11 research outputs found

    Wspieranie rozwoju dzieci wysoko wrażliwych

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    Celem niniejszego opracowania jest uzasadnienie potrzeby wspierania dzieci wysoko wrażliwych w ich najbliższym otoczeniu oraz przedstawienie propozycji takich działań.Materiał składa się z pięciu części. 1. Cechy dziecka wysoko wrażliwego, 2. Potrzeba identyfikacji dzieci wysoko wrażliwych, 3. Znaczenie środowiska dla rozwoju dzieci wysoko wrażliwych, 4. Wsparcie dzieci wysoko wrażliwych w systemie edukacji, 5. Pomoc dzieciom wysoko wrażliwym poprzez wsparcie rodziców i nauczycieli

    Wrażliwość środowiskowa a inteligencje wielorakie uczniów szkół podstawowych. Badania z wykorzystaniem polskiej wersji skali Highly Sensitive Child (HSC)

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    The aim of the research described in the article was to explain the link between the sensitivity and multiple intelligences of students aged 10–12. The basis for the undertaken analysis is the concept of environmental sensitivity, which is a contribution to the theoretical development of the issue of sensory processing sensitivity (SPS). Furthermore, it also has a high application value in research studies concerning the differences in individual responses to the environment. The concept of sensory processing sensitivity proposes and develops psychometric tools that allow for the measurement of sensitivity to the environment, understood as a phenotypic trait in adults and children. The theoretical foundation of the work is also Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which defined them as a biopsychic ability to process information to solve problems and achieve valuable goals. These assumptions gave rise to questions about the relationship between the above-mentioned variables of girls and boys from primary schools. In order to measure the relevant variables, the Multiple Skills Test (Pol. Test Uzdolnień Wielorakich, TUW) and the Polish adaptation of the Highly Sensitive Child Scale (HSC) were used. The research was conducted on a sample of 481 people. The analyses indicate the favourable psychometric properties of the HSC scale in the Polish population of children aged 10–12. The sensitivity of girls correlates with musical and interpersonal abilities, the SPS of boys correlates also with logical-mathematical, natural, visual-spatial, intrapersonal, and general abilities. In the case of selected SPS factors, there is no relationship between the Ease of Excitation (EOE) and abilities, and there are many significant correlations between abilities and Aesthetic Sensitivity (AES).Celem opisanych w artykule badań było poszukiwanie związku pomiędzy wrażliwością uczniów w wieku od 10 do 12 lat a ich inteligencjami wielorakimi. Podstawą dla podjętych analiz jest koncepcja wrażliwości środowiskowej, która stanowi wkład w teoretyczny rozwój zagadnienia wrażliwości przetwarzania sensorycznego. Ma ona także dużą wartość aplikacyjną i wykorzystywana jest w stosowanych badaniach różnic indywidualnych reakcji na środowisko. Koncepcja wrażliwości przetwarzania sensorycznego proponuje i rozwija narzędzia psychometryczne pozwalające na pomiar wrażliwości na środowisko, rozumianej jako cecha fenotypowa u dorosłych i dzieci. Podstawą teoretyczną pracy jest również koncepcja inteligencji wielorakich Gardnera, definiująca je jako biopsychiczną zdolność (ability) do przetwarzania informacji w celu rozwiązywania problemów lub osiągania społecznie wartościowych celów. Założenia te dały podstawę do sformułowania pytań o istnienie związku pomiędzy wymienionymi zmiennymi u dziewcząt i chłopców ze szkół podstawowych. W celu pomiaru zmiennych zastosowano Test Uzdolnień Wielorakich oraz polską adaptację skali Highly Sensitive Child (HSC). Badaniami objęto 481 osób. Przeprowadzone analizy wskazują na dobre własności psychometryczne narzędzia HSC w polskiej populacji dzieci w wieku od 10 do 12 lat. Wrażliwość przetwarzania sensorycznego (SPS) dziewcząt współwystępuje z uzdolnieniami muzycznymi i interpersonalnymi, a u chłopców dodatkowo z uzdolnieniami logiczno-matematycznymi, przyrodniczymi, wizualno-przestrzennymi, intrapersonalnymi i ogólnymi. W przypadku wyłonionych czynników wrażliwości brak jest związku pomiędzy łatwością pobudzenia (EOE) a uzdolnieniami. Istnieje natomiast wiele istotnych korelacji pomiędzy uzdolnieniami a wrażliwością estetyczną (AES)

    The Highly Sensitive Child as a challenge for education – introduction to the concept

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    The main aim of this paper is to summarize available findings related to the subject of high sensitivity from both the educational and parenting perspectives. According to the authors of the concept of Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS), between 15% and 20% of the population exhibit such traits, therefore one has to say that it is necessary to raise the awareness of this subject amongst parents and teachers. High sensitivity may exhibit itself in many ways, depending on the environmental and other temperamental conditions. Understanding its main characteristics (DOES) will allow one to appreciate the potential of this condition instead of focusing on its deficiencies. Such a perspective opens up possible avenues of supporting the Highly Sensitive Child’s resources by both parents and teachers. A review was carried out to answer a research question by collecting and summarizing theo-retical and empirical evidence that fits pre-specified eligibility criteria. The study selection criteria was to find literature/paper reviews and primary studies published in indexed journals included in various databases and focused on Sensory Processing Sensitivity directly, transdisciplinary and ho-listic approaches were central to the process. In the research strategy, the following databases were consulted: PSYCinfo, Scopus and PubMed. The keywords sensory processing, sensitive, environ-mental sensitivity, education were placed in all electronic databases and set to be found in the titles, abstracts or keywords of the documents. No limits on dates were established. At the preparation stage, articles relevant to the topic were selected and supplemented with publications related to child development and educational context. The search was conducted from December 2018 to July 2019.This work was supported by Erasmus+ grant: contract no. 2018-1-PL01-KA201-051033 under the program “KA201 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good practices – Strategic Partnerships – school education” (within the project entitled “E-MOTION – potential of hypersensitivity”)

    Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Highly Sensitive Child Scale: The Parent Version

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    Environmental sensitivity is the ability to perceive, register and process information about the environment, which differs among children and adolescents. The Highly Sensitive Child (HSC) scale has been used to assess environmental sensitivity in youngsters. The HSC scale is a short and 12-item adapted version of the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) scale. The aim of this pilot study is to transculturally adapt the Highly Sensitive Child (HSC) scale, and to analyze its factorial structure, reliability and validity. First, a transcultural adaptation was conducted by bilingual experts. Second, once the questionnaire was translated, the psychometric properties were analyzed. The Spanish version of the HSC scale was administered to parents answering about information of 141 children between 6 and 10 years old. The Spanish version of the Emotionality, Activity and Sociability Survey (EAS) was also applied. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the three-factor structure of sensitivity in our Spanish sample. This structure included the following dimensions: (1) Ease of Excitation (EOE), (2) Low Sensory Threshold (LST), and (3) Aesthetic Sensitivity (AES). Moreover, both Cronbach’s α and McDonald’s ω values indicated that the Spanish version of the HSC scale was a reliable measure of environmental sensitivity, as a general factor of sensitivity (α = 0.84), and even in its three dimensions: EOE (α = 0.86), LST (α = 0.77) and AES (α = 0.73). Finally, the correlations for convergent validity showed positive associations, especially among the three dimensions of SPS and Emotionality (EOE r = 0.351; LST r = 0.274; AES r = 0.259), which was one of the domains of the EAS survey. The pilot study provided interesting results, which showed a reliable and valid replication of the original structure of sensitivity in the Spanish samples.This research was funded by the European Union, Grant number: 2018-1-PL01-KA201-501033

    A comparative study of differences between parents and teachers in the evaluation of environmental sensitivity

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    IntroductionThe inextricable bond between humans and the environment underscores the pivotal significance of environmental sensitivity. This innate trait encompasses a wide array of ways individuals perceive, process, and react to various internal and external stimuli. The evaluation of this trait in children is generally conducted by parents. However, little is known about the concordance of the parents reports with those conducted by others, such as teachers. Children’s behavior assessment is a current and relevant issue and finding out more positive results could make improvements in different contexts, such as home, clinics and schools.ObjectiveThis study examines agreements and discrepancies between parents and teachers as raters of environmental sensitivity in Spanish children.MethodsParticipants were 124 parents and eight teachers of youngsters between 3 and 10 years, who completed a paper survey providing information about parental and school variables and environmental sensitivity.ResultsParents and teachers mostly differ when rating environmental sensitivity, being parents the raters who score higher levels of this trait than teachers. Also, poor intra-class coefficients of reliability are found in both the items of HSCS, the dimensions and the general factor of environmental sensitivity among the informants.ConclusionThe present investigation provides novel findings related to inter-rater assessment on environmental sensitivity and how these different informants could affect in the report. This study also highlights the need of making and validating new and specific tools to assess environmental sensitivity for teachers

    Wrażliwość środowiskowa a inteligencje wielorakie uczniów szkół podstawowych. Badania z wykorzystaniem polskiej wersji skali Highly Sensitive Child (HSC)

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    Celem opisanych w artykule badań było poszukiwanie związku pomiędzy wrażliwością uczniów w wieku od 10 do 12 lat a ich inteligencjami wielorakimi. Podstawą dla podjętych analiz jest koncepcja wrażliwości środowiskowej, która stanowi wkład w teoretyczny rozwój zagadnienia wrażliwości przetwarzania sensorycznego. Ma ona także dużą wartość aplikacyjną i wykorzystywana jest w stosowanych badaniach różnic indywidualnych reakcji na środowisko. Koncepcja wrażliwości przetwarzania sensorycznego proponuje i rozwija narzędzia psychometryczne pozwalające na pomiar wrażliwości na środowisko, rozumianej jako cecha fenotypowa u dorosłych i dzieci. Podstawą teoretyczną pracy jest również koncepcja inteligencji wielorakich Gardnera, definiująca je jako biopsychiczną zdolność (ability) do przetwarzania informacji w celu rozwiązywania problemów lub osiągania społecznie wartościowych celów. Założenia te dały podstawę do sformułowania pytań o istnienie związku pomiędzy wymienionymi zmiennymi u dziewcząt i chłopców ze szkół podstawowych. W celu pomiaru zmiennych zastosowano Test Uzdolnień Wielorakich oraz polską adaptację skali Highly Sensitive Child (HSC). Badaniami objęto 481 osób. Przeprowadzone analizy wskazują na dobre własności psychometryczne narzędzia HSC w polskiej populacji dzieci w wieku od 10 do 12 lat. Wrażliwość przetwarzania sensorycznego (SPS) dziewcząt współwystępuje z uzdolnieniami muzycznymi i interpersonalnymi, a u chłopców dodatkowo z uzdolnieniami logiczno-matematycznymi, przyrodniczymi, wizualno-przestrzennymi, intrapersonalnymi i ogólnymi. W przypadku wyłonionych czynników wrażliwości brak jest związku pomiędzy łatwością pobudzenia (EOE) a uzdolnieniami. Istnieje natomiast wiele istotnych korelacji pomiędzy uzdolnieniami a wrażliwością estetyczną (AES).The aim of the research described in the article was to explain the link between the sensitivity and multiple intelligences of students aged 10–12. The basis for the undertaken analysis is the concept of environmental sensitivity, which is a contribution to the theoretical development of the issue of sensory processing sensitivity (SPS). Furthermore, it also has a high application value in research studies concerning the differences in individual responses to the environment. The concept of sensory processing sensitivity proposes and develops psychometric tools that allow for the measurement of sensitivity to the environment, understood as a phenotypic trait in adults and children. The theoretical foundation of the work is also Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which defined them as a biopsychic ability to process information to solve problems and achieve valuable goals. These assumptions gave rise to questions about the relationship between the above-mentioned variables of girls and boys from primary schools. In order to measure the relevant variables, the Multiple Skills Test (Pol. Test Uzdolnień Wielorakich, TUW) and the Polish adaptation of the Highly Sensitive Child Scale (HSC) were used. The research was conducted on a sample of 481 people. The analyses indicate the favourable psychometric properties of the HSC scale in the Polish population of children aged 10–12. The sensitivity of girls correlates with musical and interpersonal abilities, the SPS of boys correlates also with logical-mathematical, natural, visual-spatial, intrapersonal, and general abilities. In the case of selected SPS factors, there is no relationship between the Ease of Excitation (EOE) and abilities, and there are many significant correlations between abilities and Aesthetic Sensitivity (AES)

    Sustainable Debt Behaviour and Well-Being of Young Adults: The Role of Parental Financial Socialisation Process

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    Literature shows that parental financial socialisation plays an important role in attaining financial literacy as well as in shaping sustainable financial behaviours and that both translate into increased well-being indicators and financial security on micro- and macroeconomic levels. However, debt literacy and debt behaviour seem to be unique. Very little is known about the childhood financial socialisation process through which adults’ sustainable debt behaviour is shaped and how debt behaviour may affect well-being. This study tests a hierarchical model of childhood financial socialisation consisting of five levels: the anticipatory parental socialisation, and later life financial learning outcomes (particularly, debt literacy levels), financial attitudes, debt behaviour, and well-being. Using data collected from a purposive sample of young adult Poles (N = 600) during the period from 10 to 13 November 2018 and employing structural equation modelling, we have found evidence confirming the hierarchical relationship of literacy–attitude–behaviour. Our data do not support, however, either the hypothesised positive relationship between parental socialisation and objectively measured debt literacy or the assumed relationships between debt behaviour and well-being indicators. We posit that country-specific factors related to generational differences entailed by system-wide transition and the specificity of debt behaviour, respectively, are key for explaining these empirical deviations from the assumed conceptual framework. Finally, we found no significant differences between the models estimated separately for maternally conditioned and paternally conditioned respondents

    Relationship between Sensory Processing and Quality of Life: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Sensory processing has been described as the ability to register, modulate, and organize sensory information to respond to environmental demands. Different theoretical approaches have studied the differential characteristics of sensory processing, such as Dunn’s model. From this framework, high sensitivity in sensory processing has been described as responses to stimuli from environment quite often due to a rapid activation of the central nervous system. It should be noted that the association between high sensitivity in sensory processing and health outcomes obtained in different studies are not homogeneous, so it is necessary to develop a review of this research in order to clarify the relationship between sensory processing and quality of life. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of the relevant studies using the PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and ProQuest databases to assess how sensory processing patterns are related to quality of life. Results: Fourteen studies concerning sensory processing and quality of life were included in the review. Some studies indicate negative, moderate, and significant correlations between these variables in which high sensitivity is related to a poor quality of life in the population studied. Conclusions: High sensitivity in sensory processing could have a negative impact on quality of life, thereby facilitating a fluctuation in well-being, daily functioning, and health.This research was funded by the European Union, 2018‐1‐PL01‐KA201‐501033