205 research outputs found

    Building Holistic Security (Case Study: Iraq)

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    Highlighting patriarchal norms and lack of protection for women peacebuilders in Iraq. Women peacebuilders inevitably face risks and insecurity in their daily work. International partners have an important role to play in supporting their safety and protection. Understanding women peacebuilders’ roles and the types of risks they face is the first step in ensuring an adequate response. This case study forms part of the Building Holistic Security: Addressing Security Risks of Women Peacebuilders Through Partnerships report, focused on how international partners can better partner with women peacebuilders to address the risks and insecurity they face in the different facets of their work.https://digital.sandiego.edu/ipj-research/1075/thumbnail.jp

    MicroRNAs in Cardiovascular Disease

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    IMPACT. 1: By working in diverse environments that sometimes challenge their comfort zones, students gain new perspectives regarding social justice and civic engagement while learning about the importance and significance of reflection. Students work to meet community needs, build on community assets, and bring their experiences back to campus with them at the closing of their trip. -- 2. Through this life-changing experience, students have the opportunity to build new friendships while working together to meet the needs of a community and build on that community's strengths. Over 65 of these alternative break trips are planned each year.OSU PARTNERS: Office of International Affairs; Multicultural Center; The Ohio State University Alumni AssociationCOMMUNITY PARTNERS: Habitat for Humanity; One Heartland; Guadalupe Center; Food and Friends; Furkids; One World Running; Operation Breakthrough; Gay Men's Health Crisis; God's Love We Deliver; Steel Yard; Arc of Baltimore; Community Collaborations InternationalPRIMARY CONTACT: Vian Barwari ([email protected])Buck-I-SERV is Ohio State's alternative breaks program that, with Student Activity Fee funding, coordinates with service agencies on the national and international fronts to create weeklong, substance-free trips centered on community service and civic engagement. Buck-I-SERV's mission is to provide students with challenging and exciting opportunities to lead and learn through direct service experiences

    Die Position der Kurden zur GrĂĽndung der Monarchie im Irak zwischen 1921 und 1925

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    In meiner Diplomarbeit geht es um die Frage der Kurden in Wilajet Mossul nach dem ersten Weltkrieg und die Bemühungen Englands für die Entstehung einer Monarchie im Irak. Ein kurzer historischer Überblick bildet die Einleitung zu den internationalen politischen Entwicklungen in diesem Gebiet im Nahen Osten und ihren Einfluss auf die Kurden und ihren Interessen und Hoffnungen nach der Unabhängigkeit. Durch den Einblick auf die Revolutionen und Aufstände in dieser Zeit, mal gegen die Türken, mal gegen die Araber und ein anderes Mal gegen die Engländer, wird es klar, dass die Kurden nur ihre Freiheit anstrebten. England versuchte die Ölfelder in Wilajet Mossul zu kontrollieren. Die Entdeckung der Ölfelder in dieser Region machte das internationale und wirtschaftliche Interesse grösser und das war der Beginn der Mossul-Frage. Alle Versuche der Türken Wilajet Mossul an sich zu binden waren nicht erfolgreich. Die Anknüpfung Mossuls an Irak war eine neue Phase von Kämpfen/Aufständen in Irak.My thesis treats the question of Kurds in Wilajet Mossul after the First World War and the efforts of England for the nascence of a monarchy in Iraq. A short historical view builds the introduction to the international political developments in this area of the Middle East and the influence of the Kurds and their interests and hopes after the independency. After the overview of revolutions and fights in this time, once against Turks, once against Arabs and the English, it appears clear that the Kurds just aim for their liberty. England tried to have control over the oil fields in Wilajet Mossul. The discovery of the oil fields in this area made the international and economic interest bigger and this was the beginning of the Mossul question. All tries of the Turks to bind Wilajet Mossul have not been successful. Mossul’s joining to Iraq was a new stage of fights for Kurds in Iraq

    Biofilmkontrolle bei Patient*innen mit reduzierter eigenverantwortlicher Mundhygienefähigkeit durch geschultes nicht-zahnmedizinisches Personal: eine randomisierte kontrollierte Interventionsstudie

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    Mit dem Anstieg der Lebenserwartung in Deutschland und der mit dem fortschreitenden Alter zunehmenden Häufigkeit von Mundgesundheitsproblemen nimmt die Anzahl an pflegebedürftigen Personen mit entsprechenden Problemen zu; diese können sich zudem auf die Allgemeingesundheit und die Mundhygiene auswirken. Ziel der hier vorliegenden Studie war die Bewertung des Erfolgs der Plaque-Reduktion nach Zähneputzen durch Dritte durch geschulte Laien im Vergleich zu zahnmedizinischem Fachpersonal, wobei entweder eine manuelle oder eine elektrische Zahnbürste verwendet wurde. Hierzu wurde eine longitudinale, randomisierte Parallelgruppen-Interventionsstudie bei Parodontitispatient*innen mit verminderter Mundhygienequalität, die sich einer antiinfektiösen Therapie unterziehen, durchgeführt. Die Patient*innen wurden randomisiert zu gleichen Teilen einer von vier Gruppen zugeteilt: Laienputzer*innen, die eine manuelle oder elektrische Zahnbürste verwendeten, oder zahnmedizinisches Fachpersonal, das eine manuelle oder elektrische Zahnbürste verwendete. Zu drei verschiedenen Zeitpunkten (Baseline, Follow-Up 1 und Follow-Up 2) wurden hierbei die Plaque-Reduktion (Quigley-Hein-Index (QHI), marginaler Plaque Index (mPI)), Gingivitis (Papillenblutungsindex) als Index für eine gingivale Entzündung und Reinigungszeit (Sekunden) untersucht. An der Studie nahmen N=39 Patient*innen teil. Weder die Wahl der Zahnbürste (p=0,399) noch die Qualifikation der Putzer*innen (p=0,790) hatten einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die signifikant reduzierten Plaque-Level. Die multivariate Modellierung zeigte statistisch signifikante Unterschiede in der Reinigungszeit zwischen den Putzgruppen, mit längerem Zeitbedarf von Laien (p=0,002) und längerem Gebrauch der elektrischen Zahnbürste (p=0,024). Bei eingeschränkter Fähigkeit zur persönlichen Mundhygiene könnte externes Zähneputzen durch zahnmedizinisches Fachpersonal oder geschulte Laien, die zuvor definierte Kriterien wie eine ausreichende persönliche Mundhygiene zu Hause erfüllen, helfen, die entstehende zahnärztliche Mundhygiene-Versorgungslücke zu schließen. Für eine optimale Mundhygiene auch bei eingeschränkter eigener Mundhygienefähigkeit ist eine auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse der hilfsbedürftigen Patient*innen abgestimmte Kombination von Mundhygienekonzepten notwendig

    The Parasitic Communities of the Rock Pigeon Columba livia from Iraq: Component and Importance

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    ABSTRACT Objective: The main objectives of the present study were to investigate the rock pigeon parasitic communities from Iraq as well as reporting on the prevalence and intensity of various infections from both sexes. Methods: An examination of 128 specimens of the live rock pigeon Columba livia from Iraq was undertaken. The samples were obtained from several localities of Iraq. Blood samples were examined for haemoprotozoa, carcasses were investigated for the ectoparasites throughout their body skins and feathers, and the alimentary canal was examined for protozoans and helminths. Results: Twenty-seven species of parasites were identified. They comprised 1 Fungi, Candida sp.; 4 Protozoa, Eimeria labbeana, Trichomonas gallinae, Haemoproteus columbae and Plasmodium sp.; 8 Cestoda, 4 of each of the genera Cotugnia and Raillietina; 4 Nematoda, Ascaridia columbae, A. galli, Capillaria obsignata and Synhimantus spiralis; and 10 Arthropoda, the commonest of which were the wing and tail feather louse Columbicola sp. and the pigeon louse fly Pseudolinchia canariensis. Infection indices are provided for each species and in respect to both sexes of the host. Conclusion: The issue of zoonosis is raised, so is the role of the rock pigeons in acting as a reservoir and spreading some of the disease agents associated with other avian populations including poultry. Seven of the species are newly introduced to the parasitological list of Iraq and for this country the rock pigeon is a new host record for another 9 of the endoparasites that were diagnosed. (Turkiye Parazitol Derg 2012; 36: 232-9 Parazitol Derg 2012; 36: 232-9

    Asymptotic and numerical solutions of a two-component reaction diffusion system

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    In this thesis, we study a two-component reaction diffusion system in one and two spatial dimensions, both numerically and asymptotically. The system is related to a nonlocal reaction diffusion equation which has been proposed as a model for a single species that competes with itself for a common resource. In one spatial dimension, we find that this system admits traveling wave solutions that connect the two homogeneous steady states. We also analyse the long-time behaviour of the solutions. Although there exists a lower bound on the speed of travelling wave solutions, we observe that numerical solutions in some regions of parameter space exhibit travelling waves that propagate for an asymptotically long time with speeds below this lower bound. We use asymptotic methods to both verify these numerical results and explain the dynamics of the problem, which include steady, unsteady, spike-periodic travelling and gap-periodic travelling waves. In two spatial dimensions, the numerical solutions of the axisymmetric form of the system are presented. We also establish the existence of a steady axisymmetric solution which takes a form of a circular patch. We then carry out a linear stability analysis of the system. Finally, we perform bifurcation analysis of these patch solutions via a numerical continuation technique and show how these solutions change with respect to variation of one bifurcation parameter

    Aspirin, clopidogrel and prasugrel monotherapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a double-blind randomised controlled trial of the effects on thrombotic markers and microRNA levels

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    Background: Despite increased atherothrombotic risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus, (T2DM) the best preventative antithrombotic strategy remains undetermined. We defined the effects of three antiplatelet agents on functional readout and biomarker kinetics in platelet activation and coagulation in patients with T2DM. Materials and methods: 56 patients with T2DM were randomised to antiplatelet monotherapy with aspirin 75 mg once daily (OD), clopidogrel 75 mg OD or prasugrel 10 mg OD during three periods of a crossover study. Platelet aggregation (PA) was determined by light-transmittance aggregometry and P-selectin expression by flow cytometry. Markers of fibrin clot dynamics, inflammation and coagulation were measured. Plasma levels of 14 miRNA were assessed by quantitative polymerase chain reactions. Results: Of the 56 patients, 24 (43%) were receiving aspirin for primary prevention of ischaemic events and 32 (57%) for secondary prevention. Prasugrel was the strongest inhibitor of ADP-induced PA (mean ± SD maximum response to 20μmol/L ADP 77.6 ± 8.4% [aspirin] vs. 57.7 ± 17.6% [clopidogrel] vs. 34.1 ± 14.1% [prasugrel], p < 0.001), P-selectin expression (30 μmol/L ADP; 45.1 ± 21.4% vs. 27.1 ± 19.0% vs. 14.1 ± 14.9%, p < 0.001) and collagen-induced PA (2 μg/mL; 62.1 ± 19.4% vs. 72.3 ± 18.2% vs. 60.2 ± 18.5%, p < 0.001). Fibrin clot dynamics and levels of coagulation and inflammatory proteins were similar. Lower levels of miR-24 (p = 0.004), miR-191 (p = 0.019), miR-197 (p = 0.009) and miR-223 (p = 0.014) were demonstrated during prasugrel-therapy vs. aspirin. Circulating miR-197 was lower in those cardiovascular disease during therapy with aspirin (p = 0.039) or prasugrel (p = 0.0083). Conclusions: Prasugrel monotherapy in T2DM provided potent platelet inhibition and reduced levels of a number of platelet-associated miRNAs. miR-197 is a potential marker of cardiovascular disease in this population. Clinical outcome studies investigating prasugrel monotherapy are warranted in individuals with T2DM. Trial registration: EudraCT, 2009-011907-22. Registered 15 March 2010, https://www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu/ctr-search/trial/2009-011907-22/GB

    Nurses’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in Duhok City

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    Background and Objectives: Covid-19 is one of the health issues that has had a major impact on health services all around the world. It was declared a pandemic on March 11, 2021. The nurses were on the frontline of the fight against the Covid-19, which had physical, psychological, social, and economic effects on health and health outcomes. It is crucial that nurses’ experiences during the pandemic are identified. This study aimed to explore nurses’ experiences, knowledge, and practices regarding the pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among nurses in the Duhok City in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The online survey was distributed to nurses using a structured questionnaire. The number of nurses who participated in the study was 110. The data col-lection was conducted from 10th May to 10th August 2021. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS statistical software (version 23.0). Descriptive statistical analysis was conducted using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Results: The study revealed that the mean age of nurses was 30 years with a standard deviation of 7 years. The highest percentage of the nurses (44.5) were a Bachelor’s degree holders. The nurses had concerns regarding their employment status, workload, and threatened to leave their job. Having sufficient personal protective devices and work protocols to help decrease the risk of infection and stress and anxiety were important issues. Nurses need more training and support systems from leaders and employers to go for-ward and work safely and comfortably. Conclusions: The study highlighted essential points regarding the nurses’ experiences during the pandemic such as the impact of workload, shortage in staffing, threatened termination of employment, and having to do non-nursing activities or tasks. It was clear that the nurse managers have a significant role in providing efficient support to nurses

    Building Holistic Security: Addressing Security Risks of Women Peacebuilders Through Partnerships

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    Women peacebuilders inevitably face risks and insecurity in their daily work. International partners have an important role to play in supporting their safety and protection. Understanding women peacebuilders’ roles and the types of risks they face is the first step in ensuring an adequate response. The diversity of roles that women peacebuilders play, as well as the multiple factors that impact the types of risks they might face, need to be taken into account by international partners from the very beginning of a partnership.Building Holistic Security: Addressing Security Risks of Women Peacebuilders Through Partnerships addresses how international partners who wish to work with women peacebuilders and support them in addressing the risks and insecurity they face need to recognize the scope and nature of peacebuilding work, which is often cross-cutting, overlapping with humanitarian response and development work. Understanding the nuances and breadth of women peacebuilders’ work is crucial to identifying the risks they face and providing them with effective legal, political and financial protection — and is thereby essential to creating partnerships that mitigate and address these risks. Through case studies, the report identifies challenges and opportunities drawn directly from the lived realities of women peacebuilders and their partners, as well as from experts working in the Women, Peace and Security field.https://digital.sandiego.edu/ipj-research/1071/thumbnail.jp
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