13 research outputs found

    Season-long control of flea and tick infestations in a population of cats in the Aeolian archipelago using a collar containing 10% imidacloprid and 4.5% flumethrin

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    Cats that have outdoor access are highly exposed to ticks, fleas, mites and flying insects, though the risk to become infested by arthropods is less perceived in cats than in dogs. This has resulted in fewer treatment and prevention options being available for cats than for dogs. A collar containing a combination of 10% imidacloprid and 4.5% flumethrin (Seresto®, Bayer Animal Health) is available for cats and licensed with claims against ticks and fleas for 7â8 months. Following the assessment of the efficacy of the collar against Leishmania infantum infection in privately owned cats living in the Aeolian archipelago, herein we report the efficacy of the collar in the treatment and prevention of tick and flea infestations in the same population of cats over a period of one year of observation. At the inclusion day (Study Day 0, SD 0), cats were visited and examined for ectoparasites (i.e., flea combing and tick thumb counts) and allocated to group 1 (G1; n = 104; cats treated with Seresto® collar) or group 2 (G2; n = 100; untreated controls) and further checked at SDs 210, 270 and 360 (study closure). At SD 0, G1 and G2 had a comparable percentage of cats infested by fleas (45.2% and 49.0%; Ï2 = 0.164; P = 0.6859) and ticks (6.7% and 14.0%; Ï2 = 2.946; P = 0.0861). The number of cats infested by fleas was reduced in G1, being 8.3%, 0% and 3.8% on SDs 210, 270 and 360, respectively, resulting in efficacies against fleas of 79.4%, 100% and 93.6% on SDs 210, 270 and 360. None of the cats in G1 was found infested by ticks after the application of the collar, whereas in G2 ticks were observed on 15.7%, 4.8%, 17.5% of the cats at the different follow up visits, leading to an overall efficacy against ticks of 100%. A total of 375 ectoparasites were collected from cats, being 249 fleas (six Ctenocephalides canis, 240 Ctenocephalides felis and three Nosopsyllus fasciatus) and 126 ticks (87 Ixodes ventalloi and 39 Rhipicephalus pusillus). Field data gathered herein confirm a high efficacy of the collar in the prevention of tick and flea infestations on cats. This is of great importance both for the primary role of fleas and ticks as blood feeding parasites and, more importantly, because of their role as vectors of pathogens causing diseases of veterinary and medical importance

    Therapeutic efficacy of milbemycin oxime/praziquantel oral formulation (Milbemax®) against Thelazia callipaeda in naturally infested dogs and cats

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    BACKGROUND: Over the last few decades, canine and feline thelaziosis caused by Thelazia callipaeda eye worms has gained the attention of the veterinary community due to the spread of this ocular infestation in geographical areas previously regarded as non endemic. The therapeutic efficacy of milbemycin oxime/praziquantel tablets (Milbemax®) against T. callipaeda was tested in naturally infested dogs and cats. METHODS: From January 2009 to July 2011 a placebo controlled and randomized field study was conducted in T. callipaeda endemic areas of Switzerland (CH) and Italy (ITA) involving client-owned animals. Dogs (n = 56) and cats (n = 31) were physically examined at enrolment Day 0 (D0) and twice afterwards (D7 and D14). Infested animals were orally treated with Milbemax® or with placebo tablets on D0 and, if an animal was found still infested with T. callipaeda, also on D7. On D14 nematodes were flushed from the conjunctiva, identified and counted. RESULTS: Out of 56 dogs, 43 were included in the statistical analysis, whereas 13 were excluded because the products under investigation were not administered with food, as required by the label. On D7 and D14, 72.7% and 90.9% of treated dogs were eye worm free, whereas in the placebo group 95.2% and 76.2% still harbored nematodes, resulting in a mean percentage worm count reduction for the Milbemax® group of 86.1% and 96.8%, respectively. Both results were significantly higher (p = 0.0001) than the placebo group. Out of the 31 cats included in the study at D7 and D14, 53.3% and 73.3% treated with Milbemax® were free of T. callipaeda, while 81.3% and 73.3 in the placebo group were still harbouring eye worms, resulting in a mean percentage worm count reduction for the treated group of 62.2% and 80.0%, respectively. Both results were significantly higher (p = 0.0106 and p = 0.0043) than the placebo group. CONCLUSIONS: The commercial formulation of milbemycin oxime at the minimal dose of 0.5 mg/kg and 2 mg/k in dogs and cats, respectively, showed a high therapeutic efficacy in curing T. callipaeda infestations. The advantages of an oral application are additionally increased by the large spectrum of activity of praziquantel and milbemycin oxime against Cestodes and Nematodes infesting dogs and cats

    Prevalence and risk factors associated with cat parasites in Italy: a multicenter study

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    Background: Parasites that infect cats include protozoa, helminths and arthropods, many of which are transmissible to humans. Effective control relies on a good knowledge of parasite distribution and the risk factors for infection. The present study was aimed at evaluating the prevalence of major feline parasites in Italy and the risk factors associated with their occurrence. Methods: Over a 12-month study period, feces, hair and ectoparasites from naturally infected cats from feral colonies, shelters and private households were analyzed at 13 study centers across Italy. Samples from these cats (n = 987) were analyzed at all centers using the same diagnostic methods. Prevalence values and risk factors were evaluated statistically for the identification of predictors of risk. Results: The overall prevalence of gastro-intestinal and broncho-pulmonary (BP) nematodes was 35.9% (354/987). Toxocara cati was the most prevalent species (253/987; 25.6%), followed by Ancylostomatidae (98/987; 9.9%). Among BP nematodes, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus was the most common (76/987; 7.7%). Approximately 35.7% (352/987) of the study population was infested by ectoparasites, of which the most common were fleas (29.4%, 290/987), followed by ear mites Otodectes cynotis (9.8%, 97/987). Predictors of risk for parasite infection included age, a predominantly or exclusively outdoor lifestyle, geographic area and lack of antiparasitic treatment. Conclusions: Both ecto- and endoparasites are still common in cats throughout Italy, many of them being of zoonotic concern and vectors of pathogens to humans. Given the presence of parasites throughout the entire study period, year-round treatment should be considered. Furthermore, data confirm the need to protect the human–animal bond using proper endo- and ectoparasiticides to reduce the risk of human infection, in application of the One-Health concept

    Effectiveness of the spot-on combination of moxidectin and imidacloprid (Advocate®) in the treatment of ocular thelaziosis by Thelazia callipaeda in naturally infected cats

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    The present study evaluated the therapeutic effectiveness of moxidectin 1.0% (w/v) and imidacloprid 10% (w/v) (Advocate® spot-on solution for cats, Bayer Animal Health) against natural infections with the eyeworm Thelazia callipaeda in cats. This study was conducted as a GCP, negative-controlled, blinded and randomised field study in privately owned cats living in an area in southern Italy where T. callipaeda is enzootic

    Field Evaluation of Two Different Treatment Approaches and Their Ability to Control Fleas and Prevent Canine Leishmaniosis in a Highly Endemic Area

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    This study investigated the efficacy of two collars for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations. Additionally the effect of these collars on the incidence of Leishmania infantum infection as compared with a group of vaccinated dogs was evaluated. A total of 224 young dogs from private animal shelters were enrolled in April/May into four groups: G1, 55 dogs treated with 10% imidacloprid + 4.5% flumethrin collar (Seresto, Bayer Animal Health); G2, 60 dogs treated with 4% deltamethrin collar (Scalibor protector band, MSD Animal Health); G3, 54 dogs vaccinated with CaniLeish (Virbac Animal Health); and G4, 55 dogs left non-treated as controls. Dogs were followed up at days 120 (September), 210 (December), and 360 (April-May). At those time points, clinical assessments, ectoparasite counts and blood, bone marrow and skin samples, to detect the presence of L. infantum, were performed. The efficacy of Seresto in protecting dogs from flea infestation was 100% (P < 0.01) on day 120 and 210, while animals treated with Scalibor showed a prevalence of the infestation ranging from 23.3% to 33.3% on day 120 and 210, respectively. At the end of the study, the incidence of L. infantum infection in collared dogs—based on animals being positive in any of the tests—was 5.5% in Seresto-treated dogs and 20% in Scalibor-treated dogs, resulting in overall efficacy of prevention of 88.3% for Seresto and 61.8% for Scalibor. No statistical difference was detected in L. infantum positive dogs for bone marrow PCR and/or cytology at day 360 between the CaniLeish (15.4%) and non-treated control dogs (10.0%). Both collars proved to be effective (P < 0.01) in preventing L. infantum infection throughout one transmission season, whereas no significant difference was recorded in the frequency of active infections between dogs vaccinated with CaniLeish and control dogs, emphasizing the importance of using repellent/insecticide actives as a priority measure for protection against canine leishmaniosis

    Feline and canine leishmaniosis and other vector-borne diseases in the Aeolian Islands: Pathogen and vector circulation in a confined environment

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    Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) are prevalently investigated in dogs. Studies on feline VBDs are scant, though feline leishmaniosis (FeL) is increasingly recognised as a disease of cats in endemic areas. Comprehensive investigations on the distribution of VBDs in populations of cats and dogs living in relatively small geographical areas, such as islands, are currently lacking. In this study the prevalence of Leishmania infantum and other VBD pathogens was assessed in cohorts of cats and dogs living in the Aeolian Islands. Autochthonous animals (330 cats and 263 dogs) of different age and sex were sampled. Blood and conjunctival samples were collected from cats and dogs for serological and molecular testing. Eighty-five (25.8%) cats were positive for L. infantum, 13 (3.9%) for Bartonella spp. and 1 (0.3%) for Hepatozoon felis. One-hundred and ten dogs (41.8%) were positive for L. infantum and three (1.1%) for Hepatozoon canis. The incidence of L. infantum infection in cats positive after one season of exposure to sand fly was 14.7%. Leishmania infantum prevalence and year incidence were higher in dogs than in cats (p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.0001 and p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.0003, respectively). Thirty-four cats (10.3%) scored positive for ticks (mean intensity rate of infestation, 2.03&nbsp;±&nbsp;1.4), which were identified to the species level as Ixodes ventalloi and Rhipicephalus pusillus. Conversely, Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (s.l.) was the only species identified in dogs (10.6%). A larger prevalence of infestation by Ctenocephalides felis was recorded in cats (n&nbsp;=&nbsp;91; 27.6%) than in dogs (n&nbsp;=&nbsp;33; 12.5%) (p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.0001). In addition, one female Nosopsyllus fasciatus (syn. Ceratophyllus fasciatus) and one male Spilopsyllus cuniculi were also identified in flea-infected cats. VBDs are endemic in the Aeolian Islands being L. infantum the most prevalent vector-borne pathogen circulating between cats and dogs. The overall seroprevalence of FeL herein recorded is higher than that assessed, only by IFAT, in populations of cats in Greece and in Spain. Because L. infantum and VBDs are more commonly associated with dogs, the recognition of cats as hosts of different vector-borne pathogens is of paramount importance towards a better management of these diseases in both animals and humans

    Prevention of feline leishmaniosis with an imidacloprid 10%/flumethrin 4.5% polymer matrix collar

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    Background: Leishmaniosis caused by Leishmania infantum is one of the most important vector-borne diseases affecting animals and humans worldwide. Dogs are considered main reservoirs of the zoonotic forms, though in the last years the role of cats as reservoirs has been increasingly investigated. Feline leishmaniosis (FeL) occurs in endemic areas and no specific preventive measures have been investigated so far. In this study the efficacy of a 10% imidacloprid/4.5% flumethrin polymer matrix collar, licensed for tick and flea prevention, has been assessed against FeL in a longitudinal study on 204 privately owned cats from the Aeolian islands (Sicily), an area highly endemic for the disease. From March to May 2015 [Study Day 0 (SD 0)], cats negative for FeL were collared (G1, n = 104) or left untreated (G2, n = 100). Diagnosis consisted of serology and qPCR on blood and conjunctival swabs, which were collected at baseline (SD 0) and at the end of the study (SD 360). Interim clinical examinations were performed on SD 210 (when collars were replaced in G1) and SD 270. Results: Of the 159 cats which completed the study, 5 in G1 and 20 in G2 were positive for L. infantum infection, in at least one of the diagnostic tests leading to a yearly crude incidence of 6.3% and 25.0% in G1 and G2, respectively (P = 0.0026). This translates into an efficacy of the collar of 75.0% in preventing feline Leishmania infection. The collar was generally well tolerated with no systemic adverse reactions and few local skin reactions were observed in the application area in four out of 104 treated cats (3.8%). Conclusions: The 10% imidacloprid/4.5% flumethrin collar significantly reduced the risk of L. infantum infection in cats. To our knowledge, this is the first study in which a preventative strategy against feline Leishmania infection is assessed under natural conditions. These findings close a gap in veterinary medicine, in that they confirm this collar as a tool in reducing the risk of Leishmania infection in cats. Such a preventative tool could contribute to the reduction of the risk of the disease in animal and in human populations when included in integrated leishmaniosis control programmes

    Season-long control of flea and tick infestations in a population of cats in the Aeolian archipelago using a collar containing 10% imidacloprid and 4.5% flumethrin

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    Cats that have outdoor access are highly exposed to ticks, fleas, mites and flying insects, though the risk to become infested by arthropods is less perceived in cats than in dogs. This has resulted in fewer treatment and prevention options being available for cats than for dogs. A collar containing a combination of 10% imidacloprid and 4.5% flumethrin (Seresto®, Bayer Animal Health) is available for cats and licensed with claims against ticks and fleas for 7â8 months. Following the assessment of the efficacy of the collar against Leishmania infantum infection in privately owned cats living in the Aeolian archipelago, herein we report the efficacy of the collar in the treatment and prevention of tick and flea infestations in the same population of cats over a period of one year of observation. At the inclusion day (Study Day 0, SD 0), cats were visited and examined for ectoparasites (i.e., flea combing and tick thumb counts) and allocated to group 1 (G1; n = 104; cats treated with Seresto® collar) or group 2 (G2; n = 100; untreated controls) and further checked at SDs 210, 270 and 360 (study closure). At SD 0, G1 and G2 had a comparable percentage of cats infested by fleas (45.2% and 49.0%; Ï2 = 0.164; P = 0.6859) and ticks (6.7% and 14.0%; Ï2 = 2.946; P = 0.0861). The number of cats infested by fleas was reduced in G1, being 8.3%, 0% and 3.8% on SDs 210, 270 and 360, respectively, resulting in efficacies against fleas of 79.4%, 100% and 93.6% on SDs 210, 270 and 360. None of the cats in G1 was found infested by ticks after the application of the collar, whereas in G2 ticks were observed on 15.7%, 4.8%, 17.5% of the cats at the different follow up visits, leading to an overall efficacy against ticks of 100%. A total of 375 ectoparasites were collected from cats, being 249 fleas (six Ctenocephalides canis, 240 Ctenocephalides felis and three Nosopsyllus fasciatus) and 126 ticks (87 Ixodes ventalloi and 39 Rhipicephalus pusillus). Field data gathered herein confirm a high efficacy of the collar in the prevention of tick and flea infestations on cats. This is of great importance both for the primary role of fleas and ticks as blood feeding parasites and, more importantly, because of their role as vectors of pathogens causing diseases of veterinary and medical importance