69 research outputs found

    Governing the governors : a case study of college governance in English further education

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    This paper addresses the nature of governors in the governance of further education colleges in an English context (1). It explores the complex relationship between governors (people/agency), government (policy/structure) and governance (practice), in a college environment. While recent research has focused on the governance of schooling and higher education there has been little attention paid to the role of governors in the lifelong learning sector. The objective of the paper is to contribute to the debate about the purpose of college governance at a time when the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) commissioning era ends, and new government bodies responsible for further education and training, including local authorities, arrive. The paper analyses the nature of FE governance through the perspectives and experiences of governors, as colleges respond to calls from government for greater improvement and accountability in the sector (LSIS, 2009a). What constitutes creative governance is complex and controversial in the wider framework of regulation and public policy reform (Stoker, 1997; Seddon, 2008). As with other tricky concepts such as leadership, professionalism and learning, college governance is best defined in the contexts, cultures and situations in which it is located. College governance does not operate in a vacuum. It involves governors, chairs, principals, professionals, senior managers, clerks, community, business and wider agencies, including external audit and inspection regimes. Governance also acts as a prism through which national education and training reforms are mediated, at local level. While governing bodies are traditionally associated with the business of FE - steering, setting the tone and style, dealing with finance, funding, audit and procedural matters – they are increasingly being challenged to be more creative and responsive to the wider society. Drawing on a recent case study of six colleges, involving governors and key policy stakeholders, this paper explores FE governance in a fast changing policy environment

    Managing Knowledge in Policymaking and Decision Making

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    The combined effect of increasing problem complexity and growing demand for participation in decisions has forced policymaking and decision making in organizations to become less an analytic endeavor and more a process of "knowledge management ' This requires an intermediarv to mediate among conflicting perspectives and integrate the different forms and levels of knowledge This article describes one such approach to knowledge management that utilizes a third party to create and facilitate a temporary task organization Following a brief case example, some research resultsfrom an evaluation of six past applications of the approach are presented These results provide insight into the effective structuring and conduct of knowledge management proceduresPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68626/2/10.1177_107554708600800106.pd

    Back to the past: the individual and its role in creativity in organisations

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    O objetivo deste texto é realçar o papel do indivíduo na criatividade nas organizações. Esse papel tem sido estranhamente remetido para um plano secundário, à medida que as modernas visões da criatividade a definem, sobretudo, com relação ao contexto em que ocorre. De fato, na perspectiva atual, a criatividade não pode ser entendida sem se considerarem os contextos funcional, relacional e organizacional nos quais está inserido o trabalhador. Tais são as considerações da maior parte dos autores que escreve sobre o tópico, como sejam Amabile (1996), Csikszentmihalyi (1996), ou, mais recentemente, Glăveanu (2010a, 2010b). Essa corrente dominante, com origem no interacionismo psico-social, tem ainda influenciado o desenvolvimento teórico de outros conceitos em psicologia, sociologia, e, na sequência, nas ciências sociais e humanas, e na gestão. Essa supremacia no que concerne a criatividade, tem conduzido os autores a olvidar o papel do indivíduo no processo e no resultado criativos, chegando a retirar-lhe a responsabilidade e o protagonismo pela geração e produção de ideias. Desse modo, no presente texto, recuperam-se os argumentos em favor da centralidade da pessoa na criatividade, defendendo-se que esta tem uma existência isolada de influências externas, e que, como tal, devem relembrar-se as bases individuais da criatividadeThe goal of the current text is to highlight the role of the individual in creativity in organisations. This role has been strangely disregarded in recent years, as modern accounts of creativity have been emphasising the idea that creativity is only defined in context. This main stream argues that creativity is a process that essentially occurs within a functional, relational, and organisational context in which workers are inserted. Key authors defending such a position include the likes of Amabile (1996), Csikszentmihalyi (1996), and, more recently, Glăveanu (2010a, 2010b). This is a vision rooted in the psychosocial interactionist perspective, which has also had a considerable impact in other areas in psychology, sociology, management and other social and human sciences. This supremacy, with regards to creativity, has led many to forget the role of the individual person in the creative process and output, removing their responsibility and protagonism for generating and producing ideas. Hence, the current text intends to bring back to discussion the individual bases of creativity, that people can have an existence isolated from external influences, further defending that the concept can and should be defined out of context, rather than in contextinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The quality of options in strategic decision making: a study about creativity and completeness in business decision making

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    A qualidade das decisões estratégicas dos empresários está diretamente relacionada à capacidade que eles demonstram para encontrar alternativas criativas quando enfrentam os problemas de suas empresas. Essas alternativas podem ser geradas intuitivamente, utilizando heurísticas. As pesquisas sobre geração de alternativas têm indicado consistentemente que as pessoas não são eficientes nessa atividade. As explicações para esse fato, contidas na literatura sobre decisão, não são conclusivas e permitem especulações a respeito. Para explorar essa questão e relacioná-la ao administrador brasileiro, foi idealizado um experimento com 174 alunos de quatro cursos de MBA para avaliar a originalidade e a completude das alternativas. O experimento e a respectiva análise basearam-se na confluência da pesquisa experimental, oriunda da psicologia cognitiva da decisão, com as visões da ciência da decisão organizacional tradicional e o novo campo de estudo das decisões intuitivas ou naturalísticas. Para mensurar a criatividade das alternativas apresentadas durante o experimento, empregou-se o conceito de árvore hierárquica, que demonstrou ser uma poderosa ferramenta para a tipologia de alternativas. O resultado desse experimento confirmou o baixo desempenho em geração de alternativas dos gerentes e, ao mesmo tempo, indicou que, provavelmente, a etapa de geração de alternativas isolada da etapa de escolha pode melhorar a qualidade das alternativas. A heurística, por sua vez, não demonstrou influenciar o conjunto de alternativas geradas. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The quality of strategic decisions of executives is directly related to the ability they have to find creative alternatives when facing business problems. These alternatives could be generated intuitively, using heuristics. On the other hand, the researches on alternatives generation have consistently indicated that people are not efficient on this duty. The argument for that, contained in the decision’s literature, is not conclusive and it allows speculation about it. To explore this issue and relate it to the Brazilian Administration, an experiment was designed for 174 students of four courses of MBA. The experiment and the analysis were resulted from the confluence between the experimental research from decision cognitive psychology with science’s vision of the traditional organizational decision and the new field of study on naturalistic or intuitive decisions. To measure the creativity of the alternatives presented during the experiment, the concept of hierarchical tree was utilized and it has proved a powerful tool to the typology of alternatives. The result of this experiment confirmed the poor performance in alternatives generation by managers and at the same time, indicated that probably, the generation of options isolated of analysis can produce better quality of alternatives. The heuristic, do not demonstrated any influence on options generated
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