16 research outputs found

    « Lecture d’image » et estrangement visuel : de la validitĂ© de l’image de science-fiction dans le champ scolaire

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    De quoi allons-nous parler, dans cet ouvrage qui promet d’évoquer les images de science-fiction ? De cinĂ©ma, de jeux vidĂ©o, de bande dessinĂ©e, d’illustrations... Ces images ne sont pas immatĂ©rielles. Elles ont un poids, non pas mĂ©taphorique, mais bien rĂ©el. Il s’agira d’explorer les rapports que ces images peuvent entretenir avec la forme scolaire, selon l’hypothĂšse gĂ©nĂ©rale que le mode de relation qu’elles Ă©tablissent avec leur usager, que l’on nomme distanciation cognitive ou estrangement, prĂ©sente une similitude avec la posture de l’élĂšve Ă  qui l’on demande de se saisir de savoirs entiĂšrement nouveaux. Tel est l’argumentaire auquel ont aussi rĂ©pondu les signataires des contributions de ce recueil. ---- a) Du modĂšle sĂ©miologique au modĂšle visuel - b) Images complexes - c) La science-fiction comme forme d’art - d) MĂ©dias, culture populaire et enseignement - e) Conclusion vue de l’espace ---

    LA FAMILLE-ATELIER: Les artistes et leurs enfants, essai sur la création inter-générationnelle

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    In 2005, my 18-months-old son scribbles irreparably on one of my paintings. This is the starting point of a collaborative pictorial process with my children, based on the skills and abilities of each one of us. The resulting paintings and drawings soon raise theoretical reluctance. This body of work seems to need its process being explained and justified to be clearly understood. Three questions are raised by the inquiry, that intend to dissociate this work from mawkishness to bring it to the field of Aesthetics : first, the status of our collaboration has to be compared to other collaborative practices in art history. A study of 17th century paintings shows that subject and creative process are closely linked ; second, several interviews with artists, curators and psychoanalysts lead to the notion of « filial function », which designates the way artists use their children : as sitters, as assistants, or as a material ; last, our family work can be interpreted with regards to the concept of « free association », but also from the ideologically loaded, modernity-related theme of childhood. As my children grow up and bring about changes in our art, the study clearly shows the connexion between the appropriation of children's drawings and the mechanism of colonization. The results allow to see art not only as a crossing of shapes and meaning, but also as a behavioral tank. Far from the anecdotal, the family studio truly shows a new way of structuring art-related labor.En 2005, mon fils, ĂągĂ© de 18 mois, gribouille de façon indĂ©lĂ©bile un de mes tableaux. L'incident me pousse Ă  entreprendre une collaboration picturale avec mes enfants, basĂ©e sur nos compĂ©tences et spĂ©cialitĂ©s respectives. Les peintures et dessins qui en rĂ©sultent ne tardent pas Ă  rencontrer des objections thĂ©oriques. Il semble que ce travail ne puisse pas ĂȘtre compris sans que son processus d'Ă©laboration soit dĂ©taillĂ© et justifiĂ©. La rĂ©flexion visant Ă  dĂ©tacher ce travail du sentimentalisme pour le rendre Ă  la sphĂšre esthĂ©tique gĂ©nĂšre 3 questionnements : celui du statut de cette collaboration au regard de pratiques collaboratives repĂ©rĂ©es dans l'histoire de l'art. Il ressort de l'examen de tableaux du XVIIe siĂšcle que sujet et processus d'Ă©laboration sont Ă©troitement liĂ©s ; celui de l'usage que les artistes ont pu faire de leurs enfants : modĂšles, assistants, matĂ©riaux. Il dĂ©coule de cette enquĂȘte, basĂ©e sur des entretiens avec des artistes, la notion de « fonction filiale » ; celui du potentiel sĂ©mantique de nos productions familiales, considĂ©rĂ©es comme des associations libres. L'interprĂ©tation prend en charge les connotations idĂ©ologiques du thĂšme de l'enfance, fondateur de la modernitĂ©. À mesure que mes enfants grandissent et font Ă©voluer le travail plastique, l'investigation met en Ă©vidence le lien que l'annexion du dessin d'enfant entretient avec les mĂ©canismes de la colonisation. Les rĂ©sultats permettent d'envisager l'art, non seulement comme un croisement de formes et de significations, mais aussi comme un laboratoire comportemental. La famille-atelier n'est pas qu'une anecdote personnelle, mais bien une nouvelle structuration du travail artistique

    Comprendre une oeuvre : l'expertise de l'élÚve et ses présupposés esthétiques

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    International audienc

    Comprendre une oeuvre d’art. L’expertise des Ă©lĂšves et ses prĂ©supposĂ©s esthĂ©tiques

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    Educational situations, taking place in classroms or in museums, show how skilled can a pupil be at talking about an artwork, without being an art specialist. This leads to question what exactly means «understanding» a work of art, as a complex linking up of reasoning, emotion and action. These educational considerations are closely linked to a critical point of view on art history. Grounded on philosophical and art historical references, and also on artists writings, the author analyses in terms of decolonization the deconstruction of historical certainties, as undertook by the world of art around the figure of Jean-Hubert Martin.Des situations pĂ©dagogiques, en classe ou au musĂ©e, montrent comment l’élĂšve peut faire preuve de compĂ©tence Ă  aborder une oeuvre d’art, ceci sans ĂȘtre du tout spĂ©cialiste. Cette constatation pousse Ă  s’interroger sur ce que signifie «comprendre» une oeuvre, comment s’articulent, Ă  propos d’oeuvres d’art, raisonnement, affect et action. Ces considĂ©rations pĂ©dagogiques entretiennent un lien Ă©troit avec une lecture critique de l’histoire de l’art. En nous appuyant sur des rĂ©flexions de philosophes, d’historiens de l’art, mais aussi des Ă©crits d’artistes, nous analysons en termes de «dĂ©colonisation » l’enjeu de la dĂ©construction des certitudes historiques qu’a entrepris le milieu de l’art autour de Jean-Hubert Martin.Baryga Philippe. Comprendre une oeuvre d’art. L’expertise des Ă©lĂšves et ses prĂ©supposĂ©s esthĂ©tiques. In: Spirale. Revue de recherches en Ă©ducation, n°56, 2015. ExpĂ©rience esthĂ©tique et culture scolaire : quelles alliances possibles au service du dĂ©veloppement global d’un enfant ? sous la direction de Carole Baeza et Marie-Christine Le Floch. pp. 97-106


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    En France, le « À la maniĂšre de » est un scĂ©nario pĂ©dagogique consistant Ă  demander aux Ă©lĂšves de copier une oeuvre d’art avec des moyens scolaires. TrĂšs contestĂ©, ce modĂšle est aussi trĂšs rĂ©pandu. Ce paradoxe incite Ă  l’analyse du modĂšle didactique par les outils de l’histoire de l’art, de l’histoire de l’éducation et de la thĂ©orie de la crĂ©ativitĂ©. Cette analyse permet de formuler sept modifications pouvant ĂȘtre apportĂ©es au scĂ©nario pour lui donner plus d’intĂ©rĂȘt pĂ©dagogique et de justesse artistique. Deux sĂ©quences d’enseignement en arts plastiques et visuels sont proposĂ©es en exemples d’activitĂ©s substituant Ă  la notion de copie celles d’interprĂ©tation ou d’adaptation.In France, the “À la maniĂšre de” (“In the manner of” or “In the style of”) is a pedagogical scenario that consists in asking students to copy a work of art with school resources. This model is highly contested, but also very widespread. This paradox prompts an analysis of the didactic model using the tools of art history, history of education and creativity theory. This analysis allows the formulation of seven modifications that could be made to the scenario to give it more pedagogical interest and artistic accuracy. Two teaching sequences in visual arts are proposed as examples of activities that replace the notion of copying with that of interpretation or adaptation

    Tribocorrosion of a chromosiliconized layer

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    The paper presents the results of an experiment investigating the tribocorrosion of C45 steel samples which were chromosiliconized by the powder-pack method. The technological process was carried out at 1000oC for 6 hours. The layer was produced with the use of ferrochromium powder combined with SiC, kaolin and ammonium chloride. Analytical samples were placed in boxes containing the powder mix, and the boxes were sealed with vitreous enamel. The frictional resistance of a chromosiliconized layer was investigated under exposure to a corrosive medium of sugar slurry. Corrosion damage was examined with the use of a three-cylinder and cone wear tester. The structure of the analyzed layers was evaluated by light and scanning microscopy, X-ray diffraction and glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES). The thickness, surface roughness and hardness of samples were determined. Chromosiliconizing of C45 steel samples extended the life of friction elements in a sugar slurry environment

    Rahan scientifique : enquĂȘte Ă©pistĂ©mologique et didactique sur un hĂ©ros de la culture populaire

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    Une gĂ©nĂ©ration d’enfants lecteurs de Pif Gadget a appris de Rahan, son hĂ©ros prĂ©historique, ses cinq fameuses vertus humanistes. Peut-ĂȘtre en auront-ils aussi retirĂ© un certain rapport Ă  la comprĂ©hension des phĂ©nomĂšnes naturels, dans ce qui semble parfois s’apparenter Ă  une Ă©bauche de dĂ©marche scientifique de la part de notre hĂ©ros. Mais y a-t-il vraiment un sens Ă  parler ici de science ? Nous proposons dans cet article de caractĂ©riser dans un premier temps le rapport de Rahan Ă  la science en nous fondant sur une approche Ă©pistĂ©mologique basĂ©e sur un jeu de critĂšres de scientificitĂ© adaptĂ©s Ă  la science scolaire. L’exploitation pĂ©dagogique en cycle 3 et avec des enseignants du primaire en formation de l’épisode inaugural, Le Secret du soleil, nous servira ensuite d’exemple pour illustrer l’intĂ©rĂȘt de l’élaboration de situations de dĂ©part de dĂ©marches d’investigation basĂ©es sur des extraits d’aventures de Rahan.A whole generation of children who read the magazine Pif Gadget learned there the five famous humanist virtues of its prehistoric hero and role-model, Rahan. They might also have learned a certain relationship to the understanding of natural phenomena, in what sometimes seems to be akin to a scientific approach. But does it really make any sense to talk about science here? In this article, we propose to characterize Rahan’s relationship with science through an epistemological approach based on a set of criteria of scientificity adapted to school science. The pedagogical exploitation of the inaugural episode, The Secret of the Sun, in cycle 3 and with primary school teachers in training, will then exemplify and illustrate the benefits of developing starting situations for investigative approaches based on extracts from Rahan’s adventures

    The study for the research on the catechetical instruction in Theological Seminary in Siedlce

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    Te study for the research on the catechetical instruction in Teological Semi-nary in Siedlce. In this report some possible research ways and areas of catechetics are presented. First the history of Teological Seminary in the Diocese of Siedlce ( previously Diocese of Szkic do badaƄ nad nauczaniem katechetycznym w Seminarium Duchownym diecezji siedleckiej Janów Podlaski) was presented. Ten three stages of catechetical instruction in this seminary were discussed: stage 1 - from the beginning of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, stage 2 - from the resurrection of the diocese and reactivation of the seminary to the end of Te Second Vatican Council and stage 3 - from the end of Te Second Vatican Council until now. Synodal instruction as an area of forming alumns and presbyters of the Church in Siedlce was considered

    Quality of Sugar Beets under the Effects of Digestate Application to the Soil

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    Management of digestate from production of biogas has a great environmental importance. One of feedstock for biogas generation is beet pulp, a side product of sugar beet processing plant. In the paper a closed loop of beet pulp utilization at sugar beet plantation is presented. Effects of soil application of digestate obtained from digestion of sugar beet pulp were compared with standard mineral fertilizers. The field experiment was performed in three successive growing seasons. The studies were concentrated on quality of sugar beets grown under effects of two fertilization treatments—soil application of digestate cv. standard mineral fertilizers. It was found that some important quality indices (weight of single sugar beet root, content of sucrose in root tissues) were higher for beet harvested from digestate treatment compared to standard mineral fertilization (control). The concentration of harmful component (amide nitrogen) in sugar beets grown under conditions of digestate soil application was lower than in the control. It can be concluded that soil application of digestate from processing of sugar beet pulp can be treated as environmentally sound and effective method of its management

    The Effects of Soil Application of Digestate Enriched with P, K, Mg and B on Yield and Processing Value of Sugar Beets

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    The aim of this research was to find out if the supplementation of digestate, a by-product of the anaerobic digestion of sugar beet pulp, with phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and boron can improve digestate performance as a soil amendment. The materials of this study were: digestate and sugar beet roots (Beta vulgaris cv. Fighter). A field trial was carried out on sugar beet growth under soil application conditions of solid and liquid digestate fractions with or without supplementation with P, K, Mg and B. It was shown that the root yield obtained from the plots amended with digestate supplemented with P, K, Mg and B was higher compared to the yield of other treatments. Soil amendment with digestate supplemented with P, K, Mg and B affected quality parameters of sugar beet roots. An increase in the following parameters under the effects of enriched digestate application was found: sucrose content, dry residue, pomace content, inverted sugars, α-amino and amide nitrogen fractions, as well as sodium and potassium content. A reduction in the content of conductometric ash was noted but this difference was not proven. The enrichment of digestate with P, K, Mg and B resulted in the beneficial modification of beet roots’ processing parameters with the exception of the predicted content of sugar in molasses. In the case of the liquid fraction and its supplementation with P, K, Mg and B, six among eleven technological quality parameters were increased