210 research outputs found

    Persistence of Immunity Following 2-Dose Priming with a 10-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine at 6 and 10 Weeks or 6 and 14 Weeks of Age in Nepalese Toddlers

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    BACKGROUND: The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine has had a substantial impact on invasive pneumococcal disease. Previously, we compared immunity following vaccination with the 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) administered at 2 slightly different schedules: at 6 and 10 weeks of age, and at 6 and 14 weeks of age, both followed by a 9-month booster. In this study, we followed up those participants to evaluate the medium-term persistence of serotype-specific pneumococcal immunity at 2-3 years of age. METHOD: Children from the previous studies were contacted and after taking informed consent from their parents, blood samples and nasopharyngeal swabs were collected. Serotype-specific IgG antibody concentrations were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, for the 10 vaccine serotypes, at a WHO pneumococcal serology reference laboratory. FINDINGS: Two hundred twenty out of the 287 children who completed the primary study returned at 2-3 years of age to provide a blood sample and nasopharyngeal swab. The nasopharyngeal carriage rate of PCV10 serotypes in the 6 + 14 group was higher than the 6 + 10 group (13.4% vs. 1.9%). Nevertheless, the proportion of toddlers with serum pneumococcal serotype-specific IgG greater than or equal to 0.35 µg/mL was comparable for all PCV10 serotypes between the 6 + 10 week and 6 + 14 week groups. Similarly, the geometric mean concentrations of serum pneumococcal serotype-specific IgG levels were similar in the 2 groups for all serotypes, except for serotype 19F which was 32% lower in the 6 + 10 group than the 6 + 14 group. CONCLUSION: Immunization with PCV10 at 6 + 10 weeks or 6 + 14 weeks, with a booster at 9 months in each case, results in similar persistence of serotype-specific antibody at 2-3 years of age. Thus, protection from pneumococcal disease is expected to be similar when either schedule is used

    Regulated functional alternative splicing in Drosophila

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    Alternative splicing expands the coding capacity of metazoan genes, and it was largely genetic studies in the fruit-fly Drosophila melanogaster that established the principle that regulated alternative splicing results in tissue- and stage-specific protein isoforms with different functions in development. Alternative splicing is particularly prominent in germ cells, muscle and the central nervous system where it modulates the expression of various proteins including cell-surface molecules and transcription factors. Studies in flies have given us numerous insights into alternative splicing in terms of upstream regulation, the exquisite diversity of their forms and the key differential cellular functions of alternatively spliced gene products. The current inundation of transcriptome sequencing data from Drosophila provides an unprecedented opportunity to gain a comprehensive view of alternative splicing

    Fed-Batch Production of Saccharomyces cerevisiae L-Asparaginase II by Recombinant Pichia pastoris MUTs Strain

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    L-Asparaginase (ASNase) is used in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, being produced and commercialized only from bacterial sources. Alternative Saccharomyces cerevisiae ASNase II coded by the ASP3 gene was biosynthesized by recombinant Pichia pastoris MUTs under the control of the AOX1 promoter, using different cultivation strategies. In particular, we applied multistage fed-batch cultivation divided in four distinct phases to produce ASNase II and determine the fermentation parameters, namely specific growth rate, biomass yield, and enzyme activity. Cultivation of recombinant P. pastoris under favorable conditions in a modified defined medium ensured a dry biomass concentration of 31 gdcw.L−1 during glycerol batch phase, corresponding to a biomass yield of 0.77 gdcw.gglycerol-1 and a specific growth rate of 0.21 h−1. After 12 h of glycerol feeding under limiting conditions, cell concentration achieved 65 gdcw.L−1 while ethanol concentration was very low. During the phase of methanol induction, biomass concentration achieved 91 gdcw.L−1, periplasmic specific enzyme activity 37.1 U.gdcw-1, volumetric enzyme activity 3,315 U.L−1, overall enzyme volumetric productivity 31 U.L−1.h−1, while the specific growth rate fell to 0.039 h−1. Our results showed that the best strategy employed for the ASNase II production was using glycerol fed-batch phase with pseudo exponential feeding plus induction with continuous methanol feeding

    The fission yeast Rpb4 subunit of RNA polymerase II plays a specialized role in cell separation

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    RNA polymerase II is a complex of 12 subunits, Rpb1 to Rpb12, whose specific roles are only partly understood. Rpb4 is essential in mammals and fission yeast, but not in budding yeast. To learn more about the roles of Rpb4, we expressed the rpb4 gene under the control of regulatable promoters of different strength in fission yeast. We demonstrate that below a critical level of transcription, Rpb4 affects cellular growth proportional to its expression levels: cells expressing lower levels of rpb4 grew slower compared to cells expressing higher levels. Lowered rpb4 expression did not affect cell survival under several stress conditions, but it caused specific defects in cell separation similar to sep mutants. Microarray analysis revealed that lowered rpb4 expression causes a global reduction in gene expression, but the transcript levels of a distinct subset of genes were particularly responsive to changes in rpb4 expression. These genes show some overlap with those regulated by the Sep1-Ace2 transcriptional cascade required for cell separation. Most notably, the gene expression signature of cells with lowered rpb4 expression was highly similar to those of mcs6, pmh1, sep10 and sep15 mutants. Mcs6 and Pmh1 encode orthologs of metazoan TFIIH-associated cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)-activating kinase (Cdk7-cyclin H-Mat1), while Sep10 and Sep15 encode mediator components. Our results suggest that Rpb4, along with some other general transcription factors, plays a specialized role in a transcriptional pathway that controls the cell cycle-regulated transcription of a specific subset of genes involved in cell division. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00438-006-0161-5 and is accessible for authorized users

    Fission Yeast Tel1ATM and Rad3ATR Promote Telomere Protection and Telomerase Recruitment

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    The checkpoint kinases ATM and ATR are redundantly required for maintenance of stable telomeres in diverse organisms, including budding and fission yeasts, Arabidopsis, Drosophila, and mammals. However, the molecular basis for telomere instability in cells lacking ATM and ATR has not yet been elucidated fully in organisms that utilize both the telomere protection complex shelterin and telomerase to maintain telomeres, such as fission yeast and humans. Here, we demonstrate by quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays that simultaneous loss of Tel1ATM and Rad3ATR kinases leads to a defect in recruitment of telomerase to telomeres, reduced binding of the shelterin complex subunits Ccq1 and Tpz1, and increased binding of RPA and homologous recombination repair factors to telomeres. Moreover, we show that interaction between Tpz1-Ccq1 and telomerase, thought to be important for telomerase recruitment to telomeres, is disrupted in tel1Δ rad3Δ cells. Thus, Tel1ATM and Rad3ATR are redundantly required for both protection of telomeres against recombination and promotion of telomerase recruitment. Based on our current findings, we propose the existence of a regulatory loop between Tel1ATM/Rad3ATR kinases and Tpz1-Ccq1 to ensure proper protection and maintenance of telomeres in fission yeast

    Inter-Species Complementation of the Translocon Beta Subunit Requires Only Its Transmembrane Domain

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    In eukaryotes, proteins enter the secretory pathway through the translocon pore of the endoplasmic reticulum. This protein translocation channel is composed of three major subunits, called Sec61α, β and γ in mammals. Unlike the other subunits, the β subunit is dispensable for translocation and cell viability in all organisms studied. Intriguingly, the knockout of the Sec61β encoding genes results in different phenotypes in different species. Nevertheless, the β subunit shows a high level of sequence homology across species, suggesting the conservation of a biological function that remains ill-defined. To address its cellular roles, we characterized the homolog of Sec61β in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Sbh1p). Here, we show that the knockout of sbh1+ results in severe cold sensitivity, increased sensitivity to cell-wall stress, and reduced protein secretion at 23°C. Sec61β homologs from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human complement the knockout of sbh1+ in S. pombe. As in S. cerevisiae, the transmembrane domain (TMD) of S. pombe Sec61β is sufficient to complement the phenotypes resulting from the knockout of the entire encoding gene. Remarkably, the TMD of Sec61β from S. cerevisiae and human also complement the gene knockouts in both yeasts. Together, these observations indicate that the TMD of Sec61β exerts a cellular function that is conserved across species

    Modulation of γ-Secretase Activity by Multiple Enzyme-Substrate Interactions: Implications in Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease

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    BACKGROUND: We describe molecular processes that can facilitate pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) by analyzing the catalytic cycle of a membrane-imbedded protease γ-secretase, from the initial interaction with its C99 substrate to the final release of toxic Aβ peptides. RESULTS: The C-terminal AICD fragment is cleaved first in a pre-steady-state burst. The lowest Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio is observed in pre-steady-state when Aβ40 is the dominant product. Aβ42 is produced after Aβ40, and therefore Aβ42 is not a precursor for Aβ40. The longer more hydrophobic Aβ products gradually accumulate with multiple catalytic turnovers as a result of interrupted catalytic cycles. Saturation of γ-secretase with its C99 substrate leads to 30% decrease in Aβ40 with concomitant increase in the longer Aβ products and Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio. To different degree the same changes in Aβ products can be observed with two mutations that lead to an early onset of AD, ΔE9 and G384A. Four different lines of evidence show that γ-secretase can bind and cleave multiple substrate molecules in one catalytic turnover. Consequently depending on its concentration, NotchΔE substrate can activate or inhibit γ-secretase activity on C99 substrate. Multiple C99 molecules bound to γ-secretase can affect processive cleavages of the nascent Aβ catalytic intermediates and facilitate their premature release as the toxic membrane-imbedded Aβ-bundles. CONCLUSIONS: Gradual saturation of γ-secretase with its substrate can be the pathogenic process in different alleged causes of AD. Thus, competitive inhibitors of γ-secretase offer the best chance for a successful therapy, while the noncompetitive inhibitors could even facilitate development of the disease by inducing enzyme saturation at otherwise sub-saturating substrate. Membrane-imbedded Aβ-bundles generated by γ-secretase could be neurotoxic and thus crucial for our understanding of the amyloid hypothesis and AD pathogenesis