51 research outputs found

    Kinetic and Transport Equations for Localized Excitations in Sine-Gordon Model

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    We analyze the kinetic behavior of localized excitations - solitons, breathers and phonons - in Sine-Gordon model. Collision integrals for all type of localized excitation collision processes are constructed, and the kinetic equations are derived. We analyze the kinetic behavior of localized excitations - solitons, breathers and phonons - in Sine-Gordon model. Collision integrals for all type of localized excitation collision processes are constructed, and the kinetic equations are derived. We prove that the entropy production in the system of localized excitations takes place only in the case of inhomogeneous distribution of these excitations in real and phase spaces. We derive transport equations for soliton and breather densities, temperatures and mean velocities i.e. show that collisions of localized excitations lead to creation of diffusion, thermoconductivity and intrinsic friction processes. The diffusion coefficients for solitons and breathers, describing the diffusion processes in real and phase spaces, are calculated. It is shown that diffusion processes in real space are much faster than the diffusion processes in phase space.Comment: 23 pages, latex, no figure

    Spin-flop transition in uniaxial antiferromagnets: magnetic phases, reorientation effects, multidomain states

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    The classical spin-flop is the field-driven first-order reorientation transition in easy-axis antiferromagnets. A comprehensive phenomenological theory of easy-axis antiferromagnets displaying spin-flops is developed. It is shown how the hierarchy of magnetic coupling strengths in these antiferromagnets causes a strongly pronounced two-scale character in their magnetic phase structure. In contrast to the major part of the magnetic phase diagram, these antiferromagnets near the spin-flop region are described by an effective model akin to uniaxial ferromagnets. For a consistent theoretical description both higher-order anisotropy contributions and dipolar stray-fields have to be taken into account near the spin-flop. In particular, thermodynamically stable multidomain states exist in the spin-flop region, owing to the phase coexistence at this first-order transition. For this region, equilibrium spin-configurations and parameters of the multidomain states are derived as functions of the external magnetic field. The components of the magnetic susceptibility tensor are calculated for homogeneous and multidomain states in the vicinity of the spin-flop. The remarkable anomalies in these measurable quantities provide an efficient method to investigate magnetic states and to determine materials parameters in bulk and confined antiferromagnets, as well as in nanoscale synthetic antiferromagnets. The method is demonstrated for experimental data on the magnetic properties near the spin-flop region in the orthorhombic layered antiferromagnet (C_2H_5NH_3)_2CuCl_4.Comment: (15 pages, 12 figures; 2nd version: improved notation and figures, correction of various typos

    High antiferromagnetic domain wall velocity induced by Néel spin-orbit torques

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    We demonstrate the possibility to drive an antiferromagnetic domain wall at high velocities by fieldlike Néel spin-orbit torques. Such torques arise from current-induced local fields that alternate their orientation on each sublattice of the antiferromagnet and whose orientation depends primarily on the current direction, giving them their fieldlike character. The domain wall velocities that can be achieved by this mechanism are 2 orders of magnitude greater than the ones in ferromagnets. This arises from the efficiency of the staggered spin-orbit fields to couple to the order parameter and from the exchange-enhanced phenomena in antiferromagnetic texture dynamics, which leads to a low domain wall effective mass and the absence of a Walker breakdown limit. In addition, because of its nature, the staggered spin-orbit field can lift the degeneracy between two 180° rotated states in a collinear antiferromagnet, and it provides a force that can move such walls and control the switching of the states

    Thermodynamically self-consistent non-stochastic micromagnetic model for the ferromagnetic state

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    In this work, a self-consistent thermodynamic approach to micromagnetism is presented. The magnetic degrees of freedom are modeled using the Landau-Lifshitz-Baryakhtar theory, that separates the different contributions to the magnetic damping, and thereby allows them to be coupled to the electron and phonon systems in a self-consistent way. We show that this model can quantitatively reproduce ultrafast magnetization dynamics in Nickel.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Symmetry and the macroscopic dynamics of antiferromagnetic materials in the presence of spin-polarized current

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    Antiferromagnetic (AFM) materials with zero or vanishingly small macroscopic magnetization are nowadays the constituent elements of spintronic devices. However, possibility to use them as active elements that show nontrivial controllable magnetic dynamics is still discussible. In the present paper we extend the theory [A.F.Andreev, V.I.Marchenko, Sov. Phys. --- Uspekhi, 23 (1980), 21] of macroscopic dynamics in AFMs for the cases typical for spin-valve devices. In particular, we consider the solid-like magnetic dynamics of AFMs with strong exchange coupling in the presence of spin-polarized current and give an expression for the current-induced Rayleigh dissipation function in terms of the rotation vector for different types %generalized potential of AFMs. Basing on the analysis of linearized equations of motion we predict the current-induced reorientation and AFM resonance, and found the values of critical currents in terms of AFMR frequencies and damping constants. We show the possibility of current-induced spin-diode effect and second-harmonic generation in AF layer. The proposed approach is generalized for the description of current-related phenomena in inhomogeneous AFMs.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to be submitted to PR

    Magnetic Phase Transitions in the NdFe_3(BO_3)_4 multiferroic

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    Low temperature studies of the behavior of the sound velocity and attenuation of acoustic modes have been performed on a single crystal NdFe_3(BO_3)_4. Transitions of the magnetic subsystem to the antiferromagnetically ordered state at T_N \approx 30.6 K have been revealed in the temperature behavior of the elastic characteristics. The features in the temperature behavior of elastic characteristics of the neodymium ferroborate and its behavior in the external magnetic field, applied in the basic plane of the crystal, permit us to suppose that the transition to an incommensurate spiral phase is realized in the system. This phase transition behaves as the first order one. H-T phase diagrams for the cases H \parallel a and H \parallel b have been constructed. The phenomenological theory, which explains observed features, has been developed

    Magnetoelectric effects in single crystals of the cubic ferrimagnetic helimagnet Cu2OSeO3

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    We present magnetodielectric measurements in single crystals of the cubic spin-1/2 compound Cu2_2OSeO3_3. A magnetic field-induced electric polarization (P⃗\vec{P}) and a finite magnetocapacitance (MC) is observed at the onset of the magnetically ordered state (Tc=59T_c = 59 K). Both P⃗\vec{P} and MC are explored in considerable detail as a function of temperature (T), applied field H⃗a\vec{H}_a, and relative field orientations with respect to the crystallographic axes. The magnetodielectric data show a number of anomalies which signal magnetic phase transitions, and allow to map out the phase diagram of the system in the HaH_a-T plane. Below the 3up-1down collinear ferrimagnetic phase, we find two additional magnetic phases. We demonstrate that these are related to the field-driven evolution of a long-period helical phase, which is stabilized by the chiral Dzyalozinskii-Moriya term D \vec{M} \cdot(\bs{\nabla}\times\vec{M}) that is present in this non-centrosymmetric compound. We also present a phenomenological Landau-Ginzburg theory for the MEH_H effect, which is in excellent agreement with experimental data, and shows three novel features: (i) the polarization P⃗\vec{P} has a uniform as well as a long-wavelength spatial component that is given by the pitch of the magnetic helices, (ii) the uniform component of P⃗\vec{P} points along the vector (HyHz,HzHx,HxHy)(H^yH^z, H^zH^x, H^xH^y), and (iii) its strength is proportional to η∥2−η⊥2/2\eta_\parallel^2-\eta_\perp^2/2, where η∥\eta_\parallel is the longitudinal and η⊥\eta_\perp is the transverse (and spiraling) component of the magnetic ordering. Hence, the field dependence of P provides a clear signature of the evolution of a conical helix under a magnetic field. A similar phenomenological theory is discussed for the MC

    Non-linear dynamics and two-dimensional solitons for spin S=1 S=1 ferromagnets with biquadratic exchange

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    We develop a consistent semiclassical theory of spin dynamics for an isotropic ferromagnet with a spin S=1 S=1 taking into consideration both bilinear and biquadratic over spin operators exchange interaction. For such non-Heisenberg magnets, a peculiar class of spin oscillations and waves, for which the quantum spin expectation value m= {\rm {\bf m}}= does not change it direction, but changes in length, is presented. Such ``longitudinal'' excitations do not exist in regular magnets, dynamics of which are described in terms of the Landau-Lifshitz equation or by means of the spin Heisenberg Hamiltonian. We demonstrate the presence of non-linear uniform oscillations and waves, as well as self-localized dynamical excitations (solitons) with finite energy. A possibility of excitation of such oscillations by ultrafast laser pulse is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, MikTE
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