233 research outputs found

    Contaminants in shrimp probiotics - a potential emerging threat to food security

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    This is the final version. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record. Data availability: The raw-read datasets were deposited in The European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under accession no. PRJEB58029.Probiotics are used widely in shrimp aquaculture to improve growth and prevent disease; however, for the most part their safety and efficacy remains largely unknown. Shrimp aquaculture may be vulnerable to the negative effects of unsafe and ineffective commercial products, such as the transfer of shrimp and human pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes. Shrimp health may also be adversely affected by the use of these products, potentially leading to crop yield losses. Here, we used 16S amplicon sequencing to identify the bacterial genera present in commercial shrimp probiotics and assess this against their listed product content. We identified the presence of additional genera to the labelled contents including Escherichia/Shigella and Enterococcus that may pose a risk of disease to animals and potentially humans that come into contact with these products, as well as potentially acting as carriers for virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes. Our results suggest that some commercial shrimp probiotics may be misleading to consumers and potentially unsafe for shrimp, people and the environment. We highlight the risks that contaminated commercial probiotics may pose to food security and present a series of safety and efficacy considerations to support the sustainable use of commercial shrimp probiotics.Wellcome TrustWellcome TrustBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)University of ExeterCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas

    Intraocular Gnathostoma spinigerum: a case report

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    Live intraocular nematode is a rare occurrence that is mostly reported in South East Asian countries. Herewith we report such a case from Nayagarh district of Odisha. A 28 year old female presented with swelling, redness, lacrimation, pain & diminished vision of left eye since 2 1/2 years. Slit lamp examination revealed a worm piercing iris muscle. The worm was removed by paracentesis of anterior chamber and sent to the Department of Microbiology. It was identified to be Gnathostoma spinigerum basing on the typical morphology of its cephalic end. The patient responded completely to oral albendazole therapy

    Intraocular nematode with diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis: case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Live intraocular nematode is a rare occurrence. Nematode can migrate actively within the eye, creating visual symptoms and damaging ocular tissue.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 26-year old man presented with painless reduced vision of the left eye for one week duration. It was associated with floaters. Visual acuity on the left eye was hand movement. Anterior segment examination was normal with normal intra-ocular pressure. Fundus examination showed a live nematode lying subretinally at the macular area with macular oedema and multifocal chorioretinal lesions at peripheral retina. There was no vitritis, vasculitis or any retinal hemorrhage. Systemic examination revealed normal findings and laboratory studies only showed leucocytosis with normal eosinophil count and negative serum toxocara antibody. The diagnosis of introcular nematode with diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis was made. He was treated with oral anti-helminths and a course of oral steroid at a reducing dose. The nematode had died evidenced by its immobility during the treatment and finally disintegrated, leaving macular oedema with mottling appearance and mild hyperpigmentation. Multifocal chorioretinal lesions had also resolved. However despite treatment his visual acuity during follow-up had remained poor.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Cases of intraocular nematode, though not commonly encountered, continue to present the ophthalmologist with the problem of diagnosis and management and hence poorer prognosis to the patient.</p

    Of cattle, sand flies and men : a systematic review of risk factor analyses for South Asian visceral leishmaniasis and implications for elimination

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    Background: Studies performed over the past decade have identified fairly consistent epidemiological patterns of risk factors for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the Indian subcontinent. Methods and Principal Findings: To inform the current regional VL elimination effort and identify key gaps in knowledge, we performed a systematic review of the literature, with a special emphasis on data regarding the role of cattle because primary risk factor studies have yielded apparently contradictory results. Because humans form the sole infection reservoir, clustering of kala-azar cases is a prominent epidemiological feature, both at the household level and on a larger scale. Subclinical infection also tends to show clustering around kala-azar cases. Within villages, areas become saturated over a period of several years; kala-azar incidence then decreases while neighboring areas see increases. More recently, post kalaazar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) cases have followed kala-azar peaks. Mud walls, palpable dampness in houses, and peridomestic vegetation may increase infection risk through enhanced density and prolonged survival of the sand fly vector. Bed net use, sleeping on a cot and indoor residual spraying are generally associated with decreased risk. Poor micronutrient status increases the risk of progression to kala-azar. The presence of cattle is associated with increased risk in some studies and decreased risk in others, reflecting the complexity of the effect of bovines on sand fly abundance, aggregation, feeding behavior and leishmanial infection rates. Poverty is an overarching theme, interacting with individual risk factors on multiple levels. Conclusions: Carefully designed demonstration projects, taking into account the complex web of interconnected risk factors, are needed to provide direct proof of principle for elimination and to identify the most effective maintenance activities to prevent a rapid resurgence when interventions are scaled back. More effective, short-course treatment regimens for PKDL are urgently needed to enable the elimination initiative to succeed

    Histological Evaluation of Corneal Scar Formation in Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate histological changes in the corneal stroma in pseudophakic bullous keratopathy. METHODS: Twenty-eight patients (28 eyes) with pseudophakic bullous keratopathy underwent therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty at Shandong Eye Institute between January 2006 and November 2011. The patients were divided into two groups according to the duration of bullous keratopathy (<1.0 year group or >1.0 year group), and three buttons from enucleated eyes with choroidal melanoma served as a control. In vivo confocal microscopy examination, hematoxylin-eosin, Masson's trichrome stain and Van Gieson staining were used for microscopic examination. The histological evaluation and scoring of the buttons for morphological changes, including the degree of stromal scars, neovascularization and inflammatory cells within the corneal buttons, were compared. To study the underlying mechanism, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) and TGF-β immunohistochemistry were performed. RESULTS: Confocal microscopy examination and histological evaluation and scoring of the buttons showed that compared with the <1.0 year group, stromal scars, neovascularization and inflammatory cells were more severe in the >1.0 year group (P<0.05). There was an increase in CTGF- and TGF-β1-positive stromal cells in the >1.0 year group. CONCLUSIONS: During the progression of pseudophakic bullous keratopathy, stromal scars occurred more often in the patients that had a longer duration of disease. Cytokines such as CTGF and TGF-β1 may play a role in this pathological process and deserve further investigation

    Degradation of Potassium Rock by Earthworms and Responses of Bacterial Communities in Its Gut and Surrounding Substrates after Being Fed with Mineral

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    BACKGROUND: Earthworms are an ecosystem's engineers, contributing to a wide range of nutrient cycling and geochemical processes in the ecosystem. Their activities can increase rates of silicate mineral weathering. Their intestinal microbes usually are thought to be one of the key drivers of mineral degradation mediated by earthworms,but the diversities of the intestinal microorganisms which were relevant with mineral weathering are unclear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this report, we show earthworms' effect on silicate mineral weathering and the responses of bacterial communities in their gut and surrounding substrates after being fed with potassium-bearing rock powder (PBRP). Determination of water-soluble and HNO(3)-extractable elements indicated some elements such as Al, Fe and Ca were significantly released from mineral upon the digestion of earthworms. The microbial communities in earthworms' gut and the surrounding substrates were investigated by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and the results showed a higher bacterial diversity in the guts of the earthworms fed with PBRP and the PBRP after being fed to earthworms. UPGMA dendrogram with unweighted UniFrac analysis, considering only taxa that are present, revealed that earthworms' gut and their surrounding substrate shared similar microbiota. UPGMA dendrogram with weighted UniFrac, considering the relative abundance of microbial lineages, showed the two samples from surrounding substrate and the two samples from earthworms' gut had similarity in microbial community, respectively. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results indicated earthworms can accelerate degradation of silicate mineral. Earthworms play an important role in ecosystem processe since they not only have some positive effects on soil structure, but also promote nutrient cycling of ecosystem by enhancing the weathering of minerals

    Antimicrobial activity of sesquiterpene lactones isolated from traditional medicinal plant, Costus speciosus (Koen ex.Retz.) Sm

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Costus speciosus </it>(Koen ex.Retz.) Sm (Costaceae) is an Indian ornamental plant which has long been used medicinally in traditional systems of medicine. The plant has been found to possess diverse pharmacological activities. Rhizomes are used to treat pneumonia, rheumatism, dropsy, urinary diseases, jaundice, skin diseases and leaves are used<b/>to treat mental disorders.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Antibacterial and antifungal activities were tested using Disc diffusion method and Minimum Inhibitory <b>Concentration </b>(MIC). Column chromatography was used to isolate compounds from hexane extract. X-ray crystallography technique and GC-MS analysis were used to identify the compounds</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Antibacterial and antifungal activities were observed in hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts. Hexane extract of <it>C.speciosus </it>showed good activity against tested fungi also. Two sesquiterpenoid compounds were isolated (costunolide and eremanthin) from the hexane extract. Both the compounds did not inhibit the growth of tested bacteria. But, both the compounds inhibited the tested fungi. The compound costunolide showed significant antifungal activity. The MIC values of costunolide were; 62.5 μg/ml against <it>Trichophyton mentagrophytes</it>, 62. μg/ml against <it>T. simii</it>, 31.25 μg/ml against <it>T. rubrum </it>296, 62.5 μg/ml against <it>T. rubrum </it>57, 125 μg/ml against <it>Epidermophyton floccosum</it>, 250 μg/ml against <it>Scopulariopsis </it>sp, 250 μg/ml against <it>Aspergillus niger</it>, 125 μg/ml against <it>Curvulari lunata</it>, 250 μg/ml against <it>Magnaporthe grisea</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Hexane extract showed promising antibacterial and antifungal activity. The isolated compound costunolide showed good antifungal activity.</p

    Phenotypic Detection of Clonotypic B Cells in Multiple Myeloma by Specific Immunoglobulin Ligands Reveals their Rarity in Multiple Myeloma

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    In multiple myeloma, circulating “clonotypic” B cells, that express the immunoglobulin rearrangement of the malignant plasma cell clone, can be indirectly detected by PCR. Their role as potential “feeder” cells for the malignant plasma cell pool remains controversial. Here we established for the first time an approach that allows direct tracking of such clonotypic cells by labeling with patient-specific immunoglobulin ligands in 15 patients with myeloma. Fifty percent of patients showed evidence of clonotypic B cells in blood or bone marrow by PCR. Epitope-mimicking peptides from random libraries were selected on each patient's individual immunoglobulin and used as ligands to trace cells expressing the idiotypic immunoglobulin on their surface. We established a flow cytometry and immunofluorescence protocol to track clonotypic B cells and validated it in two independent monoclonal B cell systems. Using this method, we found clonotypic B cells in only one out of 15 myeloma patients. In view of the assay's validated sensitivity level of 10−3, this surprising data suggests that the abundance of such cells has been vastly overestimated in the past and that they apparently represent a very rare population in myeloma. Our novel tracing approach may open perspectives to isolate and analyze clonotypic B cells and determine their role in myeloma pathobiology

    Cholesterol Corrects Altered Conformation of MHC-II Protein in Leishmania donovani Infected Macrophages: Implication in Therapy

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    Previously we reported that Kala-azar patients show progressive decrease in serum cholesterol as a function of splenic parasite burden. Splenic macrophages (MΦ) of Leishmania donovani (LD) infected mice show decrease in membrane cholesterol, while LD infected macrophages (I-MΦ) show defective T cell stimulating ability that could be corrected by liposomal delivery of cholesterol. T helper cells recognize peptide antigen in the context of class II MHC molecule. It is known that the conformation of a large number of membrane proteins is dependent on membrane cholesterol. In this investigation we tried to understand the influence of decreased membrane cholesterol in I-MΦ on the conformation of MHC-II protein and peptide-MHC-II stability, and its bearing on the antigen specific T-cell activatio

    Three-dimensional spectral domain optical coherence tomography and light microscopy of an intravitreal parasite

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    BACKGROUND: Various imaging modalities play a role in diagnosing parasitic infections of the eye. We describe the spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) findings of an intravitreal parasite with subsequent evaluation by light microscopy. FINDINGS: This is a case report of a 37-year-old Ecuadorian man who presented with uveitic glaucoma and a new floater in his left eye for 1 week’s duration. Full ophthalmic examination revealed an intravitreal parasite. Color fundus photography, fluorescein angiography (FA), ocular ultrasonography (US), and SD-OCT were performed. The parasite was removed via 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy and sent to pathology for evaluation. Color fundus photography and ocular ultrasonography demonstrated an elongated foreign body within the vitreous above the retina. FA demonstrated minimal vascular changes in the vicinity of the parasite. SD-OCT was utilized to visualize the parasite and to create a three-dimensional (3D) image. The parasite was determined to be most consistent with Gnathostoma spp. by morphologic analysis. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first reported case of SD-OCT of an intravitreal parasite with corresponding evaluation by pathology. SD-OCT allows non-invasive, high-resolution visualization and 3D reconstruction of parasitic anatomy which may help establish tomographic criteria for species identification. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12348-015-0064-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users