309 research outputs found

    Three-Loop Calculation of the Anyonic Full Cluster Expansion

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    We calculate the perturbative correction to every cluster coefficient of a gas of anyons through second order in the anyon coupling constant, as described by Chern-Simons field theory.Comment: 10 pages, PlainTex with macro 'manumac', include

    Robustness of inventory replenishment policies and client selection methods for the stochastic and dynamic inventory-routing problem

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    When inventory management, distribution and routing decisions are determined simultaneously, implementing a vendor-managed inventory strategy, a difficult combinatorial optimization problem must be solved to determine which customers to visit, how much to replenish, and how to route the vehicles around them. This is known as the inventory-routing problem. We analyze a distribution system with one depot, one vehicle and many customers under the most commonly used inventory policy, namely the (s,S), for different values of s. In this paper we propose three different customer selection methods: big orders first, lowest storage first, and equal quantity discount. Each of these policies will select a different subset of customers to be replenished in each period. The selected customers must then be visited by a vehicle in order to deliver a commodity to satisfy the customers' demands. The system was analyzed using public benchmark instances of different sizes regarding the number of customers involved. We compare the quality and the robustness of our algorithms and detailed computational experiments show that our methods can significantly improve upon existing solutions from the literature

    Amonioaren ekoizpenaren alometria interes komertzialeko txirletan

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    [EUS] Lan honen helburua, Ruditapes philippinarum txirla japoniarrean eta Ruditapes decussatus txirla handian amonioaren eskrezio-tasa eta tamainaren arteko erlazio alometrikoa ezartzea izan da. Lortutako material biologikoaren ezaugarriak zirela eta, erlazio alometrikoa txirla japoniarraren kasurako baino ezin izan da modu egokian ezarri, eta txirla handiarekin lortutako datuak erkaketarako baino ezin izan dira erabili. Horrela, R. philippinarum espezieko ale gazteekin, parametro biometrikoak neurtu ziren batetik, eta ondoren amonioaren iraizpen-tasa eta tamainaren arteko erlazio alometrikoa ezarri zen. Tamainaren adierazle modura, erlazio alometrikoak ezartzerakoan, animalien luzera, animalien pisu bizia eta ehunen pisu lehorra erabili izan dira, eta guztiekin frogatu da erlazioa ez dela isometrikoa. Gainera, neurketak lau hilabetetan zehar egin direnez, aukera egon da baieztatzeko baldintzak konstante mantenduz gero erlazio alometrikoak konstante mantentzen direla. Azkenik, R. philippinarum aleen neurketak, bai parametro biometrikoenak zein amonioaren iraizpen-tasari dagozkionak, R. decussatus aleekin lortutakoekin erkatzean, desberdintasun esangarriak lortu izan dira bi espezieetan. Labur esanda, R. decussatus espezieko ale gazteen kondizio indizea esangarri altuagoa da, eta neurtutako tartean behintzat, amonioaren eskrezio-tasa nabarmen baxuagoak erakusten dituzte.[EN] The aim of this research was to stablish an allometric relation between ammonium excretion-rate and body-size in Ruditapes philippinarum (Japanese carpet shell) and Ruditapes decussatus (grooved carpet shell). Due to the characteristics of the biological material obtained, the allometric relation was only stablished for R. philippinarum, and R. decussatus was used to compare with R. philippinarum individuals. Thereby, biometric parameters were measured and ammonium excretion-rate and body-size relations were calculated in R. philippinarum juvenile individuals. Animal length, animal weight and flesh dry-weight were used as body-size representatives, and it was proved with all of them that the allometric relation was not isometric. Furthermore, as the measurements were made during four months, it was seen that allometric relations did not change if laboratory conditions were kept constant. Finally, when data from R. philippinarum individuals was compared with R. decussatus, significant differences were obtained. Although R. decussatus individuals showed better condition index, lower ammonium excretion-rates were obtained for them

    A modified genetic algorithm applied to the elevator dispatching problem

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    Reduction of passenger waiting time in a multiple elevator system is an important goal in the lift industry. Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been applied to the dispatching problem in vertical transportation. In this paper, we present an approach based on a GA with several relevant adjustments to adapt this type of algorithm to this problem. The algorithm serves calls currently registered in the system to create a dispatch plan, under the assumption that just one passenger has made each call (i.e. without passenger forecasting). We develop and investigate various versions of the GA incorporating one or more adjustments in this research area. The algorithms were implemented and evaluated using ELEVATE, for two different building configurations, in terms of incoming, outgoing and interfloor profiles. To compare results, one-factor analysis of variance tests were applied to passenger waiting times. The performance of the basic GA was significantly improved upon by making these adjustments. These adjustments turn out to be essential for a successful implementation of a GA in the dispatching problem

    Thermodynamics of Resonant Scalars in AdS/CFT and implications for QCD

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    We explore the thermodynamics of a simple 5D Einstein-dilaton gravity model with a massive scalar field, with asymptotically AdS behavior in the UV. The holographic renormalization is addressed in details, and analytical results are obtained at high temperatures. We study the power corrections predicted by the model, and compare with lattice data in the deconfined phase of gluodynamics. Finally, it is discussed the role played by the conformal anomaly for integer values of the dimension of the condensate dual to the scalar field.This work has been supported by Plan Nacional de Altas Energias grant FPA2012-34456, Spanish Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme CPAN (CSD2007-00042) and by the Basque Government under grant IT559-10. The research of E.M. is supported by the European Union under a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF) with project number PIEF-GA-2013-623006

    Anomalous transport in second order hydrodynamics

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    We study the non-dissipative transport effects appearing at second order in the hydrodynamic expansion for a non-interacting gas of chiral fermions by using the partition function formalism. We discuss some features of the corresponding constitutive relations, derive the explicit expressions for the conductivities and compare with existing results in the literature

    Pressure in Chern-Simons Field Theory to Three-Loop Order

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    We calculate perturbatively the pressure of a dilute gas of anyons through second order in the anyon coupling constant, as described by Chern-Simons field theory. Near Bose statistics , the divergences in the perturbative expansion are exactly cancelled by a two-body δ\delta-function potential which is not required near Fermi statistics. To the order considered, we find no need for a non-hermitian Hamiltonian. (This paper precedes the article ''Three loop calculation of the full anyonic partition function'', by R. Emparan and M. Valle Basagoiti, hep-th/9304103)Comment: 10 pages, PlainTeX with macro manumac (included), report EHU-FT-92/