147 research outputs found

    Two particle entanglement and its geometric duals

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    We show that for a system of two entangled particles, there is a dual description to the particle equations in terms of classical theory of conformally stretched spacetime. We also connect these entangled particle equations with Finsler geometry. We show that this duality translates strongly coupled quantum equations in the pilot-wave limit to weakly coupled geometric equations.Comment: 10pp, Typos corrected, Accepted versio

    The Functions of Code Switching in ESL Classroom Discourse

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    This study objective to investigate the discourse functions of code-switching used by the teachers in ESL classrooms in a Pakistani university. Another aim of this study was to find out the forms of code-switching used by the teachers and functions of these code-switching usages at diploma level. In the light of these aims, four diploma classes were observed and audio recorded. The data obtained from these recordings were transcribed using the content analysis method and the following results have been obtained: 1) teachers use code-switching in the classes for educational and social reasons; 2) the most frequent form of code-switching was observed to be used discourse markers. Keywords: Function of Code-switching, Classroom discourse

    Exploration of unique relation among industrial fungi by statistical analysis

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    This work was carried out to explore the relation among thermophilic cellulolytic fungi, which are of industrialimportance. There was no report found about the genetic relationship of fungi, which are used to produce industrial enzymes.So the aim of the study was to observe the similarity among different cellulolytic fungi on genetic level, which will providethe background to understand the correlation among cellulase producing systems of these fungi. Eleven (11) fungi werestudied for genetic diversity using the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) a PCR based molecular marker system.In this regard twenty universal decamers used for RAPD resulted in 1527 numbers of bands observed during comparison ofall wild strains. Maximum polymorphism was generated with GLA-07. Average numbers of bands per 20 primers were 65-72.An Interesting feature of the study was the similarity of Humicola insolens with Torula thermophile, more than with theother members of the Humicola family. This genetic pattern affects the physical structure of the fungi. Spores of Torulathermophila are more related to Humicola insolens than to its own family. Similarity between the two was found to be 57.8%,whereas between Humicola lanuginosa (Thermomysis lanuginosus) and Humicola grisea it was 57.3%. Apart from this,similarity between Talaromyces dupontii and Rhizomucor pusillus was 51.5%. Least similarity was found in Rhizomucorpusillus and Humicola grisea, which was 18.7% and Chaetomium thermophile and Sporotrichum thermophile, which was18.3%. Genetic similarity matrix was constructed on the basis of Nei and Li’s index

    Mapping the Foundation and Trends in Tourism Research: A Bibliometric Review of Literature in Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal

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    Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal is the second oldest journal in tourism, which has grown as one of the most reliable sources of tourism scholarship over the years. This study has adopted a bibliometric literature review approach based on the published articles to emphasize its contribution to tourism scholarship. The study has reviewed 529 publications published between 2002 and 2020 (indexed in Scopus). The study has employed the statistical tool - \u27bibliometrix\u27 to conduct evaluative and relational analysis utilizing numerous indices highlighting the journal\u27s growth and its conceptual and collaboration structure. The findings offered are beneficial for both the editors and the scholars in the tourism discipline. Additionally, the implications of the findings, future research gaps, and limitations are discussed

    The Macroeconomic Determinants of Stock Price Volatility in Pakistan: An Empirical Investigation

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    Stock price volatility has been a source of prime interest in the capital markets because stock markets are crucial in any economy in terms of their implications. This study empirically investigates the factors influencing stock price volatility in Pakistan using monthly data (January 2015 to December 2021). This study uses the three-month moving standard deviation method to compute stock price volatility. The ARDL technique is used to analyze the factors of stock price volatility. In the long run, a significant and positive relationship exists between the exchange rate, supply of money, interest rate, and stock price volatility. Whereas, the industrial production index and money supply have a statistically significant and positive association with stock price volatility in the short run. However, the consumer price index, exchange rate, and rate of interest exhibit a significant and inverse association with stock price volatility in the short run. The diagnostic check of estimated coefficients is also done to ensure the best, most linear, and unbiased estimates. To check the sensitivity of the estimated coefficients concerning significance, sign, and magnitude the volatility of the stock prices is also calculated using the ARCH model. The empirical findings on average are moderately robust. It is strongly recommended that the central bank and government develop monetary and fiscal policies focused on exchange rate stability and monetary expansion stability

    Global Landscape of Open Access Repositories

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    Purpose: The present study attempts to highlight the status of “open access repositories” globally. Methodology: Present study is based on the data gathered from “open-DOAR”. Data gathered was thoroughly analyzed based on chosen parameters, viz., “Geographical distribution”, “Software usage”, “Language diversity”, “Operational status”, “Repository type”, “Content type” and “Subjects archived”. Findings: Open access repositories (OARs) have witnessed potential growth trends particularly in developed countries. The findings reveal that “USA” is the leading country with the largest number of repositories and “Europe” is the leading continent in contribution towards OARs. The study also reveals that the “DSpace” is one of the foremost software used by OARs and the maximum score of repositories are operationally functional and intuitional. Moreover, the study reveals that the majority of deposited contents are “journal articles” and “English” is the prominent language interface used by OARs and “multidisciplinary” subject’s leads in open DOAR. Research Limitation: The status of the open access repositories will be limited to only those repositories which have been indexed by “OpenDOAR”. Future Research: The study provides wider perspective of open access repositories and further, can be enriched by including research facets like, content management policies, and impact of OARs on scholarly communication

    Development of Biofilms for Antimicrobial Resistance

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    Biofilms are a unit referred to as assemblage of microbial cells growing as surface-attached microbial communities within the natural surroundings. Their genetic and physiological aspects are widely studied. Biofilm development involves the assembly of extracellular compound substances that forms the most bailiwick network. Quorum sensing is one more crucial development specifically connected with biofilm formation in several microorganism species. In ecological purpose, the biofilm offers protection against unfavorable conditions and provides a platform for the genetic transfer. A biofilm-forming bacterium area unit is medically necessary, as they are resistant to several antibiotics and might spread resistant genes. This chapter provides the summary of microorganism biofilm formation and its significance in ecology

    Advancing Age as a Risk Factor for Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    Background: Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is one of the leading causes of death in developed and developing countries. Age is an important non-modifiable risk factor for acute myocardial infarction. Objectives: The objective of the study was to explore the relationship of advancing age with the risk of acute myocardial infarction. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted in 2019 after getting approval from Institutional Review board of University of Health Sciences, Lahore. Written informed consent and thorough history was taken from the study participants. Group 1 included 45 AMI patients aged 20-60 years. Group 2 included 45 healthy individuals aged 20-60 years. Independent sample t test and chi-square tests were applied for analysis of data. Results: Mean age was significantly higher in AMI patients (50.52±7.31) as compared to healthy controls (30.67±7.20). The risk of AMI increases with advancing age (p<0.001, OR= 2.78). Conclusions: Advancing age is an important risk factor for acute myocardial infarction


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    Deprivation and poverty are worldwide challenges for poorer countries. Poor people especially women were excluded from financial services until microfinance institutions (MFIs) emerged. During the past few decades microcredit has enjoyed tremendous growth and women continue to be the major beneficiaries. The main objective of this study is to check weather microfinance helped women to attain decent work and strengthen their empowerment or not. This study is based on primary data and respondents were taken from First Microfinance Bank. A sample of 125 respondents was taken through simple random sampling. The study area was Faisalabad.SPSS 22 software was used for analysis. Logit model was applied to get and analyze results. Results showed significant positive relationship between women empowerment and different socio-economic independent variables i.e. income, investment, self-confidence, free movement. All the variables are statistically significant other than education. It is cleared that women enjoy more freedom, self-confidence and learn more skills to enhance their income. By investing in people and empowering individual women and men with education and generation of equal opportunities can create the conditions to allow the poor to break out of the poverty
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