337 research outputs found

    Podwiązanie tętnicy biodrowej wewnętrznej w ciężkim krwotoku poporodowym

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    Objective: To evaluate the outcomes of bilateral internal iliac artery ligation (IIAL) in severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). Design: Multi-center, retrospective study. Methods: The study was performed from January 2005 to December 2010, at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Dicle University Medical Faculty and Maternity Hospital, Diyarbakir, Turkey. Life-threatening cases of severe postpartum hemorrhage, which could not be controlled with conservative medical and surgical treatments and finally managed with IIAL, were retrospectively evaluated. Results: Totally 53 patients who underwent IIAL procedures were included in the study. All patients were hemodynamically unstable. The mean shock index and transfused units of blood were 1.17±0.46, 5.49±3.04, respectively. Uterine atony was the leading cause of severe postpartum hemorrhage and the need for IIAL. Coagulopathy developed in 26 (49.1%) patients during the postoperative follow-up period. Uterus was preserved in 17 (32.0%) cases. Three patients died of complications and/or morbidity associated with hemorrhage. Conclusion: Serious PPH is most frequently associated with uterine atony and IIAL should be considered in cases with severe PPH unresponsive to other treatment modalities. If, in the antenatal period, patients have risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage, they must be transferred to appropriate centers to prevent a possibly fatal outcome.Cel pracy: Ocena wyników podwiązania tętnicy biodrowej wewnętrznej (IIAL) w ciężkim krwotoku poporodowym (PPH). Metoda: Wieloośrodkowe retrospektywne badanie przeprowadzono w okresie od stycznia 2005 do grudnia 2010 w Klinice Położnictwa i Ginekologii w Dickle University Medical Faculty and Maternity Hospital, Diyarbakir, Turcja. Oceniono przypadki zagrażającego życiu krwotoku poporodowego, który nie poddawał się leczeniu zachowawczemu i operacyjnemu i u których ostatecznie wykonano IIAL. Wyniki: Do badania włączono 53 pacjentki, które przeszły procedurę IIAL. Wszystkie pacjentki były niestabilne hemodynamicznie. Średni wskaźnik wstrząsu i ilość przetoczonych jednostek krwi wynosiły odpowiednio, 1,17±0,46, 5,49±3,04. Główną przyczyną ciężkiego krwotoku poporodowego i konieczności wykonania procedury IIAL była atonia macicy. Koagulopatia rozwinęła się u 26 pacjentek w okresie pooperacyjnym. Macicę zachowano w 17 przypadkach. Trzy pacjentki zmarły z powodu powikłań i stanów związanych z krwotokiem. Wnioski: Ciężki krwotok poporodowy jest najczęściej związany z atonią macicy a procedura IIAL powinna być rozważona w przypadkach ciężkiego krwotoku po porodzie niepoddającego się innemu leczeniu. Jeśli w okresie przedporodowym pacjentka ma czynniki ryzyka krwotoku poporodowego, powinna być przekazana do odpowiedniego centrum aby zapobiec możliwym śmiertelnym następstwom

    A Case of Cerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis Resulting in Mortality in Severe Preeclamptic Pregnant Woman

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    Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is a rarely encountered condition during pregnancy. A 21-year-old pregnant woman with labour pains was hospitalized in our clinic. Diagnosis of severe preeclampsia was made based on her clinical and laboratory findings. She suffered from convulsive episodes during postpartum period which lead to initiation of treatment for eclampsia. However neurological and radiological examinations were performed after emergence of additional neurological symptoms disclosed the diagnosis of CVST. In this paper, we aimed to present a case with CVST which diagnosis was confused with eclampsia and resulting in maternal mortality

    Długoterminowe wyniki radykalnej i zachowawczej chirurgii w późno rozpoznanych ciążach jajowodowych

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    Objective: To investigate long-term postoperative outcomes of conservative and radical surgery in ectopic tubal pregnancies, and evaluate the results of these techniques. Methods: A total of 145 patients that operated for tubal pregnancy between January 2006 and January 2009 were reviewed. Data on patient age, reproductive and surgical history, history of ectopic pregnancies, serum hCG levels at the time of diagnosis and intraoperative observation were retrospectively obtained from hospital records. Telephone interviews were used to obtain information about exact postoperative time interval in which the patients were trying to get pregnant, and the time when they spontaneously became pregnant. Results: There was no significant difference in cumulative spontaneous intrauterine pregnancy rate for a 2-year of conception period subsequent to conservative (64.3%) and radical (58.3%) surgery (p=0.636). During the same time interval, the rates of development of ectopic pregnancy for the conservative and radical surgery groups were 17.9% and 4.2%, respectively (p= 0.093). The patients who developed ectopic pregnancy after conservative surgery had significantly higher levels of serum hCG levels (7413+/-3155 IU/L) compared with those of patients who not-developed ectopic pregnancy (3436+/-2668 IU/L) (p=0.007). Conclusion: In late-diagnosed cases with higher serum hCG levels, conservative treatment should not be the first choice. Indeed, our results suggested that the cumulative pregnancy rates are not significantly higher, and the risk of ectopic pregnancy recurrence may be increased with conservative surgery in late tubal pregnancies.Cel: Badanie długoterminowych pooperacyjnych wyników leczenia zachowawczego i radykalnego w ekotopowych ciążach jajowodowych i ocena rezultatów tych metod. Metody: Przeanalizowano grupę 145 pacjentek operowanych z powodu ciąży jajowodowej pomiędzy styczniem 2006 i styczniem 2009. Dane dotyczące wieku pacjentek, przeszłości położniczej, operacji, ciąż ektopowych, poziomu hCG w surowicy w momencie postawienia diagnozy oraz obserwacje z przebiegu operacji zostały retrospektywnie uzyskane z dokumentacji szpitalnej. Informacje na temat dokładnego czasu po operacji, w którym pacjentka starała się zajść w ciążę oraz czas do zajścia w ciążę uzyskano w rozmowie telefonicznej. Wyniki: Nie znaleziono istotnej różnicy w skumulowanym wskaźniku spontanicznych ciąż wewnątrzmacicznych w ciągu 2 lat obserwacji po zachowawczym (64,3%) i radykalnym (58,3%) leczeniu operacyjnym (p=0,636). W tym samym przedziale czasu, odsetek ciąż ektopowych wynosił dla zachowawczej i radykalnej chirurgii odpowiednio, 17,9% i 4,2%, p=0,093. Pacjentki, u których doszło do rozwoju ciąży pozamacicznej po zachowawczej operacji miały istotnie wyższe poziomy surowiczego hCG (7413+/-3155 IU/L) w porównaniu do tych pacjentek, u których nie doszło do ciąży pozamacicznej (3436+/-2668 IU/L), p=0,007. Wnioski: W późno rozpoznanych przypadkach ciąży ektopowej z wyższym poziomem hCG, zachowawcze postępowanie nie powinno być leczeniem z wyboru. Nasze wyniki wskazują na to, że skumulowany wskaźnik ciąż nie jest istotnie wyższy a ryzyko ponownej ciąży pozamacicznej może być zwiększone w przypadkach późnego rozpoznania ciąży jajowodowej leczonej zachowawczą chirurgią

    Use of albumin infusion for cirrhosis-related complications: An international position statement

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Numerous studies have evaluated the role of human albumin (HA) in managing various liver cirrhosis-related complications. However, their conclusions remain partially controversial, probably because HA was evaluated in different settings, including indications, patient characteristics, and dosage and duration of therapy. METHODS: Thirty-three investigators from 19 countries with expertise in the management of liver cirrhosis-related complications were invited to organise an International Special Interest Group. A three-round Delphi consensus process was conducted to complete the international position statement on the use of HA for treatment of liver cirrhosis-related complications. RESULTS: Twelve clinically significant position statements were proposed. Short-term infusion of HA should be recommended for the management of hepatorenal syndrome, large volume paracentesis, and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in liver cirrhosis. Its effects on the prevention or treatment of other liver cirrhosis-related complications should be further elucidated. Long-term HA administration can be considered in specific settings. Pulmonary oedema should be closely monitored as a potential adverse effect in cirrhotic patients receiving HA infusion. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the currently available evidence, the international position statement suggests the potential benefits of HA for the management of multiple liver cirrhosis-related complications and summarises its safety profile. However, its optimal timing and infusion strategy remain to be further elucidated. IMPACT AND IMPLICATIONS: Thirty-three investigators from 19 countries proposed 12 position statements on the use of human albumin (HA) infusion in liver cirrhosis-related complications. Based on current evidence, short-term HA infusion should be recommended for the management of HRS, LVP, and SBP; whereas, long-term HA administration can be considered in the setting where budget and logistical issues can be resolved. However, pulmonary oedema should be closely monitored in cirrhotic patients who receive HA infusion

    Use of albumin infusion for cirrhosis-related complications. An international position statement

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    Background & Aims: Numerous studies have evaluated the role of human albumin (HA) in managing various liver cirrhosis-related complications. However, their conclusions remain partially controversial, probably because HA was evaluated in different settings, including indications, patient characteristics, and dosage and duration of therapy. Methods: Thirty-three investigators from 19 countries with expertise in the management of liver cirrhosis-related complications were invited to organise an International Special Interest Group. A three-round Delphi consensus process was conducted to complete the international position statement on the use of HA for treatment of liver cirrhosis-related complications. Results: Twelve clinically significant position statements were proposed. Short-term infusion of HA should be recommended for the management of hepatorenal syndrome, large volume paracentesis, and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in liver cirrhosis. Its effects on the prevention or treatment of other liver cirrhosis-related complications should be further elucidated. Long-term HA administration can be considered in specific settings. Pulmonary oedema should be closely monitored as a potential adverse effect in cirrhotic patients receiving HA infusion. Conclusions: Based on the currently available evidence, the international position statement suggests the potential benefits of HA for the management of multiple liver cirrhosis-related complications and summarises its safety profile. However, its optimal timing and infusion strategy remain to be further elucidated. Impact and implications: Thirty-three investigators from 19 countries proposed 12 position statements on the use of human albumin (HA) infusion in liver cirrhosis-related complications. Based on current evidence, short-term HA infusion should be recommended for the management of HRS, LVP, and SBP; whereas, long-term HA administration can be considered in the setting where budget and logistical issues can be resolved. However, pulmonary oedema should be closely monitored in cirrhotic patients who receive HA infusion