to HSA was found to give a good fit to a two-site model. The first group of sites had moderate-to-high affinities for the probe candidates with association equilibrium constants that ranged from 6.4 × 103 M−1 (coumarin) to 5.5 × 104 M−1 (4- hydroxycoumarin) at pH 7.4 and 37°C. The second group of weaker, and probably non-specific, binding regions, had association equilibrium constants that ranged from 3.8 × 101 M−1 (7-hydroxy-4- methylcoumarin) to 7.3 × 102 M−1 (coumarin). Competition experiments based on zonal elution indicated that all of these probe candidates competed with warfarin at their high affinity regions. Warfarin also showed competition with coumarin, 7-hydroxycoumarin and 7-hydroxy-4- methycoumarin for their weak affinity sites but appeared to not bind and or compete for all of the weak sites of 4-hydroxycoumarin. It was found from this group that 4-hydroxycoumarin was the best alternative to warfarin for examining the interactions of drugs at Sudlow site I on HSA. These results also provided information on how the major structural components of warfarin contribute to the binding of this drug at Sudlow site I


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    Abstract This report examines the use of high-performance affinity chromatography as a screening tool for studying the change in binding by sulfonylurea drugs to the protein human serum albumin (HSA) during diabetes. The effects of both the non-enzymatic glycation of HSA and the presence of fatty acids on these interactions were considered using a zonal elution format. It was found that there was significant increase (i.e., 2.7 to 3.6-fold) in the relative retention of several sulfonylurea drugs (i.e., acetohexamide, tolbutamide, glybenclamide and gliclazide) on columns containing normal versus glycated HSA. The addition of various long chain fatty acids to the mobile phase gave the same trend in retention for the tested drugs on both the HSA and glycated HSA columns, generally leading to lower binding. Most of the fatty acids examined produced similar or moderately different relative shifts in retention; however, palmitic acid was found to produce a much larger change in retention on columns containing glycated HSA versus normal HSA under the conditions used in this study